Expert interviews and conversations with inspirational working mums all designed to help support women to combine their family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.
Creating The Ultimate Intimate Relationship
09/02/2019 Duration: 52minHaving children changes us, changes our partners and changes our relationships. It changes the way we interact with each other. Whether it’s because: we’re sleep deprived or we have different parenting styles or we’ve experienced an identity shift (from wife to mother, or husband to father) or being lovers to becoming parents or just the mundane tasks of parenting consume our time and energy The impact of becoming parents can be tough on the relationship we have with our partner. Add in a demanding career, and things can get very tricky to maintain a loving and successful relationship with our partners. When we have children we have to work harder to keep our relationship strong and healthy. We have to become intentional about how we connect. So this week’s guest is a relationship expert and has a huge amount of experience working with couples who are struggling. Nicki Vee has trained with some of the world’s top relationship experts. Nicki and her husband Tony are known at the ‘Relationship Couple’
Rethinking Women's Health
22/01/2019 Duration: 37minWe receive so many cultural messages about bouncing back after giving birth. That the goal is to achieve our pre-baby body as quickly as possible. However most women I speak with struggle to recover from giving birth and many suffer with postnatal complications months, if not years, later. Pelvic floor and trampolines anyone?! In this episode I interview my go to person for my physical health and wellbeing. She is the lady that put my body back together after both of my children. She’s helped me to go from devastating health problems to feeling strong and functionally fit. Beth Gardner from Shropshire Holistic Health and Performance is a Corrective Exercise Coach and KORE Therapist, also specialising in Pilates and Yoga. She’s worked with Premiership football clubs and elite athletes but her real passion is supporting women achieve full health and wellbeing on their journey of motherhood. In this episode she shares her unique approach to women’s health combining Western and Eastern approaches.
Helping Working Mums Thrive
08/01/2019 Duration: 51minDo you struggle to have enough energy to do the things you want and need to do? If 2019 is the year that you've resolved to improve your health, energy and wellbeing then the latest episode of the Wisdom For Working Mums' podcast is for you! As achievement orientated working mums who care deeply about our family and our work, we often achieve all this at the detriment to our health and wellbeing. This week’s podcast episode is a must listen if: the mere task of getting through the day and your never ending to-do-list leaves you feeling exhausted you have no time to catch your breath and the nearest you get to pampering is a when the steam from your coffee smacks you in the face! I interview Jo Gamble from Embracing Nutrition. Jo is a Nutritional Therapist and certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Her passion is working with clients who have complex health symptoms to empower them back to health. She's the woman who I credit for helping me transform from merely surviving as a busy working mum to t
The Secret to Building Successful Relationships
18/12/2018 Duration: 51minEvery day we are navigating relationships with other people. Be it our children, our spouse, our work colleagues, customers, friends, family members, neighbours….the list goes on. Unless these relationships are going well they can be a huge source of stress for us. How we respond when inevitable conflict arises in our relationships can be vital to us thriving. This week's guest is a world class expert on human behaviour, specialising in communication and influencing. Julie French is co-founder of The Academy of High Achievers. She shares how we can communicate more effectively so we can get our needs met and dramatically improve the quality of our relationships and interactions.
Perspective of a Working Father
05/12/2018 Duration: 40minThis week's podcast guest is a long-time advocate for women's rights, a champion for Diversity & Inclusion in Europe and has a successful job in one of the world's most well known technology companies (his opinions are his own). He's one of the very few men that I've met that truly champion women in the workplace. Brian Ballantyne shares his unique insights as a male voice on what is usually a female dominated topic. He shares how his childhood experiences have fueled his passion for Diversity and Inclusion. Brian explains how he's seen first-hand how women experience discrimination at work. He shares his perspective as a working father and gives an insight into the work he's doing to help support working mothers to thrive.
Emotional Intelligence for Working Mums
25/11/2018 Duration: 38minOur emotions play such a huge part in motherhood; whether it be feeling overwhelmed, mother's guilt or feeling like we're not doing a good enough job. How we manage our emotions can make the difference in how much we are able to thrive as a working mum. In this episode psychologist, emotional intelligence expert and working mother Sarah Speers shares her experience and expertise on emotional intelligence for working mums. We discuss the common challenges for working mums and her own experiences of returning to work after having her children. Sarah shares proven strategies and tools that can help us thrive.
Helping our Children Cope with Bereavement interview with Winston's Wish
12/11/2018 Duration: 30minAt some point we will have to deal with the inevitable but heartbreaking consequences of bereavement with our children. Whether sudden or expected, few life events have a greater impact on families than the death of a loved one. It could be losing a beloved family pet, a grandparent or even sadly a parent. Most of us probably feel ill equipped to have conversations with our children about death. Talking to our children about the death of someone close may be the hardest thing we’ll ever have to do. Finding a way to do this which supports our children navigate their grief and express it is important. So we will be exploring some useful insights into how you might do this.
Employment Rights for Working Mums interview with Danielle Ayres
19/10/2018 Duration: 42minA report by The Equality and Human Rights Commission found that one in five new mums said they had experienced harassment or negative comments from their colleagues or boss when they were pregnant or returning from maternity leave. This week’s podcast guest is Danielle Ayres. Danielle is a senior solicitor at Gorvins Solicitors working in their Employment Law Team. She advises individuals and businesses on employment relationships. Danielle has carved out a niche as a pregnancy and maternity employment law expert. She is now one of the go-to solicitors in the UK supporting working women and mums to challenge unfair treatment as a results of their pregnancy and/or maternity leave. In this episode Danielle shares her experience and expertise on Employment Rights for Working Mums.
Supporting Working Parents in the Workplace interview with Nicki Seignot from The Parent Mentor
09/10/2018 Duration: 52minThis week’s guest is Nicki Seignot who is known as The Parent Mentor. She is passionate about helping working parents return to work and thrive when they do. She specialises in supporting businesses and organisations develop mentoring for new parents and returning talent She is a real pioneer and champion in this area having introduced maternity mentoring to Asda Walmart in 2011, where over 200 returners have been mentored to date. Since then in her work as The Parent Mentor she has gone on to advise, mentor, coach, facilitate, write and speak on this subject across the UK and Europe. So we really do have an expert amongst us on this episode. Nicki is the co-author of the first business book on parental mentoring ‘Mentoring New Parents at Work’ and is also a Member of the House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group for Women and Work.
Managing Your Energy as a Working Mum interview with James Glover from The Energy Project
24/09/2018 Duration: 54minAs achievement orientated working mums who care deeply about our family and our work, we are often left feeling overwhelmed. The volume and complexity of the demands in our lives is leaving us in survival mode. And it’s completely unsustainable for us and our families. This week’s podcast episode is a must listen if: the mere task of getting through the day and your never ending to-do-list leaves you feeling exhausted you’re trying to work like you don’t have a family and be with your family like you don’t have work and feeling overwhelmed by it all you have no time to catch your breath and the nearest you get to pampering is a when the steam from your coffee smacks you in the face! I interview James Glover who is Client Director for The Energy Project UK. James is not only a World and European Sports Champion. He has spent a decade coaching and supporting some of the world's highest performing individuals and teams to be at their best. He is also a busy working parent himself. Now in his work for The En
It Takes a Village interview with Su Barber
09/09/2018 Duration: 47minIn times gone by we used to have a community that supported us through our mothering journey. But somehow over time we’ve lost this connection to people who could support, advise and nourish us. Though the proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" has become cliché, the impact of our village-less living is having a devastating impact on mothers. I’m very excited to be speaking with an incredible women who supports women in celebrating and restoring motherhood. She’s one of life’s wise and wonderful women who in ancient times would have been a central figure in our communities. In this episode I interview Su Barber. Su offers pre and post natal support to couples, exploring strategies to cope with birth, dealing with unexpected or desired consequences of the journey and offering support at the birth itself.
Giving our Children the Gift of Emotional Wellbeing interview with Libby Steggles-Ginn
21/08/2018 Duration: 37minAsk any parent and the thing that we often want most for our children is for them to be happy and healthy. But most of us we will, at some point in our child’s life, have to help them navigate feelings of lack of confidence, stress, anxiety, problems in friendship groups and worrying. That’s our job as parents but when we are faced with helping our children with these issues there is very little support to do it effectively. This can leave us feeling helpless at a time when we need to feel resourced to support our children. In this episode I interview Libby Steggles-Ginn. She supports children to manage their emotions and self esteem and confidence so they can feel happy, free and live a healthier more resilient life. Libby is known as the emoji-coach. She is an International Transformational Coach and is also qualified as an NLP Practitioner, Advanced PSYCH-K and Mindfulness Facilitator and teaches Meditation.
Financially Empowering Working Mums interview with Rebecca Robertson
26/06/2018 Duration: 40minMost people’s relationship with money is often complex, difficult and confused. Whether it's how much to charge for your time or how to ask for that pay rise. Or how to balance spending and saving. Maybe it's guilt for having money or fear of losing it. But for women it seems to be even more so, especially as working mums. Maybe it’s the challenge of affording childcare whilst working. Maybe it’s working flexibly or part-time which leads to a reduction in pay, whilst often doing the same amount of work. Maybe it’s becoming more reliant on our partner after being used to being self sufficient and independent. Or maybe it's becoming the main breadwinner in our family and coping with the change in dynamics that creates. So this podcast interview with the inspirational Rebecca Robertson from Evolution Financial Planning is a must if you would like to feel more empowered financially. Rebecca is an award winning business owner, TEDx speaker, qualified Independent Financial advisor and regular media comment
Maternal Mental Health interview with Lisa Webb
07/06/2018 Duration: 49minLisa Webb is Public Health Nurse who works with families to give pre-school-age children the best possible start in life. She is a a former nursery teacher and a trained counsellor and therapist. She was awarded the George Medal by the Queen for an unbelievable act of bravery when a machete wielding man attacked the primary school where she was a nursery teacher. She protected the children in her care but suffered life changing injuries. In this interview she shares how this event has impacted her life and how she has used it for a positive force in her life. Now as a Public Health Nurse she is passionate about helping mothers thrive and speaks really honestly and openly about maternal mental health.
Interview with Bridget Supple - Parent Educator
24/04/2018 Duration: 41minIn this episode I interview Bridget Supple a highly experienced Parent Educator. She is an expert on baby brain development and the effects of attachment in the first 1,000 days. We discuss how to choose the best childcare when returning to work. She shares her knowledge of child brain development & neuroscience to help make what can be one of hardest decisions as a parent that little bit easier. Show notes and links to this episode can be found at Don’t forget to subscribe to the show!
Wisdom For Working Mums - Interview with Felicity Wingrove
22/04/2018 Duration: 48minEpisode 2: In this episode I interview Felicity Wingrove, Founder and Managing Director of Zen Communications, a kick-arse PR company. She shares her honest insights into what it takes to run a thriving business whilst raising a happy & healthy toddler, nurturing a great relationship with her partner & about to give birth to baby number 2! And it doesn’t involve pretending to be superwoman! Links mentioned in this episode: Zen Communications website Felicity's LinkedIn profile
Welcome to the Wisdom For Working Mums Podcast
20/04/2018 Duration: 25minEpisode 1: In this very first episode for the Wisdom For Working Mums podcast show, I share with you what this show is about, why I started it and what you can expect from future episodes of the Wisdom For Working Mums podcast. Show notes and links to this episode can be found at Don’t forget to subscribe to the show!