Black Freethinkers



We are here to challenge you to think and live for yourself, not convert you.Copyright © 2011-2018 All rights reserved. Written permission for use or reproduction is required.


  • Dear White Christians: Your true nature is showing.

    14/10/2018 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us Sunday as we discuss a number of problematic narratives fueling the white evangelical community. There is so much to discuss that I'm not sure where to begin.  White Christian Fragility: Fear and power.White Christian Radio Silence: Silence on keeping black and brown babies in cages.White Christian Open Secret: Racism disguised as patriotism.What would Jesus do?: Praying for RBG's death.White Evangelicals getting played: Trump's lies about the Johnson AmendmentWhite Christian Anti-Trump Brigade: Touring the country.White Christian reinvented: Spin and rinse. What are you thinking Kanye? Pathologizing the black community with false negative tropes will not make you an honorary white man. Donald Trump is not your daddy. Please stop with the tofu dashiki madness. Capitalism and white supremacy in black face will not work or save the black community. However, I strongly suspect that you're only trying to save yourself. 

  • In Conversation with The Black DeTour

    10/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    Please join us as we speak with Jay Colby, founder of The Black Detour. We'll discuss independent media and why it's needed given our current socio-political environment.  The Black Detour is an independent media outlet that advocates for Black people to not only be empowered but informed on issues in the Black community. We’re part of a growing movement in America to empower Black people all across the United States. At our core, we stand with Black people and want our voices, opinions, and thoughts heard. Jay Colby is a writer, journalist, and entrepreneur. Jay founded The Black Detour to not only change the often negative perception of Black people in mainstream media but to create a space where Black people can voice their opinion freely. He is also a college graduate and has dedicated his life to helping the disenfranchised.  We want to encourage independent journalism and this is a step in the right direction. You can find them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as well. 

  • The Groveland Four

    08/10/2018 Duration: 42min

    Please join us as we discuss the Groveland Four with Carol Greenlee (daughter of wrongly convicted Charles Greenlee).  Earnest Thomas, Charles Greenlee, Samuel Shepherd and Walter Irvin were accused of raping a 17-year-old white woman in Lake County, Florida in 1948. They were convicted of a crime, minus any evidence, by an all white jury. In November 1951, NAACP Special Counsel Thurgood Marshall had the death penalty verdicts overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. The four men were posthumously exonerated on April 18, 2017 by a resolution passed by the Florida House of Representatives. The state also apologized to their families for the racial injustice of the case, and lawmakers called on Florida Governor Rick Scott to officially pardon the men. Please contact the Florida Clemency board to see a pardon for the four young men who were wrongly accused and convicted of a crime that they didn't convict. You can find more resources and help to amplify this tragedy by using #PardonGrovelandFour.  Recommended

  • Being She/Her and the consequences that it brings!

    30/09/2018 Duration: 01h52min

    Please join us as we discuss Christine Blasey Ford and the Senate hearing for Brett Kavanaugh. There's so much to unpack, that it's difficult to know where to begin. We will also discuss the very obvious display of white male privilege and entitlement.  We will also contrast the difference between this hearing and the one for Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. It's very important to understand the distinct difference between the two. White womanhood and Black womanhood are two very different worlds. Just like Black childhood versus White childhood are very very different worlds. We'll talk about those differences and why they matter. 

  • Dear Black Church: White Supremacy in the Pulpit

    23/09/2018 Duration: 01h25min

    Please join us as we discuss the current state of the church. You have people leaving in droves, leadership openly rebelling against the Bible they profess to believe, pastors and leadership openly telling you to submit and obey the authority of deviants, pastors and leadership that are money hungry and on power trips, and so much more. When are you going to stand up and speak up? There is no way that you can convince me that you believe that this type of leadership is acceptable.

  • Dear Black Church: It's time for change

    02/09/2018 Duration: 02h52min

    Please join us as we talk about the Aretha Franklin funeral, black church, outdated traditions of the black church, church hurt, #metoo, dismissal of black women, misogyny, black children, and much more. It's time for the black church to re-evaluate some of it's long standing traditions and expectations. I'm going to cover a number of things, so please take time to listen carefully and give some feedback.  You can email me:  I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I'm going to talk about a few other things as well...

  • Dear White America: Caping for control

    19/08/2018 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us as we discuss the aggrieved white men in America who feel that they are being discriminated against because of their gender and whiteness. Some of them believe that women & the black/brown people need to be put back in their place in the proper hierarchy. Also, they need to ensure that they keep their white dominance in the hierarchy of power and control. We can't have too many immigrants and refugees disrupting the balance. The mental gymnastics to justify and rationalize their belief systems has astounded me over the years and I continue to watch with amazement at the sheer ignorance and fear driven politics. 

  • "Woke" Whypipo and their fragility.

    05/08/2018 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss why some white progressives, moderates, liberals, and allies are problematic and complicit with white supremacy. When you attempt to explain why their silence or their encouragement of you being silent is violent, here comes the conditional support, tears, and accusations of you not being a team player or understanding the 'sacrifices' that they have made to just be your friend and 'be seen in public' standing by your side. The dial in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to talk about the subject matter.

  • Dear Black People: What's up w/the White American & whypipo abroad love for 45?

    15/07/2018 Duration: 01h57min

    Please join us today as I try to play catch up and update you on a few things. You know how we do, I'm just going for it. What more evidence do you need that making moral arguments mean nothing to people who have a totally different definition of morality than yourself? What do you say when their white privilege means more to them than their God or holy book? How do you respond to the silent moderate, liberal, and progressive so called 'good' whites who remain silent in the face of the wicked white supremacy that's on full display? How do you justify the actions of the so called 'good' white politicians who secretly agree with the changes that are being made by 45? They are too cowardly to say anything in public, but their voting records tell the REAL story. Ooh Wee! So to say and so little time. I'm going to start taking calls again, unless you on that bullshit...

  • We are Black Free Thinkers, but not the Kanye kind.

    06/05/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Please join us Sunday as we break down Kanye's latest sophistry. There is so much to catch up on. Reuter's took a poll that indicted that Black men support for Donald Trump doubled after Kanye announced his new ideaology of freethought. Let's examine that and more. There have been a number of think pieces written about Kanye's declaration that slavery is a choice. If you refuse to read a book, at least fund a few libraries in disadvantaged neighborhoods.  The dial in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to talk to the host.

  • Black Community: What about white on white crime?

    18/02/2018 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join us as we examine white on white crime again... Why are they so angry?   Why are they killing themselves when they are worried about population decline? Why are they scapegoating the mentally ill? Why have they turned jails and prisons into mental health facilities? Why did they gut funding for mental health services? Why aren't they discussing the fact that they are allowing dangerous mentally ill people to purchase guns? Should we listen to anyone who has received money from the NRA? Would things change if more Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow people purchased guns and create their own version of the NRA? Much more...  

  • Dear Black Church : Black Community - #METOO ...

    28/01/2018 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss the #MeToo movment and how it is overlooking voices and accounts the Black Community. More people are coming forward with their stories, yet the stories in black and brown communities are discounted because we aren't necessarily talking abut rich, famous public figures.  So many stories are out there and it's a deperately needed conversation.

  • Dear Black America: What's next?

    21/01/2018 Duration: 01h38min

    Dear Black People: What's next? Do we fall into the same old rut and go along with the status quo because we were trained to do so? It's evident that our money and voting block is more important than they would care for us to realize. What's next? Do we continue to allow our very existence be dictated by people who truly believe that they know what's best for us and will make decisions accordingly? They name the problem and for odd reason, too many of you are eager to claim it. Why is that? OR Do we grow a backbone and stand up? I'm just asking questions...

  • Dear White America: "Ally Theatre, Tokenism, Exceptionalism & Shucking!"

    14/01/2018 Duration: 02h00s

    Please join us as we discuss many different issues. There is so much fodder that I'm not sure where to begin. Per Donald tRump: Black people "What do you have to lose?" Black Americans in Atlanta live in crime infested neighborhoods that are falling apart. Mexicans are allegedly bringing drugs to America, raping women (white?), have bad hombres syndrome, taking (white) American jobs, clogging the emergency rooms, overburdening the welfare and disability rolls, and refuse to learn English allegedly per Donald tRump. Puerto Ricans have no food or electricity because they are allegedly lazy and deserve to suffer per Donald tRump. Africans allegedly live in huts and come from alleged sh*tholes. Haitians allegedly come sh*tholes and have AIDS. I'm not sure what his stance is on the Hawaiian incident, but I'm sure that he feels like they should not have listened to the fake news and fake emergency drills.  He still has said nothing.  Maybe they live too far away like Puerto Rico, the Virgin Island

  • White Folks Burdens

    07/01/2018 Duration: 01h53min

    The tRump administration is just a living, walking, talking example of white male privilege and identity. White feminists have shown us, once again, that their identification is centered on their whiteness. How many times does this have to happen before black and brown people walk away from the deception and madness?  2017 was a glaring example of white supremacy and white nationalism in America. This crisis has been happening globally, but unfortunately you have Americans who ignored all of the warning signs.   This and more.

  • Dear Black America: Question Everything and Everyone!

    17/12/2017 Duration: 01h57min

    Please join me Sunday as I discuss this reality show that we are being forced to participate in.There is about a 2 minute lag time because the call dopped. The need to pay attention and question everything and everyone is imperative. Unfortunately, you will have people trying to sell yoou a bill of goods; while neglecting to tell you that the product expired a year ago. We can't afford to not pay attention. Donald tRump to people of color, "You will obey and conform." Omarosa, that means you too. Now we are her people and Donald tRump is racial and not racist. How does that work Omarosa? Life is about to get really interesting.

  • Dear Black America: Wild, White West

    10/12/2017 Duration: 01h59min

    Please join me Sunday as I discuss this reality show that we are being forced to participate in; Donald tRump, Roy Moore, white evangelicals, black word of faithers, libertarians, white supremacists, Jerusalem, and more. I'm pretty much going to talk about everything and everyone because I can. Donald tRump to people of color, "You will obey and conform." All of a sudden they claim that they want to engage black people and dialogue. Donald tRump is Santa Clause for whypipo and some of their ethnic white counterparts. Recognizinging Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal is having very real consequences. This was done deliberately for a number of reasons. Life is about to get really interesting.

  • Conversation with Dr. Dauv Evans - Emancipation of a Black Atheist

    03/12/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    Please join us as we converse with Dr. Dauv Evans about his recently released book, "Emancipation of a Black Atheist." Great journeys often start with a single question. For Dr. Evans, a newly married professional in the Christian-dominated South, that question was, “Why Do I Believe in God?” That simple query led him on a years-long search to better understand the nature of religion and faith, particularly as it applies to the Black community. The culmination of his journey is recounted in his latest book: Emancipation of a Black Atheist.  While this journey eventually led him to discount the notion of God, he calls on all to ask their own questions, particularly those within the Black community who act on blind faith.  Dr. Evans is a corporate trainer who resides in Morrisville, North Carolina with his wife and two children

  • Conversation w/Jazmine Salas - Black Friday Boycotts #CPACNOW

    22/11/2017 Duration: 38min

    Please join us with Jazmine Salas as we discuss Chicao's black Friday economic boycott. Please join CPAC and the Chicago Alliance Friday for the Black Friday Boycott. There will be a power hour Twitter Town Hall tomorrow at Noon. Please use the hashtags #CPACNow, #JusticeForLaQuan, #JusticeForRonnieman, and #DayOfDefiance. Date: Friday:, November 24, 2017 Where: Old Water Tower: 806 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60611 Time: 10am Rally   11am March

  • Dear White America: White Lives Matter

    29/10/2017 Duration: 01h00s

    There have been a number of rallies, marches, protests, and uprisings in the white American communities since the first white outcast was sent to these shores. The United States of Amnesia is feigning ignorance in their attempts to make America White again by forcing women to breed, making the colored folk more productive by forcing them to work for free or next to free (because they fared better under slavery, outlaw and punish homosexuals, steal more property and give it to deserving, hardworking white families who outsource the hard work part to the people of color who they believe are less than human and are their property.

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