Black Freethinkers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 581:35:00
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We are here to challenge you to think and live for yourself, not convert you.Copyright © 2011-2018 All rights reserved. Written permission for use or reproduction is required.


  • What say you? Plantation Politics

    15/10/2017 Duration: 01h56min

    Please join us as we cover a number of topics. A number of things have transpired recently, so let's talk about it.

  • Metamorphosis Pt2

    08/10/2017 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join me Sunday as I present the entire FFRF talk on my journey in the secular, social justice, and religious communities. Just a few observations, a few warnings, and the final release. I'm completing another metamorphosis and it's time to shift again. Build and grow. Thank you for the support, well wishes, hate, indifference, and much more. It's shown me quite a bit about the state of the human condition. Most importantly, it helped me to realize who I am, challenge myself, evolve, grow intellectually, and find comfort in who I am and what I'm looking to achieve. Thank you! I donated my honorarium to he following 3 organizations: Black Youth Project is working with young adults across the country. If you're under 35, you may want to consider reaching out to this org. They are doing great work and need our support. Assata's Daughters is a mentorship program designed for young women of color. This organization is transforming lives, doing phenomenal, and is a beacon of light. #CPACNOW (NAARPR) is a

  • Metamorphosis Pt 1

    01/10/2017 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join me Sunday as I present the entire FFRF talk on my journey in the secular, social justice, and religious communities. Just a few observations, a few warnings, and the final release. I'm completing another metamorphosis and it's time to shift again. Build and grow. Thank you for the support, well wishes, hate, indifference, and much more. It's shown me quite a bit about the state of the human condition. Most importantly, it helped me to realize who I am, challenge myself, evolve, grow intellectually, and find comfort in who I am and what I'm looking to achieve. Thank you! I donated my honorarium to he following 3 organizations: Black Youth Project is working with young adults across the country. If you're under 35, you may want to consider reaching out to this org. They are doing great work and need our support. Assata's Daughters is a mentorship program designed for young women of color. This organization is transforming lives, doing phenomenal, and is a beacon of light. #CPACNOW (NAARPR) is a

  • Conversation w/Frank Chapman & Armanda Shackleford: Gerald Reed

    29/09/2017 Duration: 40min

    Please join us as we discuss the miscarriage of justice and cruelty of the American judicial system. Frank Chapman & Armanda Shackelford will discuss the Gerald Reed case. We will also discuss the importance of #CPACNOW to the community and why it's needed. Mayor Rahm Emanual has implemented COPA and refuse to allow citizen oversight of the police department. Let's support this family. Mrs. Shackelford's son has been wrongly imprisoned and tortured. It's time to put pressure on Kim Foxx, Bruce Rauner, Rahm Emannuel and other politicians that can remedy this problem. It's not only Gerald Reed, there are well over 100 people who were forced & coerced into giving false confessions. This includes men, women, black, latino, poor whites,and children.

  • Stand and Deliver or #TakeAKnee: Plantation Politics

    24/09/2017 Duration: 02h02min

    Please join us today as we discuss the POTUS' obsession about controlling black people (POC). What is it going to take to make people realize that the POTUS wants to control this country like a dictatorship?What is it going to take to make people look beyond the tweets and white supremacist speeches and realize that laws and policies are being changed, modified, and rescinded?What is it going to take to make the American public to realize this is going to get far worse? That and more.

  • Black Christian America: Are your pastors & tv preachers white supremacists?

    03/09/2017 Duration: 01h54min

    Please join us as we discuss these pastors, preachers, and televangelists that have aligned themselves with Donald Trump. You don't have to be white to be a white supremacist. Your pastors have set you up for a very rude awakening.

  • Dear White Christians: In WHO do you trust?

    27/08/2017 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us Sunday as we discuss White Christian America and their role in white supremacy. Does your race and nationalism come before your religious identity? Were you upset when the Southern Baptists decided to “decry every form of racism, including alt-right white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” How many of your friends, family, and colleagues are participating in these white supremacists rallies? Do you agree with their decision to participate? So you challenge their ideology? Are you exercising your faith while silently ignoring the injustices that are being committed in this country? Jesus will fix it, right? Next lifetime? Are you willing to stand by and allow others to be persecuted?

  • Dear White Christian America: I'm Just Asking Questions

    20/08/2017 Duration: 02h09min

    Dear White Christian America: Let's be honest. I have some questions for you. Why are you so silent? You're normally vocal about everything!Are you feeling convicted or conflicted or ashamed?Do you facilitate constructive and uplifting dialogues about racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.? Why or why not? Or do you suppress these much needed discussions?Are you a white supremacist?Would Jesus or God support white supremacy?What's your sermon going to be tomorrow?Would Jesus or God approve of your choices?Would Jesus or God endorse Donald Trump?Could you live in a theocracy? I mean a REAL theocracy. If you aren't having these conversations or asking these questions (and many, many more...), you are part of the problem.

  • Dear White America: Your silence is tacit agreement!

    13/08/2017 Duration: 02h00s

    The events taking place in Charlottesville, Va. is not new in America and this is not the end of these types of 'rallies.' Many so called #whiteallies & #progressiveliberalwhites have gone silent. Why is that? #WhiteChristians, what say you? Your silence is deafening, yet predicatable. Why is it a riot when peaceful black & brown protestors gather?Why is a rally when #whitenationalists, #nazis, and #altrighters gather?Why isn't #PresidentBannon comdemning this?Did God mandate the #Whitenationalis to #makeAmericaGreatAgain?Where are all of the #whiteChristians & #whitePastors? Shouldn't you be telling these folks to go home and pray about it?Are the #whitenationalists and #klansmen upset because the proceeds from the sale of the Robert E. Lee statue will be used as #raparations to the #blackpeople who have been wronged? So much more...

  • Conversation with Marcus Stennis Pt. 2

    06/07/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    UPDATE: Marcus wanted me to update this interview. He really enjoys the new JayZ cd. I forgot to add Missy Elliott & Outkast to my top 5 (really 20) artists. Please join us as we celebrate Marcus Stennis with his debut book release, "What’s A God To A Nonbeliever?: My Journey Away from Religion Toward Atheism Through Hip-Hop Music."  This talented, dynamic young man has a very bright future ahead of him and we look forward to being part of that journey. The book is now available on Amazon, so please purchase a copy and congratulate Marcus on a job well done. Take some time to reach out and encourage him.

  • Conversation with Marcus R. Stennis

    02/07/2017 Duration: 02h05min

    Please join us as we celebrate Marcus Stennis with his debut book release, "What’s A God To A Nonbeliever?: My Journey Away from Religion Toward Atheism Through Hip-Hop Music."  This talented, dynamic young man has a very bright future ahead of him and we look forward to being part of that journey. The book is now available on Amazon, so please purchase a copy and congratulate Marcus on a job well done. Take some time to reach out and encourage him.

  • White Christian America: Give Me That Old Time Religion - Pt. 2

    30/04/2017 Duration: 02h01min

    Please join us as we start our series about Christian America. We plan on tackling a number of subjects and breaking down how the roots of American Christianity have been complicit with the toxic environment that we endure today. Not only will I talk about the perpetual racism that is hidden under the shield of Christianity, but how this racism created the religious right and ushered Donald Trump into the White House. We will also discuss the unholy alliance between white nationalists and black nationalists. Additionally, we will discuss how some word of faith pastors (black and white) endorsed and worked feverishly to elect Donald Trump. Additionally, I have questions for the white pastors who pastor black congregations that voted and supported Trump. We will also discuss the difference between white and black Christian identities. And much more...

  • White Christian America: Good Ol' Days - Pt. 1

    23/04/2017 Duration: 02h34min

    Please join us as we start our series about Christian America. We plan on tackling a number of subjects and breaking down how the roots of American Christianity have been complicit with the toxic environment that we endure today. Not only will I talk about the perpetual racism that is hidden under the shield of Christianity, but how this racism created the religious right and ushered Donald Trump into the White House. We will also discuss the unholy alliance between white nationalists and black nationalists. Additionally, we will discuss how some word of faith pastors (black and white) endorsed and worked feverishly to elect Donald Trump. Additionally, I have questions for the white pastors who pastor black congregations that voted and supported Trump. We will also discuss the difference between white and black Christian identities. And much more...

  • White Allies: Diversity & inclusion minus equality is White Supremacy remixed

    26/03/2017 Duration: 02h02min

    Please join us tomorrow as we discuss how all of this talk of diversity and inclusion is just smoke and mirrors. If your so called allies are calling for diversity & inclusion, but neglect to address equality; they truly are happy with the status quo.  You will have some people of color rally around and advocate for diversity & inclusion, but only because it benefits them individually. Certain groups will tacitly agree through silence, but thats because they have the same belief system and expect to be empowered for their 'loyalty.' When you reject the status quo, challenge the myth of meritocracy, and question the motives of those involved, you are

  • GNC: Magical Negro Revue

    19/02/2017 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss the magical negro (new blacks) and the Republicans (libertarians & tea partiers) & Democrats (progressive, liberal whites) who love them. They especially like the ones who can't speak (literally), have been paid off. or are dead. It puts a new spin on being seen and not heard. The original premise for this show has changed.  Initially, I wanted to talk about certain celerities and their inclination to put their feet in their mouths.  This subject has been covered by numerous think pieces over the years and you already know how I feel. Between Raina and Red Ninja, I think we've said it all. The distrust of communities of color need to be addressed.  We're good enough to exploit and manipulate, but not good enough to be believed. We're expected/demanded to vote for the good white people, but not good enough to invest money to encourage voting or listening to our demands.  We're good enough to be the help, entertainment, and/or dish, but not good enough to be considered

  • Dear America: White supremacy so wicked that white folks are nervous!

    05/02/2017 Duration: 02h00s

    Dear America: So much to say, but so little time. White America is in an uproar.  They have finally elected a President who is actually doing what he said that he would do. They didn't really mind the hateful rhetoric that was spewed at marginalized communities as long as he allowed hem to maintain their white privilege.  To keep things fair and balanced, he is sharing some of the love with the white community and they don't like it.  Leave their birth control and abortions alone!! White women thought that the President was just making small talk when he stated that he would go after Planned Parenthood, Roe vs. Wade, equal pay for equal work, etc.  He told you exacly what he was going to do and you didn't believe him.  Now you want us to march with you to protest the injustice.  When Black women pushed back, you clutched your pearls, called us ungrateful bitches, and (as usual) blamed us for everything that went wrong. We are used to this type of behavior from yu and this is why we disregard those white tea

  • Dear White America: Not so funny anymore, is it?

    22/01/2017 Duration: 01h59min

    Donald Trump has been sworn into the office of President of the United States. Mass protests have been taking place all over the world and it's not going away any time soon. I'm conflicted about being asked to support white women and men for a number of issues that seem self inflicted. I'm conflicted about putting my life, sanity, livelihood, freedom, etc. on the line for people who don't give a shit about the oppression that people of color endure on a daily basis. I'm conflicted because many of the same people asking for support only seek many people of color ust to be able to claim diversity and inclusion. I'm conflicted because at the end of the parch, parade, protest, etc. they get to go back to their lily white non-black neighbor having lives. I'm conflicted because you blame us for not fixing problems that we never created, but you proit from. I'm conflicted because your support comes with strings and obnoxious demands.  I'm conflicted because you intterupt me while I'm speaking and then claim that I

  • Dear White America: Why are 'The Blacks' the only group demanded to play fair?

    15/01/2017 Duration: 02h21min

    Thanks for listening to our Black FreeThinkers podcast.  Over the years we have discussed a number of topics that we believed needed more diverse commentary.  It has been a pleasure to have been part of the discussion and thank you for inviting us into your world. However, due to the current political and cultural climate in America, we need to delve much deeper into these discussions and would love for you to join the conversation. There is nothing wrong with asking questions, making demands, saying NO, standing up for yourself, refuse to go along to get along, and play dirty if the opponent insists that the game has NO rules for them, but plenty of rules for the rest of us. It's hard to play catch when your hands are tied behind your back.  In some cases, your hands have been chopped off, but you are expected to sing, dance, laugh, and repeatedly assure the people who set you up to fail that everything is fine and you forgive them. Not gonna play that game no mo' no mo' no mo' no mo'. Welcome to the futu

  • Branded White: Diversity panels do not equal social justice advocacy (work)

    25/12/2016 Duration: 01h52min

    Please join us as explore the beautiful & curious minds of those who believe that sitting on a diversity panel is social justice work.   We ain't seen you at 1 meeting. Nor have we seen you at a rally, march, or protest. You ain't retweeted or shared a damn thing.  We still waiting on that check. Have you run out of self-created issues in your communities? Now some of you are well meaning and I get it. I applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue to move forward. So, I am not talking about you. I am talking specifically to the group of people who are treating social justice work as the latest fad and 'it' cause. I am also talking to the group of people who are seeking to capitalize on social justice. Can't leave out the organizations that will profit from membership fees as they make sure to have a diversity panel at their conference. Sometimes they actually invite 'the blacks' to sit on the panel. There is nothing that I enjoy more than watching an all white 'diversity' panel discussing 'the bl

  • Branded White: Empathy is for White people

    18/12/2016 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss double standards for black people and why empathy is for white people.  This is not limited to black people in the United States. We have seen that these injustices have been implemented worldwide. However, America just elected Donald Trump and the world is watching with bated breath and baited hooks for what seems to be shaping up as a rollercoaster ride that we can't stop, we can't slow down, and are now a captive rider; with flashbulbs catching every painful moment for the whitewashed history that it will bring forth. The cowboy politics that will come from the Trump Administration is anybody's guess and unfortunately, people of color will suffer. Buckle up because you ain't getting off without a fight.

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