Wisdom For Working Mums

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:14:08
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Expert interviews and conversations with inspirational working mums all designed to help support women to combine their family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.


  • Social Media and Your Mental Health

    15/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    In this episode we’re talking about mental health for working mums. Now, more than ever, working mums' mental health is being challenged. In this episode I interview Jo Love on how we can use social media in a more mentally healthy way. She shares how how her own experience with her mental health took her from a high flying career in law to becoming a mental health advocate. Jo shares with us some simple but powerful strategies to manage our relationship with social media to protect our mental wellbeing In this episode Jo shares: * how her own experience with her mental health took her from a high flying career in law to becoming a mental health advocate * the difference between mental health and mental illness * how she uses therapy for her mental wellness * her insights into the physical, mental and emotional load of parenting * some simple but powerful strategies to manage our relationship with social media You can find episode notes and links at: www.wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/37  

  • Safeguard Your Sanity

    05/07/2020 Duration: 23min

    In this episode I share the 6 steps to safeguard your sanity as a working mum during COVID-19......and beyond! In this episode I share: Why our resilience might be feeling tested at the moment and the impact on our nervous system [5:48] The two things I've been focussing on for my resilience and sanity during COVID-19 [9:22] How important boundaries are if you're an overfunctioner [10:45] Why creating a 'non-guilt agreement' is really useful to ensure you don't get overwhelmed by dysfunctional mother's guilt [12:56] How I've been embracing doing less to actually achieve more and the surprising impact it's had on my business [16:12] Links in this episode: Show notes:http://www.wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/36 Stay Sane This Summer online course: https://wisdomforworkingmums.mykajabi.com/stay-sane-summer-course

  • Keeping Your Relationship Healthy in COVID-19

    16/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Parenting can have a negative impact on our relationship at the best of times, but parenting in a pandemic is likely putting our relationship under extreme pressure. In this episode I interview relationship therapist Ian Tomlinson.  He helps couples transform their relationships so that each person can get their needs met and create healthy patterns of relating. Thankfully there are strategies that we can call upon to make it through this difficult time with our relationship intact, and maybe even strengthened. During our conversation he shares some simple but powerful strategies to support our relationships during this pandemic and beyond. While this episode was recorded during COVID-19 the insights can be applied at any time to strengthen our relationships In this episode Ian shares: Why the traditional approach to couples therapy doesn’t always work and how his approach is different that when we become parents children fundamentally change our relationships and that 68% of all couples believe that child

  • Dealing with Difficult Emotions

    27/05/2020 Duration: 10min

    It’s likely that at the moment we’re feeling emotions that we’re not used to feeling on a regular basis.  Or they’re more heightened than normal.  Difficult emotions are now part of our reality.  Whilst I’m a big fan of positive psychology, the media often portray it in an unhelpful way.  This toxic positivity can make it really difficult for us to be with our difficult emotions. But if we want to feel resilient at the moment, our emotional intelligence is key.  This is our ability to be aware of our emotions, even the ones that we feel are difficult.  It’s common for us to ignore, deny or avoid our difficult emotions.  When we do this, we become less of ourselves.   We’re less able to bring our whole selves and our whole resourcefulness to this situation.  Because, as counterintuitive as it feels, the more we’re able to be with our difficult emotions in a healthy way the happier and more joyful we actually become. Allowing us to ultimately thrive even in difficult circumstances.    In this episode I share:

  • Happy Hormones for Life

    05/05/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    If being a working mum has left you feeling exhausted, flat, foggy or frankly fed up then this episode of the Wisdom For Working Mums podcast is for you! Today we’re talking about our hormones. Many of us women experience the havoc that hormones can have on our life. Maybe monthly mood swings, maybe heavy bleeding, PMS, skin breakouts to name but a few symptoms. And you probably have thought that this ‘monthly misery’ is just part of the package as a woman. Because we’ve been taught to think that’s the way it’s supposed to go every month, we tend to put up with these symptoms instead of treating them...unless they develop into more serious conditions that need medical attention. Which is what happened to me. These symptoms not only affect our productivity but our quality of life.....and the quality of life of those close to us. That’s why I can’t wait for us to dive into this episode with my guest Nicki Williams founder of Happy Hormones for Life. In this episode Nicki and I explore: Her journey with her

  • Emotional Resilience Insights for Uncertain Times

    27/04/2020 Duration: 19min

    As working mums resilience is an important part of managing the juggle.  But in the current pandemic our ability to develop and maintain our resilience is critical.  We're having to combine our work and motherhood in often impossible ways without our village and normal strategies available to support us in the juggle. If you're feeling unsettled by the uncertainty and change around the COVID-19 pandemic and you're wondering how you're going to keep calm and carry on as this situation continues then this podcast is for you. In this episode I share: A definition of resilience and why it's important [3.56] A insight into our resilience zone and the science behind it [5:43] A four stage process for resilience and what you can do to adapt, recover and thrive in adversity [9.04] How your mind respond in a crisis, the impact this has and what you can do to manage this [11.07] How you can influence your resilience and why strategies you may have relied on in the past may not be appropriate now [15:07] Links

  • Freeing Yourself From Mother's Guilt

    11/03/2020 Duration: 30min

    What do  the Duchess of Cambridge (AKA Kate Middleton) , Victoria Beckham, Serena Williams and Holly Willoughby have in common? If you guessed “they all experience mother’s guilt” then you’d be spot on! And it’s not surprising really as it’s claimed that nearly 90% of mums experience it.  In my latest episode of the Wisdom For Working Mums’ podcast show I’m talking all about mothers guilt.  What it is. Why we get it. And the difference between functional (helpful) and dysfunctional (unhelpful) mother’s guilt. I’m sharing the science and psychology behind guilt and what we can do to finally free ourselves from the unhelpful aspects of it.  Come join me in pulling back the curtain on this invisible force of motherhood so that it no longer unhelpfully controls you.   I’m sharing some of the tools and strategies to finally free yourself from mother’s guilt to thrive as a working mum. In this episode I share: Why our brains are wired for us to experience guilt more when we have children [3:20] How our strategies

  • The Feminine Principle; Reconnecting with our Female Energy and Power

    11/02/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    It’s no secret that the way we’ve battled to keep up with the men, in what is still essentially a man’s world, has taken its toll on us as women. We’ve been trying so hard to make it work – but it’s left us stressed, overwhelmed and nearing burnout. You’ve probably heard me say many times now that I genuinely believe that women are going to help solve the answer to many of our world’s problems.  But unfortunately many of us are burning out trying to do that.  Because too many of us are trying to make our way in this world from a male paradigm.  I know I was.  And it wasn’t until I became a mother - being in the ultimate feminine space -  that I was forced to come to terms with my own paradigm. Today’s guest is Susie Heath who is an expert in helping women to fully embrace their feminine strengths.  She helps women to learn to step in and reclaim their feminine energy. Helping them to feel happier, more fulfilled, more energised and more connected with their feminine strength and potency. In this episode Susie

  • Do Less - The Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Working Mums

    14/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    If you’re an achievement-oriented working mum who wants to thrive without sacrificing your own well-being, this episode is going to be for you! I’m talking about doing less to actually achieve more.  Sounds great doesn’t it!  It’s even more awesome because my guest is Kate Northrup who is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, and mother of two.  Kate has built a multimedia 7 figure digital empire with her husband, Mike Watts, that reaches hundreds of thousands globally whilst raising their young daughters.  Kate & Mike are committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. In this episode we talk about Kate’s revolutionary approach - Do Less - how to have enough time and energy for what matters most.  She shares with us how to get what we want in our work and life without sacrificing what matters most. In this episode Kate shares: How when she was pregnant with her first child she was forced to dramatically cut her work hours but after a y

  • New Year Reflections for Busy Working Mums

    30/12/2019 Duration: 18min

    In this special bonus episode I'm going to share a simple but powerful way to welcome in this new year and new decade. But don't worry if you're not listening at the beginning of the new year this will come in hand any time.   Creating a meaningful and fulfilled life doesn't just happen spontaneously.  But as busy working mums we don't often get the gift of time to consciously create it.  Today I'm going to share with you three simple questions to help you reflect on your past and take the wisdom forward into this new year (and decade) to help you to thrive. 

  • Healthy Habits for Busy Working Mums

    27/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    Most of us working mums know that to thrive in our busy lives we need to focus on our health and wellbeing.  But trying to live a healthy life can leave us feeling stressed; we’re already struggling for time and energy so how can we integrate healthy eating, exercise and self-care in our already hectic lives? If you feel like this, then today’s guest has the answers for us.  In this episode I’m joined by Laura Butler who is a health coach and lifestyle intervention consultant.  She helps ambitious busy women overcome overwhelm, burnout and crisis.  Helping them to restore balance and confidence in their bodies, health and lives. Laura is a busy working mum too, so is in the trenches with us juggling a successful and demanding career with motherhood. In this episode not only does Laura share her wisdom on what it takes to feel healthy, vibrant and energetic, but she also shares health habits that are easy, fun and sustainable.

  • Effortless Meditation for Working Mums

    10/12/2019 Duration: 51min

    If you're a mum that often feels like you’ve got too much going on.  That you’re constantly thinking, worrying, planning and doing.  If your mind feels like your browser that’s got 101 tabs open.  If you feel like you’re spinning too many plates and your mind could explode with all things running through it, then this episode is for you. Today we’re talking about meditation but before you might think  “that meditation stuff is great for people who have time” take a listen to my guest Jo Royle.  Jo teaches an effortless approach to meditation and it changed my life - I hope it does yours too.

  • Flexible Working for Working Mums

    12/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    Going back to work after having a baby can be tough.  Not only the emotional aspect of leaving your baby for the first time. But the logistics of finding childcare and working out how to combine work and motherhood can be overwhelming.  Then there’s the financial aspect. For many women going back to work full time is financially, emotionally, logistically and sometimes physically impossible. Too many women end up leaving their jobs and even their careers because they can’t find a way to combine their work and motherhood in a sustainable way. The answer for many women is flexible working.  And while the idea might seem like the solution to the working mum juggle, actually asking for and getting your flexible working request approved is a whole different story.  In this episode I interview a flexible working expert Anna Ives from HR Puzzle. In this episode we explore: what actually is flexible working what are your legal rights around flexible working as a new mother? how do you decide if flexible working migh

  • Sleep Success for Children

    10/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    Speak to any mother about their experience of motherhood and inevitably the topic of sleep comes up. Whether it’s the question of does your child sleep through yet? Or what age they were when they did. It can be a pretty contentious issue. The sleep deprivation that goes along with motherhood can be debilitating - impacting our mood, health and relationships. When we add in having to function at work without adequate sleep then the situation can become chronically difficult. That’s why I’m so grateful for this episode’s guest to be sharing her wisdom with us. My guest is the Founder and CEO of The Children’s Sleep Charity Vicki Dawson. She set up this charity after her own struggle with her children’s sleep as a working mum. Vicki is one of the UK’s experts on the topic of children’s sleep. She’s on the Board of the British Paediatric Sleep Association and a member of the British Sleep Society.

  • How to Overcome Perfectionism

    17/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    Do you ever feel like your high standards leave you feeling stressed?  That your ambition causes you to beat yourself up for not being good enough or for achieving enough. Do you struggle to relax and switch off?  If so, you might suffer with perfectionism.  It’s a common trait in ambitious and achievement orientated women.  It can leave us holding ourselves to impossibly high standards and it can actually get in the way of us succeeding and negatively impact our relationships, work and health. Michaela Thomas is an expert on perfectionism and is here to help you if you suffer from it.  Michaela is a senior clinical psychologist and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Psychotherapist.  She has a huge amount of experience in supporting people, particularly working mums, with perfectionism.

  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    07/07/2019 Duration: 44min

    Do you ever feel like you’re a fraud?  That you’re about to get found out? If so, you probably suffer with imposter syndrome.  And you’re in good company. It’s been estimated that imposter syndrome affects a whopping 70% of us. But it tends to hit women especially hard. And today’s guest is going to share her incredible experience and expertise with us on this subject. Dr Becky Quicke is a clinical psychologist who specialises in helping women let go of the anxiety and self doubt that holds them back.  She’s also a working mum.  

  • Self-Care For Busy Working Mums

    10/06/2019 Duration: 52min

    As working mums we’ve probably heard a million times how important self-care is for us to have the energy to do everything.  Most of the messages out there on the topic are quite frankly patronising or unrealistic. My experience is that most of us know how important it is but find it damn difficult to carve out the time or space to actually do it.  But if self-care is the answer to us having the energy to do everything we want in life without losing our sanity and wellbeing, how do we actually integrate it into our lives in a way that works for us? Well today’s guest on the Wisdom For Working Mums’ podcast show has the answers for us. Suzy Reading is a Chartered Psychologist specialising in wellbeing, stress management and facilitation of healthy lifestyle change. She’s passionate about empowering people with the tools of self-care to help them weather and recover from periods of stress, loss and change and to boost resilience in the face of future challenges. She’s author of The Self-Care Revolution. In this

  • Selling From The Heart

    14/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    Whether we like it or not our success in life is influenced by our ability to sell ourselves. Most women I’ve had the privilege of working with unfortunately have a difficult time with this.  And they’re not alone! All of the research indicates that women are more likely to undersell themselves and lean away from sales conversations. Whether it’s a lack of belief in their value or a lack of confidence in how to communicate their value - selling feels difficult for them. Whether it’s fear or rejection or fear of being perceived as too pushy. Most of us lean away from having a sales conversation. Today’s guest is about to help if you have a difficult relationship with selling. Catherine Watkin is the UK’s leading expert in authentic and heart-centred sales. She helps people fall in love with selling and do it in a way that is aligned with their values. She helps people sell with more ease, more enjoyment and in full integrity. Catherine’s an authentic and inspiring role model for how it is possible to create a

  • The CIO Working Mum

    08/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    In this episode I interview Vicky Higgin, Chief Information Officer for a global organisation.  She shares her honest insights into what it takes to have a corporate leadership role, which often means she's working across timezones and having to travel internationally, whilst raising two daughters...... and doing a Master's Degree. She shares her insights into the strategies and approach that enable her to thrive as a busy working mum. 

  • How to Enjoy Time, Stop Rushing and Get More Done!

    19/03/2019 Duration: 41min

    Raising children whilst managing a career, running a house and trying to enjoy life means that most working mums are caught in a time trap. We’re either fighting time because there’s never enough of it! Running out of time, trying to find more time, or feeling guilty if we take any downtime. Our relationship with time can be one of the most difficult relationships we’ll ever have! If like me over your career you’ve probably read every time management book out there, been on a few productivity and time management training courses and tried numerous planning and diary management tools. Many of these approaches just give us a different way to write our to-do list and some give us another stick to beat ourselves up with for not being good enough at managing our time. Here at Wisdom For Working Mums we’re all about revolutionising how we approach motherhood, work and our lives so we can do it more sustainably and without losing our sanity. And today’s guest does just that and I’m really excited to share her an

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