Cinema Throwdown is the podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even movie suggestions.
McConkey (2013)
14/11/2016 Duration: 01h27minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie pushes Jacob off a cliff with the biographical documentary McConkey. Jacob and Annie watched the extremely charismatic and stunty performer Shane McConkey in the documentary that shares his name. In 2009, McConkey took it one jump too far and met a tragic end. However, both hosts agree that he lived a full and exciting life at 100 miles per hour. Annie looks on the bright side and offers a ski lodge party theme with the return of Annie's Party Central. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even movie suggesti
Winnebago Man (2010)
07/11/2016 Duration: 01h44sCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob and Annie bear witness to one man's descent into senility, frustration, and madness with Jack Rebney, who is of course better known as the Winnebago Man. Our minds are shit today as we try to do Winnebago Man (2010) justice. This is going to be an odd show because if you haven't seen this documentary, there is a whole lot of context you'll be missing. If you aren't down with cursing, this isn't the show for you. This was a lot of fun and our introduction to our documentary series for November 2016. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at We encourage listener
The Shining (1980)
31/10/2016 Duration: 01h29minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob and Annie get cabin fever while they are locked up in the Overlook hotel all winter long with The Shining. Come play with us Annie. Forever and ever. This week, Jacob and Annie watched The Shining (1980) and boy did they enjoy it. The hosts share some scary stories of their own before jumping in on the movie. Both hosts really get into Jack Nicholson's portrayal of Jack Torrence and look into some of Kubrick's cookie crumbs. This episode marks the long awaited return to Annie's Party Central and Jacob writes a review for this super scary flick. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at www.faceb
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
24/10/2016 Duration: 01h25minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob and Annie hold up in a house against the shuffling horde of zombies outside! This week, the hosts watched Night of the Living Dead (1968). After a particularly long banter session about Halloween costumes, the hosts dig in to the one and only OG zombie flick. Annie fawns all over Ben and Jacob reminisces about the nostalgia of this particular movie. Then, Jacob brings all forward momentum to a halt as he reads a portion of Roger Ebert's original review for George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at We encourage listener i
Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)
17/10/2016 Duration: 01h21minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob and Annie fight some trolls alongside the one and only Ernest P. Worrell. This week, the hosts watched Ernest Scared Stupid (1991). This was a blast from the past, ya know what I mean? There was definitely some trollish funny business. Jacob and Annie wax nostalgic and talk about Halloween costumes from childhood. Jacob looks way too deeply into the philosophy of Ernest and Annie reveals her troll racism. It was a blast to watch this movie and even Annie had to admit that she came around to Jim Varney's beloved character by the end. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at
Hocus Pocus (1993)
03/10/2016 Duration: 01h22minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie tries to cast a spell on Jacob, but it is just a bunch of Hocus Pocus. This week, the hosts watched Hocus Pocus (1993). Oh boy, was this movie a blast. Jacob was ashamed to admit that he actually enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Annie reveled in every moment of nostalgia. Stories galore! We talk old times and enjoy this movie way more than we should have. Annie's plays some Bloody Murder and Jacob give this movie a fair rating. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even movie suggestions. #hocuspocus #podc
The Warriors (1979)
26/09/2016 Duration: 01h27minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob sends Annie through 1970's gangland with The Warriors This week, the hosts watched The Warriors (1979). Jacob had some really fond memories of this movie, even if he admits that there is a distinct lack of real action. Annie joins a gang and Jacob introduces his new segment Down the Rabbit Hole. The hosts also introduce next month's theme and couldn't be more excited about it. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even movie suggestions. #thewarriors #podcast #cinemathrowdown #podernfamily
Almost Famous (2000)
19/09/2016 Duration: 01h23minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie takes Jacob along on a road trip with the fictitious band Stillwater as they watch Almost Famous. This week, the hosts watched Almost Famous (2000) and this movie brought out a whole lot of emotional reactions. Although they enjoyed the film, Jacob experienced way too much displaced anger against Penny Lane. Annie reminisced about times past and tells an awesome story about meeting one of her rock star crushes. Then Jacob completely embarrasses himself by revealing his celebrity crush. Annie's party corner goes retro and Jacob writes a review. A lot of laughter and a lot of memories in this one. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at
True Story (2015)
05/09/2016 Duration: 01h22minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie pulls the rug out from under Jacob with the completely random 2015 movie, True Story. This week, the hosts watched True Story and boy was this a complete surprise for Jacob, having literally never even have heard of this movie before pressing play. However, this film didn't disappoint, even if this was a movie in which nothing really happens. The hosts recount their memories of watching movies that feature James Franco and Jonah Hill and talk about how out of character the roles were for these actors. There is also a few format changes that we discuss just to keep everyone in the loop. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please
Defending Your Life (1991)
23/08/2016 Duration: 01h24minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob puts Annie to sleep with the 1991 comedy romance, Defending Your Life. Annie and Jacob watched Defending Your Life. Jacob had memories of watching this as a child and remembered it being so captivating. However, this film did not quite hold up. The hosts gave it a lukewarm reception. Jacob talks over Annie like bonkers and Annie writes a review for this laugh to yourself, although intriguing, movie from a time when the romantic comedy had not quite found its stride. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even
American Sniper (2014)
14/08/2016 Duration: 01h26minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie has Jacob watch the 2014 psychological mind bender of a war movie, American Sniper. Annie and Jacob watched American Sniper this week and both of them enjoyed it, but gee whiz did that movie pack a downer of a finale. We went WAY too deep into this movie and found a whole lot of introspection that probably wasn't actually there. Annie talks about an American Sniper Party, which isn't actually as gruesome as it sounds. Jacob gives this movie a review and we put this one down for good. Headshot. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at We encourage listener inter
Robocop (1987)
08/08/2016 Duration: 01h01minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob Annie and Jacob watched Robocop together and surprisingly, Annie was into it. What was she in to? The over the top violence? The hilariously bad one liners? The random commercials thrown in for....reasons? Regardless, this one was alright Both hosts enjoyed this movie at great length and talk about some of the finer points. Annie joins the dark side and explains her love for the special effects and Jacob explains how to sell this movie to a date, should you want to be bold enough to show this to a date. Annie ends with a review of Robocop. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at www.facebook
The Notebook (2004)
01/08/2016 Duration: 58minCinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Annie inflicts the 2004 romantic drama The Notebook on Jacob. Annie and Jacob watched The Notebook together after a magical evening out to dinner with family and an enchanting care ride home, sharing the musings of life. That is about as preposterous as the premise of this movie. We are far too cynical for this type of movie. Both hosts provide their thoughts through a breakdown of the film. Annie's Party corner features pancakes and way too many drinking games while Jacob writes a scathing review for this love story. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at We enco
Cinema Throwdown Episode 00
01/08/2016 Duration: 38minCinema Throwdown is the podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down. As an introduction to the show, the hosts, and the magic behind Cinema Throwdown, Episode 00 is an essential listen that gives some background into this humble podcast. Each week, the hosts will be challenging each other to watch a movie that is outside of their comfort zone and give it an honest chance. There is no movie in this episode, but rather the hosts lay the ground work for what is to come, culminating in the coin toss that decides the fate of both hosts by giving the winner power to choose the first movie. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at We encourage listener interaction, questions, and even movie suggestions.