The official podcasts of!
Box Office Poison: Episode 79
15/04/2014 Duration: 02h14minHello and welcome back to Box Office Poison! With only Jon, Jonny and Karl available, you might think this show would skew shorter. But you'd be wrong! At over two hours of content, this is definitely an episode you won't wanna miss! We discuss such films as Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Nymphomaniac, Cheap Thrills, Ghostbusters, 12 O'Clock Boys and more! Then, in the second segment, we get down with some Post Office Poison, tackling topics like spoilers, how seasons are used in film, what films we look back on fondly from our childhood and even what directors we'd like to pluck out of time. Have a question or comment for the crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And be sure to come back next Friday when we discuss the next Movie of the Month: The Color of Money! Thanks for listening, folks!
Box Office Poison - Episode 78
11/04/2014 Duration: 01h30minThis month Stan charms the guys with the lovely romantic comedy Nurse Betty. Will they love it as much as he did or will they end up scalping him and shooting him twice in the head? You'll have to listen to find out! SPECIAL GUEST: Chris Johnston of Player One Podcast.
Syndicated: Episode 6 (Veronica Mars, Part 3)
10/04/2014 Duration: 52minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the TV podcast for the lapsed viewer. We're the show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, and Luke as they take a look back at Season 1 of Veronica Mars, originally aired in 2004 on UPN. We'll be talking about the final four episodes of the much beloved high school noir drama. Watch along with us, and join the conversation by emailing us at!
Syndicated: Episode 5 (Veronica Mars, Part 2)
30/03/2014 Duration: 01h05minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the Crosstawk show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, and Luke as they take a look back at Season 1 of Veronica Mars, originally aired in 2004 on UPN. We'll be talking about the second nine episodes of the much beloved high school noir drama. Watch along with us, and join the conversation by emailing us at!
FND 27: Heavily Edited
23/03/2014 Duration: 51minHey folks! It's been awhile, but that's because this episode in particular required a lot load of editing, which is something I can't stand, so I only did a little bit at a time. This episode used to contain a round of Cards Against Humanity, but while going through it, I noticed that there was a lot of stuff that we probably shouldn't include on a public podcast, like an extended discussion about coughing into a woman's nether-regions and whether any of us dared to write the N-word on a blank card. Things the Internet doesn't need to hear about! In any case, the rest of the show is the usual amount of horrible: sitcom pregnancies, Nelson's wife's recent second pregnancy, Bravely Default, Simcity 2000 (the best one), Victoria's Secret, and other things. Hope you enjoy this episode--I think all the cuts are barely noticable.
Box Office Poison: Episode 77
13/03/2014 Duration: 01h26minBOP's up a day early, so come get it while it's hot! This time, it's just Jonny, Jon and Karl, but there's still a lot to talk about, from revisits to movies like Before Sunrise, The LEGO Movie and Queen of Versailles to newer films like The Act of Killing, Mitt, and for some reason, I, Frankenstein. Then, in the second segment, we answer your questions in a new round of Post Office Poison, discussing The Oscars, remakes, Guardians of the Galaxy and more! Have a question for the BOP crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And please please PLEASE drop a fresh review for us on iTunes - it's the best way to help people find the show. Thanks for listening! Next time we'll be discussing Stan's pick for Movie of the Month: Nurse Betty!
Syndicated: Episode 4 (Veronica Mars, Part 1)
12/03/2014 Duration: 44minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the Crosstawk show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, and Luke as they take a look back at Season 1 of Veronica Mars, originally aired in 2004 on UPN. We'll be talking about the first nine episodes of the much beloved high school noir drama. Watch along with us, and join the conversation by emailing us at!
Box Office Poison: Episode 76
09/03/2014 Duration: 01h54minWelcome back for a brand new episode of BOP! This time, the whole crew groups together to talk about The LEGO Movie, Nebraska, Princess Mononoke, Phantom of the Paradise and more! Then, in the second segment, we discuss Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month: Flight of the Navigator! Were we entranced by this 80s kids adventure, or did we find it a bit dry in the modern era? You'll have to listen to find out! Have a question for the crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. And please head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review - we really need more of those! Thanks for listening, folks!
Syndicated: Episode 3 (Friday Night Lights, Part 3)
26/02/2014 Duration: 01h05minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the Crosstawk show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, and Luke as they take a look back at Season 1 of Friday Night Lights, originally aired in 2007 on NBC. We'll be talking about the final four episodes of the much beloved high school football drama. Now that we've wrapped up Friday NIght LIghts, we'll be turning to the teenage detective hijinks of Veronica Mars. Watch along with us, and join the conversation by emailing us at!
Athletic Awareness Returns
25/02/2014 Duration: 01h01minThe AA boys finally recorded a new episode. Listen to their Sochi wrap up and their references to True Detective. No spoilers.
Box Office Poison - Episode 75
15/02/2014 Duration: 01h53minKarl, Jon, Jonny, Mike, and Stan gather to talk about the movies they've watched and remember Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Syndicated: Episode 2
12/02/2014 Duration: 01h03minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the new Crosstawk show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, and Luke as they take a look back at Season 1 of Friday Night Lights, originally aired in 2007 on NBC. We'll be talking about episodes 10-18 of the much beloved high school football drama. Join us in two weeks for discussion of episodes 19-22, and feel free to get caught up and join the conversation by emailing us at!
Discover Music Project: Best of 2013
08/02/2014 Duration: 04h12minWhoa! It's been way too long since the last DMP, but only because we've been working on the biggest, most complex episode in the history of this podcast! Our first-ever year in review features no less than five hosts, 13 different artists, and over four hours of music and discussion. It also took over a month to record and edit, so... thanks for your patience. Please enjoy these enthusiastic recommendations and diverse selections from Jonny, Mike, Karl, Amanda, and Taylor as we look back on a weird and wonderful year for music. And for the first time, rather than spoil all the picks in the episode post, and to avoid painfully formatting such a long list, we're just going to provide this Spotify playlist of (almost) every song from this episode!
Box Office Poison: Episode 74
31/01/2014 Duration: 01h04minAfter the huge 2013 wrap-up show, BOP is coasting into the new year with this slimmer yet still awesome episode. Stan and Mike couldn't make it so Karl and the J's (great band name) talk about some leftovers from the previous year including Rush, Short Term 12, Insidious Chapter 2, and Prisoners. Then for the Movie of the Month we all watched Jon's pick, Phantom of the Paradise. Did we too sell our souls for rock and roll? You'll just have to listen to find out! Any questions, concerns, comments, criticisms? Get at us on Twitter (@crosstawk), email (, or right below in the comments section. We want your listener mail for next episode when we hit you with another dose of Post Office Poison. See ya then!
FND 26: Back From Christmas Vacation
29/01/2014 Duration: 57minIt's been a lengthy break, but we are BACK from it. What can I say? December was filled with vacations, families in town, job losses (okay, just one job loss) and other adventures. It seems like I make excuses for our abscenses every time I post an episode, but it is what it is. It's the whole crew this episode--Zach, Gina, Nelson, Marcus, and Courtney all sitting down to a typical Alaskan store-bought dinner. We discuss the last month and a half as well as the upcoming football championship games which, by the time you listen to this, will have already happened. GO HAWKS! I'm making a New Year's Resolution to return to a slightly more regular posting schedule for this show, but I think Karl made that promise about Crosstawk Comics like two years ago and that never happened so I WON'T FEEL BAD IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. In the meantime, you can rate and review us on iTunes and comment on this episode at! You can also email us at! Tune in next time when Marcus says "I can't believe
Syndicated: Episode 1
29/01/2014 Duration: 58minFire up your Instant Queue, it's Syndicated, the new Crosstawk show dedicated to taking you on a trip through complete seasons of television shows easily available on popular streaming networks! Join Andy, Neal, Luke and J.P. (who was absent this week, but should be around going forward) as they take a look back at Season 1 of Friday Night Lights, originally aired in 2007 on NBC. We'll be talking about episodes 1-9 of the much beloved high school football drama. Join us in two weeks for discussion of episodes 10-18, and feel free to get caught up and join the conversation by emailing us at!
Box Office Poison: Episode 73
27/01/2014 Duration: 02h43minHere it is! The big show! As we've done in the past for 2010, 2011 and 2012, this is our big Best of Film in 2013 extravaganza! Before we get to the latest and greatest in the world of movies, though, we start off with a nice helping of Post Office Poison, including our most anticipated flicks of 2014, movies to watch after a break-up, and whether or not I'm just a total idiot. Then we spend over two hours poring over dozens of amazing movies that captivated us over the course of the last year. There's plenty of awesome stuff to choose from, so I think you'll be very satisfied with our selections. Want to tell us your favorite films of 2013? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, guys! Come back on Friday to hear us discuss the Movie of the Month: Phantom of the Paradise!
Box Office Poison: Episode 72
25/01/2014 Duration: 01h58minHey, folks, sorry for for recent delays on BOP, but we're back with a vengeance! Not only is Episode 72 now up, but 73's going to be following in just two days! This time, the whole crew's back, along with Jonny's buddy Jason Farmer, to talk about Her, American Hustle, Inside Llewyn Davis, The Wolf of Wall Street and more! Then, in the second segment, we go to town on Mike's pick for Movie of the Month: The Planet of the Apes. Was it more fun than a barrel of non-monkeys, or did we want it to keep its damn dirty ape paws off us? You'll have to listen in to find out! Have a question for us for the next round of Post Office Poison? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site! And please come back on Monday for Episode 73, in which we'll share our Top 5 Films of 2013!
Athletic Awareness: Old Enough to Smoke
06/01/2014 Duration: 01h03minWelcome to the year 2014. Sports are going to be even crazier this year, I can tell! This week the boys talk about Black Monday, Alabama's stunning loss and a preview for the National Championship game. So stay inside and bundle up with your favorite sports podcasters!
Box Office Poison: Episode 71
28/12/2013 Duration: 01h42minBOP's back and ready to ring in the new year! This time, we're talking The Hobbit, Alpha Papa, Kill Your Darlings, After Earth and we even revisit Super Mario Bros. The Movie! Then, in the second segment, we cover your questions in Post Office Poison, from assessing our pal David's student film to kid-friendly action movies to Hayao Miyazaki. Remember, folks, we'll be talking about Planet of Apes for Episode 72, so make sure you catch it on Netflix if you haven't yet. And we'll be giving our Top 5 for 2013 on Episode 73, so if you'd like to write in with YOUR favorite movies of the year, you can do so at, let us know via Twitter (@crosstawk) or make yourself heard in the comments seciton on the site. And if you'd like to check out David's trailer, you can do so here: Thanks for listening, guys! We'll see ya next time!