A podcast dedicated to toys and collectibles based on Marvel Comics, from the Hasbro Marvel Universe line to all the tie-in lines for the various Marvel films, plus high end statues, prop replicas, video games, and more!
Issue 172: Pumpkin Spice Goblin
28/09/2016The Marvelicious Toys crew is back with space! On this new podcast they review the Space Venom wave of Marvel Legends including two Ultimate Spider-Men, Silk, Electro, Ashley Barton Spider-Girl, and Hobgoblin! Also, next week is New York Comic Con and Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin run down the exclusive toys you should hunt for at the con. And if you're going to NYCC be sure to say "hi" to our hosts! With a new thin crust Hot Toys figure and more, it's in this new issue of Marvelicious Toys! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show and get exclusive rewards Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean
Issue 171: Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut
14/09/2016They're Uncanny! They're Astonishing! They're Extraordinary! They're the Figures of the Atom -- Hasbro's new X-Men wave of Marvel Legends. Gather Phoenix, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Cable, Havok, Iceman and Wolverine and then you can build The Unstoppable Juggernaut! Oh yeah, did we mention there's a Deadpool figure in there too? Join Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin on this issue of Marvelicious Toys for an in-depth look at this hard to find figure wave! With a look at Iron Studios new Winter Soldier statue, Sideshow's Wolverine vs Hulk Maquette, the NYCC exclusive Daredevil from One:12 Collective and more, it's all in this issue of Marvel-X-ious Toys! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show and get exclusive rewards Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean
Mallardlicious Toys
31/08/2016August, 1986 was a landmark for Marvel Comics fans. After years of seeing DC heroes in theaters, Marvel struck back. The very first Marvel Comics movie was released by Lucasfilm, starring actors from Back to the Future, Amadeus, and Top Gun. Before there was Iron Man there was...Howard the Duck!! Now celebrate 30 years of duckiness! Howard the Duck stars Lea Thompson and Ed Gale join Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin on this look back at the movie--and all the collectibles from it! Candy cigars, trading cards, View-Master slides, Laserdiscs, DVDs, video games, and more -- all based on Lucasfilm's adaptation of Howard. They're not just toys, they're Mallardlicious!
Issue 170: The Raft - JAILBREAK!
17/08/2016Abomination. Purple Man. Spider-Man. Enchantress. Sandman. Dread Knight. What do these disparate Marvel Comics characters have in common? They are the characters Hasbro bundled together in their 2016 San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Marvel Legends set -- The Raft! They sold out at the show and last Tuesday online, but now you can join the Marvelicious Toys crew as they review these six figures! And they tell you how you can get most of them soon. Also on this week's show are reviews of the new Marvel Legends Role Play Captain America shield. Priced at about $100, this is Hasbro's first entry into high end Marvel collectibles. There's a metal shield coming this Fall, but should you jump on the current (cheaper) version? Find out on this show. With reviews of Jada Toys' Black Widow figure, some great bargains on Marvel Legends figures, and so much more, it's all in this issue of Marvelicious Toys! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep op
Issue 169: Marvel Collecting at San Diego Comic-Con 2016
28/07/2016For Marvel collectors, keeping up with all the news out of 2016's San Diego Comic-Con International can be overwhelming. Waves of new Legends from Hasbro, new Hot Toys sixth scale figures on display, Kotobukiya, Gentle Giant, Mezco, NECA, Sideshow Collectibles, and so much more! If you couldn't keep up, or if you want to experience the excitement of the convention, join Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin in this full-video coverage of San Diego Comic-Con! Recorded live on the floor, plus around the convention, the Marvelicious Toys hosts run down the most exciting news and reveals from the show! Plus watch exclusive interviews with Hasbro, Gentle Giant, Kotobukiya, Jada Toys, and Diamond Select Toys. It's like being at the con without the sore back and tired feet! So watch this super-sized Marvelicious Toys show now! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show a
Issue 167: Tickets to the Gun Show
06/07/2016Convention season is in full effect! This past weekend saw major cons in D.C., Phoenix, and California. For our Marvelicious hosts Arnie and Marjorie, however, the place to be was Philadelphia, PA -- along with Lea Thompson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Stanley Tucci, and Tom Hiddleston! All these celebrities, and dozens more, were gathered at Wizard World Philadelphia. On this show, hear a report from the floor -- the good, the bad, and the photo ops! But coming soon is the world's bigest convention: San Diego Comic-Con International! Every year the exclusives are enough to fill a room and break the bank, and the reveals and pre-orders have already begun! Kotobukiya, Mezco, Monogram International, and Diamond Select toys all have revealed some or all of their offerings -- and it appears Hasbro's 3.75-inch Legends set has leaked to eBay! Listen to find out what has been revealed and how much you should budget this year. Finally, on this show
Issue 168: The Collector's Paradise
06/07/2016Two weeks from tonight begins San Diego Comic-Con International 2016! The reveals, the exclusives, the panels, the giveaways, the celebrities, and the fans! There covering all the new Marvel collecting news is the Marvelicious Toys team, and on this podcast they run down all the new exclusive reveals. Plus, they have a hands on review of the still unannounced Hasbro 3.75-inch exclusive set featuring The Collector, Cosmo the Spacedog, Moon boy, Lockjaw, and Howard the Duck. Find out if this is a set you'll need to have in your collection. Also on this week's show, a look at a new and shiny Hot Toys exclusive Iron Man, a review of the Walgreens exclusive Marvel Legends Namor figure, and a Podbean backer picked review of a Deadpool collectible! All that and more in this extra-long episode of the Marvelicious Toys Podcast! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our s
Issue 166: I Can Do This All Day
25/05/2016Captain America: Civil War is a bona fide blockbuster, but more importantly it was a great movie! This superhero monster mash had action and heart. But now that we've seen the movie, it's time to talk about the toys! Join Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin on this Marvelicious Toys Podcast as they review the Giant Man wave of Hasbro's Marvel Legends, including the Civil War incarnations of Cap, Iron Man, Black Panther, and Scott Lang Giant Man. Also on this week's show, the hosts look at the new pre-orders for the Iron Studios' Black Panther, S.H. Figuarts' Tony Stark (from Iron Man 3), and more! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show and get exclusive rewards Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean
Issue 165: Push It. Push It Real Good!
11/05/2016Salt and Pepper's here, and they're pushing it with awesome quarter-scale, high quality custom statues--with exceedingly low production numbers. Spider-Gwen, Magneto, Spider-Ham, Captain Marvel, and more have been released. Marjorie and Arnie just got their hands on the Spider-Gwen -- listen in for a full review! Also on this week's show, it's CIVIL WAR! Arnie and Justin are #TeamIronMan, and Marjorie is #TeamCap. How do the three get along after seeing the new Captain America movie? Listen to see if they fight their way out of this one. With a new (ish) wave of Marvel Legends only available in the UK, more chase Funko POP! Deadpools, a look at the new Civil War Legends 3-Pack, and so much more, it's all in this new issue of Marvelicious Toys! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show and get exclusive rewards Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now o
Issue 164: we know we'll get more hits if we put SPIDER-GWEN in the title
27/04/2016Call this episode of Mavelicious Toys "Bounty" because we're all about absorption! Join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin as they provide hands-on reviews of all 8 figures in the Marvel Legends wave of Spider-Man themed figures and an Absorbing Man Crusher Creel Build-A-Figure. From Morbius to Beetle, Venom to Jack-O-Lantern, and the super-popular SPIDER-GWEN, we review them all! Also on this week's show, a look forward to Captain America: Civil War! It's out next weekend, and the hosts are hyped. Find out about even more exclusives from Funko and your local movie theater. With a silly hunt for Playmation figures, three new burning hot Hot Toys, and more, it's all in this week's Marvelicious Toys podcast! And don't forget, Marvelicious Toys needs your help to keep operating. We need to add new team members and hopefully bring back the regular full-video episodes. To support our show and get exclusive rewards Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean
Issue 163: I Have Protection
13/04/2016This episode of Marvelicious Toys is jam-packed with collecting and convention goodness! First, join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin as they look at the recent conventions -- Wizard World St. Louis, Wizard World Madison, Emerald City Comic-Con, and even a look ahead to San Diego Comic-Con International! Then the hosts go to Civil War over all the new toys and products being released. From a bevy of food tie-ins to Hasbro's Titan Hero figures to Jada Toys Die-Cast Cap and Iron Man, it's all covered in this show. Plus Hot Toys has two new figures up for pre-order: Ant-Man and Black Panther! Those are covered, along with the upcoming exclusive Deadpool Blu-ray sets, Diamond Select Toys' new Retro Deadpool and Disney Exclusive Spider-Man Select, and more. To top it all off, this show reviews not one but two high-end Hulk vs Hulkbuster Age of Ultron sets -- the Cosbaby three-pack from Hot Toys, and the Egg Attack exclusive set. All this and a in-depth discussion on protecting your
Issue 162: C2E 2 Illigit to Quit!
30/03/2016Last weekend at Chicago's C2E2 convention was a rare gathering of Arnie, Marjorie, Justin, and other Marvelicious Team Members. Together they shopped, they chatted, and they partied with some listeners. Of course, they also recorded a new episode of Marvelicious Toys!Gathered in person, our hosts looked at the Square Enix Variant Play Arts Kai figures. Standing about 10-inches tall, they reviewed Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Venom! But there's a twist...! After recording the hosts found out half the figures were Chinese bootlegs! So after the con the team reconvened to compare these fakers with the real deal, and tell YOU how to spot the difference! It's all in this mega-episode of Marvelicious Toys!This episode of Marvelicious Toys is a full video episode--but those will be the exception going forward. To bring back the full video shows we need listener help to keep the show growing! Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean
Issue 161: Bark at the Moon
16/03/2016To build up to Captain America: Civil War Hasbro has released a new wave of Marvel Legends themed for that first Avenger. Agent 13, Mockingbird, Captain America, Taskmaster, and others gather to build the giant figure of Red Skull as Onslaught. On this issue of Marvelicious Toys, Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin review all eight figures in this wave and tell you which are worth the hunt! Plus the Marvelicious Toys team is ready for March Marvel Madness! Every day from now through April 5, heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be going head to head, and you decide who wins! Can Winter Soldier take Luke Cage in a fight? Is Star-Lord able to overcome Rocket Raccoon? Head to each day to cast your vote. You can even download your own bracket to make your predictions! With C2E2 and more to come, it's all in this new issue of Marvelicious Toys! And we need listener help to keep the show growing! Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean.
Issue 160: Feelin' Grooty
02/03/2016The list has leaked! Circulating the internet has been a rumor list of all the Marvel Legends figures Hasbro has planned for 2016, including Venom: Space Knight, Eel, and more! Join us as we run down the list of all the possible figures in your future! Also on this show, Factory Entertainment proved themselves the company to watch at Toy Fair this year. With their Captain America and Deadpool motion statues, Daredevil and Spider-Man walking sticks, and Jim Lee monolith, they were taking statue collecting in exciting new areas. Now, to follow up on the Toy Fair report, Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie look at Factory Entertainment's Dancing Groot Premium Motion Statue. A full-scale replica, with a bit of motion in his pot, join the Marvelicious hosts to find out how Groot influences their future orders! And finally, this weekend was Wizard World Cleveland, where the mighty Chris Hemsworth came to sign autographs, pose for photos, and answer fan questions. Marjorie and Arnie were on hand for th
Issue 159: Toy Fair 2016 Pt 2 -- Kotobukiya, Mezco, and more!
22/02/2016With Hasbro, Hot Toys, Comicave Studios, Ban Dai, Tamashii Nations, and others, Marvel action figure collectors have a wide selection of lines. But the choice is about to get more difficult as Mezco joins the scene! Their One:12 Collective line of figures are 6.5-inch scale, well articulated, highly detailed, and clothed in amazing soft goods. Join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin as they tell you why this is their most exciting new reveal at Toy Fair 2016! And watch an exclusive interview with One:12 Project Manager Pierre Kalenzaga! Also in this show is even more Toy Fair International coverage. Kotobukiya gives us an exclusive reveal on their new Spider-Man Art-FX+ line. Diamond Select Toys shows off new Marvel Select figures, Minimates, statues, and their new PVC line. Uncle Milton unlocks the secrets of the universe, and Monogram International has a heavy reveal. Get all this information and more in this giant-sized bonus issue of Marvelicious Toys! Want more bonus Marvelicious Toys shows? We need l
Issue 158: Toy Fair 2016 Pt 1 -- Hasbro, LEGO, Comicave, and more!
14/02/2016Hasbro has done the stuff of LEGENDS at the 2016 Toy Fair International in New York City! They have announced 4 different toy lines, all with the name of "Legends" -- 3.75-inch scale, 6-inch scale, 12-inch scale, and life-sized prop replicas! Confusing? Join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin as they sort it all out and discuss the best new toys coming later this year! Also on this show, LEGO has a bridge to sell you -- and it has a taxi hanging off of it! The hosts go through the cool new Civil War, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Avengers LEGO sets on display at Toy Fair. With a look at new offerings from Comicave Studios, new Re:Edit figures, and more -- it's all in this LEGENDS issue of Marvelicious Toys!
Issue 157: I Aint 'Fraid of No Hulk!
03/02/2016Marvel Legends show no sign of slowing down! The new Absorbing Man wave of figures is on pegs across the country, and the Onslaught wave is close behind! But before the Marvelicious Toys hosts can get to these new ones, they have some old business to attend to--the Hulkbuster wave! Join them on this Marvelicious Toys as they look at the final wave of 2015 with Iron Man, War Machine, Thundra, Blizzard, and more! But that's not the only Mark featured this show. Just shipping now is the new Play Imaginative Die Cast Iron Man Mk 38 -- the IGOR Armor! Produced by Comicave Studios, is this 8.5-inch beast worth adding to your heavy metal house party? Find out in this show! With an update on the Art of Daredevil and Jessica Jones books, clearance sales across the country, a Deadpool Hot Toys and more, it's all in this Marvelicious Toys!
Issue 156: Toys of Future Past 2015 Part 2
20/01/2016Was 2015 the best year ever for Marvel Hot Toys? From the Age of Ultron line to throw-backs to all three Iron Man films, it was a good (if expensive) time to be a collector! On this issue of Marvelicious Toys, Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie are again joined by Scott from the Action Figure Blues podcast, and Dabid from Marvel Toy News, and other Marvelicious team members. They talk about the Hot Toys, Funko POPs, Sideshow Statues, and more that made up all the non-figure collecting of the year! Then they look forward to 2016 and the hot films and collectibles coming. So watch right now this gala issue of the Marvelicious Toys podcast!
Issue 155: Toys of Future Past 2015 Part 1
06/01/20162015 was a great year for collectors! Dozens of new Marvel Legends figures arrived on store pegs. Long-promised 3.75-inch scale Marvel Infinite Series figures finally joined your collection. Plus movie figures tying into Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. Now it's time for Marvelicious Toys' annual Toys of Future Past show! This year Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin are joined by Scott from the Action Figure Blues podcast, and Dabid from Marvel Toy News, and other Marvelicious team members. Join them as they look back at one Legend-ary year!
Issue 154: Play Imaginative - The Die is Cast
09/12/2015Marvelicious Toys awarded Play Imaginative's one-twelfth line "Best in Show" at San Diego Comic-Con. No other company had as fresh a display, as attractive a price-point, and as high quality an item. The only problem is...that was San Diego Comic-Con in 2013. In the years since Play Imaginative has put out figures in the one-quarter and one-sixth scale, but their six-inch figures faced one delay after another. But finally the figures have shipped! Iron Man Mark 42, War Machine Mk 2, Iron Man Mark 40 (Shotgun Amor) and Iron Patriot -- all have started shipping worldwide. And Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie have them in hand! Were they worth the wait? And are there quality issues with the figures? Watch this episode to find out! With a rundown of some great bargains (and even better Toys For Tots donations), a new Hot Toys Iron Man, and more, it's all in this issue of Marvelicious Toys!