If you are ready to claim your power and change the world, then join women empowerment expert Eleanor Beaton for Fierce Feminine Leadership. Each week, Eleanor shares inspiring interviews with powerful women in business, along with practical tools and tricks you can use today to step into your power, smash your glass ceiling and take your seat at the tables where the big deals and decisions are made.
EP444: What Is a Jewel Business?
02/03/2021 Duration: 39minAfter doing thousands of interviews with women entrepreneurs around the world and over a decade of research, I've developed a model unlike anything else out there: the Jewel Business Model. This model attempts to bring a harmonious answer to the question, what do we as women entrepreneurs really want? Most business models leave something to be desired for women. They focus solely on profitability and economic growth, and leave out our desire to make an impact or create freedom in our schedules. Most balance sheets ignore a big part of what success means to us. Keep Reading I love the Jewel Business Model because it’s for ambitious women who want to create businesses that grow through assets, not the founder's hustle. It's about envisioning your entrepreneurial goals without getting perfectionistic about them. Entrepreneurs who use this model, like many of my clients, achieve total life success. In this week's episode, I lay out a very unique, effective, and all-encompassing model for women entrepreneurs to us
EP443: Calendar Control
23/02/2021 Duration: 41minYour time is the most precious asset you have, but the way you’re managing it may actually be making you squander your most precious resource. When you stop trying to manage your time and instead adopt the tools I’m sharing with you today, you won’t have to manage your time because you’ll have plenty of it. Now, you may be shocked to hear that I’m not going to be teaching you how to “manage” your time. You read that right. I don’t believe in time management because I’ve found a way to create more CIA through my calendar without it. Keep Reading If you’re tired of feeling trapped by your schedule, burnout from back-to-back tasks, and like the most important things in your business aren’t getting the attention they deserve, you need to hear this episode. I used to feel that way too, until I found a way to create tremendous freedom in my calendar. In today’s podcast, I’m sharing how I regained control over my schedule by making five simple but powerful changes and how you can do the same. We did not create busin
EP442: Grow Your Business with Virtual Roundtables: Social Selling Part 2 with Eva Jannotta
16/02/2021 Duration: 58minWe’re diving into part two of my social selling series, this time with a brilliant client of mine, Eva Jannotta. Eva has developed a unique method of social selling that has been so successful at increasing her cash, autonomy and influence; I just knew I had to have her on to share it with all of you. Eva and I met when she attended a retreat I was hosting, and since then we’ve worked together in different capacities. A woman after my own heart, Eva is a confident contrarian committed to simplicity. She’s the founder of Simply Put Strategies which works to advance thought leadership among women. Keep Reading Social selling doesn’t just include buying ads and posting on Instagram. In fact, Eva’s method doesn’t include either. She hosts weekly roundtables where invitees get introduced to new women and dive deep into connection, thought leadership, and business support. In today’s podcast, Eva and I talk about building connections online and going deep with our networks, not just wide. Eva shares what led her t
EP441: How to Leverage Social Selling in Your Business
09/02/2021 Duration: 39minSocial selling is one of the hottest trends shaping modern sales. And like any trend, there is guaranteed to be tons of hype, jargon, and nonsense flooding the marketplace. Well, fear not, ladies, because we’re going to be cutting through all that jargon today. I don’t always hop on the trend bandwagon, but social selling is something I see tremendous value in and have had tons of success with in my business. However, it is not a trend to jump on if you don’t have a few crucial elements in place first. Keep Reading >> If you have no idea what social selling is or you’re confused how to do it well, I’m going to walk you through it all today. I want to take this BS-ridden tactic and make it crystal clear for you to add to your marketing toolbox. I’ll show you how my business uses it and how to find the best way to use it for yours. In today’s podcast, I’m giving you the first episode in my series on social selling. This mega-powerful sales tactic is about more than posting pretty pictures on your Instagram fee
EP440: The 7 Figure Service Business Ecosystem Part 2: 3 Phases of Growing a PPAM Business
02/02/2021 Duration: 15minLast week, I dove into the core of what we teach in our business accelerator program: PPAM. The Premium Priced Ascension Model is an ecosystem that enables you to skyrocket your CIA and your freedom. Today, we’re expanding on the information we shared in part one to give you an even better idea of how to build a successful service-based business. When you start creating your PPAM business, there are three phases that each have their own milestones and tasks. Each phase builds off the last, so it’s important to do this work thoroughly and in order. Keep Reading >> As your business grows, so should your cash, influence, and autonomy. With the PPAM model, that is the priority. We guide you every step of the way so that you can grow a business that allows you to make money and make an impact while enjoying plenty of free time. In today’s podcast, I’m taking the PPAM model a step further by explaining the three phases you go through to build a PPAM business. I’m walking you through the milestones of each phase a
EP439: The 7 Figure Service Business Ecosystem Part 1: What is PPAM?
26/01/2021 Duration: 21minBefore I had this coaching business, I had a very successful consulting business for over 10 years. It was great, but I eventually reached a point where I needed to shift mindsets, to stop doing the work, and start building an ecosystem. So many women CEOs are at the same spot I was before I made the change. You know that if you get sick or don’t show up, your business doesn’t make money. You have no CIA (cash, influence, and autonomy) and you’re spending 25 hours a week just delivering on what you sold. Keep Reading >> Today, I’m introducing you to the business structure we recommend in our business accelerator, PPAM. If you want to have more open time, more CIA, and you want to make a bigger impact, then PPAM is the way to go. Using this model will help you achieve 7 figure status with more time for everything. In today’s episode, part one of a two-part series, I unveil the PPAM model, what it is, how it works, and why it’s so dang effective. This is the heart of what we teach in the business accelerator,
EP438: People Don’t Read and Other Idiotic Statements
19/01/2021 Duration: 17minThe book industry is worth over 25 billion dollars with the average person reading 12 books per year. The average CEO? 60 books per year. With that clear-cut evidence, how is it possible that one of my clients was told “people don’t read anymore”? We are living in an age where any idiot with an opinion can share it on the internet whether it is fact-based or not. Critical thinking and discernment have gone out the window for some, which is why I’m taking a stand and writing a love letter to critical thinking. Keep Reading >> As you scale and grow your business, critical thinking is ridiculously important. So important that without it, you could end up with a business that you don’t even want or one that doesn’t reflect your values. Today on the podcast, I’m breaking down why “people don’t read anymore” is completely false and how other idiotic statements need a dose of discernment before you believe them. I’m urging you to trust your instincts and do your research and share why we, women CEOs, must bring thi
EP437: Growth Versus Scaling and Why It Matters
12/01/2021 Duration: 29minContrary to popular belief, growing a business is not the be-all-end-all it’s cracked up to be. Now, scaling a business, that’s a whole other story. Growth and scale are not the same thing, and using them interchangeably only creates stress and confusion. On a basic level, scaling sets you free and growth creates more problems. I don’t know what your mission here on earth is, but I know you have one. And I know it isn’t to make more revenue so you can have more headaches. But that’s what focusing on growth will get you. Keep Reading >> When I work with women entrepreneurs, the one thing we all have in common is a greater mission. Money is great, but we’re here for more. You’re here to scale so that you can make a greater impact, change lives, change your industry, and direct your abundance into causes you care about. Today on the podcast, I’m diving into why we’ve got to stop using “scale” and “growth” interchangeably and how to decide which one you’ve been working towards. I’m sharing the 3 principles of sc
EP436: The Confidence Gap for Women Entrepreneurs
05/01/2021 Duration: 16minThe research is in: male entrepreneurs tend to be much more confident in themselves as entrepreneurs than women do. Shocking, right? The confidence gap for women entrepreneurs is something I see every day in my work and so today I’m diving into what we can do about it. When I talk about confidence, I’m not talking about general confidence or confidence in the mirror. I’m talking about business building, empire growing, and company leading confidence. Keep Reading >> I know that each of you has this confidence inside, but for various reasons, you censor and discredit yourself. Women certainly have unique obstacles to face in business, but myself and many of my clients are living proof that you can overcome them. Today on the podcast, I’m diving into why there’s a confidence gap for women entrepreneurs and what you can do to overcome it. If you want to grow your company, you need a specific type of confidence that doesn’t come with more time or experience. I’m showing you where it comes from and how to start cu
EP435: How Scarcity Mindset Feeds Business Complexity
29/12/2020 Duration: 28minWe’ve made it to the end of the mega year that is 2020 and many of you are thinking about how to make 2021 a growth year. You want to make it a departure, a powerful year, a fun year. Well, the one way to do that is by reducing complexity. Complexity creeps into your life and business in very subtly, sneaky ways. Before you know it, an onboarding process that could be done in 13 steps suddenly takes over 100. That’s what happened to me until I learned how to reduce complexity. Keep Reading >> You won’t make 2021 your biggest growth year by going faster and doing more. That frenetic, unfocused energy just amplifies inefficiency and allows complexity to move in. The thing you need to do requires patience and deliberation. Today on the podcast, I expose the master of business complexity, scarcity mindset, for what it is and delve into why so many smart businesswomen fall into this trap. Operating from a place of lack, fear, and not enough makes your business processes more complex. If you want to really streamli
EP434: How to Forge Profitable Partnerships with Ebere Akadiri
22/12/2020 Duration: 50minFinding and cultivating relationships with profitable business partners is one of the most lucrative activities you can do in your business. And quite frankly, it's one of the best rewards. So why is it that so many women waste their time with terrible partnerships? When I see clients waste time on partnerships that aren’t fun, productive or profitable, I know what’s likely going on. Sometimes, we get lulled into partnerships not because they’re strategic, but because we don’t have the confidence to achieve the goal on our own. Keep Reading >> My guest today, Ebere Akadiri, is an expert at cultivating strategic partnerships and creating fun and effective collaborations. Not only has she run multiple successful businesses, but she has a similar goal to me, helping more female entrepreneurs become successful. This is one of the many reasons we work so well together. Today on the podcast, I’m interviewing Ebere on her journey to entrepreneurship and her advice for other women entrepreneurs looking for strategic
EP433: The Coming “Pent Up Cash” Extravaganza
15/12/2020 Duration: 19minWhile the hoards have been busy wishing away 2020, arguing over the science of masks and the legitimacy of shutdowns, something truly astounding has been happening before our very eyes. People are saving. Amidst the upheaval caused by COVID-19, the decline of the airline industry and the hotel and hospitality industries, from an economic perspective, what has resulted is fascinating. Households, individuals, and companies have been putting away cash. Not for a rainy day, but for when they can trust the future again. Keep Reading >> When that trust returns and we have a renewed confidence, I believe there will be a “Pent Up Cash” Extravaganza. And we need to be prepared for it. Is your business prepared for when people start buying again? Are you even thinking about that time? In today’s episode, I share a mini economics lesson that all business owners need to understand right now. Consumers will spend again, and the way you position yourself now matters. I’m sharing how you can prepare for the coming “Pent U
EP432: What Elite Personal Brands Have in Common
08/12/2020 Duration: 31minYou know you are supposed to have a strong personal brand, but what does that even mean? And more importantly, how do you evolve your personal brand as you grow and as your company grows? There is a lot of confusion and overcomplication around marketing from your personal brand or from your company brand. Which voice should you use, and how do you separate them? I’m going to address this confusion in today’s episode, and take it a level deeper to help you evolve further. Keep Reading >> There is one thing that the most elite personal brands and top influential leaders have in common. It isn’t the time they wake up or how they organize their schedules. It’s not even in the product or services they sell. It’s inside of them. On today’s podcast, I’m delving into what makes a personal brand successful and how you can nurture yours into an evolved, elite position in the market. Evolving your personal brand goes hand in hand with personal development. So, I’m sharing how powerful your personal reputation is for yo
EP431: The Most Overlooked Aspect of Your 2021 Planning
01/12/2020 Duration: 18minAre you gearing up to make your 2021 business plan? If you’re a listener of this show, you probably enjoy planning to some extent, which is a really good thing. Studies show that businesses with a plan in place grow up to 30% faster than businesses that don’t. While having a plan is great, in all my years of working with entrepreneurs I noticed that a lot of what’s in our plans is ineffective. You are putting valuable time and energy into planning tasks that don’t actually bring home the bacon. Keep Reading >> That’s why I’m letting you in on the most overlooked aspect of your 2021 planning today; the one task that will make your 2021 plans substantially more effective and profitable. We all want to hustle less and profit more in the new year, and this one task will help you do just that. Today on the podcast, I share the single most important thing you can do to ensure your 2021 plans are effective and profitable. Be the queen of your niche, command fat profits, and feel totally gorgeous in the knowledge th
EP430: Mouthy, Outspoken, Rich with Susan Hyatt
24/11/2020 Duration: 47minI am so excited to share my conversation with my fabulous guest with you all today. She’s mouthy, she’s outspoken, and yes, she is rich. She’s one of my earliest coaching mentors who showed me how fun can be a powerful leadership and growth tool. Susan Hyatt is a master certified coach, bestselling author, podcast host, CEO of 3 companies, and a self-made millionaire. Not only is she an amazing example of what’s possible, but she is also a powerful teacher in the art of fun and pleasure, both of which help us become better leaders. Keep Reading >> When it comes to standing up for what she believes and advocating for others, Susan isn’t shy. Her bold, outspoken nature inspires millions of women to use their voices and defy societal pressures. Why focus on losing weight when we can focus on smashing the patriarchy? In our conversation, we dive into Susan’s journey from killer real estate agent to mega-successful business coach. Women are constantly being told, and have been told throughout history, that they ca
EP429: 15 Minutes of Grit
17/11/2020 Duration: 18minDo you know the exact activities you need to do to produce revenue in your business? For most founders and entrepreneurs, there is seriously just one or two core activities that you do to make money. But, I know that many of you wouldn’t be able to tell me what those activities are. Queen-pires can be forged in just 15 minutes of grit every day. Sure, it’s been hard to live through 2020 and we’re in a recession, but those aren’t excuses. I’m giving you all a bit of tough-love today because I hate seeing you miss out on opportunities for growth. Keep Reading >> Many of us busy ourselves with tasks that aren’t bringing home the bacon. We focus on sales, but not the activities that lead to sales. So if you’re not currently making the revenue you want, I challenge you to get down and dirty with the real cash-producing tasks. In today’s episode, I share the exact thing you need to be doing to start generating more cash. I’m challenging you to watch what happens when you invest 15 minutes a day into grit - into tho
EP428: The Power of Association with Corey Poirier
10/11/2020 Duration: 49minAre you leveraging the power of association when it comes to building your influence and extending the power of your brand? If you’re not, you should be. And in this episode, my guest is going to show us just how powerful association can be for building and positioning your business. Corey Poirier is an author, public speaking coach, and multiple-time TEDx speaker who has presented to hundreds of thousands of attendees. An expert on interviews, Corey has interviewed over 6500 guests and is highly committed to his craft. Keep Reading >> Interviews can be an incredibly useful tool for establishing your position and leveraging any association you may have. Now, they can also be used in a manipulative, ego-driven way, but that won’t garner the sustainable success you desire and people will see right through it. We’re talking about how to use interviews in a genuine, thoughtful way that gives you, the interviewee, and the attendees, value. Corey has mastered and refined this craft making him the perfect person to
EP427: Why I Won’t Shake My Booty for Mark Zuckerberg
03/11/2020 Duration: 19minHave you noticed all the dancing and pointing on Instagram reels lately? Women are dancing and pointing and the algorithms are loving it, which is why so many smart marketers whom I adore are doing it. It works. However, I won’t be dancing and pointing any time soon. Cooperating with and leveraging the power of what’s working right now, especially on major social media platforms, is really smart and I recommend it. Yet when I recently sent an email to my list about why I won’t be dancing and pointing on Instagram, I got an unprecedented response. Keep Reading >> Here’s the thing. When you get attention and engagement on social media, you grow your online presence, and you also help Mark Zuckerberg grow his massive algorithm-based ecosystem. That can be great, but wouldn’t you rather grow your own ecosystem? In today’s podcast, I’m sharing my funny-but-true perspective on why I won’t be shaking my booty for Mark Zuckerberg any time soon, and how you can hone your own voice, brain, and creativity for your own e
EP426: Are You Sending THIS Subliminal Message to Your Market?
27/10/2020 Duration: 20minThere are things you say and then there are the messages you send. These are not always the same thing. You could be sending potentially damaging subliminal messages to your audience if you aren’t conscious of this one thing: consistency. Now, I know, consistency is about as glamorous as oatmeal. But, it’s not only crucial for building your business, but it seriously impacts the message you send your audience. And it’s something I see business owners working towards 7 figures struggle with. Keep Reading >> There are tons of valid reasons why you might not be showing up like you used to for your audience. The pandemic has been so rough on business owners. You could be burnt out, feeling low, or stuck in all or nothing thinking. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to be doing everything to maintain consistency. Today on the podcast, I’m helping you see the message you’ve been sending your market when you don’t show up consistently. Maybe you’ve stopped posting on social media or you don’t turn your Zoom camera o
EP425: Buyer Discipline
20/10/2020 Duration: 20minHave you ever noticed how people are always willing to listen to experts, but they only buy from leaders? Experts have a way of complicating things whereas leaders bring a sense of clarity and order. And we all know that the confused mind can’t buy. How do you position yourself as a leader in the mind of your prospect? Many of us are experts in our fields, but if you want to move into leader status in your industry, you need one super important type of order, and that’s buyer discipline. Keep Reading >> The best leaders and salespeople can make you feel like the only one in the room. They connect with you which is what allows them to have so much influence. By focusing on one person, they cut through the clutter. All it takes is injecting a little buyer discipline into your marketing. Today on the podcast, I’m talking about another element of discipline that seriously affects your lead generation and sales conversion: buyer discipline. You can make a way bigger impact by naming names instead of focusing on a