The Todd Huff Radio Show



The Todd Huff Radio Show is America's home for Conservative, not bitter talk radio. Todd launched his program as a podcast from his bedroom closet on August 10, 2015, and on October 3, 2016, it aired as radio program on Freedom 95 in Indianapolis. Todd's patented style, wit, insight and sense of humor make his show unique in the talk radio landscape. But be advised: contents may cause you to lean to the right.


  • Big Tech, Media & Election Fraud; Matt Lamb From The College Fix

    25/11/2020 Duration: 41min

    Sidney Powell is filing a lawsuit today in Georgia in regards to election fraud. We'll discuss how elections are influenced via big tech and the media. Election fraud really is a thing, but how bad is it. We have a discussion with Matt Lamb, from The College Fix, about what students are exposed to on campus. From our team to your family, Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Interview With U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn

    24/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Trump legal team member, Lin Wood, made the comment that this country is getting harder & harder to recognize by the day. I tend to agree. Today, you'll hear my conversation with Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn. One of the few elected Republicans who are actually engaged in this fight. We discuss the issues of big tech intervention, the media's power to influence the outcome of elections, and Trump's political path.

  • Trump Team Cuts Ties With Sidney Powell

    23/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Sidney Powell interviewed with Newsmax over the weekend, then on Sunday, it was announced that she's not part of the Trump legal team. A letter sent out by the Trump team stated that Powell is "practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team." What should we make of this? We also discuss Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic.

  • President Trump's Legal Team; Legal Expert Hans Von Spakovsky

    20/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    President Trump's legal team held a press conference yesterday laying out pieces of their argument for filing lawsuits in several states in regards to allegations of voter fraud. Hans Von Spakovsky, an election law expert, joins us to discuss the many election irregularities that this nation is facing today & what differentiates the 2020 election from past elections.

  • Michigan County Still Up In The Air

    19/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Well, yesterday we woke up to the news that canvassers abruptly certified Joe Biden the winner of Wayne County, Michigan even though some saw irregularities. Today, we wake up the news that the two Republican canvassers rescinded their vote to certify the results. They claim they were bullied and threatened even called racist for wanting an accurate vote count.

  • Michigan County Abruptly Certifies Election

    18/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Michigan is a mess. A bipartisan panel in Michigan's Wayne County was at odds over certifying the election. Two Democrats wanted to vote to certify, while 2 Republicans did not over concerns of voter discrepancies. However, on Tuesday night, after being accused of being racist, the Republicans backed down and agreed to approve Joe Biden's win in the state.

  • Where Are All The Republicans?

    17/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    As allegations of voter fraud continues to be in the news and lawsuits mound, where are the Republicans in leadership in support of the President? We've reached out to our state leaders with no response. Why is no one speaking out on these allegations & yes, even the evidence? Joe Biden has been named President-Elect by the media in what could be a fraudulent election, but very, very few Republicans are letting their voices be heard.

  • Sidney Powell Added To Trump's Legal Team

    16/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    The drama surrounding the allegations of voter fraud is going strong. President Trump has added Sidney Powell to his legal team. She represented Gen. Michael Flynn and she's a rockstar. We'll share an interview she did over the weekend with Lou Dobbs.

  • Recounts, Voter Fraud & Meltdowns

    13/11/2020 Duration: 41min

    We have a lot to discuss today, from Pennsylvania to the Dominion voting systems to CNN meltdowns. The attorneys involved in the 2000 Bush/Gore recount, who are said not to be the "MAGA type," are saying that President Trump still has a path to victory. We're also going to engage a little in our first Civics Friday since we have a lot of new listeners who are trying to learn some things about how all of this government stuff is supposed to work.

  • How Should Christians Respond?

    12/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Pastor Robert Jeffress writes a piece for Fox News about Christians and how we should respond to the possible election of Joe Biden.

  • Show Us The Evidence

    11/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Today is Veteran's Day. Thank you, Veterans, for serving to protect and defend the greatest nation on earth.The narrative in most media outlets is that there is no evidence of voter fraud, "Show us the evidence." There are allegations of dead people voting, votes being received after the election, boxes of ballots being found, videos and more. Some of these allegations are currently being handled in the courts. Despite what the liberal media wants us to believe, Joe Biden, is not our President-elect. The race has not been officially called for either candidate Biden or President Trump. North Carolina has been called for the President.

  • Trump Voters Need To "Suck It Up!"

    10/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    More claims of voter fraud trickle in from Michigan and Wisconsin. Attorney General Barr tells the Department of Justice to investigate these claims. Some Republicans are actually standing up for election integrity, but certainly not enough. Whoopi Goldberg tells Trump supporters to, "suck it up!" She's basically saying to follow the example of Hillary Clinton. Sure. Hillary obviously set the standard for accepting an election.

  • President-Elect Biden?

    09/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Joe Biden has been declared President by the media, but there are still a lot of voter fraud accusations and recounts yet to be determined.

  • Vote Counting Chaos Continues

    06/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Ballot counting is still going on in 5 states. Overnight, the gap between President Trump and Joe Biden narrowed in Georgia & Pennsylvania. Videos are popping up all over social media showing what could be voter fraud at ballot counting stations.

  • The Ballot Counting Continues

    05/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    We continue to sift our way through the 2020 election and the results. Several states are still counting ballots. Many people have concerns about voter fraud.

  • Too Early To Call

    04/11/2020 Duration: 41min

    They, the media & pollsters, told us there would be a blue wave, but we knew it would be a much closer race. We knew it would come down to a handful of key states. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia & Alaska have not been called yet. As it stands now, Fox News projects that Joe Biden is ahead with 238 electoral votes while President Trump has 213.

  • Election Day!

    03/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    Today is the day! If you haven't voted, the polls are open in Indiana from 6a-6p. Get out and use your American freedom to make your voice heard.

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