If you are ready to claim your power and change the world, then join women empowerment expert Eleanor Beaton for Fierce Feminine Leadership. Each week, Eleanor shares inspiring interviews with powerful women in business, along with practical tools and tricks you can use today to step into your power, smash your glass ceiling and take your seat at the tables where the big deals and decisions are made.
[FFL 364] Commitment Containers
27/08/2019 Duration: 26minDo you feel that you’re working hard, making every commitment that you can, and still feel stuck and going nowhere? If you are struggling with commitment - or the idea of commitment - then, you probably have an idea about what’s preventing you from increasing your impact and the results in your business. Whatever reason you may have for this struggle, remember that your action - or inaction - determines the fate of your career and that of your company's. Keep Reading >> Today, I dive into the most common reasons why women struggle with commitments and share real-life scenarios to demonstrate the reality of that struggle. I explain how this generation’s crisis, which is having unlimited choices, plays a significant role in this paralysis. I also share what commitment containers are and how they help fill the other relevant containers in your life. “Your ability to succeed and to be successful is actually a function of your willingness to follow through on your commitments.” - Eleanor Beaton Today
[FFL 363] Why Female Entrepreneurs Need a 7-Figure Alarm System
20/08/2019 Duration: 27minThe hallmark of a 7-figure female entrepreneur is the ability to lead and manage themselves as well as their team. You need to recognize when you are close to becoming overwhelmed by your obligations and act to alter your mindset. If you’re desperate to carve out time to plan and strategize, but you're feeling daunted by your commitments, then you need an early warning system. Keep Reading >> Today, I explain why female entrepreneurs need to build a 7-figure alarm system. I share how I built my own alarm system and the triggers I have identified which show I need to take time to manage my commitments. I discuss how, as entrepreneurs, our ambition leads us to say yes to as many projects as possible and how that habit can lead us to feel overwhelmed. I also delve into the relationship between ambition and freedom and how one is often at odds with the other. “When your freedom and ambition are out of kilter, you need to have an early warning system in place to let you know that they’re getting out of ki
[FFL 362] 7 Figure Authenticity with Keri Murphy
13/08/2019 Duration: 51minKeri Murphy is an international speaker, media expert and business mentor who is committed to empowering others. She is the CEO and founder of Inspired Living and the host of the web series Inspired Living TV, where she coaches people on how to uncover their potential and move forward in their field. With a background in entertainment and over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, she now works internationally teaching and supporting others on how to create successful businesses and make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Keep Reading >> Keri joins me today to share how the toughest experience of her childhood taught her to find her voice to inspire others. She shares how personal and business challenges through the years have taught her the value of learning to delegate and how having a good team around her impacts on her success. She also dives into how she develops an authentic voice and how that helps her focus the content strategy of her shows. "Authenticity is how you show up. Transparency
[FFL 361] 7 Figure Mistake Making
06/08/2019 Duration: 37minMistakes. We all make them, yet this is one conversation topic that many women entrepreneurs aren’t talking about. Making mistakes is part of the growth process, even in business. The difference between a thriving seven-figure woman entrepreneur and a merely surviving one is not only in their outlook on making mistakes but also their relationship with them. Keep Reading >> Today, I discuss the art of mistake-making, how to handle mistakes in business, and how to recover from them. I dive into the different emotional responses to mistakes and the lessons I have learned as I take you behind-the-scenes of some mistakes I’ve made in the past. I also share the mythology of mistakes in modern entrepreneurship and leave you with something to think about so you can look at your mistake-making differently. “Don’t be fooled ever and believe that somebody who is experiencing significant business growth is not also making significant mistakes. It is going to happen.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Femi
[FFL 360] 7 Figure Implementation and Consistency
30/07/2019 Duration: 47minWhat is the difference between a $700,000 CEO and a $7,000,000 entrepreneur? Both entrepreneurs work the same number of hours in a day. Both of them want to go and grow bigger. So, what sets the latter apart? Keep Reading >> It’s how the seven-figure CEO consistently implements business strategies and tactics that will lead the way to a lucrative business. Today, I share how you can develop your skills so you can be a woman of consistency who leads and scales your business to seven-figures. I discuss the five rules of implementation for seven-figure CEOs as well as why the strategic and implementation guidelines miss the mark for female entrepreneurs. I also share the practical tools and resources that help simplify your processes and make sure that both the day-to-day tasks as well as the important projects get done. “Advancing things in a project fashion is huge for entrepreneurial implementation.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: The central challenge ma
[FFL 359] 7 Figure Alignment
23/07/2019 Duration: 23minScaling a business from 6 to 7-figures and beyond carries a unique set of challenges, changes, and - in many cases - a new level of stress. One of the main components of achieving your 7-figure goals while experiencing the kind of freedom and lifestyle you want is maintaining alignment. Keep Reading >> But what does ‘alignment’ mean for a 7-figure women entrepreneur? And how does your current CEO mindset impact your ability to achieve the kind of lifestyle and business you want to build? Today, I explain what the 7 Figure Alignment concept is and how it impacts your ability to achieve your leadership and financial goals. I explain how being out of alignment with your thoughts and beliefs can leave you feeling stressed and energy drained. I also share how realigning yourself with what matters most in your life and career is directly linked to your success. “Big goals are fun. They transform you into a different person - when the big money is also the path to big personal development.” - Eleanor Beat
[FFL 358] 7 Figure Productivity and Planning
16/07/2019 Duration: 38minSeven-figure entrepreneurs, as well as those who aim to reach this mark and beyond, face a different set of challenges, and many are at a higher level. With these new hurdles to overcome, it is crucial to know how to get the things that will move your business forward. One of the things that will help you reach success is through effective planning and productivity strategies. Keep Reading >> Today, I share some unconventional tools and strategies on productivity and planning for women entrepreneurs who desire to reach the seven-figure mark in their businesses. I share tips on how you should plan your business, the ways a business can grow, and common mistakes women entrepreneurs make about scaling. I also share why seven-figure entrepreneurs hire the best team instead of the minimum they can afford and how to start seeing sky-rocketing growth in your business. “A truly scalable model for a female-owned service business owner is that you have a very simple market-facing promise and you have a robust backend
[FFL 357] 7 Figure Visibility
09/07/2019 Duration: 21minTo go beyond six figures and be able to build 7-figure businesses, there are mindsets and habits you need to change as well as skills to learn and hone. Aside from learning the ability to be tough - to bend yet not break, being clear about your viewpoint and being known in the marketplace significantly contribute to your ability to achieve your seven-figure goal. Your willingness to be seen as a bold leader and spokeswoman for your company is called visibility. Keep Reading >> Today, I share how you can assess your visibility in the marketplace and explain the one characteristic that leaders need to be aware of. I discuss five areas that play crucial roles in your visibility and ability to craft a powerful message. I also share the fear that holds women leaders back from being seen and the two simple equations women leaders and entrepreneurs need to internalize and lock in to reach seven figures. “Powerful message and amplified visibility equal more money in your business.” - Eleanor Beaton Tod
[FFL 356] 7 Figure Resilience
02/07/2019 Duration: 40minIn today’s business world, there is a lot of support, education, and training available on how women can start and grow their businesses and achieve 6-figure results. But there is also a massive, glaring middle segment of female entrepreneurship that is surprisingly underserved. That segment is where these fierce female leaders are striving to take their businesses beyond 6-figures to achieve massive results - and massive revenue growth.
[FFL 355] Scaling YOU by Scaling Your Team
27/06/2019 Duration: 28minYour business is a collection of different assets. As fierce female entrepreneurs, we work these assets to grow and scale our business. When we’re just starting out, we act as the key asset for our companies, and as we begin to grow - our team grows as well. But, one of the things many female entrepreneurs often fail to realize is the direct correlation between scaling their teams and scaling themselves and their companies. Keep Reading >> Today, I share five classic hang-ups that can be preventing you from hiring effectively to help you grow and scale your team. I discuss each hang-up and share real-life examples of how these stumbling blocks manifest in your mindset and your company. I also share insights on how you can overcome each hurdle so you can have the flexibility to plan your way to financial freedom. “Wherever you are, hire the max - build committed loyal team members.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: The difference between freedom and flexibilit
[FFL 354] Baller Moves
25/06/2019 Duration: 25minAs a female entrepreneur, one of the crucial things that you keep an eye on is how to create positive momentum that would result in exponential business growth. Determining the X Factor that causes this impact takes training, consistency, and intentionality. If your business is currently on the losing streak, you need to know how to accept and learn from failure as you bounce back and regenerate business momentum. Keep Reading >> Today, I share what baller moves are and how these moves create positive momentum in your business. I share some bold and decisive actions I committed in the past that generated tremendous momentum in my organization. I also discuss how taking calculated risks can lead to exponential growth in your business and how your mindset as a female entrepreneur can impact your ability to take bold, decisive actions. “The best baller moves are based on experimentation.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: The winning streaks and losing streaks in
[FFL 353] Why You Need to Lead From Your Zone of Genius
20/06/2019 Duration: 06minWhat do you do to guarantee the growth of your business and your growth as an entrepreneur? Do you come up with clever strategies and tactics? While these things do matter, there is one crucial thing you may be overlooking that could lead to the exponential growth of your business. Keep Reading >> Your zone of genius. Today, I share the breakthroughs that can happen if you lead from your zone of genius. I explain the difference among the different ”zones” you may be working from and how you can offload the tasks that do not fall under your zone of genius. I also share the phenomenal results that happened when I pulled away from my zone of excellence to spend more time in my zone of genius. “The problem is many of us are stuck in our zone of excellence or even our zone of competence.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: What to do if you want to make massive growth as a woman leader Where to spend most of your time if you're going to achieve new heights as a f
[FFL 352] Explicit Ambition
18/06/2019 Duration: 17minMany times, women entrepreneurs are all about serving, team building, and alignment of company values. While there is nothing wrong with wanting and focusing on these things, many women in business feel confined and prohibited to express their ambition to build multi-million dollar businesses because of how society perceives women and business. So, how do you fight this war head-on with all the negative voices and discouraging noise surrounding you and challenging your ambition? Keep Reading >> Today, I share what explicit ambition is, specifically a female entrepreneur’s explicit ambition. I dive into the ambition barriers and challenges that every woman entrepreneur needs to face. I also share why there is no need to hide your ambition under your intention as well as the critical mindset shift you need to make as a woman entrepreneur if you want to pursue and achieve your ambition. “Explicit ambition is when you vocalize and clearly state your desire to do big bad-ass things.” - Eleanor Beaton
[FFL 351] Behind the Scenes of Your Million Dollar Message
13/06/2019 Duration: 32minBehind the scenes glimpses of other successful businesses can be a powerful resource for learning from their successes, their failures, and their challenges. As a fierce female leader, it is one of my favorite ways to learn new strategies and techniques that can help me grow my business as well as help others achieve success. Keep Reading >> Today, I take you behind the scenes of my recent 3-day workshop called Your Million Dollar Message. I share the lessons I’ve learned from hosting over 25 live events over the last five years, the techniques and strategies I’ve tried, and the mistakes I’ve made along my journey. I also explain how offering discounts and free tickets can impact your event, the difference between having a full event room versus a room full of people that are deeply invested in the experience, and how getting over your own insecurities can help you feel more energized after your event has ended. “Hosting a sacred space for your people to come together is a privilege and an opportunity
[FFL 350] Quit Obsessing Over the Competition
12/06/2019 Duration: 30minHow do you feel when you hear the word ’competition?’ Does it make you excited, or does it make you want to melt? Many women entrepreneurs are growing more uncomfortable in performing within a competitive environment. This discomfort is an urgent concern that needs to be addressed and acted upon if you want to be better as a leader and entrepreneur.
[FFL 349] Your Habits Define You
06/06/2019 Duration: 17minDoes success come naturally to top athletes and top performers? What do you think these people have in common that led them to achieve their level of success? A-list performers didn’t achieve success by accident. It took hard work and a lot of practice with building good habits to allow them to have so much freedom and enjoyment in their lives.
[FFL 348] For the Love of Money with Melissa Leong
04/06/2019 Duration: 35minMelissa Leong is a personal finance expert, an in-demand speaker, and a popular media personality. She is the best-selling author of the feel-good finance guide: Happy Go Money. She is the resident money expert on CTV’s The Social - Canada’s leading daytime talk show. With over 15-years of experience as a journalist - on air and media publications, she has published multiple articles in the Financial Post on personal finance and has interviewed countless heads of state and celebrities, including Carrie Fisher and Hugh Jackman. During her free time, Melissa mentors young people and volunteers in organizations that emphasize and support the importance of advancement and empowerment in young women. Keep Reading >> Today, Melissa shares her love for money - what it is and how it impacts women entrepreneurs. She discusses how she established herself as an authority and leading expert in her industry and explains how entrepreneurs can determine their price - even when they’re just starting out. She also explain
[FFL 347] The Multiplier Effect
30/05/2019 Duration: 23minAs the visionary of your business, you work hard to make things work. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur who needs to make your business grow, a surviving business owner who hopes to make your business thrive, or an owner of a seven-figure company who wants to know how far you can go, one thing is for sure - you have the desire to profit and scale your business. But how do you do this in a way that your efforts create a ripple effect to success? Keep Reading >> Today, I share what a multiplier is and the seven force multipliers that will create long-term returns in your business. I discuss the actions you can take today to initiate the multiplier effect. I also share the shifts you can make to multiply the revenue you’re already creating exponentially. “Force multipliers help you think about intelligent ways to scale your revenues and to really see that exponential growth.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: The kind of growth you should look for in the Multipli
[FFL 346] The Logic Bridge
28/05/2019 Duration: 22minImagine yourself standing in front of powerhouse people - prestigious, influential, and respected people in their industries. You’re going to give a presentation that will either keep them engaged until the end or make them impatient in the middle of your talk. What do you do to keep them interested, to keep their focus, and listen - really listen - to what you have to say? Keep Reading >> Today, I share what a Logic Bridge is and why world-class communicators always build them as they speak in front of an audience. I explain the foundational aspects of leadership communication and entrepreneurial communication that many entrepreneurs tend to overlook. I also share how to plan and keep track of your key points to make sure you stay connected with your audience throughout the listener’s journey. “Build your point in a way that builds communication, trust, and loyalty.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: What leadership is about The heart of business strategy wor
[FFL 345] How DISCIPLINE Drives Multi Million Dollar Growth
23/05/2019 Duration: 23minHow do you drive tremendous results for your business? You may work hard to attract high-end clients and have a significant impact on your industry and community, but do you always get the results you’re looking for? If you think that a million-dollar growth is generated through hard work and a great vision, take a minute to pause and assess yourself - your ways and mindset about effort, suffering, and discipline. Keep Reading >> Today, I share why discipline is vital in driving multi-million-dollar breakthroughs in your business. I discuss the three core components of discipline and how you can put these elements together to work for you and drive the results you’re aiming for. I also share how you can redefine your relationship with the discipline to develop big-picture thinking as well as transformational leadership in your life and your business. “High-powered entrepreneurs have formed the habit of doing what drives results without overthinking.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine