If you are ready to claim your power and change the world, then join women empowerment expert Eleanor Beaton for Fierce Feminine Leadership. Each week, Eleanor shares inspiring interviews with powerful women in business, along with practical tools and tricks you can use today to step into your power, smash your glass ceiling and take your seat at the tables where the big deals and decisions are made.
EP497: Worth vs Value - Pricing Secrets
26/04/2022 Duration: 14minAre you overpricing or underpricing your offers? This is a question that has many of my clients spinning in circles, completely confused and lost. Figuring out how much to charge is a really important decision any CEO or founder is going to make, and pricing strategy is something that comes up a lot in my work. In a world where business rules have been written by men, how do women like us create enormous success on our terms? For so long, our contributions have been undervalued and overlooked. The gender pay gap is real, and the numbers simply don’t lie. Keep reading Women across the board are underpricing their offers and under-earning. So the advice we’re given is, “Charge your worth.” The intent behind owning our worth seems great at face value and there are instances where keeping this in mind is effective. But I consider this to be somewhat troubling advice, and I’m breaking down why on this episode. Join me this week as I show you why we need to understand the difference between charging our wor
EP496: Willingness
19/04/2022 Duration: 32minThe most important emotional state for entrepreneurial achievement is not motivation, commitment, or dedication. It’s willingness. When you cultivate within yourself a state of willingness, you are equipping yourself with the emotional juice required to transform at a deep level. Willingness allows you to reinvent your future one project, one experience, and one result at a time. However, many of you aren’t currently in that state of willingness, and this episode will help you change that. Keep reading Women entrepreneurs often have deep commitment to their goals, but that’s not enough. Commitment is the silent pact you make within yourself, an internal decision to go for your dream. It matters, but willingness matters more. In this episode, find out what willingness is, why it matters, and three steps to cultivate it for yourself. You’ll discover why this emotional state is so critical for entrepreneurial achievement and the tremendous impact it will have on your business. I’m sharing what willingn
EP495: Fake Results Vs Real Results
12/04/2022 Duration: 22minAs women entrepreneurs, we live and breathe in the results economy. We are not paid for the amount of time and effort that we put into a project. We are compensated based on the value that we create in the marketplace and the tangible results we create for other people. And when we put half-done work out into the world, we’re not compensated at all. Over here at Safi Media, we’re all about creating tangible value for female founders. Now, what we’ve come to realize is that work that is in progress creates little to no value in the marketplace. Work that is done is what creates value for yourself and other people. Keep reading Because I and so many of my clients operate in this results economy, understanding the difference between fake results and real results is a massive gamechanger. We’re not here to squander our hours of effort by putting work out half-finished. So this week, I’m discussing how to actually get things done so you see real results. If you can align your efforts and intentions with re
EP494: Emotional Resilience for Next Level Growth with Tina Lifford
05/04/2022 Duration: 49minAbout 18 months ago, I was having a conversation with a wise mentor of mine about the vision I had for my company and how I saw our position in the world. It was big, exciting, and I had confidence and trusted myself, but I kept butting up against a ceiling in terms of my own ability. This is when my mentor said, “Eleanor, unlocking the next level of your vision isn’t about what you do. It’s about becoming the woman who is capable of having those things.” That conversation sparked a quest inside me to do an even deeper level of personal development work in order to bring my vision to life. Keep reading Personal development is a journey that never stops, and I realized the inner work I needed to do to become that woman, I needed to do a different type of inner work. I needed to take my good emotional resilience skills and make them even greater. And if you want to do the same, one thing you’ll need to do is balance great insight with listening to yourself. So, in today’s podcast, I’m introducing you to
EP493: Building a Business that Changes the World with Carrie Freeman
29/03/2022 Duration: 40minIf you want to use your business as a vehicle to make the world a better place, this episode is for you. When you are a changemaker and a visionary, entrepreneurship is a powerful container for driving impactful change at all levels, and my guest this week is the perfect person to speak on this. Carrie Freeman is the Co-Chief Executive Officer at SecondMuse. She knows a thing or two about using entrepreneurship to drive global change, and through her work with SecondMuse, she brings communities together in building an economy that benefits people while protecting the planet. Keep reading Carrie is here to discuss the intricacies of building a business that changes the world. She’s breaking down how you take a massive mission, translate it into measurable business results, key projects, and build the kind of relationships required to advance such an ambitious agenda. We’re also discussing Carrie’s personal experience of being a leader, and she’s giving us the best practices, tips, and tricks that have
EP492: The Business Building Power of Being Non-Receptive
22/03/2022 Duration: 18minAs women founders and entrepreneurs, we’ve been fed a lot of advice about the power of staying open-minded. We’re told to stay open to external feedback, ways of doing things, and challenges that come our way. Being a good leader, we’re told, means staying open. I’ve spent the first part of my life, as I’m sure you have, honing my skills on openness. It’s one of my core values, and the periods in my business and personal development where I’ve been completely open to ideas and stimulus from other people have served me extremely well. Keep reading But what I’ve discovered of late is that there is power in intentionally closing down and being non-receptive. The notion of closing down gets a bad rap, and while there’s definitely a time and place for being open, purposefully choosing to be non-receptive is more valuable than you think, and I’m showing you why. If you often find yourself overwhelmed or distracted to the point where you can’t hear yourself think, or you identify as a sensitive person and yo
EP491: Play Big, Take Up Space, Ask for More with Alex Carter
15/03/2022 Duration: 44minAre you ready to challenge yourself to have more? More success, money, freedom, autonomy, support, and joy? If this is you, then you’re in the right place, and I invite you to listen closely to this week’s episode. I’m joined this week by bestselling author of Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything, Alex Carter. We’re having a hard-hitting, in-depth conversation around raising the stakes, playing a bigger game, and asking for what you’re really worth. Keep reading Alex is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Mediation Clinic at Columbia Law School. She has spent the last eleven years helping Fortune 500 companies, The UN, and thousands of other people negotiate better, build relationships and reach their goals, and she’s here to share her secrets and valuable observations with us. Tune in this week to discover how to start playing bigger, taking up space, and feel confident doing it. Alex has brought a woman’s voice to the field of negotiation, and she’s here to share how she buil
Re-Release: My Coaching Philosophy
08/03/2022 Duration: 32minThis week on the podcast, I’m rolling back one of my most significant episodes to date where I share my coaching philosophy. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a much clearer idea of how to apply my teachings to a deeper context and how they relate to your own business. Many of you listening sell knowledge and transformation through your expertise, whether it’s as a coach, consultant, author, or podcaster. And one thing I often see in these areas is entrepreneurs rushing into packaging and marketing something just so they can get it out into the world as fast as possible. However, this never produces the most important result your business needs: maximum value for your clients. This is where your philosophy comes into play. Keep Reading My hope here is to help you discover the core philosophies that underpin your own offers and what you’re putting out into the world. This work will give you the kind of powerful grounding that allows you to grow and show up from a place of alignment, authenticity, a
EP490: The Million Dollar Social Media Marketing Plan
01/03/2022 Duration: 41minSometimes, social media feels fun, lively, and high-energy. However, other times it feels crowded, overwhelming, and even hostile. As a result, even the most brilliant and experienced women leaders struggle to master using social media to drive results in their businesses. Fear not because in this episode, I’m giving you a powerful three-step process to help you build a million-dollar social media marketing plan, starting from scratch. You’ll leave this episode with a true-to-you strategy that doesn’t have you twerking on Instagram, going live every day, or leave you thinking that social media is stealing the best hours of your life. Keep reading The best part of all of this? We’re not talking algorithms or what’s hot right now. Sure, these things have their place, but when it comes to developing a seven-figure social media marketing plan, they are just the icing, not the cake itself. Tune in this week to discover a powerful approach to social media that leverages timeless marketing principles and dee
EP489: How To Dramatically Increase Your Sales Conversion
22/02/2022 Duration: 36minIf you’re not happy with your current sales conversion rate, this episode is for you. Pretty much every single time I work with a new client, they want to increase their sales conversion, however the how always proves to be a sticking point. Of course, understanding the solution always starts with understanding the problem, and invariably this comes down to your business structure and ecosystem. When you can align your business model with the kind of ecosystem that allows it to thrive, that’s when you’ll see your sales conversion skyrocket. Keep reading This work all starts with clarity around your niche, which provides the first bump in your sales conversion. But if you want to get closer to 100%, you need to take things a step further by generating offer awareness, bringing specificity and familiarity to your marketing. In this episode, I’m showing you exactly how to increase sales conversion from wherever you are now to as much as 80% in under eight months. You’ll learn how to leverage and understand the p
EP488: The 2 Types of Group Coaching Programs
15/02/2022 Duration: 26minCreating a group coaching program is a powerful way to multiply your income and impact, all while leveraging your time. Meanwhile, enrolling in a group coaching program is an amazing opportunity to learn new skills, perspectives and forge productive working relationships with smart people who share your passion. I have run group coaching programs and participated in them with amazing outcomes in both. However, these programs are not all created equal, and this is where things get complicated. Keep reading There are two types of group coaching experiences: Algorithmic and Heuristic. They both have a place in our industry, but understanding the differences between them is incredibly important for making a wise investment in your personal growth, or providing value for your potential clients. Tune in this week to discover how to grow your income and make wiser coaching investments by learning to distinguish between the two types of group coaching programs. I’m sharing how to know which one you should buy or buil
EP487: How to Sell to Women
08/02/2022 Duration: 33minIn today’s episode, we’re exploring one of the most powerful forces driving the global economy: women buyers. Whether you sell B2B, B2C, high-end furniture, software as a service, life coaching, or books, the chances are that women are often making the decision to buy from you or not. Knowing how to connect with, build trust with, and respect women buyers is really important if you want to sell to them. And trust me, with a total global spending power of $18 trillion, equivalent to the world’s second biggest economy, you need to know how to sell to women buyers. However, while we have a lot of money, we’re also not necessarily an easy market to sell to. Keep reading Tune in this week as I’m joined by Emaan Abbass, founder of luxury feminine and intimate wellness brand KETISH. She has some powerful, practical, and battle-tested ideas to help you create the kind of offers women love to buy and talk about. I’m also talking to author and speaker Bridget Brennan, who shares the inspiration behind starting her busi
EP486: A Practical Daily Step to Make More Money
01/02/2022 Duration: 20minFor most founders and entrepreneurs, there are actually just one or two core things that you do that actually produce revenue. So, if I were to quiz you, would you know exactly what those revenue-generating activities are? Well, by the end of this episode you will have a clear and decisive answer. I call any activity that produces revenue a $10,000 or a $100,000 task, and knowing what those tasks are is critical. However, many of us busy ourselves with tasks that aren’t bringing home the bacon. Keep reading We focus on sales, but not the activities that lead to sales. So if you’re not currently making the revenue you want and believe you’ve tried everything, I’m challenging you to get down and dirty with the real cash-producing tasks. Tune in this week to discover a practical step that you can implement daily to make more money in your business. I’m sharing the daily activities that plant the seeds for future revenue, and all it’s going to require of you is that you put yourself out there for a few minutes ev
EP485: Behind the Scenes of My Work Week
25/01/2022 Duration: 30minAround the fall of last year, I started thinking more deeply about how I was using my time and if there were better ways to spend it. The kind of leader I wanted to be was one who could serve her mission, team, and community at the highest level, but my current calendar didn’t reflect that. To show up as the energized and connected leader I wanted to be, I needed to make some shifts to how I was spending and scheduling my time. I know so many of you are feeling drained, overwhelmed, or exhausted by your calendars, and I can totally relate. Keep reading Your biggest asset as a female founder is your time. Talking about how you use it can inspire other women to think about how they use theirs and even help them make some empowered decisions to create changes. I'm hoping that what I share today empowers you to look at your time differently. In this episode, I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at my work week, schedule, and calendar. There are some key shifts I made to my calendar that have significantly impr
EP484: How to Strategically Build Your Leadership Skills
18/01/2022 Duration: 18minThere’s no doubt that growing a business is one of the most epic personal and professional development journeys you can take in life. Besides the cash, influence, and autonomy that is there to be gained as an owner, having the collection of skills that a seven-figure company demands you acquire will set you up for life. As I look back at my journey as a founder, there are a handful of skills I’ve worked tirelessly to bring into my repertoire. And as I cast my mind back, there’s a very specific order in which I needed to build them in for them to feed off of one another. Keep reading While you’re using all of your leadership skills at once, building them all simultaneously is incredibly difficult. So, in this episode, I’m identifying the skills that you need to be an effective and successful CEO, and I’m laying out how to strategically build those leadership skills. Tune in this week to discover the skills that every founder needs to build, and why, especially in the early days, you are your business’s most va
EP483: How to Use Your Pain to Create Growth Assets
11/01/2022 Duration: 22minOne of my favorite sayings that I’ve heard from lots of different people is that pain is inevitable and suffering is optional. And no matter how many female founders also believe this saying, I still see so many of you going through unnecessary suffering in your businesses. Last week, I shared how to do a pain audit of your business so you could see where your pain points are and what problems in your business are waiting for strategic solutions. Today, I’m sharing what to do once you’ve identified those pain points. Keep reading When you get the results of your pain audit, the next step is to build growth assets that will set you free and help you build a business that delivers cash, influence, and autonomy. I know that’s what so many of you are longing for, so listen in. In this episode, learn how to follow up your pain audit with some simple steps to get past your growth ceiling and create growth assets that allow you to move through the pain. If you’ve been trying to hustle through the pain, this is your
EP482: The Pain Audit
04/01/2022 Duration: 10minAs entrepreneurs, we’re raised in a culture that says more is better. You need to hustle and grind your way to the top. But if you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know that I am not about that life. There is definitely a time and place for us to get our hands dirty and work hard. It’s when that level of intense work becomes the norm that we become numb to our pain and the things that bother us. Keep reading While there will be times in your business when you need to “suck it up” and use your grit, it can’t be all the time. And the tool I share with you today will help you make sure of that. In this episode, I’m sharing a tried and true tool that I use to identify my pain points as I grow my company. The Pain Audit is an exceptionally useful tool for seeing where your inner genius is guiding you and what the next steps you need to take are. This episode will help you realize the type of support you might need and what shifts you need to make, so break out a pen and paper and let’s
EP481: The Art of Getting Uncomfortable with Dr. Karen Wilson
28/12/2021 Duration: 43minDo you struggle to get outside your comfort zone in business? Maybe you know your fear is holding you back from fulfilling your highest potential and from growing your company’s influence, impact, and cash. If this sounds like you, you need to hear this episode. Being bold and getting outside your comfort zone can be scary, but it’s something all successful entrepreneurs have to do. In the words of today’s guest, “You have to take bold steps, be fearless, and be willing to fail.” And when you do, extraordinary things happen on the other side. Keep reading My guest today is the incredible Dr. Karen Wilson, director of West LA Neuropsychology and founder of ChildNEXUS. Using her background as a neuropsychologist and tenured professor, Karen took the bold step of leaving her tenure to start a business that would multiply the impact she would be able to have. In this episode, Dr. Karen walks us through her path of comfort to discomfort, and what it was like going from a psychologist in an academic setting to a s
EP480: Scaling Social Impact with Raby Gueye
21/12/2021 Duration: 39minOver the last couple of months, I have been highlighting women leaders and founders who are taking a different approach to scaling their businesses. I have another one of those conversations to share with you today, but this one is about scaling your social impact. When we talk about wanting cash, influence, and autonomy, I think that influence really speaks to the difference we make in the world. It’s about walking in your truth and your purpose, and really tuning inward to hear what that could be. Keep reading My guest today did just that and now she is having a tremendous influence on her cause. Raby Gueye is the founder of a non-profit organization called Teach for Senegal. She is a 2021 recipient of Forbes’ Top 30 Under 30 honor, and she is scaling social impact at an incredible level through her leadership and entrepreneurship. In this episode, Raby shares what it was like immigrating to the US as a child from Senegal and how she quickly learned how to be a leader and advocate for others. She takes us t
EP479: Scaling a Feminist Business with Chéla Breckon
14/12/2021 Duration: 53minThere is so much more to building a feminist business than paying your female team members fairly. It’s not only only about pay, but it’s about your business policies, your pricing, your accessibility, and your team. My guest today is a powerhouse in feminist leadership and entrepreneurship. She’s one of those women that, as she rises, she brings everyone up with her. Her business operates with the knowledge and understanding of intersectional feminism, meaning she acknowledges every woman's unique experience as not just a female, but their other marginalized identities too. Keep reading Chéla Breckon is the founder and CEO of With Chéla Inc, where she is all about empowering women in small towns to see the bigger possibilities in their settings. She also works with rural communities to see the potential in their own people. She is a master at weaving feminist principles into the fabric of her business, and as a self-confessed small town girl, I can’t support her work enough. Listen in today to hear my conve