Star Wars: Delusions Of Granular

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 184:36:20
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We discuss everything Star Wars. From the original trilogy to speculation on the sequels and everything in between. No stone will be left unturned in the Star Wars universe. More than just the latest news and rumors. With each episode well focus on a new topic of the Star Wars saga and discuss it at a truly microscopic level. Listen to all of our shows at Email us at


  • 138 - The Sequel That Never Was

    29/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    When George Lucas was making the original Star Wars movie, he had no idea if it was going to be a success or a giant flop. He planned for the future by having author Alan Dean Foster write a sequel novel to A New Hope. But this is not the story of The Empire Strike Back. Instead it is the story of Luke and Leia on a mission to track down a mysterious crystal that amplifies the Force. Meanwhile Darth Vader is tracking them down and it becomes a race to see who gets to the crystal first. Obviously this novel doesn't fit in any canon and yet it remains popular and continues to be published even today. Ron takes a look at this novel and it's historic impact on the Star Wars saga!

  • 137 - Perilous Parallels

    26/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Steve continues exploring the comic book series Star Wars: Dark Times. Taking place after Revenge of the Sith, the Empire is still hunting down the remaining Jedi. This arc follows two separate paths. One path follows ex Jedi Master Dass Jennir, the other follows Bomo Greenbark and his crew as they try to survive in these...dark times.

  • 136 - What The Duck?!

    20/05/2016 Duration: 45min

    Delusions of Granular has been exploring George Lucas's post-Return of the Jedi contributions to cinema. In previous episodes, we got granular with the theme park movie, Captain EO and the David Bowie classic, labyrinth but nothing could prepare us for the epic awfulness of the 1986 film he produced, Howard The Duck. Based on the Marvel comic book from the 1970's, Lucas wanted to make this movie even before he was done with the original trilogy. When he finally got around to making it, it was the mid-80's and times have changed. But what makes this movie so reviled by critics and audiences alike? After watching it, Ron gives you his analysis of this film as well as giving you a brief history of all things Howard. Is this a misunderstood movie or is it truly worthy of all the negativity is received? Find out as we get granular with Howard The Duck!

  • 135 - A Shot In The Dark Times

    18/05/2016 Duration: 26min

    Dark Horse was synonymous with Star Wars comics for many years until Marvel took it back. Steve takes a look at the Dark Times... No, it wasn't that bad. He actually reads the series title Star Wars: Dark Times. Published around 2006, this comic takes place during the Rise of the Empire era. Find out from Steve if this comic series is worth tracking down and reading and as always, stay granular!

  • 134 - Standing In The Shadows Of The Empire

    14/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Funded through Kickstarter, Elstree 1976 is a documentary that focuses on the bit players from the original Star Wars movies. The actors beneath the masks get their chance to tell their stories about a film they had no idea was going to become the cultural phenomenon that it became. Hear from the actors that played Greedo, Darth Vader, Biggs and more. Did their roles in Star Wars have an effect on their lives? Listen as Ron gets granular with this documentary and let's you know if this is worth watching or not. 

  • 133 - Bloodlines In The Sand

    11/05/2016 Duration: 39min

    Steve beats Ron to the punch and finishes the new novel, Star Wars: Bloodline. This new canon book gives us more information to what happened to the New Republic before The Force Awakens and how the First Order and the Resistance were formed. For that alone, this seems like a book worth reading but find out from Steve if this is worth your time or not. Stay Granular!

  • 132 - Debunk It!

    08/05/2016 Duration: 28min

    Rumors and Star Wars go hand-in-hand but some are a little more far fetched than others. Ron and Jp go into this episode wanting to believe the crazy rumor floating around about the true identity of Rey. But things quickly fall apart. Join SWDOG as they get granular and then get crazy!

  • 131 - A-Mazed & Confused

    01/05/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    When David Bowie passed away earlier this year, SWDOG promisedwe would watch Labyrinth in honor of his portrayal of the GoblinKing. This movie that came out in 1986 was mostly created by JimHenson but George Lucas produced it and maybe even edited a versionof it. But it wasn't the success that everyone was hoping for.We're there too many creative minds involved? Were people growingtired of movies with puppets? Or was the creepy vibe of this moviejust too much for folks? Join Jp who's watched this movie since hewas a kid and Ron who's just watched it for the first time as theyget granular with Labyrinth!

  • 130 - Flashpointers!

    27/04/2016 Duration: 35min

    Steve continues his deep dive into Legends. This week he reads Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 2 - Flashpoint. Moving forward where the last volume left off Steve lets you know if these books based off the popular video game are worth your while. 

  • 129 - Who's Ur Momma?

    24/04/2016 Duration: 22min

    With the release of a teaser for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story highlighting Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso, people are starting to wonder if this could be Rey's mom. Ron weighs in with his thoughts about this, the prominence of female protagonists in Star Wars movies as well as a crazy rumor about who Rey really is in Episode VIII. Join SWDOG as we get granular with the family ties of the Star Wars universe!

  • 128 - Let's Get It Astartes!

    20/04/2016 Duration: 32min

    Another story arc of Marvel's Darth Vader has wrapped up and our resident reviewer Steve "The Sheev" Shinder is all over it. Join Steve as he gets granular with Darth Vader and the Shu-Torun War. 

  • 127 - Caught Red-Handed

    16/04/2016 Duration: 34min

    The long-awaited story about how C-3PO got his red arm seen in The Force Awakens has been released. Being told in a special one-shot issue from Marvel some of us doubted that this was ever coming out. It was delayed numerous times but now that it's here is it worth our time. Ron and Steve gave it a read and they share their thoughts about this issue (hint: they wish that Lego's Droid Tales were in canon instead). 

  • 126 - Alienthology

    13/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    In a galaxy far, far away...there were aliens! This week on Delusions of Granular Steve takes a look at the new book, Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away Volume I: Aliens which collects a bunch of short stories (some previously released) about the weird aliens from The Force Awakens. Join Steve as he gets granular with all these strange creatures and their stories!

  • 125 - American History Z

    10/04/2016 Duration: 31min

    In 1969, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola had a dream: to start their own studio outside of the Hollywood system. A studio where their friends could get together and work on each other's films. A hippy commune so to speak but without the hippies or the drugs. But the movies they planned on using to fund the endeavor bombed at the box office. Coppola stayed independent and Lucas became the system they hated. Join us as we get granular with the shattered hopes and dreams of American Zoetrope!

  • 124 - For Whom The Rebel Tolls

    03/04/2016 Duration: 41min

    Ahsoka, Vader, Ezra, Kanan and...Maul! There are all there for the season finale of Star Wars: Rebels, but are we on board with all of it? Join Delusions of Granular as we discuss the ending of season two of the show. The whole second half was leading up to these final moments. Moments that started in The Clone Wars. But was this the satisfying ending to these story threads or were we left with more questions? Jp and Ron try to make sense out of it all!

  • 123 - Shatterpoint of No Return

    31/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Steve takes a look at the Star Wars Legends novel, Shatterpoint. Focusing on Mace Windu and his former Padawan and fellow Jedi Master Depa Billaba, this novel has ties to Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, and the film Apocalypse Now. Even though this book by Matthew Stover is now ruled non-canon, is it still worth your time reading it? Find out as Steve gives us his granular review of Star Wars: Shatterpoint!

  • 122 - Big Man in a Little Droid

    28/03/2016 Duration: 32min

    Ron takes a look at the man inside R2-D2, the one and only Kenny Baker. As Star Wars fans, we may only know Mr. Baker as the man who portrayed the little droid but it turns out the man is known for so much more. Throughout his career, he was a part of may stage productions and acting troupes. He was also very well known as one half of the comedic duo, the Minitones. With his partner, Jack Purvis, also a little person who starred in Star Wars, they created a wildly successful act in England and throughout the world. Kenny Baker is an actor that never let his stature slow him down. Join us as we give him what is by no means a "granular" salute!

  • 121 - EO Captain My Captain

    20/03/2016 Duration: 50min

    Jp and Ron get together to talk about the movie that George Lucas produced two years after Return of the Jedi. Made with Francis Ford Coppola and starring Michael Jackson, the 17 minute movie was mostly just a 3D music video that played in a specially designed theater at the Disney theme parks, but was it actually so much more? Listen as we get granular with the details about this very unique creative endeavor!

  • 120 - Commencement Speech

    16/03/2016 Duration: 33min

    Which came first, the game or the comic? Steve tries to figure that out as he gives a granular review of the first story arc of Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement! Join Delusions of Granular as we get granular with another Legends story!

  • 119 - Choose Your Ord Adventure

    14/03/2016 Duration: 29min

    Han Solo is worried because of 'that bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell." But who is he talking about? These little lines dropped into the movie about outside adventures add so much depth the the Star Wars universe. Thankfully, the expanded universe was able to tell us what really happened on Ord Mantell. Or do they? Ron takes a look at a few tellings of the bounty hunter run-in. From the audio drama to the comics to West End Games, the story has been told over and over again. And with none of this being canon anymore, we have the luxury of choosing what we think happened to Han Solo on Ord Mantell. Join Ron as he gets granular with this side mission in the Star Wars universe!

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