Fr. Bill's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:57:10
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Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest. This podcast was formerly called "St. Anthony's Podcast."


  • FBP 860 - Why is there Something Instead of Nothing?

    28/11/2022 Duration: 16min

    Episode 860 (16:49) In this episode: Part 1 of Kerygma Series: Created; Universe is big; God created the cosmos and us; We were created good, for on purpose, and for a calling; We yearn for eternity-heaven Related Web Sites:  Book: Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 859 - Abandon Yourself to the King

    21/11/2022 Duration: 17min

    Episode 859 (17:32) In this episode: Story of Charles de Foucauld; Getting a D in physics; How do we deal with the failures of our lives? How does God deal with us? Abandon ourselves to the Lordship of our King, Jesus Christ. Related Web Sites:  Charles de Foucauld links: My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 858 - T-Minus 7.59 Billion Years And Counting

    14/11/2022 Duration: 16min

    Episode 858 (16:04) In this episode: "Apocalyptic" genre; Story of someone who knew the date of the world would; Themes of apocalyptic: encouragement and praise of God; We cannot know when the 2nd Coming will be; We need to be "audit ready" now; Catholics are Christians? Related Web Sites:  NY Times Article about the End of the Earth My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 857 - God Knows Your Name

    07/11/2022 Duration: 12min

    Episode 857 (12:16) In this Episode: Dan. Brett Edmonson preaches; His Vacation; Liquid Modernity; Consequence of being disconnected and lost; Know that God is always with us no matter what; He calls us by name Related Web Sites:  More about "Liquid Modernity" My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 856 - Lost and Found

    31/10/2022 Duration: 10min

    Episode 856 (10:38) In this episode: Priorities in life; Distractions or temptations can lead us into sin or becoming lost in our faith; God desires to treat sinners with mercy and sparing little by little; Homework - Take someone to dinner and rekindle a relationship Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 855 - Prayer Is A Dialogue Not A Soliloquy

    25/10/2022 Duration: 14min

    Episode 855 (14:29) In this episode: New studio set-up; Homily by Dcn. Brett Edmonson; Pharisee praying to himself; Story about someone filling a conversation with their own words; Prayer to God should be a dialogue, not a soliloquy Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 854 - Prayer: Our Path to Communion

    17/10/2022 Duration: 13min

    Episode 854 (13:41) In this episode: We need communion and not just to be in common; How can we grow in communion with God? Prayer! Story of how important prayer is to my life; Reflection on silent listening prayer; Advice when praying Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 853 - Giving Thanks

    10/10/2022 Duration: 12min

    Episode 853 (12:18) In this episode: Story about witnessing a child have a meltdown; Feeling guilty for being ungrateful and greedy; Thanksgiving is a natural response to being loved and thanked; God communicates his love through us; Thank others and God who sent them Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 852 - The Extraordinary In The Ordinary

    03/10/2022 Duration: 12min

    Episode 852 (12:00) In this episode: The Extraordinary is often ordinary for those doing it;  My sisters who cared for our mother; A parishioner who sung praises to God for the gift of her husband while he was dying in the ER Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 851 - Whom Do You Serve?

    19/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    Episode 851 (14:06) In this episode: My experience of learning Spanish in Morelia, Mexico; Amazement at the priorities in Mexico compared to the U.S.; Wealth, Fame, Power, and Pleasure; Whom do you serve? De we serve ourselves? Session from the Dishonest Steward; Confession Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 850 - Who Needs Mercy?

    12/09/2022 Duration: 13min

    Episode 850 (13:48) In this episode: Story of losing my dog and finding him; Dogs, sheep, and God have things in common; What is mercy? How can we receive God's mercy? What are the effects of Mercy? Who needs mercy? Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 849 - What Is True Freedom?

    05/09/2022 Duration: 16min

    Episode 849 (16:56) In this episode: What is true Freedom? Bad vs. good music; True freedom allows us to be the best versions of ourselves; Sin enslaves us; Put Jesus first and live in true freedom Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 848 - Known By Your Sweater

    22/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    Episode 848 (14:34) In this episode: Rich Mullins story about Irish sweaters; Theological poles: Salvation Security and Works Righteousness; Catholic understanding of Salvation: 1. I am saved, 2. I am being saved, and 3. I have hope to be saved Related Web Sites:  Rich Mullins Story (video) My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 847 - Get Off Your Steamroller

    17/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    Episode 847 (12:35) In this episode: Story of sharing faith online; Steamroller vs Backhoe; Speaking the truth without charity will fail; Get Off your steamroller Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 846 - Trust in God

    08/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    Episode 846 (15:03) In this episode: Story of crashing on a bike; Mom coming to my aide; Trusting in Mom; Trusting in God; Abraham and Sarah trusted in God; When we are hurt and listen to lies about ourselves, our trust erodes; God does love us; Trust in God Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 845 - Being a Good Host And Guest

    20/07/2022 Duration: 15min

    Episode 845 (15:13) In this episode: Have you ever failed to pay attention? Has someone does the same to you? Story of Abram, Sarah, and the Three Angels; Hospitality; James Webb Space Telescope first images; God is our host which makes us his guests; Be good hosts and guests. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 844 - May Our Love Be Greater Than Our Differences

    12/07/2022 Duration: 14min

    Episode 844 (14:43) In this podcast: Story of two friends in Israel; What is greater than our differences? Parable of the Good Samaritan; Do our differences cancel our relationships? Accompaniment; Ideas to help us in relationships Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 843 - A Great Adventure

    27/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    Epside 843 (23:10) In this episode: My last Mass and Homily at St. Anne; Leaving makes me sad and also hopeful for a new adventure; God is our inheritance, our refuge; As I pack up my belongings, I find myself disappearing; Jesus was resolute to journey to Jerusalem Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 842 - True Satisfaction In The Eucharist

    20/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    Episode 842 (29:22) In this episode: Junk Drawers; We keep things that we may or may not need; Why? Satisfaction as a reason; Scarcity mentality; All things in this world don't last or satisfy; God's love lasts; The Eucharist is the source of our true satisfaction Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

  • FBP 841 - Loving In Communion

    15/06/2022 Duration: 20min

    Episode 841 (20:15) In this episode: Story of 3rd grade crush; Love notes; Loving like the Trinity; One God in three persons; Trinity as a communion of love; We are hardwired to be like the Trinity; Called to love sacrificially; Examples in our community; Trinity in the Mass Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast Page All Previous Episodes

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