Power Trading Radio is a daily progressive trader focused program, hosted by long time trader Merlin Rothfeld, who offers expert analysis of the market from a traders perspective. Fueled by Online Trading Academy, the show is designed to take average investors and give them the skills that they need for real success. The show covers issues relating to Stocks, Forex, Futures, Options, Wealth Management, Retirement Planning, IRAs and more.
Facebook Float & Global Currencies: What You Need to Know
27/06/2012 Duration: 36minAddressing a listener question, Merlin starts things off with a look at the Facebook IPO and some interesting details that anyone holding FB shares should take into consideration. Much of which is not very talked about in the industry and may actually lead to further decline in share price. Later, questions pour in regarding currencies which Merlin tackles one by one including: EURO, Yen, Pound and more. Much of the global turmoil is still squarely focused on Europe, which appears to be getting more bad news every day. This negative pressure could continue to push traders to buy the US dollar thus pushing domestic equity prices down even further.
The Trend is Your Friend! But Which Trend?!?
26/06/2012 Duration: 36minAs the international markets get hit more bad news and fear, US equities also take a hit. Merlin takes a look at a frequently inquired about security, Research In Motion as a potential buying opportunity. Later in the show John Barrett, talks about market trends and defining before you trade which one is pertinent to your trading style. He runs through his 3-5 day swing trade methodology and explains why he uses the charts he does to get a clearer picture of what his security may do. PowerPick: USO
Inflation or Deflation? Does it Matter???
23/06/2012 Duration: 36minBack together, the dynamic duo of Merlin Rothfeld and John O’Donnell take a look at one of the hotter topics hitting the financial markets over the last few months. The debate over Inflation vs. Deflation. Running through much of the recent economic data, it suggests that in fact Deflation is more prevalent than Inflation, but that could change at any time. Regardless on which side of the fence you are standing on, money is to be made in both market conditions! Merlin and John break down the two components and offer trading solutions depending on what market environment you find yourself in.
Big Brokers Strike Again
22/06/2012 Duration: 37min3 months after Goldman Sachs called it “The buying opportunity of this generation”, they told the world to Short the markets! This, and very poor economic data, caused one of the largest intraday selloffs we have seen in years. Merlin addresses this issue as well as answering a listener question about how to put in Limit Short orders into the market. Paul Orme joins the show to help Merlin answer a complex listener question regarding her IRA and the Brokerage firm it is held with. Paul offers solutions to her High Fees and poor advice in the form of a rule based investment strategy. PowerPick: AUDUSD
Playing the Channel
21/06/2012 Duration: 36minJust about every college text book tells you to find the good companies and buy long. Yet there are significant amounts of money to be made when markets do nothing but go sideways! With a thorough understanding of how options function, and a few basic strategies, one can profit when the security does nothing at all! Steve Moses joins Merlin to talk about how the present market conditions have him using this tactic in his personal account, as well as offering us a window into his Options class in Milwaukee this week. Merlin also tackles a listener question regarding Monetary and Fiscal policy, and the ominous “Fiscal Cliff”.
The Currency Wars
20/06/2012 Duration: 36minMarket volatility has been creeping back up to the highest levels this year, much obliged to the dramatic moves in the currency markets. This volatility has made for some incredible trading opportunities both long and short, and from the looks of it, may continue for quite some time! Merlin and guest Steve Misic take a look at some of the modifications they have made recenty to take full advantage of these swings, as well as which currency pairs have been offering the best trading. Steve addresses the continuing love of the Yen, and then talks about how the Olympics could create boom in the Pound.
Wall Street Myths
19/06/2012 Duration: 36minJohn O’Donnell interviews Roger Best, OTA Instructor of the Year Award by peers in 2009. We discuss Wall St. myths: order flow, dark pool and high frequency trading liquidity providers. Why does Roger teach if he is so good at trading? Roger and John dispel the myths from reality. Thanks Roger. You Rock Online Trading Academy’s world with your passion, focus, and expertise to share with our grads!!
Austrian Economics
16/06/2012 Duration: 37minJohn O'Donnell interviews Dr. Walter Block the award winning Dean of Austrian School Economics from Loyola University in New Orleans and fame. We discuss the challenges to our global mess and Austrian solution put forward by Mises, Hayek and Rothbard. Visit for indepth writing on these topics and for free PDFs on his 900+ articles. Walter gives his critique of the inflation v deflation debate and it’s impact on the global credit and equity markets. Walter explains why fractional reserve bank is not a fix, and why we need to return to gold standard. Walter opines on the Euro mess and how to fix it.
The Silver Report
15/06/2012 Duration: 37minGuest host John O'Donnell interviews David Morgan of The Morgan Report which is a precious metals newsletter. They discuss supply vs demand fundamentals for silver, how to invest in silver, value of ETFs for silver exposure risks v rewards. Dave opines on the inflation vs deflation debate and why he believes inflation is the real risk ahead. They also discuss the role of Precious Metals in Asia.
Teaching and Trading with Pro Picks
13/06/2012 Duration: 37minMerlin starts the show off by addressing a recurring question regarding a highly touted product with crazy returns: the 801k. After explaining what this fictitious product is, Merlin breaks it down as just another sensational marketing ploy to get traders to shell out more money. Tillie Allison joins the show from her Futures class in San Jose California. Tillie talks about how she used a recent Pro Pick to help set up a trade that her class took and capitalized on a great market move to the downside. Later, the duo dive into more trade analysis from Tillie’s playbook.
Secrets of a Great Trading Class
13/06/2012 Duration: 37minWalking the halls of Online Trading Academy today, Merlin stopped several times outside the door of Options trading class in Irvine California. The class was constantly buzzing with energy, excitement, collaboration and education. The ringmaster, Jerry Baldwin, had created a prosperous trading environment which had to be seen to be believed! Merlin invites Jerry into the studio to talk about his trading background, and what caused such an incredible energy level in his classroom. Jerry runs through his trading style, and highlights the importance of multiple asset classes as odds enhancers when trading.
Back in the Saddle Again
12/06/2012 Duration: 37minMerlin returns from Dallas to host Power Trading Radio, in a session that covers stocks, commodities, and currencies! After a quick overview of the highs and lows from the Traders Expo, Merlin takes a look at the fierce market selloff and offers some thoughts on where it might be headed next. Later, several listener questions are answered regarding commodities, including: Gold, Silver, Oil. While these assets are very important, Merlin shifts focus to the US Dollar as a greater force in the markets, and one that will continue to have a profound impact on the market all the way until the November election.
Weekend Edition with Guest Host John O’Donnell
08/06/2012 Duration: 37minJohn O’Donnell of Online Trading Academy and Power Trading Radio guest host interviews Jim Puplava of Puplava Financial Services Group. PFSG is a family of three companies—Puplava Financial Services, Inc. (Registered Investment Advisor), Puplava Securities, Inc. (broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC), and Financial Sense® (investor education)—each sharing the same goal: to provide exceptional asset management and educational resources that help investors build, maintain and preserve their wealth. PFS Group manages over $390 million for more than 850 clients (as of March 31, 2012; account values fluctuate with market conditions). Jim, also an Online Trading Academy graduate, and John O’Donnell discuss the inflation versus deflation pundit forecasters, gold stock vs bullion and how to use Online Trading Academy’s supply and demand zone core strategies in your trading/investing decisions to protect your capital and prosper.
Guest Host John O'Donnell entertains a LIVE Studio Audience
07/06/2012 Duration: 36minJO and guest Darek Zelek , an OTA instructor, discuss his pioneering work in India to teach classes on their markets. JO and Darek discuss the role of gold as “real money” in a fiat currency world gone wild with inflation, deflation, corruption, and uncertainty. An OTA class from the Irvine Center joins the show today as an in-studio audience and gets questions answered by John and Darek.
Commercial Traders
07/06/2012 Duration: 36minFutures was the focus. Mike and Don talked primarily about the COT - commitment of traders report and how it shows the power of the commercial traders . These traders pull 675 of the daily weight in commodities and need to be watched. Don pointed out that we all need to have some exposure in these markets as they are the fabric of our lives.
The Singapore Perspective
06/06/2012 Duration: 37minMike McMahon was host with Bert Antonik from singapore. Focus of the show was the problems in the EEU and the dropping EURUSD. Bert brought in a different perspective on the EUR and how China was already gearing up for a EEU re-organization. Mike and Bert looked at some of the Asian RIM FX pairs.
The Calm Before The Storm?
05/06/2012 Duration: 37minA lack of economic reports and global news made for a relatively quiet trading day, leaving the Dow and S&P relatively unchanged, and the NASDAQ up .46%. As the G7 emergency meeting tries to clear up some of the European ailments, traders are anticipating more volatility over the coming weeks as Greece heads into its Election process. 26 year CBOE Floor Trader Michael Young joins Merlin Rothfeld to share his thoughts on the above issues as well as his prognosis for future market activity. Listener questions range from Trading in the after hours session, plight of the euro and stock BWA.
Weekend Edition
02/06/2012 Duration: 37minAs the markets tank and global investors escalate their panic, Merlin & John shed some light on what is happening out there to cause such fervor. President of Stock Trader’s Almanac, Jeffrey A. Hirsch joins the show to talk about his book “Super Boom” which calls for the Dow to hit 38,820 by 2025, as well as his upcoming book “Little Book of Stock Market Cycles” due out in august 2012. Jeffrey shares his thoughts and vast statistical market knowledge with listeners on where this bearish market cycle will take us before we see some buying opportunities which could begin his forecasted Super Boom. The trio also talk about Europe, Bonds and several other topics, all backed up with market stats.
Betting on Bonds
01/06/2012 Duration: 37minIn response to several listener questions regarding the usage of Bonds in their portfolio, Tillie Allison and Merlin Rothfeld take a look at bond basics. What they are, how to use them, single bonds vs. funds, and the risks associated with them. Tillie emphasizes the importance of bonds, yet urges each investor to take a look at their holdings and determine what their Rate-Of-Return needs to be in order to retire the way they hope to. This can be achieved by using free calculators available at Online Trading Academy, and should be done by EVERYONE, regardless of what your level of involvement you have in your investments.
Different Weapons for a Different War
31/05/2012 Duration: 37minListener favorite Steve Moses joins Merlin for a show tailored around trading Options. On his previous visit Steve touched on Naked options, discussing their risks and rewards. This proved to be a little rich for listeners who simply didn’t have the capital to make those types of trades. Steve walks listeners through a trade he is currently in called a Bear Spread Trade on the S&P 500. This trade is significant because your stock can go up, down or sideways and you can still get paid, assuming you set the trade up correctly, and it uses up a LOT less margin that naked Options. Tune in to learn more!