
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 870:40:39
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The official podcasts of!


  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 54 - Legacy Characters

    21/08/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    What do you do when you want to introduce a new character, but you don't want to have to come up with a new gimmick for them? You make them a LEGACY! In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about legacy characters. Don't call them sidekicks, though. Let the guys know what you think over at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 53 - News & Reviews for July 2019

    07/08/2019 Duration: 01h53min

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about all the news coming out of SDCC as well as some of their favorite books from the month of the July. Let the guys know what you think at and on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Bonus Ep. 9 - Spider-Man: Far from Home

    31/07/2019 Duration: 59min

    In today's special bonus episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about a character that NEVER gets any airtime on the podcast! It about time the guys talked about Spider-Man and the new movie, Far from Home. Let the guys know what you thought of the film at and on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 52 - Role Models

    17/07/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about role models. Which superheroes are the best role models and which ones are...not the best at the role modeling. Let the guys know what you think directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 51 - Worst Superhero Movie

    03/07/2019 Duration: 02h21min

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are dicussing some of the not-so-great superhero movies of the last 15 years. We always learn more from our failures...or that's what supposed to happen. Let the guys know what you think directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 50 - 50th Episode!

    19/06/2019 Duration: 02h21min

    In today's episdoe, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate remark on the fact that they've done 50 episodes. The idea of having done that many shows is SO mindboggling that they talked about it for the entire show. Let the guys know what you think of the first 50 episodes at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 49 - Go Go Godzilla!

    05/06/2019 Duration: 02h16min

    In this episode, the guys are joined by their friend and resident Godzilla Lore-master Joey. I wonder what they'll all be talking about? If you weren't's Godzilla and an assortment of other giant movie monsters. Let the guys know what you think about the new Godzilla movie at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Bonus Ep. 8 - Comics of 5/22/2019

    29/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    What is this? It's another bonus episode of the Sedentary Living Tribunal. It's a Gustavo solo episode and he's talking about his favorite comics of May 22, 2019. Let Gustavo know if there were any books you thought should have been included at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 48 - X-Costumes Part 2

    15/05/2019 Duration: 01h52min

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are feeling the Spring season and are talking about more X-Costumes! It seems like this is going to be a habit. Let the guys know what characters you'd like the guys discuss at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 189

    12/05/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    Hey folks! Being the biggest movie ever and all, we had to devote a good hour to our review of Avengers: Endgame. After picking through it (spoilers included!) for an hour we talk about some other movies like High Life, Climax, Guava Island, and more before getting into Karl's pick for Movie of the Month: Midnight Cowboy! Have any questions for the crew? Send them over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). We'll see ya next time!

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 47 - Avengers Endgame

    01/05/2019 Duration: 02h53min

    It's HERE! After more than 10 years and 21 movies Avengers Endgame has premeired and Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are here to talk about it. This is going to be a SPOILER FULL, extra long episode to only listen if you have the stamina for a lot of fan-gasms. Let the guys know what you thought of the movie directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 46 - Cinema and the MCU

    17/04/2019 Duration: 02h49s

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are talking about the impact the MCU has had on cinema as a whole. Has the definition of success changed since the Avengers hit the big screen? The guys are breaking it down! Let them know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 188

    05/04/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    Hey everybody! BOP's back, we've seen some movies, we talked about em, and we hope you enjoy it! This time we cover Us, Captain Marvel, The Beach Bum, Under the Silver Lake, Apollo 11, and more before getting into Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month: The Wild Bunch! Any questions for the crew or suggestions for future MotMs? Send them over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). See ya next time!

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 45 - SHAZAM!

    03/04/2019 Duration: 02h12min

    In today's episode, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are gearing up for what MIGHT be the most bright DCEU movie to date...SHAZAM! The guys will be breaking down the character and dicussing what they think make SHAZAM! more than just a Superman copy. Let the guys know what you think of SHAZAM!, the character or the movie directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 44 - The 5-Man Band AKA Sentai

    20/03/2019 Duration: 02h14min

    In today's episode the guys are talking about of the most prevalent tropes in comics...the 5-Man Band also known as Sentai. Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate were able to scour the internet for Sentai information and NEVER ONCE got it confused for that other thing. They promise. Let the guys know what you think directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 43 - Captain Marvel

    06/03/2019 Duration: 01h59min

    In today's episode, Gustavo. Ryan, and Nate are prepping for the new Captain Marvel movie by...talking about Captain Marvel. I know, I was surprised too! Find out what they think of the character and their hopes for the movie. Let the guys know what you think of Captain Marvel over at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 187

    01/03/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    Hey people! Karl & The Jons have returned for a fresh serving of movie talk. Jonny starts off by catching up on a few things from 2018 before we get into Alita: Battle Angel, Paddleton, The Breaker Upperers, High Flying Bird, and more. Then in the second segment it's Jon's pick for Movie of the Month: The Long Goodbye! Have a question for us? Send it to or to Twitter(@crosstawk). Then be sure to head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. See ya next time!

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal - The Year of Spider-Man

    27/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Before the Oscars aired, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate actually met person, and talked about Spider-Man and how 2018 should be declared the "Year of Spider-Man". And guess what...Into the Spider-verse won the Best Animated Picture Oscar. Have a listen to this short bonus episode as the guys predict the future and fan-gasm about their favorite character. Let the guys know what you think of Spider-Man at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 42 - Sex in Comics

    20/02/2019 Duration: 02h15min

    In today's episode Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are going to tastefully discuss how sex and sexuality would differ in a comic book universe. They are going to be classy and...I'm sorry...I can't lie to you. They're going to be SO juvenile! Listen at your own risk. Let the guys know how wrong they are directly at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

  • The Sedentary Living Tribunal Ep. 41 - The Law in Comics

    06/02/2019 Duration: 02h12min

    In today's show, Gustavo, Ryan, and Nate are doing their best Judge Dredd impressions...because they are the LAW! Well actually, they're just talking about the LAW! Let the guys know what you think at or on Twitter @SedLTpodcast.

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