The StoryMen live at the intersection of Pop Culture, Theology and History. Nothing's off limits!
It's Time to Travel (Again) - Fascinating Season 6
31/05/2021 Duration: 01h09minIt's summer and with vaccinations, it's time to travel again. We share some of our travel plans, as well as some of our most embarrassing travel faux pas.
How to Deal with Trolls - Fascinating Season 6
24/05/2021 Duration: 01h36minHow do you deal with trolls? More importantly, how do you even spot a troll? And what about folks who aren't trying to troll, but still don't have good intentions? We do a deep (and wide) dive on how we spot, engage and deal with disagreement in online spaces.
Celebrating AAPI Media - Fascinating Season 6
17/05/2021 Duration: 58minSince May is Asian-American/Pacific Islander Heritage month, we share our favorite films, books and tv shows from and about AAPI folks. Plus, a deep dive into the term itself and its many meanings!
Graci Kim and the Last Fallen Star - Fascinating Season 6
10/05/2021 Duration: 58minAuthor Graci Kim joins us to explore contemporary Korean mythology in a Los Angeles setting. Her new middle-grade fantasy The Last Fallen star carves out a place for kids in the Korean diaspora to find themselves in a whirlwind adventure to save the world. Get the tissues ready. There may be some tears at the end of this one!
The Oscars + Minari - Fascinating Season 6
03/05/2021 Duration: 01h28minOur annual Oscars recap is here. What did we love? What was overrated? And what did we miss? PLUS: a deep dive into one of our favorites - MINARI!
S. B. Divya's MACHINEHOOD - Fascinating Season 6
26/04/2021 Duration: 01h07minWhat does the future of humanity look like as we develop better AI? What does our treatment of Alexa, Siri and our Roombas say about us? Author S. B. Divya joins us to dive into her debut novel MACHINEHOOD!
Wandavision - Fascinating Season 6
19/04/2021 Duration: 01h17minMarvel Studio's first foray into television was a smash success. So what did we think of WandaVision? We do a deep dive on this surprising show. PLUS the final winner of the 2021 Pop Culture Tournament!
Pandemic Bracketology 2021 - Fascinating Season 6
05/04/2021 Duration: 01h46minOur annual pop culture tournament is back and more brutal than ever. Dolly Parton, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, the Snyder Cut and more face off, with one of the most shocking endings in our podcast history! Plus: the final choice is in YOUR hands!
Nothing's Zen (or: it's all sex in your violence) - Fascinating Season 6
29/03/2021 Duration: 01h09minIn the wake of more mass shootings, we turn our attention to gun rights by asking the question: who ends up afraid?
Stop AAPI Hate with Dr. Russell Jeung - Fascinating Season 6
22/03/2021 Duration: 51minA year of pandemic has brought a massive spike in violence against Asians and Asian Americans. Professor and activist Dr. Russell Jeung joins us to explore how we can join the fight for justice and peace for our Asian American siblings, especially in light of last week's horrific murders in Atlanta.
Coyote and Crow with Connor Alexander - Fascinating Season 6
15/03/2021 Duration: 57minConnor Alexander, the creator of the new tabletop role-playing game sensation COYOTE AND CROW, joins us to talk race in gaming, representation and creating a world you want to live in.
Cancelling Cancel Culture - Fascinating Season 6
08/03/2021 Duration: 01h19minFrom Star Wars to Dr. Seuss, not a day goes by we don't hear about someone getting 'cancelled'. But is 'cancel culture' a real thing? And how do we engage problematic content and creators? Take a deep dive with us!
Winter Storm Warning - Fascinating Season 6
01/03/2021 Duration: 43minThat massive winter storm that swept the US knocked out two of our cohosts so Matt and Clay catch up on how they stayed warm.
Wholesome Content Warning - Fascinating Season 6
15/02/2021 Duration: 01h02minMessage from Fascinating Podcast on February 15, 2021
Jubilee and Minimum Wages - Fascinating Season 6
08/02/2021 Duration: 01h23minHow should Christians engage policies surrounding minimum wages? We dive in headlong, including an exploration of Biblical economic theories and how the year of Jubilee might impact how we approach financies and flourishing for everyone. Plus: a Necronomicon uncovered - what could go wrong?
Squad Review: Season 6 Premier - Fascinating Season 6
01/02/2021 Duration: 01h20minYour Fascinating friends are back! We introduce a new segment - the Squad Review! We check in on everything that's been happening since the election. PLUS: which host would make the best president?
Best of 2020 - Fascinating Season 5
28/12/2020 Duration: 01h41minOur last episode of the year is a big one. How else can we send out 2020 than by counting down our favorite TV shows, movies and books. Hey... it turns out there was plenty to love in 2020 (especially since we were all locked inside!).
Creatives in Quarantine with Dan Hernandez - Fascinating Season 5
21/12/2020 Duration: 01h09minProducer and screenwriter (The Tick, Detective Pikachu) Dan Hernandez joins us to talk about how creatives can thrive in quarantine.
The Future of Faith & Masculinity - Fascinating Season 5
14/12/2020 Duration: 01h23minAfter last week's conversation with Kristin Kobes du Mez, we turn to the future of masculinity in the Evangelical world. What pitfalls and promises do we see as we move forward?
Jesus and John Wayne and Kristin Kobes du Mez - Fascinating Season 5
07/12/2020 Duration: 01h27minPundits, pastors, prognosticators and podcasters have spent the last four years wringing our hands to explain how 81% of Evangelicals could vote for Trump despite the convictions of our faith. Scholar Kristin Kobes du Mez demonstrates that our vote wasn't despite our faith, but because of it. She joins our podcast to explore how Evangelicals have baked militant white patriarchy into our faith. It's another episode we just couldn't quit - and hopefully neither can you!