

Last weekend at Chicago's C2E2 convention was a rare gathering of Arnie, Marjorie, Justin, and other Marvelicious Team Members. Together they shopped, they chatted, and they partied with some listeners. Of course, they also recorded a new episode of Marvelicious Toys!Gathered in person, our hosts looked at the Square Enix Variant Play Arts Kai figures. Standing about 10-inches tall, they reviewed Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Venom! But there's a twist...! After recording the hosts found out half the figures were Chinese bootlegs! So after the con the team reconvened to compare these fakers with the real deal, and tell YOU how to spot the difference! It's all in this mega-episode of Marvelicious Toys!This episode of Marvelicious Toys is a full video episode--but those will be the exception going forward. To bring back the full video shows we need listener help to keep the show growing! Check out our crowdfunding campaign, live now on PodBean