Pandora's Box With Kaleah



A Deep, Soul Searching and Introspective Broadcast Addressing Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships and the Journey Back to the SELF.


  • The Journey of the Scapegoat

    22/03/2021 Duration: 43min

    The Scapegoat is typically the person who is the negative focus for a person or systems repressed emotions.  Scapegoats are loaded up with the burdens of society, or a community and sent out into the wild alone to fend for themselves.  What is life like for a scapegoat?  In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the life journey of a scapegoat and how you can take back your power, shed the role and live a life that is true and authentic. For more information, please visit:  

  • When Your Adult Children Are Narcissistic or Codependent

    14/03/2021 Duration: 26min

    Children are a product of their environment and we are all effected by the environment we grow up in.  So what happens when you begin to realize that your adult children are showing signs of narcissistic personality or are strongly Codependent?  What happens when you realize you have a dysfunctional relationship with your adult children?  And what happens if your children have abandoned their relationship with you. In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into painful and dysfunctional relationships with adult children and what you can do to heal these relationships and yourself. 

  • Healing the Abandonment Wound

    05/03/2021 Duration: 27min

    Abandonment is one of the Universal Fears shared by every living being.  We often have this feeling like we were dropped off on this strange planet and left here.  We often feel disconnected and alone, craving that connection to something beyond our reach.  We may find some comfort and connection in our human relationships, but even in these relationships we often feel abandoned, left behind, unwanted and unloved. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about where this intense fear of abandonment comes from and six steps you can use to heal it.  For Kaleah's NEW Hypnosis Download Called "Healing the Abandonment Wound" please visit the link below: For more on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Loving Yourself First (Healing the Inner Child)

    19/02/2021 Duration: 28min

    When we are at odds with ourselves, ridden with anxiety and struggling with strong feelings of shame and low self worth, those feelings are only likely to increase when we enter into a relationship.  In order to have a healthy relationship with someone else, we need to foster a healthy relationship with ourselves. In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into Self Love and Healing the Inner Child as a path to healthy relationships. For more information please visit:  

  • Searching for Happiness (What is the Key to Happiness?)

    13/02/2021 Duration: 22min

    Ideally we all just want to be happy, right?  But what is the secret to happiness?  What is the key?  Well, it is really much easier than most of us think.  It isn't about chasing after some goal post that keeps moving.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah unlocks the key to happiness and gives some really simple and practical things you can do today to increase your happiness factor. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Why Narcissists and Energy Vampires Steal Your Light

    01/02/2021 Duration: 19min

    Are you feeling drained and sucked dry after a relationship with a narcissist or energy vampire?  In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah talks about energy and how vampiric entities need to take light from others to survive.  Learn what you can do to protect yourself and take back your power! For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:

  • Having an Honest Relationship with Yourself!

    23/01/2021 Duration: 21min

    In order to have an honest relationship with yourself, you have to really know who you are.  This involves some deep self reflection. Once you begin to know yourself, you can begin to be honest with yourself and be true to yourself, In this Episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah reflects on what it means to be honest with yourself and how to achieve radical self honesty! For more information please visit:  

  • Navigating the Insanity

    14/01/2021 Duration: 21min

    In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about the current energies on the planet around the Pandemic and Political environment, what we can do to keep our energy high and focus on the change we want to see in the world.   For more information please visit:  

  • Reboot Yourself for 2021

    31/12/2020 Duration: 29min

    Although New Years resolutions are thought to be a commitment, most people are not really committed to the change they seek.  Because such change involves stepping out of their comfort zones and do what is necessary to make that change, even when it is uncomfortable, unfamiliar or takes energy that one doesn’t feel he or she has. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about the power of doing a reboot and using this time to face those parts of ourselves that get in our way of making permanent, positive changes in our lives. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Return of the Light (Winter Solstice Transformation)

    18/12/2020 Duration: 22min

    In this Podcast, Kaleah speaks about the Winter Solstice, the year of 2020, the Astrological Event that is happening on December 21st, 2020, the Age of Aquarius, and the powerful metamorphosis time we are in.  The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, but it also marks a very powerful time of Global Transformation into a New Age.  This is the time of the great awakening to our true selves and our divine purpose for being here...

  • Does a Narcissist Have a Multiple Personality? (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

    11/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    In this episode of Pandoras Box we go deeper down the rabbit hole of the Dark side of the pathological narcissist and ask the question, Is there multiple personality disorder present within the narcissist personality disorder?  Multiple Personality Disorder, now called Dissociative Personality Disorder is found to be present in other personality disorders such as borderline, avoidant and narcissistic personality disorder.  Lets explore this connection on a deeper level. For more information visit:  

  • The Confusing Matrix of Truth; Aligning with Your Intuitive Nature

    28/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    In these crazy times on the planet it may be difficult to know what is truth and what is fiction.  How do you know what the truth really is? In this episode of Pandora's Box Radio, Kaleah talks about listening to your own intuition and inner guidance and how this deep, knowing aspect of yourself will lead you to the truth that is important for you to align with. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Soul Recovery! Living a Soul Centered Life

    20/11/2020 Duration: 17min

    Soul loss is one of the most challenging issues when recovering from narcissistic abuse, addiction or trauma.  We may experience soul rape and feel very disconnected from our deeper selves. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about what it is like to lose your soul, how to recovery your soul and live a soul centered life.  To schedule a Soul Recovery with Kaleah, visit: To download the Soul Retrieval Self Hypnosis Audio Program visit: For More Information visit

  • Healing the Great Divide (The Polarization of the U.S. & the Globe)

    13/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    We are in a chaotic time of polarization of the people in the United States and the rest of the World.  People are swinging one direction or another and lashing out at those who don't share their beliefs.  As a Nation, and as a people, we are divided.  How do we heal this great divide? In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah talks about the state of our world and gives practical ways to heal the divide in ourselves and with others who we feel divided against.  For more information please visit:  

  • How Our Deepest Pain Leads to Our Greatest Healing

    06/11/2020 Duration: 28min

    Pain is something we all want to avoid.  We don’t like it!  We don’t like the way it feels.  It is human nature to avoid pain and seek pleasure.  We have never really learned the tools of tolerating our pain, let alone embracing it as a pathway to our healing. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah talks about how we can learn to tolerate our pain and use it as an avenue to our healing and awakening. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:

  • Dancing with the Shadow

    30/10/2020 Duration: 19min

    Our Shadow is the aspect of us that is hidden in our subconscious mind.  It has a stronger influence on our behavior and what we create in our lives than anything else.  This is why understanding our shadow is a key part of healing and growing in awareness. In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, Kaleah does a deep dive into the shadow, teaching you how to embrace it and dance with it rather than try and ignore or eliminate it. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:

  • The Role of the Dark Night of the Soul in Human Metamorphosis

    24/10/2020 Duration: 28min

    The Dark Night of the Soul is a kind of human metamorphosis taking us from our former caterpillar state to our expanded butterfly state.  We are currently undergoing both a Global and a personal dark night of the soul which requires us to be aware in order to navigate with greater ease. In this episode of Pandora's Box, Kaleah talks about current global conditions and the dark night of the soul we are entering as a collective.  As our former reality dismantles, the new reality is born. For more information on Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Boundaries, Borders and Walls

    16/10/2020 Duration: 34min

    How do you set healthy boundaries?  And what is the difference between boundaries, borders and walls? In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into the topic of boundaries in our relationships and how they are important in sustaining healthy relationships with others. For more information about Kaleah's work please visit:  

  • Is It Love or is it Longing?

    09/10/2020 Duration: 29min

    Many people trapped in a toxic relationship dynamic may believe that they are "in love" when really they are caught up in a feeling of longing for that which they do not have.  In this episode of Pandoras Box, Kaleah does a deep dive into why we often interpret the uncomfortable feelings of longing as love and how we can change the dynamic in ourselves. For more information about Kaleah's work, please visit  

  • What is Codependency Really? And How To Heal It!

    25/09/2020 Duration: 33min

    Codependency has become a bit of a buzz word in our society but do you really know what it is and how it might be showing up in your life?  If you are struggling in your personal relationships or repeating the same patterns in your significant relationships, you may be codependent.  In this episode of Pandoras Box Radio, I am doing a deep dive into the topic of Codependency, what it is and how we can heal.    For more information on my work please visit:  

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