Expert interviews and conversations with inspirational working mums all designed to help support women to combine their family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.
22/02/2022 Duration: 53minOne of the things that I struggled to understand when I hit burnout was how! How did this happen? I got fiercely curious about it. How could I stop it from happening again if I don't know how I ended up there. I had a great husband, wonderful kids, a house, a great job. I had everything I wanted right? Except I had nothing for me! I didn't allow myself any time or space outside of being a parent, partner or professional. Can you relate? If you’ve lost sight of yourself underneath your growing list of to-dos then my latest podcast episode is a must-listen! My guest Eve Rodsky is on a mission to inspire women to live in their full power. She's author of New York Times bestseller and Eve is here to share her latest book Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life In A Too-Busy World. You can listen to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Links in this episode: Eve Rodsky W
Grit Or Quit - Knowing The Difference To Thrive As A Working Mother
08/02/2022 Duration: 13minIn this episode, I'm exploring the concept of knowing when to grit and when to quit to support you to succeed and thrive as a working mum. I share three powerful questions you can ask yourself to decide if gritting or quitting is the best thing for you in that moment. Ultimately helping you to thrive as a working mum. You can listen to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Please consider rating and reviewing my show. Your review can help other people find my podcast so you’ll be helping another working mum find this resource. Plus I also love to
Discovering Your Mothering Style - How To Find Freedom To Be Yourself In Motherhood
25/01/2022 Duration: 37minEvery found yourself comparing yourself to other mothers and feeling like you're falling short? In this episode, I'm sharing insights into the Ancient Greeks and modern psychology in the context of motherhood and they’re guaranteed to open up a whole new way of thinking for you. I'm going to be sharing how to discover your mothering style so that you can free yourself up to do this working mother thing on your own terms. Every mother has strengths and struggles. But what about your strengths and your struggles? That's where knowing your mothering style can be powerful. And we have to start exploring your personality type to help uncover it. Knowing your mothering style helps you to: * trust your innate strengths and gain confidence in your own natural approach to mothering * be more realistic and accepting of your struggles (we all have them!) * free you from the stress and guilt about not measuring up to the myth of the perfect mother * learn how to re-charge and protect your energy * strengthen yo
Your Ideal Week - How to Set Yourself Up For Success Even If You Don't Enjoy Goal Setting
11/01/2022 Duration: 20minI used to have a guilty secret. That secret is I hate goal setting. I really don’t enjoy it. And I rarely do it. I know it’s weird for a coach to admit right? But having a direction in which you’re heading is really powerful - I think we can all probably agree with that. The old - “if you don’t know where you’re going you can end up anywhere” - quote. So for a few years, I beat myself up about not enjoying or wanting to set goals. At times I forced myself to do goal setting but it just felt really inauthentic and incongruent. And I’ve got big dreams, hopes and intentions. So how do you create a life you love if you don't set goals??!? That’s what I’m going to be exploring in this episode. I’m going to be sharing an alternative approach if you too don’t get fired up about goal setting. It’s based on an exercise I did with my first ever executive coach nearly 20 years ago now and it’s no underestimate to say it was life-changing - and I don’t use that term lightly as I know it’s one that can be thro
Life Lessons From 2021
29/12/2021 Duration: 27minIt would be easy to just walk away from this year and close the door on it without looking back, hoping that I never have another year like this again. But as difficult as it has been, there have been some deeply profound and important lessons that I want to take from this year. And my guess is that it's the same for you too. If I walked away without reflecting on them I'd lose the goodness in those lessons, and I didn't want to do that. So come join me in my last podcast of 2021 as I share my life lessons. You can listen to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. I hope that they help you reflect on your year too. So we can carry what we need to into 2022 and leave behind what we need to as well. In this episode I share: How this year has made me rethink resilience How I'm focussing on doing less but better My experience in creating space for just me How I'm moving from 'powerful effort' to
Three Christmas Burnout Traps And How To Avoid Them
13/12/2021 Duration: 17minAs Christmas approaches it’s the season we’re meant to be being happy, joyous and fun – it’s ‘Merry Christmas’ after all. But for many of us, it can lead to more stress and overwhelm. I hear from so many women that they get exhausted and sick at this time of year. So I wanted to share with you three Christmas burnout traps and how you can avoid them. Because this year more than ever we are probably feeling that we’re on the brink of burnout. Christmas has a way of taking the overwhelm up a notch as working mums! In this episode I share: * How to prevent perfectionism stealing the joy of your Christmas * How to prevent yourself becoming a Merry Martyr this Christmas * How to give the gift of giving without it becoming a problem I truly hope these insights help you to show up for yourself in a loving way so you can be there for your loved ones in the way you want to too. You can listen here to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you ca
Daring To Rest In Motherhood
07/12/2021 Duration: 48minDo you struggle to rest as a working mum? Do you feel tired but you just feel like you can't step off the hamster wheel of life? Does your secret fantasy involve going away to a hotel for a weekend *just* to sleep? Then this podcast episode is for you! I'm interviewing Karen Brody, a rest teacher and founder of Daring To Rest. I came across Karen and her work when I was deep in my own burnout journey. Her book became my bible and was pivotal in me understanding what had led me to burn out and what I could do to take my power back and recover. Karen is on a mission to support you to experience deep rest by sharing a life-changing, simple, restful transformational nap approach. Teaching us to slow down and dare to rest. In this episode Karen shares: How her experience with panic attacks in early in her motherhood journey led her to do this work How we value and protect rest for our children but not for ourselves The rest messages we receive at an early age in our culture How our modern society is set up for
The Gift Of Knowing How To Support Your Child With Their Mental Health
01/12/2021 Duration: 51minAs mums there’s probably not a week goes by that we don’t worry about the wellbeing of our children in some way, shape or form. But with the pandemic changing the way we live, work and even school, for many children this time has created unsettling changes. Often leaving us as parents feeling un-resourced in how to support our children. A survey published by the NHS in September 2021 revealed that children’s mental wellbeing had declined from 2017 with now one in six children in England having a probable mental health issue. Young people with existing mental health problems also reported that lockdown made their life worse. This has coincided with closures or reduction of key services, including mental health services and youth services. I don’t know about you but at times I’ve felt like I’ve needed more support and resources to navigate some of these worries. That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest – Dr Esther Cole Dr. Cole is Clinical Director & Clinical Psychologist at Lifespan Psychol
Three Tips To Enjoy Life As A Working Mum
25/11/2021 Duration: 15minIt can be hard as a working mum to find enjoyment in the busyness of life. If you find yourself being pulled in different directions and feeling like there's not enough time to enjoy life, then this episode is for you. In this episode I share: The powerful life lessons that have reminded me how important it is to enjoy life The neuroscience of why we might struggle to enjoy life and be truly happy Three tips to enjoy life even in the messy middle as a working mum You can access the show notes here: Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I'd be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it's been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Your review can help other people find my podcast so you’ll be helping another working mum find this resource. Plus I also love t
Losing Your S*** With The Kids?
17/11/2021 Duration: 45minParenting can undoubtably be one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences…..when things are going well. But when things aren’t going to so well it can be one of the most challenging, isolating and guilt ridden experiences. This is the time when we need more resources but feel under resourced. It can often be a really triggering time bringing out the less than helpful aspects of ourselves. We’ve all been there - even if we’re ashamed to admit it. We all want to have loving, calm and happy relationships with our children but what do we do when we get off track with this? How do we handle the everyday stuff like the morning rush, sibling squabbles or challenging behaviour - both powerfully and lovingly? How do we stop these everyday challenges becoming even bigger and long term? Today’s guest is here to help. Oona Alexander is one of the UK’s most highly regarded parenting experts, much loved by parents for her unique, radically loving approach to creating happier families. Oona works with exasper
How To Create Unicorn Space In Your Life As A Working Mum
11/11/2021 Duration: 15minIf you're an overburdened working mum and feel like you need a permission slip to pursue activities that make you feel whole then this episode is for you. In this episode I'm exploring how to create Unicorn Space as a working mum. You'll know if you need unicorn space if you struggle to do anything for yourself that feels like fun or indulgent. Or if you know that deep down you want some time for yourself - outside of being a mum, partner, an employee or business owner - but you find it difficult to make it happen. In this episode I share: My recent experience that taught me the value of unicorn space What unicorn space is Why as women, and working mothers in particular, we find it hard A simple step to start to identify your unicorn space You can access the show notes here: "I love Nicky and Wisdom For Working Mums".
Highlights From The Hills Of The Highlands
05/11/2021 Duration: 01h31minIn September 2021 I joined Giovanna Fletcher, Emma Willis and over 100 other incredible women for a life changing experience in the hills of the Scottish Highlands for a charity challenge. We trekked 100km over 5 days completing unrelenting ascents through some of Scotland's most famous and iconic mountains whilst camping all in aid of the brilliant charity CoppaFeel!. This episode shares an insight into the amazing women I met, the life affirming experience we had and the lessons we learnt along the way. I think you're going to love this behind the scenes insight into our CoppaFeel! trek challenge. You can access the show notes here: "I love Nicky and Wisdom For Working Mums".
How To Own Your Role As A Female Main Earner
02/11/2021 Duration: 39minWe’ve come along way since women were given equal rights but despite this, we still don’t seem to have worked out how to navigate the dynamic of a woman being the main earner in their household. The earning capabilities and responsibilities of women have shifted but attitudes and understanding of what it means to be a female main earners haven’t moved as quickly. If you’re a female main earner (or planning to be) and struggling with how to fully embrace your role then this podcast is for you. In this episode my guest is Jenny Garratt OBE, an Award Winning Career Coach, Leadership Trainer, Speaker & Author. She is well known for her work empowering working women, particularly female main earners, through her book Rocking Your Role. Whether you’re a female main earner by choice or chance, I know you’re going to get so much from this conversation. And even if you’re not the main earner in your family what we explore in this conversation will be so powerful. You can access the show notes here: https://wis
Becoming a Mum Without a Mum
27/10/2021 Duration: 15minIn this episode I explore my experience of becoming a mother without my own mother here. These insights are not only for mothers who are without their mother (for whatever reason) but for any mother who wants to feel more resourced in motherhood. In this episode I share: * What a child-mother is and the impact for new mothers * How my training in systemic constellations gave me powerful insights into motherhood * The dynamic between new mothers and their own mothers * What we can do as mothers to feel more resourced in motherhood You can access the show notes here:
How To Batch Cook Your Way To More Freedom and Less Stress
19/10/2021 Duration: 39minWould you like to save at least an hour a week? Silly question if you're a busy working mum, right? This episode is guaranteed to make a difference in your life if cooking and feeding your family is a source of stress in your home. Today's guest is Suzanne Mulholland a time-saving guru, a family cooking expert and Sunday Times best selling author of The Batch Lady books. Suzanne has applied her background as a time management trainer in her own life to such massive success that she's become the internet sensation The Batch Lady. She's helped thousands of people to cook quick, easy, homemade and healthy family meals for the freezer to save time, money and waste. And she's here to share her wisdom and expertise with you. In this episode Suzanne shares: What batch cooking actually is Simple and practical ways to get started with batching Insights into how Suzanne applies this in her own life Some great hacks and tricks to save time and energy as a working mum You can access the show notes here: https://wisdom
Successful Job Sharing For Working Mums
05/10/2021 Duration: 43minHave you ever felt like you need to lean out of your career to manage the juggle as a working mum? That you just can’t make the jigsaw puzzle work? If you have, then this episode is for you! Going back to work after having a baby can be tough. For many women going back to work full time is financially, emotionally, logistically and sometimes physically impossible. So many women end up leaving their jobs and even their careers because they can’t find a way to combine their work and motherhood in a sustainable way. When my guests Hannah Hall-Turner and Rachel Maguire were colleagues at the same company and had their babies 6 days apart, they shared their dream to achieve work life balance with their new family commitments. They didn’t want to leave their careers and qualifications they’d worked so hard for. But they also didn’t want to miss out on the precious firsts with their babies. So they decided to put a business case to their employer to job share. They got it approved and it was a win/win/win.
Four Strategies For When You're The Flex Point In Your Family
22/09/2021 Duration: 16minAre you the default parent in your family? Are you the one who gets the call when your child is ill and are expected to change your plans at the drop of a hat? It can be exhausting and challenging to be the flex point as a working mum. When you and your life have to be flexible enough to accommodate the ever changing needs of your family. In this episode I share four simple but powerful strategies for making life easier when you're the flex point in your family. You can access the show notes here:
How to Find Your Style and Feel Great In Your Clothes
15/09/2021 Duration: 42minIt's easy to lose your style mojo when you become a mum. Trying to make your wardrobe work for the different roles in life can be challenging. In this episode I speak with Helen Reynolds founder of image consultancy Helen Reynolds Style. Helen works with professional women who recognise the importance of being well presented and up-to-date but struggle to get it quite right. Helen's ethos is that when you feel good about yourself it's easier to step up in life and in business. This episode is jam packed with so many practical tips and insights on how to look and feel more confident in your outfits. This episode is for you if: you're fed of your wardrobe being another stressful thing in your life you want to reclaim your time and energy in the morning want to find your style and feel great in your clothes no matter what the occasion You can access the show notes here:
Reclaiming Your Wellbeing
21/07/2021 Duration: 01h06minHow as a working mum can you perform and stay at your best without sacrificing your personal life or health? As working mums we know all too well how challenging it is balancing our careers with our personal lives. The blend between them has such profound implications for our wellbeing. In this episode I'm joined by global wellbeing expert Audrey McGibbon who is a psychologist, business leader and co-creator of the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey. Audrey shares some powerful insights on wellbeing for working mums. If you're a working mum who identifies with being a leader in the workplace you're going to love this episode. In this episode Audrey shares: a fundamental misunderstanding about wellbeing the differences between male and female wellbeing the impact of Covid on wellbeing and specifically for working mums insights into burnout and depletion and practical coping and prevention strategies how to create wellbeing in our households not just in our workplaces why, if you're achievement orientated, yo
Using Your Strengths to Be at Your Best More of the Time
22/06/2021 Duration: 45minWisdom For Working Mums is all about helping you create the freedom to flourish in your life. To have the impact you want with more ease and my enjoyment. But all too often we spend too much time worrying about and working on our weaknesses. When we do that we overlook our strengths and successes. That’s a missed opportunity for us, as the research absolutely shows us that people who use their strengths flourish in their lives. And today’s guests are ALL about that. I’m joined in this episode by Michele Deeks and Martin Galpin who are both Chartered Psychologist specialising in the application of positive psychology to improve workplace wellbeing and engagement. They’re co-founders of At My Best - helping individuals, teams and organisations be more aware of their strengths so they can be at their best more of the time. Join us as we discuss the value of understanding our strengths, how to become more aware of them and put them to use in our lives to experience more impact, wellbeing and to ultimately to