Fr. Bill's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:57:10
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Welcome to the Fr. Bill's Podcast where you will hear homilies, reflections, interviews, theological reflections, and more from Fr. Bill Holtzinger, a Catholic priest. This podcast was formerly called "St. Anthony's Podcast."


  • FBP 921 - God, Where Are You?

    25/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Episode 921 (10:14) In this episode: Fr. Anthony Hoangphan preaches; Have you ever felt alone and abandoned? Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross? Does he truly abandon us? God is reaching out/emptying himself out for us; What is our response? Offer yourself to God in the Liturgy Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 920 - Remember What Is Written On Your Heart

    18/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    Episode 920 (11:24) In this episode: How is your lenten observances going? Don't give up if you have struggled or failed; God has written his law of love upon our hearts; All of creation aches; Jesus is the grain of wheat who died and rose so that we could follow Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 918 - God - The Center That Holds

    12/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    Episode 918 (12:20) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaches; Using a Bull-Roarer; Centrifugal and Centripetal forces that gather and scatter, respectively; God gathers while sin and evil scatters; What are we doing to gather and live like God vs scatter through darkness Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 917 - Be Transfigured

    25/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    Episode 916 (11:02) In this episode: Both first reading and Gospel describe events on mountain tops; What is the significance of mountain tops in the Scriptures and in our everyday life of faith? Using a ladder for illustration; God wants to transfigure us Image: Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 916 - Get Out Of Your Comfy Chair

    19/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Episode 916 (10:45) In this episode: Issues with letting prayer be simply cerebral, digital, comfortable, and sheltered; Stories of times when Dcn. Brett was immersed in the world which helped God break through to him; Go do something outside to let God speak in creation Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 915 - A Charlie Brown Ash Wednesday

    19/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    Episode 915 (8:24) In tis episode: Valentines Day, a day of romance; Ash Wednesday, a day of unconditional and sacrificial love; See how the classic Charles Schultz Peanuts Valentines special reveals the issues with conditional love Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 914 - We Are Family

    12/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Episode 914 (12:30) In this episode: Fr. Anthony is preaching; We are a family, a community of faith to worship God and support each other; Jesus heals the leper and reincorporates him into the community; A similarity of leprosy in our time might be mental illness; We need to touch and help heal those suffering with mental health issues. Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 913 - I AM

    05/02/2024 Duration: 13min

    Episode 913 (13:28) In this episode: Notice that in the Scriptures, suffering is pierced by faith in God ability to heal; His name heals; God's name, I Am, expressed God's essence, desires, and care; Jesus is I AM and he is always with us in our suffering Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • Why Not Try God?

    31/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    Episode 912 (10:51) In this episode: Dcn. Brett preaches; God warns against the occult; The spiritual world is real; Our world is re-paganizing; These practices are traps; Many books promoting the practices warned about by God; God is the only one who can give us purpose Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 911 - Chosen By God

    24/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    Episode 911 (12:11) In this episode: Review of track story; God has chosen each of us; God chose his Apostles or like Zebedee, a parent; Dramatic events can help us know our calling; Heroic action of Majiah Washington; Ask God what your particular calling is Related Web Sites:  Rescue Story by Majiah WashingtonMy Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 910 - It's Not Too Late

    14/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    Episode 910 (12:01) In this episode: Track story; Eli, the absent father; It's not too late to be a role model for others; Be an Eli for a Samuel in your life Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 909 - How To Be A Hottie

    09/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    Episode 909 (11:47) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaching; We crave love and attention; Story of how attractive prayer and holiness is; We need to be wanted; Herod's need to be wanted was frustrated; Herod's evil self-preoccupation; Loveliness comes from being loved by God Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 908 - Surrender To God This Christmas

    25/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    Episode 908 (13:44) In this episode: Spending Christmas alone; Sadness and Joy; Charlie Brown Christmas; the Real Meaning of Christmas; Linus drops his security blanket Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 907 - Eucharist Leads To Reverence

    24/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Episode 907 (17:15) In this episode: What is Reverence; Examples of reverence in liturgy; Definition; Is reverence silent or sound? Reverence God and people; Homework-reverence those who come to Christmas Mass Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 906 - Receive Communion In Order To Be Communion

    18/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Episode 906 (14:57) In this episode: Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaches the homily; Story about a homeless woman named Mary; The Eucharist creates our communion; Go out and form communion with others Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 905 - The Eucharist - Our Comfort Food

    13/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    Episode 905 (13:14) In this episode: Pt 2 of Eucharistic Homilies; Fr Anthony Hoangphan is preaching; What is your comfort food? The Eucharist gives us comfort and healing; As eucharistic people, go and invite someone to a meal to share in the healing God offers Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 904 - Sacrifice Is the Proof Of Our Love

    04/12/2023 Duration: 12min

    Episode 904 (12:07) In this episode: Pt 1 of Eucharistic Homilies; 2023 CARA Report; Story of being helped during my move to Holy Trinity; Sacrifice is the proof of our love; St. Ignatius of Antioch desired to sacrifice for his people; Go and help others sacrificially Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 903 - Who Are You Living For?

    27/11/2023 Duration: 10min

    Episode 903 (10:04) In this episode - Dcn. Brett Edmonson preaching; An interview with a Special Forces soldier regarding fear; It is important to know who we are living for; It's not easy to follow Jesus; It's hard to serve those who are difficult and distressing Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 902 - Give Praise Amidst The Storms

    24/11/2023 Duration: 08min

    Episode 902 (8:27) In this episode: Why give thanks or praise to God? Does he need it; God is complete in himself; The "loop of grace" from the praise we offer is reflected back to us by God and changes us; Praise God in the midst of the storms Related Web Sites:  My Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

  • FBP 901 - Reason To Hope

    13/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Episode 901 (11:11) In this episode: How I watch football and 5 reasons why; Watching a recording of a game is analogous to our faith; God has already won; Jesus has conquered sin and death, Satan and his demons; This is our reason to have hope Related Web Sites:  Wikipedia page for Chuck Colson and quoteMy Website Podcast PageAll Previous Episodes

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