Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Fear of Death



THE FEAR OF DEATH - Psalm 90:1-6, Pastor Kent LandhuisTHEME - Fear of death has real consequences. What should we do it?OUTLINE - Four reality checks about death:1. Most people fear death.• Job 3:24-26• I Corinthians 15:572. Everyone has an appointment with death. (And sooner than we think.)• Psalm 90• Isaiah 40:6-7• John 14:53. Death brings sorrow and joy.• 2 Corinthians 5:1-5• Philippians 1:21-24• Psalm 39:44. Death is not the end of the story. (This world is not my home.)• John 14:1-6• Matthew 10:28• Philippians 3:20• Isaiah 25:8NEXT STEPS1. Do not fear the shadow of death. (Psalm 23:42. Number our days wisely. (Psalm 90:12)SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR HILLShttp://www.cedarhillscr.org/give