Expert interviews and conversations with inspirational working mums all designed to help support women to combine their family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.
Be Visible With An Authentic Personal Brand
27/05/2021 Duration: 47minEverybody has a personal brand – whoever you are, whatever you do, you make an impact on those you around you……whether you know it or not. Jeff Bezos famously once said “Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” Do you know what people say about you when you’re not in the room? Today’s episode I’m going to be exploring how you consciously focus on your personal brand. But for many of us, creating a personal brand can feel like a daunting and mythical task - like searching for unicorn dust. That’s why I’m so excited to be joined by Personal Brand expert Deborah Ogden. Deborah help individuals be visible, building profile, impact, & presence with a stand out Personal Brand. We’re going to be diving into making sure you get noticed, heard and remembered - for the right reasons! Because the research shows that when we build a positive personal brand it has so many benefits personally and professionally. Deborah also understands the impact to our personal brand when we
How To Stop Overfunctioning
12/05/2021 Duration: 17minIf you're a high-achiever and pride yourself on doing well in life, there's a risk you're also an overfunctioner. An overfunctioner is someone who looks like they have it all together. They're organised, reliable, helpful and viewed as a great partner, colleague or friend. From the outside all these things are perceived to be great. But for an overfunctioner on the inside it leads to frustration, exhaustion and even burnout. You’ll recognise if you overfunction if: something needs to get done at work and you just do it, whether it's your job or not someone in your life is struggling with something and you feel responsible to help them, even if they don't ask for your help you have a secret (or not so secret) belief that if something needs doing, it won’t get done unless you do it, even if the other person is capable you feel overly concerned for everyone’s happiness In this episode I explore: What is overfunctioning How it might show up in your life How you can move from overfunctioning to optimal-func
The 5 Secrets To Communicating With Absolute Mastery
27/04/2021 Duration: 53minAs a working mum you've likely got more stakeholders than most. You're probably already a communication ninja, but are you consistently having the impact you want? In today's episode my guest Felicity Wingrove is sharing The 5 Secrets To Communicating With Absolute Mastery. What she shares can be used in the boardroom but also around the kitchen table to take positive control of how you're perceived, truly own your space and powerfully and ethically influence the people who matter most to you. Felicity is one of the UK's leading experts in the applied psychology of language. She's a Psycholinguist, PR Strategist, Reputation Manager and Content and Copy Writer. She leverages the art and science of persuasion and influence to achieve truly exceptional results for her clients. And she's here to share her incredible insights with you too. You can find more information over on the podcast show page:
What Got You Here Won't Get You There
09/04/2021 Duration: 25minThere's a concept known as the paradox of success. Where we believe that the things that have contributed to our success in life so far will be a good predictor of our future success. But in actual fact they can be the things that hold you back as you transition into a new phase in your life. In this episode I explore the concept of 'What Got You Here, Won't Get You There.' That the beliefs and attitudes that have supported you to achieve success in your life prior to motherhood may not be the ones that enable you to thrive once you have children. You can find further information on the podcast page:
The 7 Types Of Rest We Need As We Emerge From The Pandemic
16/03/2021 Duration: 26minLife has been a lot for us recently. Many of us have just been pushing through the last 12 months as there have been few opportunities to rest and recover. We're likely to be rest deficit which is an issue especially if we're not aware of how to properly recover. There are in fact seven different ways to rest If we want to feel like we’re able to thrive. We need to understand these seven different ways to rest to create that sense of restoration in our life. In this episode I share: Why rest is so important The seven different ways to rest Ideas and opportunities to access these seven types of rest This episode is for you if you're feeling: tired after holding it all together for so long overwhelmed with where to start with the backlog of stuff you’ve had to put on hold a bit flat and empty after an intense time ready to start focusing on you and making yourself a priority You can find further information on the podcast page:
Five Simple Steps to Double Your Energy As A Working Mum
02/03/2021 Duration: 01h57sDo you struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you feel more tired often than not these days? Or ever find yourself getting frustrated with your body because it’s not as strong or resilient as it used to be? You're not alone, over three quarters of women say they are tired all the time That was my experience when I became a first time mum 8 years ago. I became really frustrated with my body - berating it for not giving me the energy I needed when I needed it most. I was actually in adrenal fatigue at the time but didn't know it, and I didn't understand how I'd got there or what to do to recover my energy. What that experience taught me was that energy was in fact the most important thing in life. Because without it we can’t love those that matter most or live our life in the way that we want to. I've come to believe that energy is our most precious resource. So that’s why I’m excited to be talking to today’s guest - Alice Godfrey. Alice is a registered nutritionist and thyroid expert. She helps wom
How To Successfully Balance A Career And Motherhood
16/02/2021 Duration: 30minEver wondered how other women combine a successful career with motherhood? My guest in this episode is Michelle Hon, founder of Mom Boss Academy and she's also known as the Chill Mom. Michelle is the author of Chill Mom and the host of the Chill Mom podcast and Youtube channel. She's an entrepreneur, a mom business coach, a speaker and mother of three young children. Her mission is to help other women create purposeful income for themselves. She's one of those women that you might think is superwoman, but we all know that superwoman doesn't exist. So in this episode I wanted to do a behind the scenes on how does Michelle does it. In this episode Michelle shares: an inspirational story from her childhood that fuels the passion for what she now does how she balances career and motherhood how she supports her clients to create balance in their lives the behind the scenes on her life For more information go to the podcast page.
Avoiding Burnout As A Working Mum
30/01/2021 Duration: 42minThe last year has been intense for so many of us working mums. In this episode I'm exploring how to avoid burnout as a working mum. I share: What is burnout How to recognise signs of it What to do if you’re noticing you’re heading towards or already in burnout This episode is for you if you know that the last year has taken its toll on your wellbeing and you’re interested in making sure you don't burnout. You can find further information over on the podcast page:
Meal Planning Your Way to Wellbeing As a Working Mum
13/01/2021 Duration: 44minOne of the challenges in my own life as a working mum is how to feed my family healthy food easily and in a stress free way. If I’m not careful it can become a source of stress - either feeling like I’m stuck in the kitchen constantly cooking and cleaning up and not spending time with my kids after a day at work. Or I reach for the easy solution which often isn’t healthy and then feel guilty for it. And I know i’m not alone in this - especially when so many of us are at home during this pandemic. All too often we can get stuck in a meal rut and lose inspiration and motivation on how to do things differently. So when my guest today reached out to share that she’s cracked the code on how to meal plan to and feed your family healthy food as a busy working mum I knew I had to speak to her. Nicole from Naturally Nic is a dietician with nearly 30 years experience. She’s a mum of four children and knows from personal experience the stress of that question “What’s for dinner tonight?” - she’s here to help us save
Life Lessons from 2020
30/12/2020 Duration: 29minAs 2020 draws to a close it would be easy to just walk away from this year and close the door on it without looking back, hoping that we never have another year like this again. But as difficult as it’s been I think there are some deeply profound and important lessons that I want to take from this year. In this episode I’ll be sharing what my lessons have been and I hope that they help you reflect on your year too. So we can carry what we need to into the new year and leave behind what we need to as well.
Navigating Motherhood and Couplehood
08/12/2020 Duration: 35minIn this episode I’m exploring where the impact motherhood has on couplehood with Joanna Groves from Relational who is a relationship coach and psychotherapist. When I read something Joanna wrote on social media that said that when you invest in your couple's relationship, you actually invest in your children, I knew I had to speak to her. In this episode Joanna shares..... The embarrassment and shame that often comes with having problems in our relationships How she's passionate about taking relationship therapy out of the therapy room and into everyday life What it's like to be in a healthy relationship and demystifies some of the unhelpful beliefs that exist in our culture What couplehood is and the impact it can have on motherhood Her own honest experience of being in a blended family and the struggles she's had Why the space between us and our loved ones is so important for raising children That, even though her and her partner are both relationship therapists, they still hit bumps in their relationship
How To Avoid The Exhaustion Funnel As A Working Mum
24/11/2020 Duration: 22minIn this episode I explore how to avoid the exhaustion funnel as a working mum. I share: What the Exhaustion Funnel is Why we're more at risk of falling into it as working mothers The 5 steps you can take to avoid falling into it How to stop yourself being sucked deeper into the funnel if you find yourself already in it This year has been like no other before. As working mums we probably already came into 2020 exhausted - trying to juggle the double shift of motherhood with a career. And then COVID hit and most of us went into survival mode. If ever we were at risk of falling into the Exhaustion Funnel then this is the year for it. And now we're entering the festive season where expectations on us as mothers probably increase. So now more than ever we need to be aware of the risk of the Exhaustion Funnel and how to avoid it. You can find further information over on the podcast page: //
The Sh*t I Do! How To Navigate The Invisible Load of Motherhood With Fair Play
10/11/2020 Duration: 01h01minHave you ever felt resentful towards your partner for all the mental and emotional load you carry as a working mum? Or do you feel like the she-fault parent in your house? The default parent carrying the domestic load? If you have, then the latest episode of Wisdom For Working Mums is for you! My guest is Eve Rodsky, author of Fair Play, the game-changing approach to sharing the mental load, rebalancing your relationship and transforming your life. It's a real world solution for sharing the domestic and emotional load at home. After experiencing the pain, frustration and exhaustion of being the she-fault parent in her own home, Eve has channeled her amazing experience in law, organisation management and family mediation into creating Fair Play. Reese Witherspoon describes Fair Play as a hands-on, real talk guide for navigating the hot-button-issues so many families struggle with. And 2020 has been the year that has highlighted even further the load that working mums carry During the pandemic the
Dealing with Uncertainty
28/10/2020 Duration: 23minThis year we’ve seen uncertainty take on a whole new level for most of us. Not knowing when the pandemic will end and while it’s here the uncertainty of the impact on our daily lives. We’re all having to navigate uncertainty like never before. How do we gain a foothold when the ground around us seems so unstable. How do we regain our power when it feels like everything is out of control? In this episode I explore why uncertainty can feel so difficult and the personal strategies we can use for living in uncertain times. You can find further information over on the podcast show page:
Supporting Our Children's Emotional Wellbeing During COVID-19
15/10/2020 Duration: 49minAs mums there’s probably not a week goes by that we don’t worry about the wellbeing of our children in some way, shape or form. But 2020 has been the year that worrying about our children’s wellbeing has reached a whole new level: How will they cope in lockdown? Are they getting too much screen time? Are they becoming isolated? What if they get the virus? How will they cope with the transition back to school? Are the social distancing rules worrying them? I don’t know about you but at times I’ve felt like I’ve needed more support and resources to navigate some of these worries. That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest - Dr Sarah Taylor. Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist specialising in supporting children. She has spent several years extensively researching the combined roles that science, psychology, and physical reflexes have on mental health. This was borne of a desire to identify the causes behind a well-publicised fact that an increasing number of children today experience anxiety, depre
Five Steps to Deal with Overwhelm as a Working Mum
29/09/2020 Duration: 21minIt's common for the background music of our lives as working mums to be overwhelm. We're mums for a start, that can be an all consuming job on its own. But add in a demanding career and a desire to live a full life, then sometimes it can all feel a bit overwhelming. In this episode I share five simple steps to deal with overwhelm. The relentless demand for our time and attention is probably never going to go away - especially if you're an ambitious, achievement orientated working mum - so learning to spot sign of overwhelm and have strategies to overcome it might be the best gift we can give ourselves.....and our families. You can find further information over on the podcast show page: Come join me on my FREE Live Masterclass 'Banishing Burnout and Restoring Balance as a Working Mum I'll share the tools and strategies to recover, renew and rebalance after an intense year. And feel empowered to cope - no matter what the rest of the year (and beyond) has in store!
Sanity Saving Productivity Hacks for Busy Working Mums
16/09/2020 Duration: 39minHow do we achieve more without burning out? How can we . save time but still have a positive impact? If you're interested in the answers to these questions then this episode is for you. I’m talking sanity saving productivity hacks with my guest Laura Parker. Laura has helped me save time in my business with some powerful productivity insights. She’s literally revolutionising how I approach my work with some simple but powerful hacks. So I’m excited to be sharing her wisdom with you today. Laura Parker helps transform the businesses of overworked and overwhelmed female founders by helping them figure out a roadmap to make all of their dreams for their business doable. A natural Monica, Laura is passionate about the power of using automation, the right tech and the right habits to skip burnout and scale with ease. She’s literally a productivity queen! In this episode Laura shares: How to do fewer things but with greater impact How becoming a mum inspired her to take a leap of faith on her entrepreneurial
The Power of Knowing Your Needs as a Working Mum
02/09/2020 Duration: 29minAs working mums if we want to thrive it's vital that we know what our needs are and take intentional action to get them met. Sounds simple doesn't it? But like finding the seam on the sellotape when you haven't used it in a while. Or finding a matching pair of socks in the laundry. Or folding a fitted sheet. Knowing and meeting our needs as mothers can be deceivingly difficult. Our wellbeing is closely tied to having our needs met, so unless we can understand our needs, we'll struggle to truly thrive. In this episode I share: What needs are and the four different types Why they're so important Why as mothers it can be so difficult to meet our needs Four steps to identifying your needs and getting them met You can find further information over on the podcast show page:
Motherhood, Work & Wellbeing
18/08/2020 Duration: 42minIn this episode I’m exploring the impact becoming a mother has on our careers with Sara Campin. How do we continue to fulfil our career ambitions and maintain our professional identity after having our children without burning out? Sara’s story is fascinating and during this episode she shares how her high-stress corporate career changed after becoming a mum. Her experience of where her career and motherhood collided and the impact this had on her. And how she eventually set up an amazing app called the Nourish app that helps mothers to find compassion, connection and calm. In this episode Sara shares: how she felt a huge pressure to go back to work quickly after her first born how she struggled with the first 6 to 12 months of motherhood with anxiety, sleep deprivation and the pressure of her corporate career how she struggled to get the balance between her work and motherhood really honestly how she didn't enjoy motherhood at this stage of her life how she reached out for support after experiencing s
How To Set Boundaries To Thrive as a Working Mum
04/08/2020 Duration: 22minIn this episode I dive deep into boundaries. Our ability to thrive as a working mum is directly related to our ability to set boundaries. But as women we can find it difficult to know what our boundaries are and how to communicate them. If you can relate to this then this episode is for you. In this episode I explore: The common reasons that as mums we might find setting boundaries difficult [1:04] What boundaries are [5:20] Why they're so important [5:29] How boundaries make us a better person [7:11] The different types of boundaries [8:29] 5 simple steps to setting boundaries [13:26] Ultimately if we want to have the time, energy and health to enjoy being a working mum then setting boundaries is vital. You can find further information over on the podcast show page::