The StoryMen live at the intersection of Pop Culture, Theology and History. Nothing's off limits!
Lovecraft Country with Irene M. Cho - Fascinating Season 5
23/11/2020 Duration: 01h51minWe're giving thanks for Lovecraft Country - HBO's powerful new horror show that suggests humans are the real monsters. Irene M. Cho joins us to break down our favorite themes - and scares! - in a double episode that will keep you through Thanksgiving!
Post-Election Blues - Fascinating Season 5
16/11/2020 Duration: 01h07minIt's time to decompress! We talk about how we spent election night (all five days of it!) and how we're processing the outgoing and incoming administrations. Plus... almost definitely clear-ish proof of aliens! (Maybe?)
The Electoral College - Fascinating Season 5
09/11/2020 Duration: 01h04minEvery election day, we wring our hands over the electoral college. What, exactly, is this thing? And how did it come to be? Professor Clay is back in the driver's seat, guiding us through the twists and turns of this election season!
The Supreme Court - Fascinating Season 5
02/11/2020 Duration: 58minWith the appointment of a new justice, the Supreme Court is news a lot. Our resident historian Clay dives in to the history of the court, its evolution and why we might see more justices.
Faithfully Pro-Choice with Elaina Ramsey - Fascinating Season 5
26/10/2020 Duration: 01h16minNo issue more divides Christians than abortion. But that hasn't always been the case, and it shouldn't be now. Reproductive rights expert Elaina Ramsey joins us to explain what it looks like to be faithfully pro-choice.
Make These Movies III: The Reckoning - Fascinating Season 5
12/10/2020 Duration: 01h16minWe needed a breather, so the gang picks a historical event, a current event and a novel they want to see made into a movie. Some of us even did some dream casting. Now to get funding...
See You at the Polls - Fascinating Season 5
05/10/2020 Duration: 57min`With attacks on voting rights as present as ever, how can we as persons of faith make a difference? We dive in this week to the current struggle to protect the ballot, with a special emphasis on getting involved in the next month!
A Brief History of Voter Suppression - Fascinating Season 5
28/09/2020 Duration: 56minSince we are a month out from the 2020 election, we dive into the history of Voter Suppression. How are votes suppressed today? Where did these practices originate? And why should Christians care about any of this? Listen up!
Season 5 Premier - Fascinating Season 5
21/09/2020 Duration: 56minFascinating is back! Since we spent last season exploring reconstruction, we're pressing further in season 5. What's in store for a season of dreaming? Tune in as we preview what's in store for this season!
Warrior Nun with Screenwriter Brenden Gallagher - Fascinating Season 4
28/07/2020 Duration: 54minNetflix latest sensation is WARRIOR NUN. We're joined by screenwriter Brenden Gallagher, who served as the show's writer's assistant. He takes us on a deep dive into the show, from its mythology to its surprisingly terrific take on religion.
Reconsidering Reconstruction - Fascinating Season 4
29/06/2020 Duration: 01h27minAs season 4 comes to a close, we take a look back at our journey of reconstruction. What were our season highlights? Where are we in our own journeys of reconstructing our faith? And what's ahead for the podcast?
Addressing Racial Ideologies - Fascinating Season 4
22/06/2020 Duration: 01h32minIt's a sin problem, not a skin problem. I'm colorblind. Our church isn't in a diverse area. Bring up race, and Christians have a predictable set of responses. We investigate how racial ideology functions to shield us from real conversations about race, and how we can confront engage them.
On Spiritual Abuse - Fascinating Season 4
15/06/2020 Duration: 01h36minSpiritual abuse can be hard to spot. What counts as spiritual abuse? How can we identify it? And what does resisting it well look like? We have thoughts.
Allyship with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson - Fascinating Season 4
08/06/2020 Duration: 01h10minWhat does it mean to be a good ally? How can aspiring allies join in the work of justice without centering ourselves? Author and leadership coach Natasha Sistrunk Robinson returns to the show to share insights about how to advocate well in this critical time.
Good Neighbors during COVID - Fascinating Season 4
01/06/2020 Duration: 54minChristians are called to care for the most vulnerable. What does that look like during a global pandemic? We consider everything from facemasks to geography to church gatherings.
Asian America with Dr. Jane Hong - Fascinating Season 4
25/05/2020 Duration: 01h09minDr. Jane Hong joins the show to explore the experience of Asian Americans in the USA. How has that experience been erased from our history, and what does it look like to ensure we hear these vital stories? PLUS: Allie Mikalatos joins us as a very special guest host.
The Blackness of the Bible with Minister Onleilove Chika Alston - Fascinating Season 4
18/05/2020 Duration: 01h01minSo much of Christianity is associated with Whiteness and European history. But Minister Onleilove Chika Alston joins us to explore the Black roots of the Bible. What does it mean to say the Bible is a Black book? And why is that an important confession for all of us?
D. L. Mayfield and the Myth of the American Dream - Fascinating Season 4
11/05/2020 Duration: 01h07minAuthor and activist D. L. Mayfield joins us to dissect the American Dream. Her new book explores the dangers of the essential American ideology. We dive into the dangers of idolizing Liberty. Plus, conspiracy theories!
The Way Up is Down with Marlena Graves - Fascinating Season 4
04/05/2020 Duration: 01h03minMarlena Graves joins us to explore the dangers of religious triumphalism. How does Jesus' way lead down... and how is down really the way up?
Fake News - Fascinating Season 4
27/04/2020 Duration: 01h13minThe last couple of years have shined a spotlight on false sources of news - and from elections to pandemics, they've done real damage. How can we spot fake news? How can we be a people of truth?