Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer

(Ep 325) Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Worthiness with Coz Green



Mary Crafts welcomes Coz Green to her home for an intimate and inspiring conversation centered around personal growth, mental health, and crafting a love-filled life. As Mary and Coz delve into what it means to live fully and consciously, listeners are invited to explore the importance of the 'mental diet' and how it influences our everyday happiness and fulfillment. Coz Green shares revealing insights into how the media we consume—and indeed, the thoughts we nurture—can shape our mental well-being. With a resonant message transcending the social-political divide, Coz advocates for love as the ultimate answer, urging listeners to embrace kindness and oneness. The episode is an enlightening journey into the power of positive self-talk and its transformative effect on our lives. About Coz Green:  Coz Green is a motivational speaker and author who has a diverse professional background stretching from media broadcasting to life coaching. Coz has worked extensively in the media industry, having served at NBCUniver