Middle Management Movement By Michelle Pascoe



Helping middle management in the hospitality and casino industry.


  • Service with a smile

    10/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    How a smile plays a role in inclusion and diversity.

  • Spring is in the air

    03/09/2019 Duration: 14min

    It's time to review, revamp and replace your offering.

  • Resilience and Service Recovery

    27/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    Service recovery is an event that occurs when the customer’s expectations are not met.  As a leader you need to provide tools and strategies on how your frontline and sales teams as well as your managers handle a customer complaint or concern which is targeted at the service provider even when it may not be their fault but it is now their problem.  Four key aspects on how to build resilience in your team when it comes to service recovery.

  • Brand Audit

    20/08/2019 Duration: 15min

    https://www.michellepascoe.courses/sales-page-716ec607-12ea-4b83-b1d3-b65d6f0ce999    As providers of the brand experience and creators of memories for your business, no matter what your product or service offering you need to connect the head and the hear, having your customers experience the emotion, not just be exposed to it.  In this episode I am going to challenge you to complete a Brand Audit on your business.  Is the brand still representing what you offer?  What is your branding saying about you and your business.

  • Customer Retention Revolution Webinar

    13/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    Michelle runs through her Customer Retention Revolution Course with a live webinar. To join the course go to https://bit.ly/2YBkbeE 

  • Trust is a key value for a leader

    06/08/2019 Duration: 11min

    Upon returning from Denver, Colorado over the weekend where I attended the National Speakers Conference, with many wonderful speakers the topic of Trust in the workplace and in life was discussed on the platform as well as in the hallways.  In this weeks podcast I would like to share with you why I believe Trust is one of my top 8 values in life and in business.   Next week commencing on the 13th August I am presenting 3 free live webinars.  Here is what I am going to cover:   1) Strategies on how to Recruit, Select & Performance Manage your team. 2) Modelling the actions and behaviours of a business owner and leader ad the impact it has on your business growth. 3) 3 tips on how to create advocacy with your customers The 45 minutes we share together could change your business forever.  To register click on the link below:   https://www.michellepascoe.courses/webinarregistration

  • How does professional development improve the customer experience?

    30/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    Investing in yourself through professional development can translate into a greater customer experience when you put your notes into actions.

  • How to manage the skunks in your business

    23/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    If you don't manage the skunks with the poor behaviour, the good people leave or they stay and think why bother?

  • The impact of checking in with your team

    16/07/2019 Duration: 12min

    When it comes to your team it is important to trust them and the biggest way this is shown in the workforce is delegation not abdication.

  • Creating a memorable experience without costing money

    09/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    Spending money doesn't always result in change when it comes to creating a memory for a customer that has them returning and recommending your business to others.

  • Did you know that Acknowledgement is one of the top 6 customer expectations?

    01/07/2019 Duration: 07min

    By simply acknowledging a waiting customer whether they be in front of you or on the phone, is the first step on the service journey.  Being “invisible” is a dreadful feeling for anyone, particularly a customer who wants to buy something from you and instead are ignored by a service provider on the phone or out the back "rearranging". In this podcast I review the top 5 ways to acknowledge and make a lasting memorable impression.

  • Do your customers needs change when the weather does?

    25/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Weather can effect customers moods and the attitudes of your team, so it’s important to recognise this and as a leader have a plan and implement it. This podcast provides 8 quick tips on how to beat the weather blues.

  • Why is signage & phone messages so important to your brand?

    17/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    Being in control of your brand means making sure it is relevant and up to date, promoting your exact services and products targeted to your ICA.  Too often signs or phone messages are created, hung up / turned on and then forgotten as the day to day tasks take cover in your business. In this podcast I share tips and strategies on signage and phone messages connecting you to your customers of today and tomorrow.


    11/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    If you don’t complete the circle of service with a memorable last impression of your business then it won’t be a lasting memory instead it could be seen as “fake” customer service.

  • Ep: 56 Do you keep your team in the dark?

    04/06/2019 Duration: 06min

    Knowledge is power, unfortunately some managers use their knowledge as a way of keeping their team reliant on them, not letting them know the final outcome and keeping the “cards close to their chest”, they then wonder why the outcomes are not achieved.

  • Blending Cultures

    25/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    The hospitality industry has a richness of cultures back and front of house and they all need to blend and respect each other.  As a leader how do you lead a team where English may not always be the first language?

  • Individual ability not tenure

    18/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    I love the hospitality industry and the opportunities it offers to so many people so how does a manager handle the Intergenerational workforce because they do not think alike, act or respond the same.  In this podcast I talk about the challenges and allowing them to question the sacred cows in the business and they want to lead.

  • Induction starts well before the first day

    11/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    Don't wait for the first day to commence the "connecting conversations" with your new recruit welcome them beforehand and you will have someone invested in your business before they walk in the front door.  In this podcast I look at the building of loyalty and trust through the induction process and ongoing assessments ensuring that both the employer and recruit are feeling valued and welcomed.  

  • Episode 43 VIP Challenge 2 - Assessing Candidates

    04/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    Assessing a candidate from a covering letter and resume is not always easy as some people are great at communicating verbally but when it comes to writing it doesn't always come out the right way.  As a recruiter you need to read between the lines.  I know when I read resumes I imagine their voices.  Do you? or am I the only one?  In this podcast I cover the assessing, hiring and REFERENCE CHECKING CANDIDATES.

  • The Challenge of Recruiting a VIP Team

    28/01/2019 Duration: 11min

    The recruitment process starts with a comprehensive Job Description well before the employment ad is written.  Knowing what you need when it comes to skills is easy it's the attitude that takes a little more time to get right.  What is the culture of your organisation and what are the behaviours and traits of your leadership and frontline team? For more information on hiring Introverts take a listen to my previous Podcast Episode 30 where I spoke to international authority Jennifer Kahnweiler, PhD, CSP, from Atlanta, Georgia who has written many books on Introverts in the workplace.

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