Black Freethinkers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 581:35:00
  • More information



We are here to challenge you to think and live for yourself, not convert you.Copyright © 2011-2018 All rights reserved. Written permission for use or reproduction is required.


  • Whitesplaining from the Democrats: Don't worry, be happy!

    11/12/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Please join us as we discuss white people falling all over themselves trying to explain and justify Donald Trump's triumphant election.  You keep saying that everything will be alright and that we will be protected from the white conservatism nationalism that is making a victory lap around the world. You have been making these false promises for decades. The very conditions that people of color suffer from were created by many of you and/or with your tacit agreement. Every movement we have created, you have managed to sabotage, on the low, while claiming to be allies. You crushed the Civil Rights & Black Power movement, yet the KKK is thriving.  How does that work? Poverty, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, inner city reservtions, Indian reservations, latinx barrios, etc. were all created and perpetuated by YOU.  The common excuses we hear are that now isn't the time to force change, he is the President of ALL America and not ust black America, stop black on black crime and THEN we will take you

  • White Americans & Western Europeans to the rest of us: FUCK your safe spaces!

    04/12/2016 Duration: 02h08min

    Please join us as we discuss the so called white allies and their utter betrayal. These are the same people who feign confusion and dismay when people of color create safe spaces.  It was already bad enough that they mocked and ridiculed us for our originality, while they secretly coveted the vary qualities that made us stand out. Once they appropriate it, they capitalize on it, and then give us the middle finger when we protest their columbusing of our cultures. Meanwhile, they demand that WE educate THEM about THEIR racism and corrupt system.  Then, they accuse us of lying about facts that THEY didn't know about. Instead of researching these matters for themselves, they settle for not believing us and accusing us creating our own problems. Even the "nice white people" who desperately want us to forgive the whypipo for being so assholery cry salty white tears because we are now saying, "Hell to the naw, fuck that shit!" The people who make these types of accusations and demands are NOT our friends.  Let me

  • White Christian America: Racism American Style Pt. 2

    20/11/2016 Duration: 01h58min

    Funny how you wanted to bring us to heel and bury our movement; just like you buried movements in the past. Well little tink tink, it seems as though the tables have turned Democrats. We have brought you to heel and buried your aspirations to kill our movement., Those black, brown, red, yellow, and poor whites votes matter after all...huh? I want you to explain to us very slowly how you aren't going to address issues that plague our communities. Can you expound on how you are going to ignore our policy demands?  Tell us more about the false hope and refuse to change that you sold to us. Y'all, we are waiting for you to explain why your cousins im Bob and Ellie Mae voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. I defecate your post racial narrative and violently regurgitate your colorlind tropes. Christianity & the Bible have been used to perpetuate and justify slavery, systemic/institutional racism, Raw (New) Deal, Jim Crow, segregation, mob action against communities of color, poverty, wealth inequality, and mo

  • White Christian America: Racism American Style Pt. 1

    13/11/2016 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we explore racism American style. No one does racism the way that America does racism. Tune in, give us a call, send us a note to share YOUR story or the story of someone you know. Christianity & the Bible have been used to perpetuate and justify slavery, systemic/institutional racism, Raw (New) Deal, Jim Crow, segregation, mob action against communities of color, poverty, wealth inequality, and more. The system is NOT and never was broken, it was built this way. We need to accept this fact of life. White American Christians tend to cling to their guns and bibles; especially, in times of trouble and uncertainty. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., once said "it is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o'clock on Sunday morning. The religious right was formed to protect segregation. White nationalists will tell you that their organizations are Christian based. The BPP and BLM are labeled hate groups and are being attacked from every direction. However

  • White Christian America: Hope & Change White Cis/Het Male Style

    30/10/2016 Duration: 02h37min

    Please join us Sunday 1PM CST as we examine what fuels White Christian Americans. The RNC offers angry, white Americans hope for a yesteryear that they have romanticized and a return to the Jim Crow society that they have longed for. The messiah, that they have prayed for, has manifested. They now have their very own Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson in whiteface to speak 'truth' to power. Their newly arisen pied piper is leading a ticker tape parade to the White House to make 'America Great Again.' He has delivered his sermon on the mount at Gettysburg. He, too, has a contract (covenant) that he wants America to make with him. He, too, has a New Deal for 'the blacks.' He, too, has jobs for our immigrants (legal or otherwise) build the wall he intends to toss them over. He, too, has a plan to (de)stabilize our economy. He, too, has a plan to vilify and demonize those he has labeled as degenerates and subversives. He, too, wants to rid our country of political correctness. They, too, shall overcome.

  • White Christian America: This relationship ain't working for me...

    16/10/2016 Duration: 01h57min

    Please join us Sunday as we discuss White Christian America and their refusal to put an end to racism in America. This is the first installment on a series specifically talking about White Christian America's willful ignorance, tacit & overt agreement with racism, being complicit with the systemic racism perpetuated by the powers that be, and misguided anger.   It's not's me. really is you, but I was trying to spare your feelings. I have come to the realization that we have to part ways. If this is your way of showing love, please hate me. Not really sure how much more I can take. I tried, but failed miserably trying to ind some common ground. The only solution that will work is or me to walk away. Trying to convince you that people of color in America are suffering because you refuse to acknowledge and dismantle white supremacy is an exercise in futility. Until you can take responsibility and acknowledge your role in perpetually oppressing people of color, we have nothing else to d

  • Open Topics: Buffet of foolishness and recklessness

    18/09/2016 Duration: 02h00s

    Please enjoy today's show.  Feel free to dial in and speak with us. 310-982-4273 and press 1. We are marveling at the buffet of foolishness, fuckery, and recklessness that plagues this country. There is so much to choose from that we don't know where to start. Let's have some fun.

  • Conversation with Christopher Everett: Wilmington On Fire

    11/09/2016 Duration: 01h40min

    Please join us Sunday, Sept. 11 as we converse with Christopher Everett (Director of Wilmigton on Fire). Wilmington on Fire chronicles the bloody attack on the African-American community and unseated elected officials in the port city of Wilmington, North Carolina November 10, 1898. The massacre and coup d’etat was the springboard for the white supremacy movement and Jim Crow segregation throughout the state of North Carolina and the American South. The dial-in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the hosts.

  • Plantation Politics: ALL Black Women Matter

    28/08/2016 Duration: 01h53min

    Please join us Sunday at 1:30pm CST as we discuss why ALL Black women matter and uphold their value. Toxic MasculinityLeslie JonesRape Culture (Nate Parker, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, etc.)Well meaning sexists??Well meaning racists?Expendability of Black Women (Grim Sleeper serial killer, sex workers, etc.)Black TransWomen matter too! (and fuck you to those who disagree) Thanks for tuning in y'all.  Please dial 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the hosts.

  • Plantation Politics: White Lives Matter

    24/07/2016 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss the current political climate.  There is so much that we need to unpack and so little time.  This is the first of our plantation politics series, in an effort to better understand what's happening.  Empty promises and sweet nothings no longer pacify those who have been marginalized, othered, forgotten, and discarded (until your vote is needed).  We also need to examine our plans IF Donald Trump is elected.  Even if he doesnt win, his supporters have been given a voice, empowered, and emboldened. How do we navigate this new climate that is evolving in America and around the world?

  • Plantation Politics: Sweet Nothings

    17/07/2016 Duration: 02h36min

    Please join us as we discuss the current political climate.  There is so much that we need to unpack and so little time.  This is the first of our plantation politics series, in an effort to better understand what's happening.  Empty promises and sweet nothings no longer pacify those who have been marginalized, othered, forgotten, and discarded (until your vote is needed).  We also need to examine our plans IF Donald Trump is elected.  Even if he doesnt win, his supporters have been given a voice, empowered, and emboldened. How do we navigate this new climate that is evolving in America and around the world? We remember Sandra Bland and Latasha Harlins. Please take time out to read about these women whose lives were taken. #saytheirnames #sayhername #Sandystillspeak

  • Oxygen Mask, Sweet Tea, & a Wet Nap

    03/07/2016 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us Sunday at 1:30PM CST as we discuss a number of issues that have taken place over the past several weeks. Please call 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host. Brexit/Bremain Istanbul Mexico Massacre Mass Shooting in SC Jessie Williams speech Whoopi … really girl? And mind got stuck on the Whoopi thing. It's like watching a dog chase his own tail!

  • Don't Make Me put you on my list!

    26/06/2016 Duration: 01h29min

    Please join us Sunday at 1:30pm to talk about the 'civil rights' sit-in and such sundry. I thought that I was done talking about people co-opting and usurping our civil rights movement. I guess this is part 3...I am not sure yet.   310-82-4273 and press 1 to speak with the hosts.

  • Start Your Own Civil Rights Movement & Stop Hijacking Ours! Pt. 2

    19/06/2016 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us Sunday @1:30PM CST as we discuss how a number of communities and 'movements' attempt to co-opt the Civil Rights Movement; while not addressing, rectifying, or dealing with the bigotry and xenophobia of their own communities. All of the sudden, everybody got a dream.  Everybody wants to claim black victimhood,  yet they don't want the struggle.  How does that work?  I ain't done talking about this yet. That's why....   You can call in at 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

  • Start Your Own Civil Rights Movement & Stop Hijacking Ours!

    12/06/2016 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us Sunday @10AM CST as we discuss how a number of communities and 'movements' attempt to co-opt the Civil Rights Movement; while not addressing, rectifying, or dealing with the bigotry and xenophobia of their own communities. All of the sudden, everybody got a dream.  Everybody wants to claim black victimhood,  yet they don't want the struggle.  How does that work?  Just a slight bit left of pisstivity this week.   You can call in at 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

  • Call Me Peaches: Négritude

    05/06/2016 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us Sunday at 10:00AM CST for lively discussion.  The dial-in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host. We are here to challenge you to think and live for yourself, challenge the status quo, and challenge those around you. Question everything and everyone. Utilize critical thinking skills in EVERY area of YOUR life. YOU determine who you are, not those around you. Remember, some will attempt to dissuade you because of their lack of knowledge, jealousy, insecurity, and fear. We will cover a number of topics. It is NOT my job to validate or assuage your guilt and fear. My purpose is to push you out of YOUR comfort zone. It is not my responsibility to soothe and coddle your over inflated ego. My purpose is to pique your interests, encourage you to think outside the box, re-evaluate your positions, research to empower yourself, and never settle for conventional thought. White folks and their animals Black Children Matter Double Standards Tokenism disguised as diversity Special I

  • Sorry You Didn't Get the Memo

    22/05/2016 Duration: 01h51min

    Please join us Sunday at 10AM CST to discuss how a friendly game of hangman sent a black child home with rope burns around her neck, diversity, white folks running in circles, history repeating itself, and much more.  There is so much going on, and I am not sure where to start.  I can't wait until the first Wednesday in Novermber...unless we have hanging chads and a litany of lawsuits. Also, I need to correct some information from last week. I misspoke about Donald Trump threatening to deport Nigerians specifically.  However, just because it has not come out of his mouth, that doesn't mean that you aren't on the list. The dialin number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

  • How did we go from "yes we can" to "black lives matter" to "what the fuck?" Pt 2

    15/05/2016 Duration: 01h36min

    Please join us Sunday at 9AM CST as we discuss how we went from "yes we can" to "black lives matter" to "what the fuck." We told y'all that Trump was a viable candidate. Many of you laughed him into the GOP nomination.  The GOP wealthy elite are having public meltdowns, touting possible 3rd party candidate, pledging to vote for Hillary, donating money to Hillary, etc.  I have never seen anything like this in my life.  I'm actually looking forward to the RNC convention.  Donald Trump promised fireworks and I am confident that he will stand and deliver. Where do we go from here?What do we do now?Why are they working overtime for the Black and Latino vote?How can we spin this to our advantage?That and more... Dial 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

  • How did we go from "yes we can" to "black lives matter" to "what the fuck?"

    08/05/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Please join us Sunday at 10AM CST as we discuss how we went from "yes we can" to "black lives matter" to "what the fuck." We told y'all that Trump was a viable candidate. Many of you laughed him into the GOP nomination.  The GOP wealthy elite are having public meltdowns, touting possible 3rd party candidate, pledging to vote for Hillary, donating money to Hillary, etc.  I have never seen anything like this in my life.  I'm actually looking forward to the RNC convention.  Donald Trump promised fireworks and I am confident that he will stand and deliver. Where do we go from here?What do we do now?Why are they working overtime for the Black and Latino vote?How can we spin this to our advantage?That and more... Dial 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

  • Paradigm Shift... New Beginnings

    24/04/2016 Duration: 02h03min

    Please join us Sunday at 10AM CST as we discuss the paradigm shift that we are currently experiencing. We continue to challenge you to pay close attention to the current political climate and observe the changing of the guard. We must continue to push social justice forward. The dial-in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host.

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