Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 66:26:14
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Weekend messages from Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon.


  • Missing Peace | Part 2 | You’re Driving Me Crazy | Michelle Snook

    13/12/2023 Duration: 44min

    You're Driving Me Crazy! Missing Peace December 10, 2023 Luke 2 records the refrain declared by the host of heaven, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” But across centuries, continents, and cultures, no matter which corner of history we search, we discover an overwhelming deficit of peace. Certainly, even a quick scan of today’s headlines reveals a serious lack. So, did the angels get it wrong? Perhaps the answer lies in where we’re looking. Could it be that instead of searching for evidence of peace around us, we must open our hearts to the gift of peace within us? I invite you to join us as we continue our Christmas sermon series, Missing Peace. It's been said that you can’t give what you don’t have. The peace the angels sang about begins within us, as we experience peace with God. And then it swells, deeper and stronger, as we extend it to those around us. It’s the kind of peace that can’t be shaken. It cancels fear, strengthens courage. Peace on earth, i

  • Missing Peace | Part 1 | Is Peace Possible? | Chris Voigt

    05/12/2023 Duration: 36min

    Is Peace Possible? Missing Peace December 3, 2023 The holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is on the horizon. But when our newsfeeds continue to be filled with stories of international conflict, economic uncertainty, political division, death, disease, heartbreak, and loss, it’s hard to believe that the message of Christmas - peace on earth, goodwill to men - is even possible. The realities of our world kinda suck the holly-jolly right out of the season… if we let them.   In a world that is filled with pain, the possibility of peace seems almost out of reach. But the Bible tells us – promises us – that peace is available to us. And not just a fragile, momentary relief, but a perfect peace. The kind that can be ours when we focus our minds on what we know to be true; on what’s truer than the headlines, and truer than our heartaches. A kind of peace that surpasses our ability to understand. Peace that is found only in Jesus. Do you have that kind of peace? Do you need it? Come

  • As the World Burns | Part 2 | Don’t Blink | Chris Voigt

    29/11/2023 Duration: 42min

    DON'T BLINK! - as the world burns - November 26, 2023 This Sunday, we’re continuing our look beneath the subject lines and rhetoric that fill our newsfeeds, to see what God’s Word has to say about the things happening in our world. We’re looking to gain a firmer grasp on what we can know for sure, and what we must confidently entrust to the sovereignty of God. Because in the midst of the chaos, one thing is certain: it is very easy to become distracted by the to-do lists, the deadlines, disappointments or even our own desires, and miss what God is doing around us or even in us. In the midst of an incredibly busy and often distressing world, it’s important that we know what matters most and how to keep it in clear view. Some things are too important to miss. Let’s make sure we don’t. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment &am

  • As the World Burns | Part 1 | Teetering on the Brink | Chris Voigt

    21/11/2023 Duration: 33min

    TEETERING ON THE BRINK - as the world burns - November 19, 2023 It’s no wonder that as we look around our world, scroll through social media, and listen to the news, that so many of people are struggling with uncertainty and fear about the future. Things are very dark in our world and just seem to be getting darker. Is there any hope to hold onto? Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to dig beneath the headlines and take a deeper look at what is really going on in our world and where we can find a hope that can conquer every fear. The dark can be a scary place. But there is both Light and Hope available for you. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook:

  • Parenting | Part 6 | A Faith of Their Own | Chris Voigt

    15/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    A Faith Of Their Own Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart November 12, 2023 This Sunday we are wrapping up our series, Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. We’ve covered a lot of ground the past few weeks, but we’ve saved the best – and maybe the hardest – for last. As parents who have committed their lives to Christ, we want our kids to grow up to be followers of Jesus too. But all too often, we feel inadequate or intimidated by the responsibility of teaching or discipling our kids. So we hope they’ll have great Sunday School teachers or youth leaders that can take care of that. The truth is that you are the most influential person in your child’s life. For better or worse, your voice carries the most weight and your life has the most impact. Discipling your child isn’t rocket science – no seminary degree required; but it is one of the most challenging and important things you’ll ever do. It requires humility, vulnerability and intentionality. Helping your child develop thei

  • Parenting | Part 5 | Because I Said So | Chris Voigt

    07/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    Because I Said So Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart November 5, 2023 As we continue in our series on parenting this week, we’ll be taking a look at the difference between discipline and punishment. Though we often use the words interchangeably, they aren’t the same thing at all. Punishment is linked to condemnation and control; discipline is connected to redemption and restoration, to growth and development. Just as a shepherd’s rod can be a source of security and comfort for the sheep, loving appropriate discipline should be a source of security and comfort for our children. I hope you’ll join us as we unpack what effective discipline should look like, as we endeavor to disciple our kids. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram:

  • Parenting | Part 4 | Marriage Matters | Chris Voigt

    01/11/2023 Duration: 38min

    This week, as we continue in our series on parenting, we’ll be taking a look at how much marriage impacts our kids. In our world today, the traditional family isn’t so traditional anymore. There are lots of single parent households, broken and blended families, and grandparents raising grandkids. Families come in all shapes, sizes, and situations. But regardless of their status, the ability of those raising children to model what healthy relationships look like for their children is what establishes the foundation for those kids to stand on. And it matters… more than you might even realize. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: https

  • Parenting | Part 3 | Watch Your Weight | Chris Voigt

    25/10/2023 Duration: 41min

    We are midway through our series Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. This week, we’re taking a look at the weight of our words. We all know that words are powerful and that we need to be wise in how we use them. We know words can be misunderstood, taken out of context, or be twisted. But when it comes to our kids, there’s a whole ‘nother level of potency to the words we speak, and to the ones we don’t. Words, both spoken and unspoken, from a parent to a child, carry more weight than you might realize. And far too often we underestimate the weight of our words. Join us this Sunday, as we unpack the power of words in the lives of our kids. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes:

  • Parenting | Part 2 | The Four Stages of Parenting | Michelle Snook

    18/10/2023 Duration: 42min

    We are in week 2 of a six-week series that we’ve called Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. Throughout this series we are taking a look at big picture principles for successful parenting that will help us to navigate the nitty gritty of daily family life. We all know that change is one of the most certain things about life. Every time we turn around something else is different, updated, changed in a way that requires us to adapt. And it’s no different in parenting. Just when we think we have things figured out, something changes – a sleep regression hits, or a growth spurt happens, or hormones kick in, or boundaries start being tested. The challenge for parents is knowing how to navigate the changing seasons in our kid’s lives with patience and grace. I invite you to join us this week as we take a look at the different seasons of parenting and unpack some powerful principles that will equip us to navigate these seasons successfully. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---

  • Parenting | Part 1 | Destination Parenting | Chris Voigt

    10/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    Destination Parenting Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart October 8, 2023 This week we are beginning a new series we’re calling Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. Being a parent is the most challenging job in the world. Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, something changes. That’s both the fun and the frustration of parenting. And in order to be successful, we need an unchanging goal. A north star, so to speak, that keeps us focused and on track, even as the seasons and strategies of parenting shift. Parenting is the ultimate job. And though there are no higher stakes in life than the successful care and nurturing of another human – it seems there are no educational requirements for the job. There’s no degree you can earn to prepare yourself, no training courses you have to take to qualify; you don’t need to pass any tests to make sure you’re ready for the responsibility. And the reality is, many parents are just kind of winging it, doing the very best they

  • Stuck | Part 4 | Risky Faith | Chris Voigt

    04/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    Risky Faith Stuck: Get Back In the Race October 1, 2023 This week we are wrapping up our series, Stuck: Get Back in the Race. We’re going to unpack what it could or perhaps should look like for followers of Jesus to live out a faith that takes risks; that is unflinchingly ready to say ‘Yes’ to the possibilities and opportunities God puts in our lives. I don’t know about you, but I want to live a life with no regrets. A life of saying ‘yes’ to whatever Jesus calls me to – regardless of the risk. And it’s a pretty safe bet that God is calling you to a ‘yes’ of some kind, in one area of your life or another. Saying ‘no’ shuts the door to opportunities, possibilities, and even improbabilities. What miracle might you be missing out on, because you’re afraid to take a risk? .----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe

  • Stuck | Part 3 | Stuck in a Rut | Michelle Snook

    26/09/2023 Duration: 40min

    Stuck In a Rut Stuck: Get Back In the Game September 24, 2023 We are in week 3 of our 4-week series we’ve called Stuck: Get Back in the Game. This week we’ll consider some of the reasons we get stuck and stay stuck, along with some how-tos for getting unstuck. Everyone, at some point – and probably more than once – is going to get stuck. It might be relationally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, or even physically. And when it happens, having a strategy for getting unstuck will be the difference between faltering and flourishing, between life and death. ---------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeiz

  • Stuck | Part 2 | You Who | Chris Voigt

    19/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    We are in week two of a new sermon series we’ve called, Stuck: Get Back in the Race. As we continue in our study this week, we’re going to take a look at who God says we are - beneath the labels, the job descriptions, the hats we wear and the roles we play. Strip all those things away and what’s left? What’s at the core of who you are? And how does that shape the way you live? Having a clear understanding of who we are is essential for healthy growth. And there isn’t anyone who doesn’t need a reminder from time to time, about what is really true about us. It’s when we forget, that we are prone to getting stuck. Join us as we rewrite our labels and remember what is really true about who we are in Christ. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message

  • Stuck | Part 1 | The (UN)Comfort Zone | Chris Voigt

    12/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    The (UN)comfort Zone Stuck: Get Back In the Game September 10, 2023 Most people want to use their time well and spend it wisely. We value productivity, growth, health and happiness. We want life to be good; always moving up and to the right. But sooner or later, we all get sidelined – something breaks down, whether in us or around us, and we find ourselves stuck. Stuck can have a lot of different faces and look a lot of different ways. Which can sometimes make it difficult to recognize. This Sunday we are beginning a new sermon series we’re calling Stuck: Get Back In the Race. Over the next four weeks, we’ll be unpacking the different ways that stuck can look in our lives and discovering strategies we can use to help us get moving again. You know, though it sounds like it would be, getting stuck or being stuck isn’t a problem. It happens to all of us, all the time, for a variety of reasons. But staying stuck is damaging. Join us as we learn how to get unstuck and move forward; growing together toward our goa

  • Beautiful Surrender | Part 5 | Chased by God | Chris Voigt

    07/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    We are coming to the end of our sermon series we’ve called Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life. As we’ve journeyed through this psalm together, we’ve discovered many benefits of choosing to live a life fully surrendered to Jesus. As we come to the final phrases of this well-known psalm, we’ll find there is still more abundance, more blessing in living wholly yielded to our Good Shepherd. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #days

  • Beautiful Surrender | Part 4 | Between a Rock and a High Place | Chris Voigt

    30/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    Between a Rock and a High Place Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life August 27, 2023 We are in week 4 of our 5-part sermon series we’ve called Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life. As we gather together this Sunday, we come to verse 4 of Psalm 23. This is the ‘comfort’ part of the psalm that people all over the world know so well. And buried in the middle of this familiar verse about a valley of death is an ordinary preposition that we often overlook. It’s the word ‘with.’ There is both comfort and strength in knowing that you’re not alone... never alone... even in the hardest, darkest, most difficult parts of your journey. This is the power of with. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: https://w

  • Beautiful Surrender | Part 3 | Going in Circles | Chris Voigt

    23/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    Going In Circles Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life August 20, 2023 We are midway through a sermon series we’ve called Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life. As we gather together this Sunday, we’ll be looking at verses 2 and 3 of Psalm 23; verses that describe the daily circle of life for a sheep under the care of a shepherd. It’s a circle in which there is great comfort, but it’s also a cycle, in which there is growth. You could say that our weekly, Sunday at 11:00 AM rhythm is a circle of sorts. Same day, same time, familiar faces, consistent pattern. But we are not the same people from Sunday to Sunday. Each of us is on a journey, learning and growing; a little bit changed as we lean into the leading of our Good Shepherd each day. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to

  • Beautiful Surrender | Part 2 | Enough Oil | Chris Voigt

    16/08/2023 Duration: 42min

    Enough Oil Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life August 13, 2023 We are at the front end of a new series we’ve called ‘Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life.” We’re on verse 1 this week. I bet you know it by heart... “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.” That’s the old-school version. In more modern translations it says, “I have all that I need.” Notice that David, the author of this psalm doesn’t say I will have all that I need. This isn’t a promise of some future provision. This is now, today, for real. I have enough. Perhaps the secret to contentment isn’t about having enough, or being enough, but in being deeply connected to the One who is enough... more than enough. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram:

  • Beautiful Surrender | Part 1 | The Blessing of Surrender | Chris Voigt

    10/08/2023 Duration: 45min

    The Blessing of Surrender Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life August 6, 2023 This week, we are beginning a new 5-week series we’re calling Beautiful Surrender: The Blessing of a Psalm 23 Life. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be taking a deep look at one of the most well-known and much-loved passages in the Bible. This song of the shepherd/king David is familiar to people all around the world, whether or not they are followers of Jesus. But our familiarity with the words and phrases can cause us to miss some of the deeper meaning waiting for us within the text. It’s counterintuitive, for sure. Our country and culture were built by strong-willed, independent, ‘I do it myself’ kind of people. We don’t give up or give in very easily. We look out for number one, climb the corporate ladder, break the glass ceiling, have it our way. We are determined and driven, self-reliant and self-sufficient. To give up or give in feels like failure. We’re not quitters. To concede means we lose. To succumb means

  • Life Interrupted | Part 4 | It’s Not Fair! | Jon Sprouse

    01/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    It's Not Fair! Life Interrupted: Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God July 30, 2023 In an online article at, Ryan Jenkins, author, speaker and generations expert writes, “Entitlement is perhaps the top word associated with the Millennial generation. In fact, 71 percent of American adults think of Millennials as “selfish,” and 65 percent think Millennials are ‘entitled.’” The Millennial generation – those born between 1980 and 1995, have been characterized as self-absorbed, narcissistic, overconfident, materialistic and lazy. (My apologies to any of you Millennials out there, but that’s what the research says!). There’s no shortage of information to support the assertions; studies have been completed, data has been analyzed, and reports have been published. When all is said and done, it seems to me that what it boils down to is a lot of unrealistic, unmet expectations and an inability to know what to do with them. But are these traits really a millennial thing or could it be that this is a human thing? F

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