The official podcasts of!
Discover Music Project: Episode 64
12/08/2014 Duration: 02h43minGet ready for the biggest single-artist episode we've ever done! We broke the limit for a guy who broke limits in music across the decades: Miles Davis. This is a listener request show, but Jonny is fortunate to have an experienced jazz fan in co-host Jon Rind. They explore this mysterious music together, learning to listen deeply to this true American legend. If you've never tried jazz before, we hope this will be a great entry point! Be sure to also check out the previous DMP episode on John Coltrane, who can be heard on a good portion of this Miles Davis playlist: 1. Boplicity (Birth of the Cool) 2. If I Were a Bell (Relaxin' with the Miles Davis Quintet) 3. Four (Workin' with the Miles Davis Quintet) 4. When I Fall in Love (Steamin') 5. So What (Kind of Blue) 6. In a Silent Way / It's About Time (In a Silent Way) 7. Spanish Key (Bitches Brew) 8. Right Off (Jack Johnson) Encore: Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Miles Beyond" (Birds of Fire)
Box Office Poison: Episode 86
18/07/2014 Duration: 02h18minWelcome back to Box Office Poison! This episode, Karl, Jon, Mike, and Stan get together to discuss Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Snowpiercer, Life Itself, and a whole lot more. Then in our second segment Jonny joins us to talk about his pick for Movie of the Month Contact! Next episode we are gonna go through another batch of listener mail so send in your questions/comments/concerns to or hit us up on Twitter (@crosstawk). See ya then!
Syndicated: Episode 11 (Derek)
16/07/2014 Duration: 01h20minEach Syndicated host has picked their first show (Friday Night Lights, Veronica Mars, Fringe, and House of Cards) and so it's time for the first "bonus round" episode of Syndicated. In these special episodes, we will open up the floor to a listener submission, or perhaps return to a previously covered show to look at later seasons. This time around, we welcome the host of Crosstawk's own Discover Music Project, and co-host of Box Office Poison, Jonathan Metts. Jonny has brought the Netflix distributed, BBC-originated show "Derek" to the panel, and so we spend an hour talking about this lovely little piece of kindess. Do we all love the show as much as Jonny? Hard to say! I know we'd promised a follow-up to Friday Night Lights, and that's coming eventually. It might be the next episode, or it might come a bit later. The next show we're covering, aside from that FNL follow-up, is the NBC action-comedy "Chuck", so be sure to send in your listener mail questions and commentary, and we'll read them on the sh
Discover Music Project: Episode 63
13/07/2014 Duration: 01h10minVeteran co-host Jason Farmer is back for another round of DMP, and this time he's brought the awesome female singer and multi-instrumentalist, Grace Potter. Along with her band The Nocturnals, she has released several albums and developed a thrilling live performance style over the past decade or so. Grace Potter explores many different kinds of music and shows off influences like Bonnie Raitt, Grace Slick, and even Ozzie Osbourne. We can't wait to hear what this lady does next! 1. Treat Me Right (Nothing But the Water) 2. Left Behind (Nothing But the Water) 3. Nothing But the Water [I] (Nothing But the Water) 4. Cortez the Killer (Live at the Jammys) 5. Paris [Ooh La La] (Grace Potter and the Nocturnals) 6. Goodbye Kiss (Grace Potter and the Nocturnals) 7. The Lion, the Beast, the Beat (The Lion, the Beast, the Beat) 8. White Rabbit (Almost Alice) 9. War Pigs (Live at Red Rocks) Encore: Halestorm - I Get Off (Halestorm)
The Space Q&A: Episode 4
04/07/2014 Duration: 49minAfter a long break, Scott and Jonny are back with a new episode focusing on a very special topic: space suits! Did you know that some suits are entirely self-contained spaceships (that you can wear)? Learn all about these technological marvels that enable astronauts to become immersed in harsh, alien environments. Space suits are the most identifiable, most human part of spaceflight, and they happen to be one of Jonny's specialties. Very big thanks to Scott for hosting and editing this episode! (Music intro/outro added for Crosstawk edition -- "What's the Use?" by Phish, Fuji Rock Festival Sound Check, 7/29/1999.)
Box Office Poison: Episode 85
04/07/2014 Duration: 01h36minWe now return to your regularly scheduled programming with a brand new episode of Box Office Poison! Karl, Jon, and Jonny get together to discuss They Came Together, Obvious Child, How to Train Your Dragon 2, and more! Then in the second segment Stan joins us to help answer your listener mail. We cover obscure comic book villians, the validity of the Bechdel Test, the upcoming George Lucas museum, and of course, Wishmaster! If you want to send in your questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments, get at us on twitter (@crosstawk), Gmail, or in the comments section. Next episode we're gonna cover Jonny's movie of the month, Contact. See you then!
Syndicated: Episode 10 (House of Cards, Part 2)
02/07/2014 Duration: 01h05minHaving watched the first part of the season, we now move on to the second half of season one for House of Cards, Nathan's pick. We talk about Frank, Claire, Zoey, the Rib Shack Guy, Peter Russo, and all of the other characthers who live to serve the Frank Underwood Story. What do we think about all this? Tune in and find out! Next time on Syndicated: We return to Dillon, TX and discuss seasons 2 and 3 of Friday Night Lights! We have a twitter account! Follow us @SyndicatedPod! Don't forget to email us at!
Box Office Poison: Episode 84
29/06/2014 Duration: 01h28minAnd now we've finally caught up with all of the BOPs that were overdue. Thanks for your paitience, folks! On today's episode, the crew go over 22 Jump Street, Edge of Tomorrow, Godzilla and more. Then, in the second segment, we go over Jon's pick for Movie of the Month, Fat City. And be sure to come back for Episode 86 when we talk about Jonny's pick, Contact! Have a question or comment for the crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, everyone!
Box Office Poison: Episode 83
28/06/2014 Duration: 01h19minKarl, Jon, Jonny, Mike, and Stan discuss the movies they've seen including the just-released (at the time of recording) Chef! We also discuss Diablo Cody's worth as a writer, whether or not we miss video stores, and what we love more, new foods or movies. Since pizza exists, you'd think that'd be a no-brainer. Shockingly, it's not!
Box Office Poison: Episode 82
25/06/2014 Duration: 01h50minWe've been incredibly behind on BOP lately, and that fault lies with your humble host in particular. We're going to be rectifying this immediately to get us back on a consistent schedule, so please accept my personal apology, and know that your listenership means a heck of a lot. Now on to the show proper! This one was especially fun to record, as it took place during Cross-Con 2014 in my actual apartment in Chicago, IL. Listen in as we discuss X-Men: Days of Future Past, Godzilla and a whole lot more. Then jump to Segment 2 where we go over Mike's Movie of the Month: Death Becomes Her. And for those of you playing at home, Jon's pick for the next Movie of the Month is Fat City. Thanks for listening, guys! If you have a question/comment/concern, let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. Now come on back tomorrow for Episode 83!
Syndicated: Episode 9 (House of Cards, Part 1)
19/06/2014 Duration: 01h17minFor our fourth selection we turn to Nathan, who picks the highly regarded political drama (and Netflix exclusive), House of Cards. This is a marked departure from our light-hearted fare thus far (although maybe Fringe isn't really that light-hearted), so how do the other folks on the show react? Tune in and find out! We'll be discussing season one, episodes 1-7, and then we'll finish it off in two weeks with another House of Cards podcast on episodes 8-13. We have a twitter account! Follow us at @TheLapsedViewer. Don't forget to email us at!
Discover Music Project: Episode 62
31/05/2014 Duration: 01h38minWe said it would never happen... but finally DMP is addressing The Beatles. This is actually a very special episode, not only for the long-awaited topic, but also for being our first ever, four-person live show on Discover Music Project. Recording it as a gang of four (Karl Castaneda, Stan Ferguson, Mike Sklens, and host Jonny Metts) in Chicago for Cross-Con 2014 gave us both an excellent excuse and an intriguing format to approach The Beatles. Rather than try to summarize their extraordinairy career or pull selections from each album, the roundtable setting allowed us to bring four different sets of personal picks. These aren't necessarily the best or most popular Beatles songs, but rather eclectic highlights that each carry special meaning to one (or all) of us. Hopefully, you'll find a new favorite or at least give further consideration to a few overlooked, maybe even overplayed songs. And of course, it ends the only way imaginable, with a little help from my friends. Special thanks to everyone who has req
Syndicated: Episode 8 (Fringe, Part 2)
29/05/2014 Duration: 01h03minAfter discussing the first 10 episodes of Fringe, Luke, Andy, Neal and Nathan are back to conclude our conversation of this cult J.J. Abrams hit show. We'll be discussing season one, episodes 11-20. Please disregard the weird episode 21 thing on Netflix. It's not part of our discussion. Regardless, you should watch some Fringe, and then queue up the podcast to listen to our thoughts. We have a twitter account! Follow us at @TheLapsedViewer. Don't forget to email us at!
Rough Draught: Bigger Better Boulder
22/05/2014 Duration: 01h32minWell this one certainly has been waiting in the wings for a while... In less than 24 hours, the now-annual tradition wherein the Box Office Poison crew gathers to eat, drink and record their merriment (also known as Cross Con) will begin in Chicago, IL. But there's still some unfinished business from 2013 during our Boulder trip. And that was an episode of the Beer Appreciation Show: Rough Draught! So here it is, in all its 2013 glory. It's a doozy, folks, and I think you'll enjoy it just as much as we did recording it (and re-listening to it!). There's likely to be another pair of these coming out of this weekend, so look forward to those coming soon. Be sure to come back on Friday for a new Box Office Poison, as well! Thanks for listening.
Box Office Poison: Episode 81
20/05/2014 Duration: 01h35minWelcome back to yet another Box Office Poison! This time, Jon and I couldn't make the recording, but Jonny stepped to host with Mike and Stan to keep things moving. Listen in as they discuss The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Major League, Disney animation in the 90s, and another review of Under Skin. Then, in the second segment, they went over some of your Post Office Poison questions to discuss Fire Walk With Me, the Twin Peaks prequel film, what anime be dat good shit, and revisit the complex nature of spoilers. Have a question for the crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), or in the comments section on the site. And be sure to come back tomorrow to listen to a brand new Rough Draught from the vault. Thanks for listening!
Box Office Poison: Episode 80
20/05/2014 Duration: 02h01minHello and welcome back to BOP, folks! After all too long of an absence, we're back to talk about a whole buncha flicks, including Jodorowsky's Dune, Under the Skin, Muppets Most Wanted, Nebraska and more! Then, in the second segment, we dsicuss my pick for Movie of the Month: The Color of Money. Did the crew think Scorcese crushed it on the break, or did the balls simply roll funny? You'll have to listen in to find out. Please remember to send us your thoughts and questions via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), and in the comments section on the site. And come back tomorrow for yet another BOP! Thanks for listening!
Syndicated: Episode 7 (Fringe, Part 1)
15/05/2014 Duration: 01h01minWith two shows under our belt, the Syndicated Crew is headed out to parts unknown to cover the J.J. Abrams sci-fi show "Fringe". Rather than three parts, we're just going to be covering this episode in two parts to make the conversation just a bit less dry. Hopefully. In this episode of Syndicated, we're adding a new fouth chair to the group in Nathan, who once upon a time recorded a video game podcast with Andy and Neal. Luke takes lead on the conversation to lead us through a discussion of Fringe Season One, episodes 1-10. Don't forget to email us at!
Athletic Awareness Goes Extreme
05/05/2014 Duration: 01h02minWe discuss WWE's Extreme Rules event, chat about Chuck Palumbo way too long, review the Donald Sterling fall out, the NBA Playoffs 1st Round, and recount a news story about Jameis Winston's crabby controversy.
Discover Music Project: Episode 61
04/05/2014 Duration: 01h40minIt's time for DMP to get back to business, and we have the perfect way to kick off a summer of music with the timeless, raucous vocals of Mr. Otis Redding. Jonny and Karl are positively beaming throughout this episode as they share a mutual adoration for the soul music of which Otis was king through his short life and far beyond. If all you know is "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay," prepare to be blown away. We've got several more episodes in pre-production, so you shouldn't have to wait nearly as long before next time! 1. Hey Hey Baby 2. I Can't Turn You Loose 3. Change Gonna Come 4. Shake 5. Don't Mess With Cupid 6. Tramp 7. A Fool for You 8. The Happy Song (Dum Dum) 9. Hard to Handle 10. Look at That Girl 11. Satisfaction (Live) 12. My Girl (Live) 13. Respect (Live) 14. Try a Little Tenderness (Live) Encore St. Paul & the Broken Bones - "Sugar Dyed" (Half the City)
Athletic Awareness: Playoff Edition
28/04/2014 Duration: 01h06minGear up for the playoffs with John Cook and Jesse Laier. We discuss the Blackhawks first round clinch, Donald Sterling's racism, the hole an injured Nate Robinson left in our hearts, and the highs and lows of the life of Daniel Bryan. Special guest: David Lavigne