Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 211:24:03
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Igor Kheifets shows you how to make big money with small email list and live the list building lifestyle from anywhere in the world!


  • IKS063: How To Become A Success Magnet In 5 Easy Steps With Tom Beal

    26/09/2016 Duration: 35min

    Sometimes even taking a piss can be life changing. Orlando, FL. August 2012. I'm standing at the urinal. The bathroom door swings open and a guy walks in. His face is familiar. It's Tom Beal. It's the guy behind the syndicate which created Internet marketing legends such as Ryan Deiss, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker and Jeff Johnson. I had no idea of the impact this person was going to make on my life and my business in years to come. Tom has become my trusted advisor in matters of business, marketing, and self-development. In the short time that we have been working together, Tom has helped me double my business and figure out more time in my schedule which resulted in me actually launching this very show. Hands down one of the best "self-help" episodes we've ever done.

  • IKS062: Braveheart School of Marketing

    21/09/2016 Duration: 18min

    I spent the first 2 years online chasing bright shiny objects. I was a sucker for anything new and exciting. And if it claimed to solve all my problems overnight, all the better! Obviously, and you know this, none of that crap ever worked. So it got me thinking - what does work? If the new shiny stuff never produces results, perhaps I'm missing a puzzle piece here. And if I can solve this mystery, can I guarantee success? What I discovered was stomach twisting. It had a lot to do with fear of success, fear of failure and the primal emotional drivers which dictate our decisions. The good news... I just had to tweak my approach ever so slightly to start seeing results. Discover what I found and exactly how I succeeded in the all new List Building Lifestyle.

  • IKS061: Email vs Facebook with Chiara Francica

    19/09/2016 Duration: 22min

    Some marketers (like yours truly, Ben Settle and Doberman Dan) hate it. While others swear by it. Until now I kept the List Building Lifestyle primarily about email and paid traffic. But after being invited to a couple of Google Hangouts by Chiara Francica, the Flakebook Queen, I decided to reciprocate and bring her to the studio to rap about organic Facebook marketing. She made hundreds of thousands of dollars doing it. And she agreed to share exactly how she does it.

  • IKS060: eMail Slot Machines

    14/09/2016 Duration: 20min

    Ever played slots? Me neither. Turns out though, there's ton of people who do. Why do they play? Most will tell you they'd like to make money, hit the jackpot, that sort of thing. But the way slot machines are designed, the chances of that happening are slimmer than slim. Why? Because these machines are mathematically programmed to always take more money than they're giving. So when you play, essentially, you're agreeding to lose. And it just depends how fast you lose. That's all. What does this have to do with your online business? Your family? Your health? Your life? Everything. Find out in today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle.

  • IKS059: Storyselling with Michael Hauge

    12/09/2016 Duration: 26min

    Which one's more powerful way to present your product: 1) Amazing new software which builds landing pages. 2) "I've used this new software to create a landing page which finally allowed me to leap over the technical barriers and start building my list. I then emailed my list daily and made my first commission online!" You guessed it... 2nd approach is 10X more powerful. Why? Because it does what all well-told stories do - elicits emotion. And emotion, my little droggling, sells! Would you like to discover how to tell emotion-eliciting stories about your product in 6 easy steps? Stream this episode right now!

  • IKS058: Golden Rule Of eMail Marketing

    07/09/2016 Duration: 19min

    What's the perfect content-pitch ratio? Frank Kern once said it's 80% content and 20% pitch. I used to stick to this ratio until I realized I wasn't making any money. All this "value" I was giving away for free conditioned my list to take take take but not buy. So I switched to a new model. One which doesn't require me to give anything while generating tons of good will with my list and getting lavish pay. How? Find out in today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle.

  • IKS057: Rock And Roll Email Secrets With John Fancher

    05/09/2016 Duration: 24min

    One of the reasons email marketers fail is because they write boring emails. Why their emails are boring? Because they're (for the most part) product-focused. They write about the features, benefits and price of their offer. From a marketing stand point that may be correct, but it doesn't sell with email. What does? Find out in the new episode of the List Building Lifestyle!

  • IKS056: Success Lessons From The Bible

    31/08/2016 Duration: 19min

    I'm Jewish. And I don't believe in God. But I consider The Bible to be one of the greatest books of all time. Not because of the faith it instills. Or the lives it changed. But because of all the amazing advice and coaching it offers to curious souls who seek answers to life's and business's biggest and most complex questions. Discover two of the best marketing lessons I've picked up from the Bible now.

  • IKS055: Black Belt Recruiting Secrets With Mike Dillard

    29/08/2016 Duration: 21min

    Mike Dillard is the Self Made Man. He went from waiting tables to making six figures in just 18 months with his network marketing business. He's one of the most successful list builders in the history of Network Marketing. And there's a few things he can teach you about building a highly leveraged -figure team-based business with min. effort.

  • IKS054: Tendency Is Not Destiny

    24/08/2016 Duration: 19min

    "What's the average optin rate for the MOBE squeeze page?""What's the average sales conversion on the Digital Altitude VSL?""What's the average open rate of your leads?"These questions are annoying as hell.Why?Because there's actually no such thing as an averageresult.Averages can only be calculated in static envirnoment where variables never change.Marketing isn't anything like that.There's too many moving parts.Your offer, your traffic, the day of the week, the time of the year, your email autoresponder, your team, your domain name, your hosting, your follow up strategy, your mindset and so on.Tendency isn't destiny.Someone else's results never equal your own.If averages dictated results we would never see such huge income gaps in a single company.Let alone ALL opportunities.What does that mean to you?It means, even if average success rates seem pretty slim, it doesn't mean you'll fail.It could, in fact, mean the opposite.Find out how to turn poor averages into extraordinary success.

  • IKS053: Ultimate Guide To Funnel Hacking With Russell Brunson

    22/08/2016 Duration: 22min

    I grew up fat. And weak. So fat and so weak, in fact, I couldn't do a single pull up in school. And even after I lost 20 pounds in high school, I still couldn't do a single pull up. Not a single friggin' pull up. Was it because I wasn't strong enough? Too heavy maybe? Nope. I could easily do 100 push ups. One pull up shouldn't have been a problem. Turns out, as I later found out, I've had a belief which held me back. The belief I couldn't do a pull up which stuck with me since school. I wasn't even aware of how it gripped me. It turned a fairly simple task almost any teenager could accomplish into an insurmountable feet. I shifted this belief. And I was able to do one pull up. Then one more. And another. Soon I could comfortably do 7-10 pulls up in a set. I smashed through my own mental glass ceiling. This taught me - your beliefs are everything. And the one belief which holds marketers back is: "I'm not creative enough" or "I'm not smart enough" or "I'm not original enough" or "I'm not ____ enough." Feel in

  • IKS052: Igor's School Of Email Follow Ups

    17/08/2016 Duration: 16min

    What's the best way to follow up with your list? What's the best time to follow up? And should you even bother following up if they haven't bought in the first 7 days? Find out in today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle.

  • IKS051: 3 Cardinal Sins of eMail Marketing With Daniel Levis

    15/08/2016 Duration: 27min

    Common email marketing knowledge says subject line is king. It also hints at practicing click bait to increase response. Well, according to Daniel Levis, an A-list copywriter who wrote email copy for a whole slew of direct response celebrities, including but not limited to Dan Kennedy, Yanik Silver and John Benson... It's all dead wrong. Stream the new episode of the List Building Lifestyle to discover why subject line is NOT king. Why click bait KILLS response. And why chasing clicks is the single most unprofitable thing an email marketer can do.

  • IKS050: The Best Day And Time To Email Your List

    10/08/2016 Duration: 20min

    What's the best time to email your list? Is there a specific time of day when your subscribers are most responsive? Is it best to pitch on weekdays or weekends? Should you even bother emailing during the holidays? I answer all these questions (and more) in today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle.

  • IKS049: Irresistible Influence With Marshall Sylver

    08/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    What's irresistible influence? If you ask, most marketers will tell you its about getting to a "YES!" It's about closing the sale. It's about singing up a new rep. But it's not. Irresistible influence is getting the prospect to ask you for what you're selling. And get this... It's about getting the prospect to ask you for what you're selling thinking it was her idea! And there's no one better to show you how to do it than the world's most televized hypnotist Marshall Sylver!

  • IKS048: Generic Company Squeeze Page vs Custom Landing Page

    03/08/2016 Duration: 19min

    Squeeze page is the gateway into your world. It's the first thing your prospect sees before making a decision to embark on a life changing journey and join you in business. Which makes it one of the most critical elements of your entire business. In fact, a low converting landing page can ruin you. While a high-converting one can skyrocket your success. But which landing page should you use? A generic company page? Or a custom one? On today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle I share a shocking discovery I made testing innumerable landing pages which will increase your sales overnight. Yes, SALES. Not Just optins.

  • IKS047: Repulsion Marketing Secrets With Ben Settle

    01/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    According to Ben Settle, world's leading authority on email marketing and a personal friend of mine: "The best thing you could do is to stop trying to sell your product. Don't convince people to buy from you. Instead give them an opportunity to join you and your clients on your adventure. In fact, you could even try to get rid of them. The ones who stick - those are your best customers." Controversial? Unorthodox? Weird? Yeah, those are the three words that perfectly describe Ben's wicked email ways. But you know what? His methods work and I don't argue. Neither should you. Instead, you should take in every word from today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle and do as he sayeth to raketh more moolah with your emails.

  • IKS046: Enzo Ferrari's School Of Marketing Business Opportunities

    27/07/2016 Duration: 18min

    How's buying a Ferrari similar to joining an online business? Very. Let xplaineth... When you're looking to start a business or join a company, you want to join the best one. You look into all the features, benefits and the high-tech gizmos which come with the package. And more often than not, the most robuts system wins you over. The Ferrari of money-making systems, so to speak. So you go all in and hope it's going to produce amazing results for you quickly. Because that's what a great system is supposed to do. Plus, that's what the hollywood-smile sales guy said it's going to do for you. But it doesn't. So you join another system. This one's the Lamborghini of biz opps. But it doesn't work either. You see... Investing in a Ferrari or a Lambo doesn't automatically make you a world class driver. In fact, most people who buy a Ferrari end up crashing it within the first 6 months, because they've got below average driving skills. There's another secret ingredient you're missing (not talent or brains). Stream no

  • IKS045: 80/20 List Building With Perry Marshall

    25/07/2016 Duration: 34min

    My guest needs no introduction. He's one of the most influential list builders in the world. He's the author of the "80/20 Sales and Marketing" and "The Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords." He's one of my favorite gooroos - Perry Marshall. On today's episode Perry talks about why you don't need many customers and why you don't need to close every person you talk to. In fact, he encourages you to sell less to make more money.

  • IKS044: eXtreme Influence

    20/07/2016 Duration: 20min

    Given an opportunity, the prospect will find an excuse not to buy. And if not given the opportunity, she'll create one. Sometimes, it can get ridiculous. I once had a prospect tell me they couldn't buy traffic, because their Horoscope lady told them January was a bad time for business transactions. Go figure... Question is - can you fight this? Can you make someone buy from you... even if they put up such incredible resistance? YES, you can! How? Stream now to find out!

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