Grace Church

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 56:03:49
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Grace Church Podcasts


  • Miracles and Misunderstandings | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 20

    12/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    Big Idea: Jesus is easy to miss.  Jesus fed the 5000 after His disciples returned from being sent out. (6:30-44) Jesus responded to the crowds with compassion, (6:34) unlike the disciples who showed irritation. (6:35-37) He cared for the crowd (6:38-44; Numbers 27:15-17) as the Great Shepherd (Psalm 23:1) by feeding them in the echo of the Prophet Elisha. (2 Kings 4:42-44)  Ask yourself: How are you being called right now to meet someone’s needs while also sharing the Gospel with them?  Jesus walked on the water and revealed Himself to His disciples. (6:45-56)Jesus withdrew to prioritize the most important thing, spending time with His Father. (6:45-46) When the disciples struggled, (6:47-50a) Jesus went down and revealed Himself to them (6:50b) by “passing by” just as God had done in the Old Testament. (Ex 33:21-22; 1 Kings 19:11a) The disciples still didn’t recognize Jesus as the Son of God. (6:51-52)  Take time this week to look back on moments in your life where you’ve seen God’s provision, God’s comfort,

  • Purpose in the Pain | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 19

    05/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Big Idea: is Pain is often for your growth or God’s glory.   Causes of our Suffering and Pain We live in a fallen world.  Self-inflicted.  Caught in the backwash.   5 Biblical Insights on Suffering All Christians will suffer. God doesn’t cause all suffering, but he allows it. Suffering isn’t the only way to grow spiritually, but it is an important way.  We long to know the purpose in our pain, but sometimes it’s not for us to know.  Suffering will eventually bring about greater joy.   Next Step  Reflect on this Discipleship Question for Ordinary Heroes:  What is my next small step of obedience today?   Find more series resources at 

  • Sexuality | True Identity | Week 4

    28/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. Me must make the shift from a societal sexual ethic to a sanctified sexual ethic.  Two Ways our Identity in Christ Shapes our Sexuality 1. We place God’s Authority over the Sovereignty of Self. (4:1-2)  Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter.   2. We see sexuality as an opportunity for spiritual formation and to avoid cultural deformation (4:3-6) Sexuality according to God finds its perfect fulfillment only in a covenant marriage relationship between one man and one woman or in celibate singleness.    Christian sexuality is based on four pillars.  Sex is pointing to a greater reality Sex points us to a wholistic integration of personhood  Sex is tied to our transformation  Our sexual ethic is a witness to the world.  Next step:  Reflect: if my primary identity is as adopted, redeemed and sealed in Christ, how will I pursue sexual wholeness?  Get more resources fo

  • Race | True Identity | Week 3

    21/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Big idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. God’s Dream for One New Humanity. Galatians 2:11-14 The Problem with our GospelIt’s IncompleteIt’s highly individualized. In light of our Identity in Christ, how should we approach issues of race? Next Steps The habit of Incarnational listening.  Leave your world.  Enter into someone else’s world.  Allow yourself to be formed by others. 2. The habit of learning: 3. The habit of lament. 4. The habit of racial self-examination. Ask yourself If I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed in Christ, how should I interact with someone different than me?

  • Politics | True Identity | Week 2

    14/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    Big idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. Where does our Identity in Christ leave us politically?  We are Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven first. - Philippians 3:20; Mark 12:13-17, We are Members of a Global Multi-Ethnic Church. - Revelation 7:9-10We are Ambassadors of Christ to the World - Matthew 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:20Creative options for political engagement. Daniel Option. Prophetic Option. Scuba Option Monastic Option. Local Option. Next Steps What would it look like for me to love my neighbor locally? Ask yourself, If I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed in Christ, how should I interact with someone who is different politically?  Find additional series resources at 

  • Your True Identity | True Identity | Week 1

    07/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. The Traditional View: Your identity is assigned to you by your role in the community and your sense of worth comes from how well you discharge your duties. The Modern View: Your identity is revealed through self-discovery and your self-worth comes from fully embracing your true self. The Christian view: Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter. 3 Markers of your True Identity in Christ. You are adopted. (1:5) – Abandonment Culture – “He took me in." You are redeemed. (1:7) – Slave Culture. – “He bought me back.”You are sealed. (1:13). – Proprietary Culture. – “I am His.”Next Step - Remind yourself each morning this week who you are in Christ. - I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed. - He took me in, He bought me back, I am His. Find all resources at  

  • The Possibility of a New Life  | Holy Week 2024 | Easter Sunday

    31/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    What is one word that describes your life right now? The Resurrection and the Possibility of New Life. New life starts with a willingness to step out of hiding (19:38-42) New life begins with small steps of faith (20:1-17) New life recognizes no narrative is too broken for God to redeem (20:18-22) Next stepVisit, choose ‘salvation,’ and tell us that you’ve taken a step of faith today!

  • The Tears of a Revolutionary  | Holy Week 2024 | Palm Sunday

    24/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    The Tears of Jesus and His Palm Sunday Intentions  He rode in as Messiah.  Zechariah 9:9   He rode in as a revolutionary (:41-42)  Luke 13:34   Lessons in Responding to the King Don’t get so focused on temporary relief that you miss eternal salvation (:36-40)  Jesus is after loyalty and not just lip service (:36-40)  Beware of the future consequences for rejecting Jesus (:43-44).  Next Steps: Do the Holy Week reading plan  Invite some folks to join you for Easter services! 

  • Equipping Disciples for Ministry | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 18

    17/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    Big Idea: You have been called and sent.Three critical resources for living on mission: Calling Partnerships Spiritual Authority How to Live Out Your Kingdom callingLearn to depend on God alone (:8-9) Find people who are receptive to the gospel (:10-11). Don’t just say stuff, do stuff (:12-13) Categories of calling Natural Affinity Groups. Local Community Needs. People Groups in Need.  A CauseNext step: Ordinary Heroes discipleship question - what is my next small step of obedience today? Find more series resources at  

  • Dealing with Disparaging Critics | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 17

    10/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    Big Idea: walking with Jesus will always include disparaging critics. Some Lessons in Dealing with Critics Following Jesus will always be offensive to some (6:1, 3)Don’t be paralyzed in insecurity by critics (:2-3a)Just because someone is familiar with Jesus doesn’t mean they follow Jesus. (:3b-4)Jesus won’t work where he’s not wanted (:5-6)How to Guard Against Unbelief1. Guard against Finality. 2. Guard against Familiarity. 3. Guard against Fear of what Others Think. Next Step Meditate on this discipleship question as you think about facing disparaging critics in your life: “What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus?”Find more series resources at 

  • From Fear to Faith | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 16

    03/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Big Idea: Jesus wants to lead us from fear to faith.Context:Theme: Son of God/ Son of ManLiterary Markan “sandwich”A Study in Perspectives:Character Profile: JairusStatus: Community LeaderCircumstances: 12-year-old daughter is close to deathPerspective: fear of death, desperate, urgentCharacter Profile: DisciplesStatus: followers of Rabbi JesusCircumstances: witnesses to His ministryPerspective: fear of failure, crowd control Character Profile: Bleeding WomanStatus: uncleanCircumstances: bleeding for 12 yearsPerspective: isolated, desperate, afraid to live and to dieCharacter Profile: JesusStatus: Son of God/ Son of ManCircumstances: bringing the Kingdom of God, fulfilling every promisePerspective: God’s Story, beginning to endNext Step: Discipleship Questions How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently? How is Jesus changing my perspective? How is He moving me from fear to faith?

  • Reaching those on the Other Side | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 15

    25/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    Big idea: there are people in your life who need to hear your faith story. Three Reflections from today’s text: When Jesus redeems your life, you have a story to tell (:19) Start by telling your story to those closest to you (:19) You do the job of telling and let Jesus do the job of saving (7:31) Next Step. Call to mind one face and name: Pray two things. That their heart would be open to the work of God in their life. That God would open the door for your story or an invitation to Easter.Find more series resources at 

  • Sleeping Through the Storm | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 14

    18/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    Get caught up at Four themes Son of God/ Son of Man Cosmic ConflictDiscipleship Failure Ordinary Heroes Big Idea: Jesus uses storms to demonstrate his greatness. Setting the Scene (:35-36).  Surviving Storms with JesusSome storms can’t be avoided (:37) Storms can tempt us to abandon our faith (:38) God uses storms… (:39-41) To demonstrate His power (:39). To develop our faith (:40-41)Discipleship question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently? Find more resources at 

  • Embedded Influencer | Future Church | Week 5

    11/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    Big idea: As an embedded influencer, I understand how God has purposefully gifted and positioned me to multiply His work in the world. John 20:19-22 Reminders from this passage Wherever you are, you’ve been sent there by God (:21) You have the Holy Spirit to empower you (:22) 4 Root Idols. Power: a longing for influence or recognition. Control: a longing to have everything go according to my plan. Comfort: a longing for pleasure. Approval: a longing to be accepted or desired. Esther 4God has perfectly positioned you to influence someone. A few truths about your influence:There are gifts only you have. There are people only you can reach. There are assignments only you can complete. Next StepEmbedded influencer discipleship questions: How have I leveraged my unique skills or position for God’s mission recently? What is one situation or person in my life right now that am I uniquely equipped to influence?Find more resources at 

  • Intentional Friend | Future Church | Week 4

    04/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    Mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day everywhere. Dream Disciple Compassionate StorytellerSavvy FollowerIntentional FriendEmbedded Influencer. Big Idea – As an intentional friend, I will build healthy relationships and help God restore broken ones.Why friendship is so important.You were made for friendships (John 15:9-15)Friendships are a vehicle for mission (John 15:16-17)Discipleship is consistently helping someone take their next steps toward Jesus. Next Steps: Intentional Friend Discipleship Questions: Who in my life needs me the most during this season and what’s my next step? Where do I need to lean into a relationship that has become distant or broken?My Mission Field Tool  Family | Neighbors | Work | Hobbies | Church | School | Community | OtherGod, who do you want to be investing in during this season? Find this and other resources at 

  • Savvy Follower | Future Church | Week 3

    28/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    Dream disciple. Compassionate StorytellerSavvy FollowerIntentional FriendEmbedded Influencer. Big idea: As a Savvy Follower I will discern God’s voice and follow his lead at the right time in the right way.Savvy= wise, thoughtful, sensible. Spiritually savvy = having the perspective of God on the inside and then allowing it to shape what happens through you on the outside. 3 Declarations of a Savvy Follower. I will be shrewd but with integrity (Mt. 10:16).I will only move when God moves (Numbers 9:15-23).I will tune in to the Spirit’s voice (John 16:12-14) E-book: The Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice at  Next Step:Two discipleship questions for the Savvy FollowerWhat has God spoken to me through His word this week and what am I doing about it?  What decision am I facing right now that requires God’s unique perspective and how will I seek it?Find Your Chair Tool. Download at 

  • Compassionate Storyteller | Future Church | Week 2

    21/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Mission: following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere.  Dream Disciple:Compassionate Storyteller: I know God’s story, my place in it, and am motivated to tell the people in my life. The Metanarrative of the BibleCreation | Fall | Redemption | Mission | Restoration.3 Truths about Your StoryEvery Christian has a gospel story to tell. It’s hard for people to argue with your story. People who know you will trust your story. The WHO, WHAT, and HOW of sharing your story (1 Peter 3:15)Who? Everyone who asks. What? The reason for the hope that you have.How? With gentleness and respect. 2 Discipleship Questions for a Compassionate Storyteller: Where is God showing up in my story this week? Who in my life needs to hear God’s story through my story? Story Tool: I once was ____________________, but now I ____________________.Find more resources at  

  • The Future of the Church | Future Church | Week 1

    14/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Some Shifts in our Church Remodel: Less attraction more mission. Less big more small. Less new more old. Less telling more training. Less counting attendance more counting discipleship outcomes.Less slick more authentic. Less performance more presence. Less noise more space. Less solo more family. Why Change? The Internal Problem: We’ve replaced discipleship with assimilation.The external problem: Christianity is in crisis in America. Cascading SendingGod sends Jesus. (John 3:17) God and Jesus send the Spirit. (John 15:26-27)God, Jesus, and the Spirit send us (John 20:21-22)God, Jesus, and the Spirit send the Church. (Matthew 28:18-20)John 17:14-19The old slogan: Christians should be IN the world but not OF the world. 2 Problems: the wrong WORDthe wrong ORDERA better slogan: Christians are not OF the world, but have been sent INTO the world. 

  • The Danger of Distraction | Resolved | Week 2

    07/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    Distraction = the temptation to give the focus and energy needed for something highly important to something that is often quite insignificant.Big idea: This year let’s normalize stillness, and neglect distraction.3 Marks of an Undistracted Faith.1. When you receive from Jesus first, you can serve others properly.2. When you’re distracted from Jesus, your generosity will turn into resentment.3. Your love for Christ starts with listening to him.The process of building a habit (from James Clear’s Atomic Habits)- Cue - make it obvious.- Craving - make it attractive.- Response - make it easy (frictionless).- Reward - make it satisfying.Next Step:Make a plan to find your chair and meet with God every day.- When will you spend time with God?- Where will you spend time with God? Find your chair. - What will you read during your time with God? Who will hold you accountable?

  • Getting Close to God is Possible | Resolved | Week 1

    31/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    4 Truths about Getting Close to God.    God’s desire is for you to be close to Him (Jeremiah 24:7)   You sabotage closeness with God by hiding (Genesis 3:8-10)   God doesn’t force you, He invites you (Revelation 3:15-17; 20)   You can be close to God by drawing near to Him (James 4:8)     Next step: Prioritize God in your life by creating one daily spiritual habit.  Find additional resources at

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