Power Trading Radio - A Trader's Perspective On Investing In Stocks, Futures, Forex, Options Podcast

Weekend Edition with Guest Host John O’Donnell



John O’Donnell of Online Trading Academy and Power Trading Radio guest host interviews Jim Puplava of Puplava Financial Services Group. PFSG is a family of three companies—Puplava Financial Services, Inc. (Registered Investment Advisor), Puplava Securities, Inc. (broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC), and Financial Sense® (investor education)—each sharing the same goal: to provide exceptional asset management and educational resources that help investors build, maintain and preserve their wealth.  PFS Group manages over $390 million for more than 850 clients (as of March 31, 2012; account values fluctuate with market conditions). Jim, also an Online Trading Academy graduate, and John O’Donnell discuss the inflation versus deflation pundit forecasters, gold stock vs bullion and how to use Online Trading Academy’s supply and demand zone core strategies in your trading/investing decisions to protect your capital and prosper.