Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer



Mary Crafts-Homer has been part of the best events in Utah for over 35 years. She is the largest off-premise caterer in Utah, catering for names like Oprah Winfrey, George W. Bush, and Sir Elton John. She's a 16X Best of State winner! Now there's an opportunity to give back and to share with others her hard-won life lessons and success, bringing you her life experiences as only she can to help you craft a meaningful life!


  • (Ep 290) A Deeper Healing with Chantel Nielsen

    29/08/2023 Duration: 35min

      Mary welcomes Chantel Nielson to the show. She is the owner of Goddess Chanti Healing. They share their personal experiences with healing and emphasize the importance of addressing past traumas and limiting beliefs. Chantel explains the different healing techniques she incorporates in her practice and highlights the collaborative nature of the healing process. They discuss the role of fear as an obstacle to healing and the power of facing fears with a compassionate witness. They also provide resources for finding support and discuss the healing power of nature. Ultimately, they encourage listeners to have courage and embark on their own healing journey. We realize that healing is not a destination but a continuous journey. Chantel reminds us to have courage and look within, for that is where our inner sparkle resides. In the quest for healing, we must remember that there are multiple summits to conquer. Each step we take, each fear we face, brings us closer to our authentic selves and a more meaningful life

  • (Ep 289) A Journey of Healing and Transformation with Lisa Junior

    17/08/2023 Duration: 40min

    This powerful episode speaks of a journey of healing and transformation the likes of which you will never forget. Mary is joines by master beauty therapist Lisa Junior. Her story is one of resilience, courage, and transformation. She has overcome immense challenges and has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others. Lisa made the courageous decision to step away from the adult industry, a world that had ensnared her for many years. One of the most significant lessons Lisa learned was the power of radical acceptance. She had to confront the hard truths about her past and acknowledge her role in the choices she had made. She shares, "I had to hold myself accountable and understand that I wasn't a victim in all of this, that I did do a lot of this to myself, that I did choose to stay in these circles that I was in." This realization marked a turning point in her healing journey, as she took ownership of her life and committed to becoming the best version of herself. Learn more about her incredible jo

  • (Ep 288) Finding Joy and Forgiveness in Every Moment

    10/08/2023 Duration: 44min

    Through her own experiences and reflections, Mary has come to understand that joy is not about seeking a perfect life or constant happiness. It is an internal state of being, a deep sense of fulfillment that comes from bringing our best selves into each moment. And in order to truly experience joy, we must learn to forgive ourselves and let go of the past. At the age of 50, she made the decision to turn the rudder of my life and embark on a new path. It took years of consistent effort, but she have now been living a different life for nearly 20 years. This transformation has taught her that nothing is impossible. You can overcome challenges and create a life of purpose and fulfillment, regardless of our age or circumstances! By prioritizing joy, embracing vulnerability, setting boundaries, and practicing self-forgiveness, we can create a life that is rich in purpose and fulfillment.    Key Takeaways: It is never too late to start crafting a meaningful life. Believing that nothing is impossible is crucial for

  • (Ep 287) The Importance of Prioritizing Joy

    04/08/2023 Duration: 44min

    Did you know that joy is the highest energy of all? It's the emotion that elevates your vibration and opens up a world of possibilities. By shifting your focus to the present moment, you can tap into this incredible power and experience a life filled with gratitude and endless potential. Mary talks about discovering the transformative power of joy and the detrimental effects of fear. With a focus on cultivating internal joy rather than relying on external factors, Mary encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences of joy and prioritize it in their lives. By letting go of fear, she explains, we can fully embrace the present moment and find true joy. She shares her personal journey and offers practical advice for listeners to overcome fear and embrace joy. If you're ready to break free from the cycle of fleeting happiness and experience the lasting joy that lies within, this episode is a must-listen!  Episode Outline: (00:00:07) Crafting Joy (00:06:58) Finding Joy Within yourself (00:22:09) The Power

  • (Ep 286) A Chance Away From A New Life with Kristin Smith

    31/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    How do you overcome adversity and find your path to healing and thriving? Mary welcomes her guest, Kristen Smith, to discuss their parallel experiences of surviving and thriving after abusive marriages. They emphasize the importance of living in flow and making choices that align with one's personal journey. They address the challenges of leaving an abusive relationship and the fear of financial instability. Kristen shares her journey of healing and finding her purpose, highlighting the power of perseverance and asking for signs along the way. They encourage listeners to embrace their own strengths and seek support from others.   About Kristen: Kristen Smith is a survivor of an abusive marriage and a strong advocate for women who have experienced domestic violence. She is the founder of a non-profit organization that builds homes for women and children escaping abusive situations. Kristen is also a life and business coach, helping others find their purpose and create meaningful lives. Kristen Smith shares he

  • (Ep 285) The Power of Vulnerability: Mary and John's Journey

    20/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    Mary introduces us to her new fiancee John! Their story is a testament to the power of chance encounters and the magic of technology. Each previous marriage, each joy and sorrow, led them to the point where they could meet and connect instantly. They talk about how their love isn't just about the grand gestures and special moments, it's about the everyday routines too. Learn how they found that having a common purpose has brought them closer and made them stronger. It's not just about having fun and laughing together, but about supporting each other's goals and ambitions. It's about becoming the best versions of ourselves, individually and together. Listen and be inspired in your own journey! Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook: https://www.f

  • (Ep 284) Discover Love, Connection, and Authenticity in Rome

    13/07/2023 Duration: 28min

    Mary shares her experiences and thoughts on bringing love with her while traveling in Rome, Italy. She emphasizes the importance of making others feel valued and appreciated, and shares examples of how she does this, such as engaging in conversations with people she meets. She reflects on the power of love and the impact it has had on her life. How do you seek and give love? It starting with loving yourself! Stay tuned for episodes on the road where she will share more lessons and experiences from her travels. Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook:

  • ( Ep 283) An Interview With Mary Crafts!

    06/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    When Mary is on other people's podcasts, she notices that the questions seem to be in the same order and direction. So what would it be like if Mary interviewed...herself! Mary digs into some of the deep questions about her life, her family, and her future and is able to discover more about herself than she ever realized! Learn about the 4 traits that enabled her to get back to claiming herself and the life that she always envisioned. It wasn't easy, but knowing the right moves to make can have you quickly shifting over to claiming your meaningful life!   Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook:

  • (Ep 282) Lessons From The Move

    29/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the challenges and uncertainties of life? Mary has a valuable lesson to share. Her recent move gave her time to think about the things in life that she would take, and discard and the emotions that would accompany such a change. She shares her own experiences of downsizing and choosing quality over quantity, reminding us to prioritize what truly brings value and quality to our lives. Find out more about the lessons she learned about vulnerability and asking for help, reminding us that we don't have to be superwomen or wonder women to be warriors. Prepare, and continue your own journey toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life!   Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook:

  • (Ep 281) A True Healing Journey with Katie Bunnell

    16/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    The biggest thing that you can get out of trials is to learn from them. And when we can learn from them, it's, our trials are like gold! Mary welcomes Katie Bunnell, from Live Your Dream Foundation to the podcast. Together, They discuss Katie's journey, starting from age 23 when she faced the sudden loss of her husband and had to take care of her young daughter. Mary shares her own experiences of facing unexpected challenges in her marriage and having to take on responsibilities she didn't anticipate. Katie talks about the difficult decisions she made after her husband's passing, including completing her college education and setting goals for herself. They discuss the importance of physical activity and introspection in overcoming grief. Mary and Katie connect over their shared experiences of realizing they had to take control of their own lives and empower themselves to create the future they wanted. Find out more about the transformative journey Katie has been on, from a young girl to a resilient woman who

  • (Ep 280) Relentlessly Resilient with Michelle Scharf

    12/06/2023 Duration: 37min

    It's truly amazing what resilience and the power of offering grace can do! Michelle Scharf shares her experience of co-hosting the "Relentlessly Resilient" podcast and how it stemmed from her own difficult time when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. They discuss the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and awareness training, and Michelle shares her experience of completing the Jay Shetty life coach training program. The conversation also touches on the magic of coaching and the importance of self-awareness in becoming the hero of our own stories. It's important to look for the tools that help individuals overcome difficulties such as faith, which can provide strength and support. maintaining a positive attitude, which can help in navigating challenges, and highlighting the significance of leaning on a friend or seeking guidance from a counselor. The power of finding inspiration in the stories of others who have overcome similar obstacles will go a long way in helping you craft your meaningful life! Che

  • (Ep 279) Making The Promise 2 Live with Brandy Vega

    01/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    As the world becomes more connected through social media and technology, the rates of suicide and mental health issues are increasing at an alarming rate. But the stigma surrounding these topics often prevents people from seeking help.  Brandy Vega, a film producer, and entrepreneur, talks about her personal experience with suicide and her non-profit organization,, which aims to raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental health. Brandy shares her story of almost losing her daughter to suicide and emphasizes the importance of ending the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide.  Brandy emphasizes the need to start conversations about suicide and mental health, especially with young people who are most at risk. The need to take action is more important now than ever. Learn how to make a difference in your communities by spreading awareness and seeking help if needed. Learn More About Promise2Live: Important Links: Trust for America's Health: https://www.t

  • (EP 278) Moving Towards Truth And Light with Henry Ammar

    25/05/2023 Duration: 48min

    Believe in the possibility and have faith in yourself. That's the key to achieving your goals. Mary welcomes Henry Ammar to discuss personal growth and enlightenment. What we see in others already exists within ourselves. Henry shares his journey towards becoming a human behavior expert and thought leader in understanding self and others. He emphasizes the power of living a love-based life, which allows for expansion, connection, and authenticity. Learn how to embrace the discomfort and fear that come with stepping into the unknown. It's a sign that you're on the right path, breaking free from old patterns. Expect resistance, but redefine it as your body's way of protecting you. Decide in advance how you'll overcome it and create a support system. Seek mentors, coaches, and knowledge to navigate your journey. Your wisdom, when applied, becomes your power. Start by believing, moving, and embracing the adventure of growth! Learn More About Henry: About Henry: Henry Ammar is a renowne

  • (Ep 277) To Serve, Mentor, And Love with Kristin Andrus

    18/05/2023 Duration: 46min

    With all the whirlwind of challenges and responsibilities that fill your days, you might wonder if taking on another task, like advocating for a cause, would only add to the chaos. But here's the remarkable truth: according to Kristin Andrus, it's quite the opposite! She is an extraordinary force and a true champion of the community. Kristin's unwavering commitment shines through her tireless efforts with organizations like The Policy Project, where she plays a vital role in promoting solution-based policies that dismantle barriers to opportunity. Through her work, she has witnessed firsthand the transformative power it holds, enabling individuals to forge remarkable strength of character and resilience. Find out more about Kristin's endeavors, explore her upcoming initiatives, and take the first steps towards enriching your own life, you too can become part of this incredible movement of positivity and change. Together, we can create a future full of hope, compassion, and boundless opportunities for all!   L

  • (Ep 276) A Vision Of Something More

    10/05/2023 Duration: 39min

    Are you ready to feel inspired? Mary's life-changing experience with breathwork expanded her vision for the future and led her to attend a summit where she learned about the importance of believing in oneself and making a difference. This inspired her to dedicate her time and resources to helping nonprofits achieve their goals. Along the way, she watched a movie called "Uncharitable" which transformed her perspective on charity and philanthropy. Mary now believes that by utilizing our full potential and working together to solve big problems, we can change the world. Join Mary in embracing your potential and making a positive impact. Let's get excited about the power of creating change through nonprofits and philanthropy!

  • (Ep 275) Life's About Grit And Relationships with Cydni Tetro

    27/04/2023 Duration: 44min

    There's always going to be obstacles in your path. So how do you maneuver around them and keep your focus? Cydni Tetro knows! She is the CEO of Brandless, an innovator of experience, a growth leader, a technologist, a STEM advocate, an author, and speaker. She talks about how focusing on building great networks of people. Leadership has changed. But how do you make this complex reality work? Well, just like in life, it's about grit and relationships. Learn more on today's episode. Follow her on Instagram: Get Her Book" Mission Matters": About Cydni Tetro: Cydni Tetro is a recognized innovator of experience, a growth leader, technologist, STEM advocate, author and speaker. She’s grown companies, marketing & product teams, developed customer experience strategies and go-to-market strategies that ens

  • The Search For Divine Love with LaVonne Wells

    19/04/2023 Duration: 39min

    Mary has an in-depth conversation with someone who is truly an inspiration. Despite experiencing the heart-wrenching loss of her own daughter, Kiva, LaVonne Wells has dedicated her life to helping others who are going through the same pain. Her work as a spiritual teacher and love activist is nothing short of amazing, and her ability to connect with people while providing compassionate support is truly a gift. Through her retreats, workshops, and private/group sessions, LaVonne provides a safe space for mothers to process their grief and find peace.  Learn More About LaVonne: About LaVonne LaVonne has made it her life's work to create systems of joy in this lifetime. Her motivation as a Spiritual Teacher emerged when her daughter Kiva passed/transitioned. The experience inspired her to assist other grieving mothers through peaceful connections and insights.  LaVonne earned a bachelor's degree in speech communication from the University of Utah and an associate's degree in science

  • (Ep 273) The Beauty Of Change with Jessica Devenish

    13/04/2023 Duration: 42min

    You could be a victim to change or an agent of change, right now.! Mary has an inciteful conversation with Jessica Devenish. Together, they talk about the true beauty of change and how you should embrace it. Change is far more fun when you're driving the boat. The only thing permanent in life is change so you got to be prepared to pivot when you don't expect it. Learn more about being ready for that change wen it comes and how to create your best life on the other side. Learn more about Jessica: Jessica's Bio: I am a Communication Coach and invite you to unlock the key to greater joy, productivity and success. You will see yourself through a new lens once you’ve experienced breakthrough. You will find that living a life of gratitude is the first gift and initial ingredient to infuse into every day and every journey we undertake. It creates our foundation and sets the stage for our success to embrace life as one holistic harmonious journey. Gratitude opens door to passion a

  • (Ep 272) Create Your Vertical Life with Sarah Foley

    05/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    Mary has a conversation with a person who can truly change your life! Sarah Foley experienced a life-changing injury, losing the use of her legs in an ATV accident. She had a choice to make in her life and she was determined to make a difference. You were put on this earth with passions and struggles which create your purpose. It is often through our pain that our purpose is born. Learn more about her story that will inspire and encourage you to transform your obstacles into opportunities! Choose to use it all to your advantage and choose to Live Vertically!  Learn More About Sarah: Follow her on Instagram: Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook:

  • (Ep 271) Your Words Will Shape Your Future

    30/03/2023 Duration: 30min

    Words matter. They shift you and they shift others. Mary talks about how there's a shift when you start using words that matter. It is a shift from outside, someone putting something on you of what you ought to be doing. There's a shift in what you want to do and what are your choices. Learn more about these choices, the words to stay away from, and how your actions will mirror what your words are and you will begin to incorporate new actions when your words are in alignment with what you want! Get Mary's New Book Today! iTunes: Main Site: Follow Mary on Instagram: Follow Mary On Facebook:

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