Fr. Bill's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:57:10
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Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest. This podcast was formerly called "St. Anthony's Podcast."


  • FBP 900 - The Heart of the Matter

    07/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Episode 900 (11:34) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Preaching; Experiences on vacation in Italy; He notes that some of tour guides would explain the amazing art in terms of modern and politically correct categories while missing the heart of the matter; It is all about Jesus! Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 899 - We Yearn To Be Saints

    02/11/2023 Duration: 09min

    Episode 899 (9:47) In this episode: Who is your favorite superhero and why; Super heroes point us to the qualities of God and the saints Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 898 - Whose Are You?

    22/10/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 898 (12:50) In this episode A knowledge quiz regarding the images on U.S. currency; The money we use belongs and is backed by the government who offers services to the people; Jesus tell us to give to God what is God's; Everything belongs to God, especially us. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 897 - The CARA Report & Evangelization

    09/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Episode 897 (15:20) In this episode: Analogy and comparison of roses and grapes; Pew Study Report and CARA Report on the belief of Catholics in the True Presences of Christ in the Eucharist; What does this mean for our Eucharistic Revival? Related Web Sites:  CARA Report on the Eucharist (2023) PEW Study Report (2019) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 896 - Late Have I Loved You

    02/10/2023 Duration: 23min

    Episode 896 (23:06) In this episode: The amazing people in the RCIA; Our need for conversion; While in this world, it is never too late to turn to God; COVID update; CARA Report on the Eucharist Related Web Sites:  CARA Report on the Eucharist (2023) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 895 - Take The Smallest Piece Of Cake

    26/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    Episode 895 (13:15) In this episode: Homilist: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan; Story of wanting the biggest piece of cake; Comparison drives us to envy; Instead of being envious, rejoice with those who rejoice; Kindness; Generosity; Next time you are served cake, take the smallest piece. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 894 - Leading With Love

    13/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 894 (12:05) Preacher: Dcn. Brett Edmonson In this episode: Steps for loving confrontation: 1. Reconciliation (Are we trying to win and humiliate or seek reconciliation?) Questions to ask prior to confronting someone: Is what I am about to say a. true, b. kind, and c. at this moment helpful? 2. A willingness to seek out the lost. No brooding or nursing of grudges; Seek them out where they are and not where they should be. Lead with love. Do not ignore the truth, but show care for them first before our need to be right. We need to be willing to listen and be open to things we don’t know or even wrong about. There is a perception from non-believer-young- adults (according to a survey mentioned by Fr. Mike Scmidtz): Judgemental, bigoted, elitist, and hypocritical. Homework: With whom am I at odds? Consider approaching the other using the guidance just offered to seek out reconciliation. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • 893 FBP 893 - Yeah, But Where Is Jesus' TikTok Account?

    27/08/2023 Duration: 14min

    Episode 893 (14:25) In this episode: Fundamental Attribution Error; Do we really know more about the faith because of social media; Best to share faith and struggles in person; Jesus was no mere guru or nice guy; Jesus claimed to be God; Know Jesus by reading the Gospels and attending Bible studies Related Web Sites:  People Answering the Question, "Who is Jesus?"   Who is Jesus? (NY Street Interviews)   Who Is Jesus? (Christ Fellowship Church)   Do College Students Believe in God (PragerU)   Bishop Barron: Who is Jesus and what makes him unique?   Bishop Barron: Who is Jesus?   Bishop Barron: The Historical Reality of Jesus   TruU #3 Who Is Jesus (Focus On The Family) My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 892 - Be Bold With God

    22/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    Episode (11:40) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson offers the homily; story of a strict teacher who became a beloved teacher and taught his students to think and be bold; The woman begging Jesus to heal her daughter was bold; Be bold with God in your prayers. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 891 - Be Not Afraid

    16/08/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 891 (12:48) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaches the homily; His story about struggling with competing voices of the world and God; Surrendering to God; Finding a place for quiet prayer with God; Do not be afraid Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 890 - The Transfiguration Isn't Just For Jesus

    07/08/2023 Duration: 13min

    Episode 890 (13:23) In this episode: 3 Difficulties getting to the Oregon Star Party; God's grace is effective through suffering; God desires to change and transfigure us; Prayer to be open at communion time to God's grace Related Web Sites:  Oregon Star Party My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 889 - Choose Christ, Who Gave Everything To Choose You

    31/07/2023 Duration: 10min

    Episode 889 (10:50) In this episode: Guest preacher, Dcn. Brett Edmonson; Another way to understand the parable of the treasure in the field and pearl of great price; Consider that we are the treasure and pearl and Christ gave all he had to purchase our salvation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 888 - When God is First, the Rest Falls into Place

    03/07/2023 Duration: 13min

    Episode 888 (13:06) In this episode: Stories of sports obsession; Jesus' words are very difficult to listen to; When God is not first, other things take over and can enslave us; When we put God first, the rest can be enjoyed in right freedom, and the rest falls into place. I will not be preaching on Sunday through July due to the preaching schedule and a coming vacation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 887 - Do Not Be Afraid

    26/06/2023 Duration: 09min

    Episode 887 (9:53) In this episode: things that give me fear; The great fear of humanity is death; Jesus came to save us from eternal death;  Reflection on what it might be like death and entering heaven; Why fear death when we have acknowledged Jesus in our lives Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 886 - How Does God Prove His Love?

    18/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 886 (12:40) In this episode: How does God prove his love; Film "Most"; Theological issues; Imagine how hard it is for a father to sacrifice his son; Love proves his love by his sacrificial love in Jesus' death and resurrection; Remember that you are God's beloved Related Web Sites:  Short Film: “Most” (“The Bridge”) by Eastwind FilmsWikipedia information about “Most”My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 885 - Finding Heart-Strength in the Eucharist

    12/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 885 (12:12) In this episode: Guest preaching: San. Brett Edmonson; Analogy of a camel; Manna was a gift but eventually became dissatisfying; Manna was a metaphor for Eucharist; Receive the Eucharist with true awareness and reverence Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 884 - We Become Like What We Worship

    05/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 884 (12:42) In this episode: Examples of people who are extremely dedicated and the consequences; God is love; We are made to love and be loved; Examples of three newly ordained dedicated to loving God; Do we love God before all else? In this we imitate the Trinity Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 883 - Come! Holy Spirit!

    29/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    Episode 883 (10:39) In this episode: Outpouring the Holt Spirit upon the Apostles; Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit; Memorizing the Fruits; Praying for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 882 - What's Up, Jesus?

    21/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    Episode 882 (7:14) In this episode: Airplanes distract me; I'm often looking up; Jesus ascended up to heaven; Is Heaven literally up? God has communicated in many ways - all have us looking up; Our hope is in Heaven, but we need to be grounded to fulfill his calling Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 881 - Dare to Gather When Others Scatter

    16/05/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 881 (12:44) In this episode: Dan. Brett preaching homily; Commencement speech of Admiral William McRaven; Our world continues to scatter in many ways; Dare to gather instead Related Web Sites:  Commencement Speech of Admiral William McRaven My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

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