Pandora's Box With Kaleah



A Deep, Soul Searching and Introspective Broadcast Addressing Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships and the Journey Back to the SELF.


  • Toxic Empathy (Do You Absorb Other People’s Emotions?)

    11/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    Do you consider yourself to be an empath or have high levels of empathy? Well there is a dark side to being empathic? We always hear about the narcissist and the empath. It isn't just being an empath that attracts the narcissist or keeps us in relationship with one, it is toxic empathy. In this video, Kaleah does a deep dive into the topic of toxic empathy and how we can recognize it in ourselves and take steps to move beyond it, letting go of your end of the rope and allowing others their own healing process, whether or not they have a desire to heal. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: (for counseling, coaching, hypnotherapy, books, and hypnosis audio downloads, as well as articles and information. Coaching with Kaleah Website Sign up for the Mailing list and Get a FREE Ebook "Unleashing Your Success: Unlock the Secrets to Achieving Extraordinary Results," Pandoras Box Radio Podcast: Get Kaleah’

  • How to Get Beyond Obsession and Ruminating after Narcissistic Abuse

    01/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    How do you get beyond the painful obsession and rumination that happens after a relationship with a narcissist? Well, in this video Kaleah does a deep dive into what is behind the obsession and how to move away from it.   After the last podcast where Kaleah talked about how it is important to pay attention to where our energy and attention is focused and how most people struggling to overcome patterns of narcissistic abuse remain in a hyper-focused, obsessive state for a period of time.  She felt it was important to address this topic further to help people who feel stuck in obsession and rumination.   For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: (for counseling, coaching, hypnotherapy, books, and hypnosis audio downloads, as well as articles and information. Podcast: Hypnosis downloads Watch Kaleah on Youtube: Latest book:  Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Tox

  • How I Changed my Patterns of Attracting the Narcissist

    22/07/2023 Duration: 19min

    I have been a specialist in Narcissistic Abuse and Narcissism for twenty years and although very knowledgeable and experienced in the field, I was still attracting narcissists into my life, until I figured out why. It isn't what you might think and nobody in the field is really talking about this. There is one thing that you have to change to stop attracting narcissists and stop being a narcissist magnet. Here is more information on my work: (for counseling, coaching, hypnotherapy, books, and hypnosis audio downloads, as well as articles and information. Watch on YouTube: Podcast: Hypnosis downloads Latest book:

  • How Evil Uses Narcissists to Destroy You!

    16/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    Are Narcissists Evil?  Or does Evil merely use the weakness and hunger of a narcissist to manipulate them?  In this podcast I explore narcissism and evil and talk about how you can heal and recover after being touched by Evil, or rather destroyed by it.  We delve into NPD or narcissistic personality disorder versus a person having sold his/her soul to the devil, so to speak.    For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: (for counseling, coaching, hypnotherapy, books, and hypnosis audio downloads, as well as articles and information.   Podcast:   Hypnosis downloads   Latest book:

  • Overcoming Lack and Limitation (It’s Time for a Shift)

    28/06/2023 Duration: 32min

    We are often unaware of how we create the difficult circumstances in our lives by what we think and believe about ourselves and what we deserve. In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah talks about how to develop a powerful wealth consciousness mindset and live an "inspired" life. This includes how to change the type of person you attract into your life, the type of relationships you have wtih yourself and others. For more information about Kaleah and her work go to:

  • The Power of the True Self to Crush the Narcissistic Archetype

    19/06/2023 Duration: 20min

    Exploring Narcissism as an archetype of lack of self awareness, empathy and EQ, to name a few.  Narcissism is prevalent in our society to day and if we don't wake up to who we really are and crush it, it will crush us.   In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the narcissistic archetype and how we can recognize it and take back our power.  We can join the consciousness movement, awaken to our true self, claim our authentic power and stand up to narcissism once and for all.  This is not just for those struggling with a narcissist in your personal life.  This is for all of us struggling with Global narcissism and the impact it is having on our society.  Those of us who understand narcissism can see it rearing its ugly head all over the planet and who better to bring down the beast then those who understand it.   For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • The Power of Hypnosis (Using Hypnotherapy to Make Huge Changes in Your Life)

    03/05/2023 Duration: 22min

    Kaleah Celebrates 35 years as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by talking about its power to transform lives, how she has used it in helping people heal trauma, cut psychic cords, retrieve lost parts of themselves and change negative programming.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into hypnotherapy and also talks about the launch of her new business to provide a series of hypnotherapy audio downloads, to include the downloads that are already available.  This will allow people who can't afford one-on-one sessions to take advantage of the power of repetition and hypnosis through the daily listening of these programs.  For more information about Kaleah and her work, or to book a counseling/coaching/hypnotherapy session please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love," 

  • Do Narcissists Know What They are Doing?

    22/04/2023 Duration: 37min

    Some people may answer, without ever listening to this podcast "YES!"  They know what they are doing.  However Narcissism is a very complex thing to understand, and when we attempt to understand from our own mindset, perspective or empathy, we are likely to miss the mark.  Narcissists don't view the world through the same eyes that most people do, therefore we have to be careful not to project our own world view, or mindset onto people who are narcissistic.  In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into the mindset of a narcissist, how narcissism is on a spectrum and why many narcissists you will encounter are relatively "clueless" as to how their actions and behavior affect others.  The more you know, the more you can "let go," and release yourself from the crazy making mindset of a narcissist.  For more information about Kaleah and her work, or to book a counseling/coaching/hypnotherapy session please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path

  • The Ultimate Forgiveness (Reclaiming your Heart and Soul)

    10/04/2023 Duration: 37min

    Forgiveness is something I have talked about a lot in my podcasts and will continue to talk about because it is such an important piece to finding PEACE.  We need to continue to learn about forgiveness and how to take back the parts of ourselves that were lost, stolen or given away. In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into another layer of forgiveness, talking about breaking "no contact," having people come back from the past and finding letters from the past at a time she needed to heal another layer.  How can we forgive without caving, crumbling or inviting someone back into our life who doesn't belong there?  How can we soften without allowing our vulnerability to be a weakness?  These questions and more are answered in this podcast.  For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love," 

  • My Early Drive to Understand Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists (Part 2)

    21/03/2023 Duration: 25min

    This is part 2 of the deep dive, where Kaleah talks about how she became fascinated with understanding the mind of a sociopath and psychopath when Ted Bundy was killing women near where she lived, and again when the South Hill Rapist in Spokane, Washington was raping women in her neighborhood.  She shares how she dated a sociopath and how she learned about narcissism.   In this two part deep dive, Kaleah also talks about how we can protect ourselves from encounters with these types of people.  For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love," 

  • My Early Drive to Understand Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists (Part 1)

    12/03/2023 Duration: 30min

    Kaleah talks about how she became fascinated with understanding the mind of a sociopath and psychopath when Ted Bundy was killing women near where she lived, and again when the South Hill Rapist in Spokane, Washington was raping women in her neighborhood.  She shares how she dated a sociopath and how she learned about narcissism.   In this two part deep dive, Kaleah also talks about how we can protect ourselves from encounters with these types of people.  For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love," 

  • Am I Relationship Ready? (Creating Healthy Relationships)

    27/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    If you have had a pattern of attracting or being attracted to narcissists and other toxic relationship partners, and have worked on your SELF, when will you know when you are ready to get back out there?   In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into understanding your SELF and your own relationship patterns so that you know how to navigate the uncertain world of dating and fostering new relationships. For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love," 

  • BE True to YOU! How to Deal with a Lying Cheating, or Narcissistic Partner

    10/02/2023 Duration: 22min

    If you have had to deal with a partner who lies, cheats or is narcissistic a lot of pain and trauma can result.  But no matter what the issue with a partner is, we must ultimately cultivate that relationship with our SELF, continually working towards our own authenticity and self love.  In this episode of "Pandoras Box Radio," Kaleah gives insight and information on how to deal with partners who aren't truly partnering with you, and how to be your own partner or partner with God or the divine within.  For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love,"

  • Dreams (What Are They and How Do We Make Sense of Them?)

    27/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this Episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the world of dreams, looking at the different types of dreams, their symbology and how we can use our dreams to help us understand better what is going on within us.  A look at lucid dreams, prophetic dreams, flying dreams, violent dreams, and the symbols we find in dreams such as a house or a car.   If you keep a dream journal you will be able to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and what your psyche is trying to communicate to you.  It will give you insight into the fears that hold you back and where you are paralyzed.  You will learn how you can use your dreams to work through pain, trauma and fear, to take back your power and know who you are! For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love,"

  • Letting Go of Your Inner Victim (It’s not your fault! But it is your responsibility!)

    13/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    Many people who struggle to break free of Narcissistic Abuse, get stuck in being a victim and never fully learn to be empowered.  In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into the unconscious role of victim that is being played out in certain family dynamics and how to take back your power and break free.   For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love,"

  • Starting Over (Be All You Can Be in 2023)

    30/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    The great thing about every new year, is it is an opportunity to re-evaluate your life and make a new start.  Yes, it is the time of New Years Resolutions, but most people only keep their Resolutions for a couple weeks and then they resort back to their old ways of doing things.  Perhaps this is a year to NOT be "most people," and find out what you need to do to make a fresh start, re-create yourself, and live your best life! In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about why we don't keep our commitments to ourselves, why we fail, the inner parent, the inner narcissist and those aspects of us that keep us stuck.  She gives practical ways for you to face the dragons of the past, change your internal dialogue and rise up out of the old patterns. For more information on Kaleah's work, please visit: Order Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love,"

  • Running from the Shadow (Winter Solstice, Holy Days, Rebirth of the Light)

    13/12/2022 Duration: 31min

    As we enter into the Holiday Season we meet our darkest night, either literally or symbolically.  We are moving into the heart of Winter with the Solstice marking the longest day of darkness, before the return of the sun.  It is a time for going within and quiet reflection, but also a time where our shadow comes up to meet us.  We can either gracefully face it or turn around and run. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the shadow aspects, and how we must befriend our inner dragon, find our true self and bring it out into the light.  She talks about the symbolic meaning of Christ and what Jesus really came to show us.  It is something worth celebrating during these Holy days.  Kaleah ends this episode with her own version of Silent Night that she recorded in 2008 and still sings today. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: Buy Kaleah's Latest Book "The Path to Self Love" on Amazon.

  • Living in a Fantasy (From Love Bombing to Real Love)

    20/11/2022 Duration: 28min

    Most of us grow up on Fantasy, which becomes part of the way we deal with the pain and suffering in the real world.  But it also causes us to be ripe for loving bombing and fantasy based relationships. In this Episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into understanding how we build our lives around fantasy, seeking fantasy love partners, rescuing and escape.  You will learn how to wake up to reality and build a life that is solid and based on reality.  You can learn more about Kaleah and her work at : Buy Kaleah's Latest Book "The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships."

  • Four Months in a Truck Camper (The Solitary Journey)

    21/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    In June of 2022, I left my home in Arizona and headed to the cool mountain air of Colorado in my truck camper, where I would spend the next four months.  Taking such a solitary journey brings us in touch with our deepest selves and also the enemy of our progress.  In this episode, Kaleah talks about the inner and outer challenges of her journey and the greatest lessons learned embracing loneliness and finding solitude.  Visit: Check out Kaleah's New Book: The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships. 

  • The Sacredness of Celibacy and the Lost Art of Courtship

    11/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    When you are working on breaking toxic relationship patterns, a period of celibacy can be really healing as you focus your attention and energy on the inner worlds rather than getting that "attention" from the outside.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about staying true to yourself and your authenticity, and possibly embracing a period of celibacy that will not be broken until you feel it is a healthy and self respecting choice to make.  Kaleah also talks about getting back to Courting a potential mate, and getting to know him/her slowly, over time.  For more information on Kaleah's work please visit: Read Kaleah's New Book "The Path to Self Love, Soul Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships"

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