Early Accountability



Kimi Walker is a psychologist, philanthropist, coach, and wellness enthusiast with a track record of serving as a behavior change and improvement catalyst for individuals, groups, and organizations. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor.


  • EAP 145: Shoot Your Shot - Planning Your Next Best Move

    03/11/2020 Duration: 20min

    During the next few episodes of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi will be walking through her Resolutions to Results framework with one of her podcast mentees and former guests on the show, Tyran Cosby. Tyran is the co-founder of the Life Behind the Beard line of beard oil and personal grooming products and the host of the Beard Talk with a Vet podcast. On this episode, Kimi talks with Tyran about Step One of the framework and helps him drill down on his vision and goals. Tyran says that after 20 years in active duty, the most important thing to him is being able to spend time with his family to make up for lost time, and that he also enjoys cooking and acting as well as pushing himself outside of his comfort zone by doing his podcast. These elements make up the vision planning aspect of the framework by helping him define what he wants to see in his life. When it comes to goal clarity, Tyran has 3 main goals for the next 90 days: to podcast more, to increase sales, and to introduce a new product into

  • EAP 144: Block "Mom Guilt" and Become Your Best Self!

    26/10/2020 Duration: 21min

    Welcome to the second half of Kimi’s conversation with Angel Marchese, recent law school graduate. Angel talks about the ways that her support system provided her with the time and space she needed in order to complete her undergraduate degree as well as law school. She explains that mom guilt is a very real thing and the pressures of being a mother while working and/or pursuing a degree could affect your mental health if you let them. Bucking societal norms can be uncomfortable, but this can be a crucial part of the process of reaching your goals. Angel had to make many adjustments to her life and that of her family in order for her to become an attorney, from quitting her job to asking her mom to move to Oklahoma to help with childcare to talking with her kids (ages 13 and 4 at the time) about why she wasn’t going to be around as much. Along the way, she has realized the importance of being surrounded by like-minded people who will hold her accountable, push her forward, and reduce her chances of burnout.

  • EAP 143: Moving Past Comfort and Breaking Glass Ceilings

    19/10/2020 Duration: 19min

    EAP 143: Moving Past Comfort and Breaking Glass Ceilings by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 142: Procrastination - the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

    13/10/2020 Duration: 10min

    Procrastination is the topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast. Especially for high-achievers, procrastination can either be a healthy thing or a barrier that keeps us from achieving our goals. Kimi breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly of procrastination during this episode and provides listeners with some suggestions for moving forward in situations where we are prone to procrastinate. The Good: •Procrastination could allow more time for thought, giving you some time and space to process things before having to act •Procrastination also allows for prioritization, letting you focus on the first things first and getting to everything else in the right time •It may reduce your impulsivity or tendency to make bad rushed decisions •If you are a person that works best under pressure, procrastination could be the tool you need to achieve your best work The Bad: •If you are not a person that works best under pressure, procrastinating could lead to worse performance •Procrastination could c

  • EAP 141: Prepping & Planning for a Successful End to 2020 (Pandemic and All)

    06/10/2020 Duration: 07min

    On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses her 3 recommended ways for making the most of the final quarter of 2020. It seems like everything is different in 2020, so it is important to plan and prepare for the next 3 months so they don’t slip away. 1.Allow for extra time – Include a buffer in your schedule surrounding certain activities that might take longer than normal such as traveling, going to doctors appointments, working with technology issues, or shopping. 2.Plan for holidays early – Talk to your family and loved ones sooner rather than later about what the holidays might look like this year. Will there need to be adjustments made to your usual traditions? Will you need to make new traditions this year? Will you need to stay local or are you going to travel? Do your best to keep everyone safe and be respectful, especially around those who might be high-risk. 3.Remember your primary goals – Keep a flexible mind as we have all had to do in 2020 but remain focused on your goal

  • EAP 140: Fall Into Autumn With Ease

    28/09/2020 Duration: 11min

    It is officially fall (or autumn), and on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast Kimi discusses using this change of seasons as an opportunity to make some mental shifts and recalibrate before the final quarter of the year. During this time of year, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and forget to enjoy this season, but it is important to regroup, especially after everything that has happened during 2020. Here are a few ways that Kimi suggests you take advantage of this time: 1.Redecorating – Take out your fall decorations that signify the change of seasons and make you feel festive. If you haven’t already, you could also shift your space around to accommodate for virtual working and learning, creating a space so you can feel prepared and confident when you need to use it. 2.Looking at your end-of-year goals – Evaluate which ones are still feasible and which ones may need to be postponed for now. You could also schedule a virtual hangout with some of your friends and/or accountability partners t

  • EAP 139: How to Say "No" Without Saying "No"

    22/09/2020 Duration: 13min

    EAP 139: How to Say "No" Without Saying "No" by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 138: Reasons Why You Can't Say "No"

    15/09/2020 Duration: 10min

    EAP 138: Reasons Why You Can't Say "No" by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 137: Dealing With "No"

    08/09/2020 Duration: 07min

    EAP 137: Dealing With "No" by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 136: Slow Progress Vs. No Progress

    01/09/2020 Duration: 08min

    On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about recognizing the difference between slow progress and no progress when it comes to long-term goals. It is easy to get discouraged when you are working towards a goal that is a long way off, especially when it may have been derailed by COVID-19, so Kimi offers these self-evaluation questions as a way of checking in with yourself on those goals: 1.Do you still have actionable steps that you’re taking? – Are those steps written down? Are they measurable? Do you have milestones set up? Even making slow progress should mean that you are consistently taking steps and checking in with yourself. 2.Are you still immersed or in touch with resources? – This could be your network, a mentor, or the community that is supporting you in this goal through motivation, enrichment, and/or accountability. It is important to know your achievement style as well as your procrastination style so you don’t get sidetracked. 3.Are you still revising your plan? – Cha

  • EAP 135: How to Beat Brain Fog

    24/08/2020 Duration: 08min

    With everything going on in the world, many workforces still being remote, and most school systems being virtual, it is easy to just be in survival mode, getting everything done but not really being “there.” On this episode of the Early Accountability podcast, Kimi discusses this mental fog that many of us are feeling that could be affecting our productivity, physical health, mental health, and our interactions with those around us. Here are Kimi’s tips for having mental clarity: 1.Watch what you consume – It is tempting to just eat what is easiest or most comforting when everything else seems to be out of control, but it is important that you try to eat and drink more healthy foods during this time. 2.Watch the energy you expend – Do your best to integrate exercise into your day, or at the very least get outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery. 3.Take time to rest – Set aside at least 10 minutes a day where you are able to relax without any screens or expectations. Your brain needs down time

  • EAP 134: Lifelong Learning & Intellectual Wellness

    18/08/2020 Duration: 10min

    EAP 134: Lifelong Learning & Intellectual Wellness by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 133: Dominate Digitally and Enhance Your Virtual Visibility

    11/08/2020 Duration: 14min

    On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi is joined by Danielle Tucker, founder and owner of Professional Speaker Websites. Several years ago, Danielle and her husband sold everything they had and moved to South Africa to be digital nomads. She soon learned that it was difficult for her to gain credibility without being able to speak on stages and network in person, so she needed to develop a very professional website that would establish her as a thought leader. Before long, Danielle realized that there were others just like her who wanted to be thought leaders but were falling short because of their subpar websites, so she started a web design service with these potential clients in mind. Danielle points out that many people are thought leaders without realizing it because everyone who has a smart phone and social media has a stage and the ability to get their message out to people. Often, you are your biggest obstacle – either by doubting that people will want to hear what you have to say

  • EAP 132: Pandemic-Proof Your Finances

    04/08/2020 Duration: 16min

    Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Jonathan Bolton, a financial and investment advisor with Wilson Wealth. It is safe to say that the events of 2020 have come as a shock to everyone, and many people have found themselves falling on hard times due to the pandemic itself, job losses, unexpected expenses, and emotional stress. Jonathan is here to share with us some good ideas for reviewing, analyzing, and adjusting our finances to ensure that we are in a better spot financially if and when another pandemic-like event takes place. 1.Save and invest more – While many people say that an emergency fund of 3-6 months is sufficient, COVID-19 has proven that it is probably better to have a 12-month emergency fund. Jonathan recommends having 2 months of cash accessible in savings and 10 months in a brokerage account as an investment that is still pretty liquid. 2.Reevaluate your needs and wants – Take a hard look at your expenses and ask yourself if they are necessary or frivolous. If you

  • EAP 131: Creating a New Normal

    28/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    EAP 131: Creating a New Normal by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 130: Maintaining Mental Flexibility During COVID-19

    21/07/2020 Duration: 08min

    On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses the importance of mental and cognitive flexibility as more and more of our plans for 2020 are sidelined due to COVID-19. Things are still changing so quickly, and plans that were set in stone last week have already disintegrated. So how do we maintain our sanity when we can’t make solid plans? 1.Give yourself extra time for thought and decisions – Practice mindfulness when you can but especially just allow yourself some quiet alone time during the day to process. 2.Be ok with not knowing or understanding – One of the most tangible examples of changing plans right now is the fall 2020 school calendar. While it is difficult for parents to not be able to make plans for their kids, there is only so much they can do. Expect the unexpected and be flexible as the authorities in your area make decisions. 3.Accept that you may have to change your mind – It is likely that your opinion on wearing masks or going out in public or sending kids back to s

  • EAP 129: Preparing for "Back to School" During COVID-19

    13/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    During this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi is putting on her school psychologist hat and helping listeners understand how to navigate this upcoming school year with all of the adjustments that will have to be made due to COVID-19. We all got a dose of these changes during the last half of the spring 2020 semester, which could either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how that trial run went for you. Perhaps you or your child struggled to connect to the online platform or perhaps it was a great season for you. Either way, there are a few things you can do right now to work towards your academic best this fall, whether your school will be in-person, all online, or a blend of both: 1.Keep the brain turning – While no one is expected to remember everything from the last school year under normal circumstances, it is expected that retention will be even lower this year. Do your best to work with your children consistently through the summer to maintain exposure to their subjects and r

  • EAP 128: Reaching Your Summer Goals During COVID-19

    06/07/2020 Duration: 11min

    EAP 128: Reaching Your Summer Goals During COVID-19 by Kimi Walker

  • EAP 127: Planning a Social Distancing Staycation

    29/06/2020 Duration: 11min

    On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about how the continuing COVID-19 quarantine as well as the recent public outcry about racial injustice in the U.S. and many people being without work has created a perfect storm necessitating a time of pausing to reflect, refresh, and restart. While most people are not able to travel to take traditional vacations, Kimi outlines a few specific things you can do to set yourself up for a “staycation” to accomplish just that. 1.Make time for it – Schedule a day or more for your staycation and stick to your commitment. If things come up, treat them as you would if you were truly out of town on vacation. 2.Find a format that works for you – If you are going to camp in your backyard, make sure you have all of your materials ahead of time. Arrange childcare if necessary to give you some focused time to recharge. If you had to cancel a trip this summer, create a theme night or event for yourself featuring the cuisine or activities you would have had on

  • EAP 126: Conflict, Culture, and COVID-19 - Communication Strategies for Complex Situations

    22/06/2020 Duration: 21min

    Dominique Kennedy, a speech language pathologist and communication expert, joins us on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast. Dominique helps people with their communications differences and needs to strengthen the words they use in the world and strengthen their relationships. She has her own private practice where the assists people who want to increase their communication abilities and she also works with school-aged children to develop their communication skills and strengthen any areas of weakness. At some point in our lives, all of us come to a point where we need to have a difficult conversation with someone for some purpose. Dominique points out that the most effective method of approaching this conversation is to be open to what the other person has to say and to expect a positive result. Think through what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, what your body language will be like, and practice your delivery ahead of time to ensure that your message gets across. In this tim

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