Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa



Sermons and special events of Cedar Hills Community Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Join us for worship Sundays at 8:30am and 11am. Classes for all ages at 9:45am. Children's worship for 3yrs-3rd grade available at 11am. Nursery for ages 0-2yrs at 11am. Follow us on twitter @cedarhillscr


  • Songs of Truth

    25/04/2021 Duration: 27min

    SONGS OF TRUTHPsalm 120Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEMEWe travel the pilgrim’s journey by placing one foot in front of the other until we discover truth.OUTLINE1. Life includes suffering• Psalm 120:1-2• Tough times are inevitable on the journey.• Psalm 102. We want more.• Psalm 120:3-5• The journey is both fleeing from distress and ascending toward goodness.• Psalm 863. God offers peace.• Psalm 120:6-7• God calls us to find total well-being (Shalom) on the journey.• Psalm 23NEXT STEPS• Commit to taking the “Songs of Ascent” journey.• Read Psalm 120 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.• Name distress from which you want deliverance. • Name places you long for flourishing (Shalom).

  • The Book of Life

    18/04/2021 Duration: 29min

    THE BOOK OF LIFE, Revelation 3:1-6, Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Your name is precious to God.OUTLINE1. God writes our names in his book. • Psalm 139:16• Revelation 20:122. God calls us by name.• Luke 10:17-20• Revelation 2:17• Philippians 4:2-3• Isaiah 43:1-33. God watches over us now and forever. • Hebrews 9:27-28• Revelation 20:17NEXT STEPS• Celebrate your name in the book of life.• Celebrate your new name. • Celebrate eternity.SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Heaven is a Wonderful Place

    11/04/2021 Duration: 27min

    HEAVEN IS A WONDERFUL PLACE1 Thessalonians 4:13-18Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME6 myths and 6 truths about heaven.OUTLINEMyth 1. We can be too fixated on heaven. Truth: Being heavenly-minded helps us do earthly good.1 Thessalonians 4:13Myth 2. Heaven is all about the future.Truth: Heaven collides with earth.Matthew 13:44-48Myth 3. We will spend eternity in the clouds.Truth: We will spend eternity on earth.Revelation 21:1-4Myth 4. We will live forever without a body.Truth: We have bodies in eternity.1 Corinthians 15:35-44Myth 5. We won’t be us anymore.Truth: You will be you in heaven.Luke 24:39Myth 6. Heaven will be boring.Truth: The best is yet to come.1 Thessalonians 4:17-18NEXT STEPS• Be more heavenly-minded.• Life is for living - forever.SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Resurrection and Life

    04/04/2021 Duration: 29min

    RESURRECTION AND LIFE 1 Corinthians 15 Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME The resurrection of Jesus gives victory over sin and death.OUTLINE1. In Adam, all Die (1 Corinthians 15:21-22, Romans 5:12)Without the resurrection... * Our faith is futile. * We are still in our sins. * Death is the final enemy. * Life is bleak and hopeless. 2. In Jesus, all will be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:12-19, John 11:25-26)Jesus is risen! This means... * Our faith matters. * We are forgiven. * We live, even though we die. * We have hope.3. Thanks be to God, who gives us victory in Jesus. * 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 54-58; John 14:19; 1 Peter 1:3) * The Gospel (The Good News) depends on the resurrection of Jesus. NEXT STEPS * Trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. * Live in victory. (2 Corinthians 5:17)SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Victory in Death

    28/03/2021 Duration: 29min

    VICTORY IN DEATH - Isaiah 53 - Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEMEWhere do we find comfort in life and in death?OUTLINE1. The glory story promises victory.* John 12:12-15* Isaiah 40:1-11* The glory story says that God works primarily in strength.2. The cross story promises suffering.* Isaiah 53* John 1:29, John 10:11* Mark 10:45* 1 Peter 1:18* Leviticus 17:11* The cross story affirms God’s work in the middle of suffering.3. The strange good news promises victory in death.* John 3:14-17* Hebrews 9:11-28* This good news brings comfort in life and in death!NEXT STEPS1. Do I look for the silver lining in every sad story of pain and suffering?2. Do I give thanks in the middle of pain and suffering?SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • The Fear of Death

    21/03/2021 Duration: 34min

    THE FEAR OF DEATH - Psalm 90:1-6, Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Fear of death has real consequences. What should we do it?OUTLINE - Four reality checks about death:1. Most people fear death.• Job 3:24-26• I Corinthians 15:572. Everyone has an appointment with death. (And sooner than we think.)• Psalm 90• Isaiah 40:6-7• John 14:53. Death brings sorrow and joy.• 2 Corinthians 5:1-5• Philippians 1:21-24• Psalm 39:44. Death is not the end of the story. (This world is not my home.)• John 14:1-6• Matthew 10:28• Philippians 3:20• Isaiah 25:8NEXT STEPS1. Do not fear the shadow of death. (Psalm 23:42. Number our days wisely. (Psalm 90:12)SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • The Curse of Sin and Death

    14/03/2021 Duration: 28min

    “The Curse of Sin and Death”Pastor Kent LandhuisRomans 5:6-12KEY THEME: SIN BRINGS DEATH, JESUS BRINGS LIFEOUTLINE1. Sin brings death.• Isaiah 6:1-5• Romans 3:10-18; 3:23• Romans 6:232. Jesus defeats sin with death.• Romans 5:5-8• Romans 3:25-263. Jesus defeats death with death.• Romans 5:9-12• 2 Timothy 1:9-10• Hebrews 2:14-15NEXT STEPS1. Trust Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.2. Trust Jesus in life and in death.3. Live in freedom from the curse of sin and death.SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Life is a Gift

    07/03/2021 Duration: 28min

    SERMON GUIDE “Life is a Gift” Steve Poole Psalm 139:13-16 OUTLINE1. Life is a gift beyond comprehension • Psalm 139:14 – We are “remarkably and wondrously made...” • Genesis 1:26-27 – God created humans in His own image. • Theological term=Imago Dei (Latin “Image of God”) 2. Life is a gift when we know our identity3. Life is a gift - don’t waste it • Psalms 139:16 - “All my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.” • Matthew 6:27 - “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?” • Ephesians 2:10 - “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.”4. Life is a gift when we live-out our purpose • God reiterates our identity. • God created each of us with good works to accomplish for His glory. o Westminster Shorter Catechism Q1. o Heidelberg Catechism Q&A1.5. Life is a gift from God for God’s glory • God’s glory is the goal of all this, not m

  • Life and Death

    28/02/2021 Duration: 28min

    LIFE AND DEATHPastor Kent LandhuisGenesis 3:1-7KEY QUESTION: Does death overshadow life?OUTLINE1. The shadow of fear.• Psalm 23:4• Genesis 2:16-17• Genesis 3:4-52. The shadow of grief.• Psalm 90:10• James 4:14• Isaiah 40:73. The shadow of despair.• Genesis 3:20-24• 2 Corinthians 5:1• Ecclesiastes 3:2

  • The Good Life

    21/02/2021 Duration: 31min

    THE GOOD LIFEPastor Kent LandhuisGenesis 2:7-8Key question: What is the good life and how do we get it?OUTLINE1. The God-formed life.• Genesis 2:7 “The LORD God formed the man.”• Psalm 139:13-16• Jeremiah 1:52. The God-inspired life.• Genesis 2:7b “He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”• Psalm 104:28-29• Psalm 146:2-43. The God-placed life.• Genesis 2:8 - “There God placed the man he formed”• Genesis 1• Jeremiah 29:4-7

  • Restore Obedience

    14/02/2021 Duration: 32min

    RESTORE OBEDIENCERestored memory yields restored obedience.Nehemiah 8:1-3Pastor Kent LandhuisOUTLINE1. All-in attention to the Word resurrects memory. (8:1-3,8)• Understanding the Word.• Affirming the Word.2. Full-bodied wonder of the Word enlivens worship. (8:6, 9:5-38)• Remembering the Word.• Engaging the Word.3. Whole-hearted response to the Word animates obedience. (8:9-10)• Tears and laughter.• Fasting and feasting. ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE• Deuteronomy 6:1-9• Ezekiel 37:1-14• Psalm 119• 2 Timothy 3:14-17

  • Restore Grit

    07/02/2021 Duration: 27min

    RESTORE GRITPastor Kent LandhuisNehemiah 4:1-18One of the great tests we face is how we handle trouble. OUTLINE1. Grit starts when trouble hits. • Ridicule (4:1-3, 11-12)• Resistance (7-9)2. Grit builds while fighting trouble. • Rely on God. (4-5)• Reinforce weaknesses. (12-13)• Refuse to quit. (14-18)3. Grit triumphs when we find our great work.• Our great work overcomes distractions. (6:3)• Our great work gets done. (6:15)• Our great work honors God, (6:16)ADDITIONAL TEXTSNehemiah 3 and 6SUPPORT CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Restoring Prayer

    31/01/2021 Duration: 36min

    RESTORING PRAYERNehemiah 1-21. Prayer - Just do it! “Doing it is better than not praying because you are self-conscious about not doing it enough or in the right way.”2. Why do we pray?We pray because WE NEED God.3. When do we pray?Nehemiah 2:41 Thessalonians 5:16-18.We pray without ceasing. 4. What is the purpose of prayer? Prayer aligns our will with His.Prayer invites God to act powerfully on our behalf5. How do we pray?a. Follow the A.C.T.S. prayer modelAdoration - Neh. 1:5Confession = Neh. 1:6-7Thanksgiving = Neh. 1:10.Supplication = Neh. 1:8-11b. Pray God’s Word back to Him

  • Renewed Vitality

    03/01/2021 Duration: 31min

    RENEWED VITALITYJanuary 3, 2021Pastor Kent LandhuisSCRIPTURE READINGEzra 1:1-4There was good reason in Old Testament times for God to call his people to renew their devotion to God. God’s people frequently forgot God and drifted in their devotion to him. This forgetfulness and drift has happened to every generation of believers and still happens today! We fail to appreciate God’s goodness, the depth of our spiritual laziness, and our indifference to the things that matter most. Begin 2021 with a celebration of God’s promises and find renewal and restoration of spiritual vitality.OUTLINE1. Fresh start characters who need vitality. - Three Persian Kings - Three Jewish Leaders - People of God ready for a fresh start. - Villains opposed to a fresh start.2. Fresh start themes that point toward vitality. - Rebuild livelihoods. - Refresh relationships. - Revive worship.3. Fresh start moments on the journey to vitality. - Return from exile. - Restore worship. - Renew promises. - Rebuild the city. - Repent and restart

  • Reimagined Future

    27/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    REIMAGINED FUTUREPastor Kent LandhuisIsaiah 2:1-5KEY VERSEIsaiah 2:2 - "In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.OUTLINEWhat are we hoping for? The best is yet to come!1. The End is near.Isaiah 2:2Matthew 25:1-132. The End pulls us forward.Isaiah 2:3Mathew 25:14-303. The End completes everything.Isaiah 2:4Matthew 25:31-46ADDITIONAL PASSAGESMatthew 25:31-33 - “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."Support the ministry of Cedar Hills:https://cedarhillscr.org/give/Support the show (https://pushpay.com/g/cedarhillscr)

  • Reimagine Jesus

    24/12/2020 Duration: 23min

    REIMAGINE JESUSPastor Kent LandhuisChristmas Eve service at Cedar Hills Community Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Support the ministry of Cedar Hills:https://cedarhillscr.org/give/WATCH LIVE Sundays 8:30am and 11amSupport the show (https://pushpay.com/g/cedarhillscr)

  • Reimagine Love

    20/12/2020 Duration: 29min

    REIMAGINE LOVEPastor Kent LandhuisScripture reading: Isaiah 9:2-7KEY VERSESIsaiah 9:6-7For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom,establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.OUTLINEDiagnosis of the intimacy, commitment, and passion of God’s love.1. Initial diagnosis: Where is the love?2. Deeper diagnosis: This is a love child?3. Final diagnosis: God gave exactly the love we needed!4, Prognosis: Expect everything from God’s love!Additional passages:John 3:16Hebrews 4:14-16Luke 2:11-12SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLSwww.cedarhillscr.org/give

  • Reimagine Joy

    13/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    REIMAGINE JOYSteve Poole1. Jesus is here to comfort ALL who mourn!2. Jesus is here to bring good news to the poor3. Jesus is here to heal the broken hearted!4. Jesus is here to free the oppressed!APPLICATION1. Want more joy?Meditate on Isaiah 61 this weekPray that God will use His words to grow more joy in your life.Invite God’s Spirit to increase your joy through encountering Him in His creationLet God use others to bring His joy in your life.Discover increased joy through increased worship2. Bring joy to othersOne of the best ways to experience more joy is to serve others and bring them joy. Look for simple opportunities this week to bless others. Encouraging notes, meals, surprise gifts, yard work, repairs. Look for how your gifts meet others’ needsCEDAR HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCHSupport our ministry: http://www.cedarhillscr.org/giveSupport the show (https://pushpay.com/g/cedarhillscr)

  • Reimagine Peace

    06/12/2020 Duration: 21min

    REIMAGINE PEACEIsaiah 40:1-11KEY VERSEIsaiah 40:1 Comfort yes, comfort my people, says the Lord. OUTLINEIdentify the enemy. (Isaiah 40:1-11)Surrender and trust. (Isaiah 40:12-27)Live in Peace. (Isaiah 40:28-31)Additional passages: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace. Luke 2Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5Peace, be still! Mark 4Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives to you. Let not your hearts be troubled. John 14In Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. Ephesians 2Support the show (https://pushpay.com/g/cedarhillscr)

  • Reimagine Hope

    29/11/2020 Duration: 24min

    REIMAGINE HOPEIsaiah 64:1-9Reimagine hope by recognizing the brightest light of Christmas. We need this light to shine through the darkness.KEY VERSEPsalm 80:3 - Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us,that we may be saved.OUTLINEThe brightest light shines down from heaven. (Isaiah 64:1-2, Psalm 4:6)The brightest light shines God’s glory. (Isaiah 64:3-7, 2 Corinthians 4:6)The brightest light shines for all people. (Isaiah 64:8-9, Isaiah 42:6, Psalm 67:1, Psalm 80:3)ADDITIONAL PASSAGESIsaiah 9:2 - The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.Numbers 6:24-26 - “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’SUPPORT CEDAR HILLSwww.cedarhillscr.org/give

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