The official podcasts of!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Bonus Ep. 7 - December Movie Bonus
30/01/2019 Duration: 01h03minEven when the guys try to be topical they don't always hit the bullseye. When Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate sat down to record the Best of 2018 show they still hadn't seen the movies that came out at the end of December. So in today's bonus episode they are talking about Bumblebee, Aquaman, and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Let the guys know what you thought of the movies over at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
Box Office Poison: Episode 186
25/01/2019 Duration: 01h38minIt's that time of the year again, folks. With awards season in full swing it's time for us to get together and discuss our top movies of 2018. But before jumping into our favorites of the year that was, we talk about Karl's pick for Movie of the Month: An American Werewolf in London! Have any questions for the crew? Want to share your favorites of 2018? Contact us at or on Twitter(@crosstawk) and head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. See ya next time!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 40 - Politics in Comics
16/01/2019 Duration: 02h05minIn today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are climbing on their soapbox and discussing how politics would work in a comic universe. They show the class and professionalism that is expected of the 24-hour news hang on to your butts! Let the guys know what you think directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 39 - Best of 2018
02/01/2019 Duration: 02h40sIn today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are actually being current and doing a best of 2018 show...right at the New Year's holiday! I know...I'm impressed too. Let the guys know what your favorites are of 2018 over at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
Box Office Poison: Episode 185
21/12/2018 Duration: 01h51minHey everybody! It's been a while since we last spoke, but Karl, Jon, and Jonny have still been watching movies and movie things. This time we get into Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Widows, Burning, Fantastic Beasts, and (seriously) a whole lot more. Then in the second segment we were happy to talk about our first ever listener-suggested Movie of the Month: Thelma! Have a question for us? Want to recommend your own pick for Movie of the Month? Send all of that over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). See ya next time!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 38 - Comics Festivus
19/12/2018 Duration: 01h35minHappy Holidays everyone! In today's episode Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are feeling in the holiday spirit, the Festivus spirit! So they're going to air all the grievences they've suffered from the comics industry and creators from 2018. If you have any grievences you'd like to share contact the guys at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 37 - Business in Comics
05/12/2018 Duration: 02h07minIn today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate continue the 5...maybe 6 part series about real institutions in a comic universe. So what are they discussing today...BUSINESS, baby! Go grab some coffee because today you're all closers. Let the guys know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 36 - Being a Kid in Comics
21/11/2018 Duration: 02h02minBeing a kid is tough, but it's even tougher when you live in a comic book universe! In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about the special challenges kids face when they're surrounded by heroes and villains. Let the guys know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal - Stan Lee Tribute
13/11/2018 Duration: 30minIt's a sad day in the world of superheroes. Stan Lee has passed away and Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate have recorded their thoughts and shared their Stan Lee adjacent stories. Let the guys know how you felt about Stan at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 35 - Religion in Comics
07/11/2018 Duration: 01h33minIn today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are taking on the light and fun topic of religion. But this time, they're talking about it from the perspective of a normal person IN a comic book universe. Prepare to have your minds BLOWN! Or not? Let the guys know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Bonus Ep. 6 - Favorite Horror Comic
31/10/2018 Duration: 27minIt's Halloween and Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are celebrating by talking about their favorite Horror comics. Did any of the guys pick you favorite or did they territy you with the error they made? Let the guys know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
Box Office Poison: Episode 184
26/10/2018 Duration: 01h53minHey everyone! In this episode of BOP, Karl and the Jons are joined by our friend Zach Miller to discuss a whole mess of movies. We've seen First Man, Private Life, A Star is Born, Halloween, The Prophecy, and a whole lot more! Then in our second segment, Zach brings his deep knowledge of prehistoric fauna to the table to help us try and decipher Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month: Clan of the Cave Bear. If you've got any questions you want addressed on the show send them over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). See ya next time!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 34 - X-Costumes Part1?
17/10/2018 Duration: 01h53minIn today's episdoe, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about a group of heroes that seem to have huge closets, the X-Men. Well, three of the X-Men. The guys are dicussing the costume changes of: Storm, Cyclops, and Jean Grey. Oddly enough, the guys argued more about free-flowing Fabio hair than the over use of pouches. Let them know what you think over at or more directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 33 - TV New Year 2018
03/10/2018 Duration: 01h49minThe new season of TV shows are coming back and Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are dishing all the details. The guys talk about all their hopes for the new season as well as the coming reunion of Ryan and Nate. Let the guys know what you think over at or email them at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
Box Office Poison: Episode 183
22/09/2018 Duration: 01h21minHi folks! On this episode of BOP, Karl, Jon, and Jonny got together to talk about The Nun, Active Measures, A Prayer Before Dawn, and more before getting into Jon's pick for Movie of the Month: A Separation! Have anything you want us to cover? Send your thoughts, questions, and concerns to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). Then be sure to head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. We'll see you again next month!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 32 - Gatekeeping
19/09/2018 Duration: 02h22minIn today's episode the guys are talking about a topic that has been coming up a lot recently, gatekeeping and toxic fandom. It's a serious issue and the guys are handling it with the care you'd expect. It's bull in a china shop time! Don't worry, the guys are still going to be as scatterbrained as usual. Nothing can stop that. Let the guys know what you thought of the episode over at or at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 31 - From D-List to A-List
05/09/2018 Duration: 02h01minIn today's episode Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are taking D's and turning them into A's. No, this is not an episode about slash fiction but rather the guys are talking about D-list comic characters that they believe could be A-list movie characters. Although now that I think about the slash fiction thing might be interesting for a future episode...naw, probably not. Let the guys know what you think, leave a comment over at or email them at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.
Box Office Poison: Episode 182
31/08/2018 Duration: 01h43minHey everybody! It's only been a week since the last episode but that was actually recorded a couple months ago. So let's say this one puts us right back on schedule. We got together to talk about BlacKkKlansman, Sorry to Bother You, Alpha, Eighth Grade, and more! Then it was time to discuss Karl's pick for Movie of the Month: Closer! Have anything you want us to cover? Send your thoughts, questions, and concerns to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). Then be sure to head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. We'll see you again next month!
The Sedentary Living Tribunal Bonus Ep. 5 - Comics 8/22/2018
29/08/2018 Duration: 44minIt's time for another BONUS episode of the Sedentary Living Tribunal and this time it's just Gustavo. He's talking about 10 of the books that he read back on August 22, 2018. Did he talk about a book you love, hate, only call when you're drunk? Give it a listen and find out. Let the guys know what you think on Twitter @SedLTpodcast or
Box Office Poison: Episode 181
24/08/2018 Duration: 59minHello and welcome back to BOP! After a bit of a hiatus, we're presenting our Cross Con episode! Not only do we discuss movies like Incredibles 2, and not only does this episode feature the return of our old bud Mike Sklens, but we actually added an episode of Rough Draught into the mix. So for each film we discuss, we're also going to be giving you the skinny on a different local beer. Once you've finished the episode, if you've got any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to send them via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, and be sure to tune in next Friday for another brand new episode of BOP!