Fierce Feminine Leadership

EP504: The $500K Offer



So often in the work I do with my clients, I see women leaders doing highly valuable, complex work selling packaged services, coaching products, or intellectual property. However, when the market wants us to provide customizable, made-to-order contracts and offerings, there’s a huge labor and cognitive strain involved.   Go back 10 years in my business and you’ll see that everything I did was customized. This meant that I was stuck at $250K a year at an absolute maximum. The truth is you can choose to hustle in this way, but like me, you’ll experience an earning ceiling that seems impossible to break through, and not only that, you’ll be intellectually exhausted. Keep reading   If you’ve been experiencing a revenue plateau, it might be time to audit the complexity in your business and release it. When you can create an offer that doesn’t require extra legwork from you to deliver, whether you’re selling $500K or $5K worth of that offer in a year, you’ve created what is known as a $500K Offer. And on this epi