

Marvel Legends show no sign of slowing down! The new Absorbing Man wave of figures is on pegs across the country, and the Onslaught wave is close behind! But before the Marvelicious Toys hosts can get to these new ones, they have some old business to attend to--the Hulkbuster wave! Join them on this Marvelicious Toys as they look at the final wave of 2015 with Iron Man, War Machine, Thundra, Blizzard, and more! But that's not the only Mark featured this show. Just shipping now is the new Play Imaginative Die Cast Iron Man Mk 38 -- the IGOR Armor! Produced by Comicave Studios, is this 8.5-inch beast worth adding to your heavy metal house party? Find out in this show! With an update on the Art of Daredevil and Jessica Jones books, clearance sales across the country, a Deadpool Hot Toys and more, it's all in this Marvelicious Toys!