The StoryMen live at the intersection of Pop Culture, Theology and History. Nothing's off limits!
All the White Friends Andre Henry Couldn't Keep - Fascinating Season 8
21/03/2022 Duration: 01h30minAndre Henry returns to the show to tell us about all the white friends he couldn't keep. We dive deep into the world of activism, as Andre guides us to imagine what a truly just world can look like - and how to get there. This is one you don't want to miss!
The Batman - Fascinating Season 8
14/03/2022 Duration: 01h26minTHE BATMAN is a certified hit... but is it any good? The Fascinating crew heads to Gotham City to investigate Battinson, his allies and his foes. Plus a deep dive into the film's treatment of Asian Americans, women and the noir tropes it drapes itself in. Buckle up, because this podcast is powered by a jet engine, apparently?
Mother God with Teresa Kim Pecinovsky - Fascinating Season 8
06/03/2022 Duration: 57minGod has no gender, but we almost always refer to God as 'he'. What do we lose by ignoring the feminine attributes of God? Teresa Kim Pecinovsky joins us to explore her beautiful new book Mother God. Why is interacting with God as father AND mother vital to a robust faith?
Choosing Us with Gail Song Bantum and Brian Bantum - Fascinating Season 8
28/02/2022 Duration: 01h13minWhy are there so many bad marriage books? Marriage is anything but one-size-fits-all, and it's long past time we had a fresh vision of marriage - one that's good news for every kind of person and sexuality. Dr. Brian and Rev. Gail Song Bantum join us to pull back the curtain on their terrific new book CHOOSING US.
The Rise of Asian America ft. Jeff Yang and Phil Yu - Fascinating Season 8
21/02/2022 Duration: 01h15minWhat is Asian America? Can we trace the origins of this distinctive and important pattern in the tapestry of American popular culture? Jeff Yang and Phil Yu say we can, and they join us to show how with their new book RISE. Plus: it wouldn't be a Fascinating season premier without a feral hogs update!
Best of 2021 - Fascinating Season 7
01/01/2022 Duration: 01h11minYour Fascinating pals close out the season (and the year!) by offering up their favorite media pics of 2021. What made our list? And what did we miss?
Hail Mary with Britni de la Cretaz - Fascinating Season 7
20/12/2021 Duration: 53minRemember the National WOMEN'S Football League? You don't? Well, sportswriter Britni de la Cretaz joins us to share the surprising, thrilling story you've never heard. Plus: the latest feral hog update!
How We Became Affirming - Fascinating Season 7
06/12/2021 Duration: 01h55minThis one's been a long time coming: your four co-hosts trace key moments in our journey toward becoming LGBTQ+ affirming. What does that term mean? What does it look like to be affirming and faithful to the witness of Scripture? This is a super-sized episode so buckle up!
Wholehearted Faith with Jeff Chu - Fascinating Season 7
22/11/2021 Duration: 01h12minJeff Chu joins us to discuss Wholehearted Faith, the last book from Rachel Held Evans. Jeff co-authored the book, and our own Kathy Khang recorded one chapter of the audiobook. We reflect on Rachel's legacy - including some clips from our final interview with her where she discussed this book. Ultimately, we consider a faith that is both deeply rooted in God's love and widely inclusive of all peoples.
What Makes a Good Book? - Fascinating Season 7
15/11/2021 Duration: 01h12minMoby Dick turned 170 years old this year, which got us thinking: what books from the last decade will still be around in 150 years? What makes a classic? And should every book strive to be a classic anyway? PLUS: Martian ketchup and other important Pittsburgh updates.
A Theology of Privilege with Dominique Dubois Gilliard - Fascinating Season 7
08/11/2021 Duration: 01h11minWhat is privilege? Why does talking about it get us so defensive? Dominique Dubois Gilliard returns to the podcast to dive into his new book SUBVERSIVE WITNESS. How is learning to spot our privilege good news? And what are we supposed to do when we identify it? PLUS: does one of your hosts have a secret passage in their house?
Journey to Love with Matt Mikalatos - Fascinating Season 7
01/11/2021 Duration: 01h05minMatt Mikalatos is back in the hot seat. His latest book, Journey to Love, explores our deepest need: to live lives that are more full of love. We do a deep dive on what love is not - after all, knowing what love isn't makes it easier to spot!
Reading the Bible with Horror ft. Brandon Grafius - Fascinating Season 7
25/10/2021 Duration: 56minOur Halloween episode features Dr. Brandon Grafius, author of Reading the Bible with Horror. He tells us how using horror as a lens can help us understand the Bible. We dive in deep on the Bible's most famous ghost story - Samuel being summoned by the witch of Endor.
Cancelling Cancel Culture - Fascinating Season 7
18/10/2021 Duration: 01h17minCancel culture seems impossible to escape. But what exactly IS cancel culture? We walk through the history of cancelling and consider the promise and danger of what's ahead. PLUS: Where in the world is Mikalatos this week?
Reservation Dogs with Rev Sonya Brown - Fascinating Season 7
11/10/2021 Duration: 01h23minWhat happens when you make a TV show about Native Americans with a Native show runner and an all-Native writers' room? You get the unparalleled new show Reservation Dogs. Rev. Sonya Brown (Dine/Navajo) joins us to dive into this groundbreaking show.
Kat Armas' Abuelita Faith - Fascinating Season 7
04/10/2021 Duration: 01h10minWhat does theology look like when you don't center white male theologians? Kat Armas has a radical suggestion: it looks like Abuelita Faith. Kat invites us into the kitchens and homes where theology is embodied. PLUS: a killer photoshoot for October babies.
Catching Up - Fascinating Season 7
27/09/2021 Duration: 01h14minAfter the excitement of 300, your Fascinating buds slow down and spend some time catching up. What big changes did we miss? And what's been fascinating us while we've been gone? It's the gap-episode you've been waiting for!
Asian Inspired Fiction - Episode 300 Mega-show - Fascinating Season 7
20/09/2021 Duration: 03h08minFall began with a box-office dominated by Shang-Chi. What does this smash-hit mean for the future of fantasy fiction? We interview four experts for their insights. Ken Liu, Fonda Lee, Phil Yu and Andrea Stewart join us for a THREE HOUR episode 300. Plus, you know we have to weigh in on Shang-Chi. We're back with a big, big splash!
Cheers to... Camera Phones - Fascinating Season 6
12/07/2021 Duration: 01h09minThe Season 6 finale is here... and we're remembering things that turned 21 in 2021 - including the camera phone. Has any other device so accelerated social change, for good and ill?
The Story King: The Fascinating Interview - Fascinating Season 6
07/06/2021 Duration: 01h18minMatt Mikalatos is in the hot seat again. He has concluded his epic fantasy trilogy The Sunlit Lands. What does it take to bring a world to a satisfying conclusion? What should we expect in this final volume? And how about that killer cover? All this and more as we dive into The Story King!