Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Renewed Vitality



RENEWED VITALITYJanuary 3, 2021Pastor Kent LandhuisSCRIPTURE READINGEzra 1:1-4There was good reason in Old Testament times for God to call his people to renew their devotion to God. God’s people frequently forgot God and drifted in their devotion to him. This forgetfulness and drift has happened to every generation of believers and still happens today! We fail to appreciate God’s goodness, the depth of our spiritual laziness, and our indifference to the things that matter most. Begin 2021 with a celebration of God’s promises and find renewal and restoration of spiritual vitality.OUTLINE1. Fresh start characters who need vitality. - Three Persian Kings - Three Jewish Leaders - People of God ready for a fresh start. - Villains opposed to a fresh start.2. Fresh start themes that point toward vitality. - Rebuild livelihoods. - Refresh relationships. - Revive worship.3. Fresh start moments on the journey to vitality. - Return from exile. - Restore worship. - Renew promises. - Rebuild the city. - Repent and restart