The Todd Huff Radio Show



The Todd Huff Radio Show is America's home for Conservative, not bitter talk radio. Todd launched his program as a podcast from his bedroom closet on August 10, 2015, and on October 3, 2016, it aired as radio program on Freedom 95 in Indianapolis. Todd's patented style, wit, insight and sense of humor make his show unique in the talk radio landscape. But be advised: contents may cause you to lean to the right.


  • Current Poll Numbers

    19/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Only 15 days until the presidential election. Today, we talk about current poll numbers and the electoral college.

  • Dueling Town Halls

    16/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Instead of a virtual debate, President Trump and VP Joe Biden held separate town halls on two different networks. The President was on NBC with Savannah Guthrie. She was anything but an unbiased journalist. Joe Biden was on ABC with George Stephanopoulos. He answered zero questions about the breaking Hunter Biden story.

  • Biden Family Link To Ukraine & Burisma

    15/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    On Wednesday, news broke of email evidence against Joe & Hunter Biden's involvement with Ukraine and Burisma during the former Vice President's time in office. Big Tech (Twitter, FB) shut down the ability to share links to the New York Post story.

  • Day Two Of Confirmation Hearings Of ACB

    14/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Judge Amy Coney Barrett answered questions on Day Two of her confirmation hearing on Tuesday. Referencing zero notes, Judge Barrett proves she is an experienced and capable litigator who is ready to hold a seat on the highest court in the land.

  • Opening Statements In The Confirmation Hearing Of Judge Amy Coney Barrett

    13/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Confirmation hearings started yesterday in Washington D.C. for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Republicans used their opening statements to highlight Judge Barrett's qualifications for the high court. The Democrats used their time to assume how the judge would rule in future cases & accused her of wanting to take away health care & women's rights.

  • Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Start Today

    12/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    President Trump has been cleared of Covid and able to get back on the campaign trail. The debate scheduled for this week has been cancelled. The next debate between President Trump & Joe Biden will be October 22. Confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett start today.

  • Biden Refuses To Answer; Plot To Kidnap Gov. Whitmer

    09/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    It's a busy Friday! Joe Biden refuses to answer the question about "packing the court" until after the election. The FBI uncovered a plot targeting Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The plot allegedly including storming the state house & kidnapping the governor. Gov. Whitmer places blame on President Trump. Speaker Pelosi has raised the issue of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump over health.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Re-Cap

    08/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Last night, Vice President Pence and Senator Kamala Harris went head to head in the only Vice Presidential Debate of the 2020 Election.

  • Tonight Is The Vice Presidential Debate

    07/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Tonight is the first and only Vice Presidential Debate between VP Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. We'll also talk about the importance of the Supreme Court and the confirmation process for Amy Coney Barrett.

  • Trump Returns To The White House; Media Meltdown

    06/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    President Trump was discharged from Walter Reed Hospital on Monday evening and returned to the White House. The Washington Posts' Jennifer Rubin melts down over the President's release. A CBS reporter has said he felt safer reporting from North Korea than he does at the White House due to the coronavirus. It's a tough call, but we'll talk about why the media may be more dangerous than the radical left.

  • President Trump Admitted To Walter Reed

    05/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    On Friday evening, the President was admitted to Walter Reed Hospital after being diagnosed with Covid-19. Since then, Trump has made a few video appearances on Twitter giving updates on his health. The team of doctors treating the President have said he could be discharged as soon as today.

  • The President Tests Positive For Covid

    02/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    News has broken overnight that President Trump has tested positive for Covid-19. There have been pathetic responses to that news on Twitter. CNN and Anderson Cooper are in meltdown mode as we we the last stretch of the 2020 Campaign.

  • Talking To Liberals About Politics

    01/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Yesterday, the Todd Huff Show team and I talked about the debate. Believe it or not, we're not all conservatives! This conversation reminded me a few things - including how we need to talk to liberals about politics.

  • The First Presidential Debate

    30/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    The first Presidential debate was held last night moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News. President Trump and Joe Biden went head to head in what some are calling a dumpster fire & *crap show. The two candidates spent the evening interrupting each other & Chris Wallace had trouble maintaining control.

  • First Presidential Debate Takes Place Tonight

    29/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    Tonight is the first debate between President Trump and Joe Biden. Moderator Chris Wallace will have the candidates discuss their records, the Supreme Court, Covid-19, the economy, race and violence in our cities & the integrity of the election.

  • Biden Gaffe; Ballot Harvesting

    28/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Joe Biden had another gaffe over the weekend. Just Joe being Joe. Project Veritas has uncovered ballot harvesting and voter fraud in Minnesota.

  • A Peaceful Transfer Of Power

    25/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    Today, we discuss President Trump's comments regarding a peaceful transfer of power.

  • Breonna Taylor

    24/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    Today, we talk about the tragic death of Breonna Taylor, the violence in Louisville and some of the irresponsible commentary surrounding this horrible situation.

  • Republicans Appear To Have The Votes

    23/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Republicans appear to have the votes to move forward with President Trump's SCOTUS pick. He announced a list of nominees last week with Amy Coney Barrett being a frontrunner. If she's the pick, will the radical left engage in a war on Catholicism?

  • Are We In A Cold Civil War?

    22/09/2020 Duration: 41min

    The fight over the seat left vacant by the death of RBG is getting even more contentious. Chuck Schumer says, "nothing is off the table,' if Republicans fill the seat. Don Lemon wants to "blow up the entire system."

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