Fierce Feminine Leadership

EP457: Overcome Your Fear of Visibility with Keri Murphy



You have a message to share with your people about who you are and what your business does. But, the idea of showing up on video to share that message paralyzes you. Stepping into the spotlight seems terrifying, and this fear prevents you from sharing your message. As the CEO of your company, and especially if you’re a company of one, it’s very important to be a spokesperson for your organization and its mission. You might be scared of showing up and being judged, criticized, corrected, or maybe you just don’t like how you look on camera. These reasons for not being visible aren’t serving you and they aren’t helping you be the strong leader your company needs. Keep reading My guest today is an expert on showing up authentically and powerfully online and in front of the camera. Keri Murphy is my dear friend and the CEO and founder of Inspired Living. As an international speaker, media expert, and business mentor, she’s a master at showing entrepreneurs how to show up authentically on camera and how to leverage