Pandora's Box With Kaleah



A Deep, Soul Searching and Introspective Broadcast Addressing Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships and the Journey Back to the SELF.


  • Should We Ignore Our Natural Physical Attraction? (Break Toxic Relationship Patterns)

    03/10/2022 Duration: 36min

    Looking for love in all the wrong places?  Or are you looking for love in all the wrong feelings?  How could something that feels so right be so wrong?  Typical question for those who have a pattern of attracting toxic relationships.  Why is it after all that hard work you have done on yourself, you are still attracting the wrong mates?  Well, in this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the chemistry behind attracting a mate and how we end up with a broken picker.  Perhaps we need to trade that broken picker in for a manual device driven by our conscious assessment of a mate, rather than unconscious attractions.  For more information about Kaleah and her work please visit: Read Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships"

  • Does Light Attract Light? (How to Find ”Real” Love in an Evolving World)

    20/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    We have talked about how light attracts the darkness.  But once we have done our healing work and are in a pretty healthy place, how do we attract healthy, happy mates?  In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive down the rabbit hole of our instincts and archaic programs designed to keep our genes propagating in the gene pool, going through a period of time where we mated for business purposes or to create stable families, to our current time of sexual liberation and narcissistic attraction patterns.  Kaleah talks about the book "Cupids Poison Arrow," and the new scientific developments regarding love, romance and sex.  We are entering a new paradigm that calls for new ways of keeping our relationships alive and thriving, as well as changing our patterns of attraction so that we may find a healthy mate devoted to growing in love.  For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: Get Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery

  • How To Live in the Light (Being a Spiritual Warrior)

    13/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    In these days of spiritual warfare, it is more important than ever to have the light of understanding and awareness, to have the tools to combat evil, and the intention to be a force for good on the planet. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into narcissism, evil, and spiritual principals that help us to be the greatest light warriors.  Evil will only thrive when good men do nothing.  So pick up your spiritual sword and join the force. For more information about Kaleah and her work please visit: Get Kaleah's latest book "The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships."

  • Good and Evil, Darkness and Light

    08/09/2022 Duration: 30min

    It is difficult to deny the darkness on our planet right now, with all the murders and acts of cruelty happening on both an individual level and a global level.  Why is this happening?  What can we do? In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the topic of good and evil, narcissism, sociopathy and the entity possession that is behind it all.  It is time to open our eyes, wake up and see the truth.  The truth will set us free! For more information about Kaleah's work please visit: Get Kaleah's New Book The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships.

  • The Invisible Warrior (Understanding Your Family Roles)

    02/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    Every dysfunctional family system have the same family roles that children fall into, regardless of the type or level of dysfunction.  As I child you may have fall into the role of the Hero/Golden Child, the Scapegoat/Troublemaker, the Clown/Mascott, or the Invisible Child/Lost Child.  Can you identify with any of these.  In this episode of Pandora's Box she talks about family roles but focus's on The Invisible Child and how this role impacted her life.  For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: To check out Kaleah's Latest Book "The Path to Self Love," go here. 

  • Moving Into My Truck Camper (Flying Solo through Darkness and Light)

    13/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    In this episode of Pandora's Box Kaleah talks about her recent move into her truck camper, the release of her book "The Path to Self Love," and the journey through darkness and light. This episode expands on the importance of developing a strong and resilient relationship with the SELF and find the inner strength and courage to meet life's challenges head on.  For more information about Kaleah's work please visit: Check out Kaleah's New Book on Amazon

  • The Path To Self Love (Book Pre-launch Celebration!)

    25/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    Self love is a journey and as Kaleah prepares for the launch of her new book "The Path to Self Love" she talks a bit about that journey and the hard work of learning how to truly love yourself. The Tagline of this book is "Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships."  There is a deeper focus on what needs to be healed within ourselves to change our patterns and toxic relationship dynamics.  If you are interested in getting a FREE review copy of this book in exchange for an honest Amazon review at Launch (June 9th), Please Email Kaleah and put "review copy" in the subject line:   For more information about Kaleah's work, please visit:    

  • Dream Killers (Living Your Dreams in Spite of those who Stomp on Them)

    12/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    On the path to living the life of your dreams, there are always those who want to stomp the life out of your dreams.  These are the narcissists, addicts and often those who have failed to live their own dreams. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about her own process of living her dreams, and how you can take those steps forward, in the direction of your own dreams.  Don't let others stop you from doing what you have come here to do. For more information about Kaleah and her work, please visit:

  • Breaking Soul Contracts

    11/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Soul contracts are those agreements that we have made in another time/space for a particular purpose.  But we often keep those contracts alive when we really need to break them.  In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into soul contracts, what they are, how they serve us, and when to let them go.  For more information on Kaleah's work, to schedule counseling or coaching or find out about books and audios, please visit:  

  • The New Girlfriend (Why Wasn’t I Enough?)

    26/02/2022 Duration: 39min

    One of the most popular topics in Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, is that feeling of being immediately replaced by someone else, and how that makes you feel.  Our minds do all kinds of tricks where we devalue ourselves and imagine the "NEW" person, is untainted and perfect in the eyes of the Narcissist.  But this is far from the truth. In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into explaining what exactly is going on behind the scenes, rather than the shiny social media presentation you have been exposed to.  For more information please visit:  

  • The Hero’s Journey (Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary)

    12/02/2022 Duration: 27min

    The Hero's Journey is the journey from the child self that has adopted the programs, patterns and beliefs of its culture, to the mature adult, who has learned to walk his/her own path.  It is a journey where the old self is obliterated in order for the true self to emerge.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah delves into the archetype of the Hero and its journey through darkness, difficulty, and self betrayal, through the womb of transformation and the rebirth into its new form.  Kaleah draws from Joseph Campbell's work "The Hero of a Thousand Faces."

  • Comparison Is the Cause of All Unhappiness

    22/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    We live in a world filled with comparison and the result of our comparing ourselves to those we perceive as being somehow better than we are, we end up feeling we are somehow not enough. It was Dr. Ernest Holmes, the Founder of Science of Mind, who first said “Comparison is the Cause of All Unhappiness.”  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into our tendency to compare ourselves with others and looks at ways to turn this around so that we can create true happiness. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Releasing Our Addictions, to People, Food and Substances

    15/01/2022 Duration: 25min

    Addictions are our way of staying in denial and avoiding the pain of the past or the present.  As we release our addictions to people, food and substances, as well as other addictions, we begin to heal our deepest core wounds.  We learn to forgive ourselves for the wrongs of the past and develop a type of self-love that helps us create an amazing NOW! In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah talks about her own journey through addiction, how fasting has helped to bring more emotional pain to the surface, and how the twelve step program is helping to heal residual codependency.  For more information visit:  

  • The Path Back to Self (Living Your Best Life)

    09/01/2022 Duration: 34min

    The best way to live your best life is to make yourself a priority and take the Path Back to Self.  This is a path of self knowledge and understanding.  It involves deep inner exploration as well as making outer changes.  In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah talks about how to embark upon the Path Back to SELF and address the things that might be standing in your way of living YOUR BEST LIFE! For more information please visit:  

  • Techniques Narcissists Use to Manipulate and Control

    01/01/2022 Duration: 26min

    Narcissists are master manipulators and use many different types of techniques to control others.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah explores some of the techniques such as negging, DARVO and gaslighting so that you may be more aware and avoid falling into the narcissists trap.  For more information about Kaleah's work with narcissistic abuse and the Path Back to Self, please visit:  

  • That Lingering Pain (Why Won’t it Go Away?)

    19/12/2021 Duration: 35min

    When recovering from Narcissistic Abuse, the pain and the heartache can last a long time.  As much as we would love to put the nightmare behind us, sometimes it holds on like a parasite that just won't let go of its hold. In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into why we hold onto this lingering pain, or why this pain holds onto us.  She gives the top seven reasons that we continue to be plagued by pain, long after the relationship is over. For more information on Kaleah's work or to schedule a private session with Kaleah, please visit:

  • Borderline Personality Disorder (the all good/all bad Mother)

    11/12/2021 Duration: 20min

    Borderline Personality Disorder, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder is confusing, deceptive and soul destroying in so many ways for those who love them.  But there is actually a psychological reason that one develops BPD that may be heIpful to understand.  What is borderline and why do they split? In this episode of Pandora's Box radio, Kaleah talks about the splitting of the borderline personality into the all good, all bad Mother and how this projection actually has nothing to do with the partner that is being projected upon.  If you are a partner of a borderline or healing from borderline abuse, this will help you to understand what you have gone through.  For more information about Kaleah's work and to schedule a private session, please visit:  

  • Maybe I‘m Not So Codependent (Step Four: Fearless and Moral Searching Inventory)

    02/12/2021 Duration: 30min

    Taking a really deep look at Codependency as described in the Twelve Step Program.  Doing a fearless and searching moral inventory (step four.)  Asking the question if narcissists can also be codependent?  How to make healthy choices and continue moving toward recovery. In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah delves into step four and explores her own process of looking deeply at Codependent behaviors. For more information about Kaleah's work go to:  

  • In All Honesty (Getting Really Honest with Yourself)

    19/11/2021 Duration: 25min

    The most powerful way for people with Codependent Traits to heal and recover is to get really honest with themselves.  This allows us to face our dragons, and change those parts of ourselves that get in the way of our having healthy, happy relationships.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah gets honest about her own dysfunctional relationship patterns and talks about the power of recovery to change these patterns. For more information please visit:  

  • The Day of Reckoning (When the Need for Recovery Becomes Clear!)

    14/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    The Day of Reckoning is the day when someone who needs recovery in their lives comes up against the circumstances that force them to look at themselves in a way they never did before.  It is the "Wake UP" call.  It is the day when one realizes he or she can't go back to the way it was.  They can only move forward to something more sustainable and healthy. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah dives into this important time when denial comes crashing down and the truth of one's need for healing and recovery is exposed.  For more information please visit:

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