Cinema Throwdown

Robocop (1987)



Cinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob  Annie and Jacob watched Robocop together and surprisingly, Annie was into it. What was she in to? The over the top violence? The hilariously bad one liners? The random commercials thrown in for....reasons? Regardless, this one was alright  Both hosts enjoyed this movie at great length and talk about some of the finer points. Annie joins the dark side and explains her love for the special effects and Jacob explains how to sell this movie to a date, should you want to be bold enough to show this to a date. Annie ends with a review of Robocop. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on facebook at www.facebook