JOLSID podcast is about Decoding Life & Hacking Success with the help of Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Nootropics and Bio-hacks. This podcast will provide you with the scientific facts and cutting edge research that you can apply to your daily lives, in order to enhance your cognitive performance and significantly improve the quality of your life.
04/04/2016 Duration: 11minPersuasion is an art, because too much of it can make you look aggressive and too little makes you a pest. But when applied right Persuasion can get you what you want. Persuasion’s first written accounts are found in ancient Greece, where all trials were held in assembly or in public setting, both Prosecution and Defence rested their case as it's done today but the more persuasive you are, the higher the chances of the decision being in your favour. Persuasion was so essential that Artistotle even provided 3 reason why someone should learn Persuasion. According to Aristotle if you lose a case or trial it’s due to lack of Persuasion skills. Therefore you must learn Persuasion in order to defend yourself. It is an excellent tool for teaching - Because as a teacher your need to have students attention so your message as a teacher can be conveyed effectively. Also, as a teacher your need to gain respect of your students and that can only be accomplished if they see you as an influencer. A good communicator mus
28/03/2016 Duration: 11minImagine that you’re an employee trying to transition to an entrepreneur life. You will need resources to jumpstart a great business idea. How do you get people to help? How do you convince clients or customers to go with you and not with their current vendor? If your target audience are global then how would you communicate to global audience without running into cross - cultural differences? Another situation could be as a leader you need your employees or team to change the direction of a project, with ease without significant opposition?....continue reading
JS034 SOCIAL APPROVAL: Mental barriers of SUCCESS (Part 5)
20/03/2016 Duration: 08minHuman beings are social creatures. We need social interactions in order for us to be happy and to thrive. Also, this same notion of being social was responsible for the growth of our civilization, it all happened by sharing ideas, developing them and critiquing them. Because of the social interactions we...continue reading Dunbar's Numbers - Relationship reboot
JS033 FAILED Mind: Mental barriers of SUCCESS (Part 4)
19/03/2016 Duration: 11minMany of us have experienced failure, we have failed many time and we have recovered from it. But for a lot of us the sense of failure is so profound that it takes over our mind and make it a permanent home, and because of this we start either overlooking our achievements or undermine them because we are always trying to protect ourselves from the experience of failure, so we are on a failure look out and missing out on the moments of celebration of our achievements. Fear of failure forms a self limiting beliefs that becomes a barriers to our future success.We start saying things like we can’t do this, or that won’t work, its not doable and other kinds of self limiting talks....continue reading
JS032 EXCUSES: Mental barriers of SUCCESS (Part 3)
18/03/2016 Duration: 09minToday we will be talking about excuses and yes we all make excuses everything single day. Standard excuses we make usually are like, my dog ate my homework, or telling your friend that you are busy, but really what you feeling like is staying in and watching Netflix. We are not talking about those excuses, even though too many of those are not good either. Excuse we will be discussing are the excuses made by Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Creatives that hold them back from achieving greatness. These are the excuses of not following through, or excuses that are direct result of bad planning...continue reading
JS031 SOCIAL COMPARISON Theory: Mental barriers of SUCCESS (Part 2)
17/03/2016 Duration: 08minThere are two types of comparisons that we do:Downward comparisons (with those who seem to have it worse than we do). Upward comparisons (with people who seem to have it better than us) and Making downward comparisons often make us feel better about ourselves and our accomplishments. But when we make upward comparisons....continue reading
JS030 PERFECTIONISM: Mental barriers of SUCCESS (Part 1)
16/03/2016 Duration: 08minPerfectionism can result from a rigid mindset in which you don’t change your expectations based on present situation your are in. For example, you started a business or a creative endeavor, you set certain standards and expectations for your business. But now as you get into this business even further or going deep into the creative process, you realize that only if you had access to extra resource things would be even better. Now, in order to obtain these resources you start focusing on ways to get more resources so you can achieve the standards and expectations you had initially set for this product....continue reading
JS029 How Couch Potato Gene impacts MOTIVATION and SUCCESS
14/03/2016 Duration: 10minSo you want to be successful, happy and financially independent as soon as possible. You think you have the best idea that will help you accomplish this goal fast. Now a few months have passed and there is no change in your personal finances and your golden idea doesn’t seem to be as golden any more. You start to doubt yourself and you get more focused on the daily routine of the same job (if you have one) or if not then the process of finding one. Now lounging around and doing nothing, feels good, but when it becomes a regular part of your life then you start to wonder what’s going on? Why am I lazy? What’s wrong with me? Is it just me or are others lazy as well? Are some people lazier than others? You ask yourself all these questions.....continue reading
JS028 Science of MUSIC, increased HAPPINESS and CREATIVITY
13/03/2016 Duration: 07minHave you ever heard of the Mozart effect? A set of research results indicating that listening to Mozart's music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks. Later it was mis-interpreted that listening to Mozart can: raise IQ by focusing attention, enhance creativity, reduce stress and tension by moderating heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature. Other labs were...continue reading
JS027 How sugar impairs MEMORY and causes COGNITIVE decline
12/03/2016 Duration: 07minElevated blood sugars damage blood vessels causing progressive decline in brain function. Studies conducted on subjects living with diabetes indicated deficits in learning, memory, motor speed and other cognitive functions. Frequent exposure to high levels of sugar lowers brain capacity, as higher HbA1C (hemoglobin A1c - used to measure plasma glucose concentration) levels is associated with greater degree of brain shrinkage. According to a 2011 study, there was a positive correlation between higher sugar intake and lower cognitive function, which was measured by......continue reading
JS026 Choline: How to increase MENTAL CLARITY and reduce BRAIN AGING
11/03/2016 Duration: 07minCholine is a water-soluble nutrient, which is grouped with the B-complex vitamins. To humans, it’s an essential nutrient because it’s used as a precursor or a “building block” of a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Inside the brain, acetylcholine acts as a neuromodulator altering the way our brain structures process information from point to point having a direct impact on mental clarity and memory. In 1998 the National Academy of Sciences, USA, evaluated that choline as a required nutrient for humans and recommended daily intake amounts. Choline is one of those key molecules in the world of neuroscience, that has gained popularity in the past few decades due to its ability to not only enhance memory, but also tackle the big guys like Alzheimer's disease. Memory-EnhancerA study conducted in 2004 by Dr. SH Zeisel suggested that when rat pups received choline supplements (in utero or in the second week of their life), their brain function changed the development of the hippocampus in the brain resulting in en
JS025 Science of BRAIN GROWTH and REGENERATION with workout
10/03/2016 Duration: 07minIt’s pretty common knowledge that exercise helps you feel better, physically AND mentally. But have you ever wondered what happens deep down inside our brains that give us that euphoric feeling? Science claims that there are neurobiological effects of physical exercise ranging from change in brain structure, brain function, and cognition. Doing any kind of physical activity helps, however studies have shown that aerobic activity specifically has been found to increase behavioural and neural plasticity, as well as long term effects such as: increased neurological activity, improved memory, improved stress coping and enhanced cognitive control of behaviour...continue reading
09/03/2016 Duration: 08minThere’s one chemical that’s responsible for our mood, anxiety and sleep patterns?The star of today’s show is 5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan (also known as the serotonin precursor), It’s an amino acid which our body makes by breaking down another amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that we obtain from various foods. Once 5-HTP is made, with the help of Vitamin B6 it’s converted into another chemical called Serotonin. And as we all know, Serotonin is the “happy” neurotransmitter that controls everything from our mood to our... continue reading
JS023 Science of How to LEARN new SKILLS fast
08/03/2016 Duration: 10minWorld today is moving much faster. Skills required for us to perform at higher levels have increased rapidly as well. Now we are expected to have the working knowledge of more than one thing. People are now acquiring more and more skills and that has raised the benchmark of what an average person needs in order to either compete in their job market or for an entrepreneur running their own business So the question is in this fast paced world of constant changes how do we increase our cognitive performance to keep up and excel in the world...... continue reading
JS022 Intro to Brain: GABA 101 (RELAXATION and MOOD)
07/03/2016 Duration: 08minGABA is one of the most important amino acid produced in our brain. It acts like the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, working to calm neurons that are firing in excited patterns. It controls our mood, ability to focus, promotes relaxation and controls stress. Glutamate speeds things up in the brain, GABA does the opposite. So you can clearly see where we’re going with this… How does GABA work in the brain?It’s synthesized directly from the neurotransmitter glutamate de-carb-oxy-lase and can be reversed back to glutamate via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Brain GABA concentrations and systemic GABA have a reflective effect on each other, which means change in one causes change in the other. This is how GABA self-inhibits itself, by keeping the concentration inside the brain constant.......continue reading
JS021 Entrepreneur VS Athlete: DNA of SUCCESS
06/03/2016 Duration: 08minWe recently received some great feedback from a listener. The listener asked why we don't simply focus on success hacks for Creatives and Entrepreneurs. I totally agree creatives and entrepreneurs are in a similar domain but why Athletes. So, thanks to our listener for your feedback because it resulted in this episode. Entrepreneurs, if you don’t have the tenacity and self-confidence of an athlete then it will be a tough road for you. The Athletes that don't have the creativity and the hacker mentality of an Entrepreneur than it will be hard for you as well. So, for any individual either Athlete or an Entrepreneur they must possess or either acquire the following traits: Evolving Creativity Self-Confidence Tenacity and a Hacker mindset, which is being open-minded and always looking for efficient ways to solve a problem... continue reading
JS020 Vitamin B12: DNA Creation, Improved Thinking & Verbal Reasoning
01/03/2016 Duration: 09minMost of us are aware of Vitamin B12 through the VITAMIN B COMPLEX SUPPLEMENT accompanied along with other Vitamin Bs. Before we get into vitamin B 12, I would like to discuss one of the emails we received following our creativity crisis podcast. The individual requested to be anonymous, but they had a very interesting question. Their question was and quote “I went to university and graduated with a degree with a really high GPA. I have a job in my related field, that i enjoy. I often find myself thinking of various creative ideas that i could potentially start a business with, but i never seem to stick to one idea. I keep coming up new ideas, but I fail to execute any of them. I’m not sure where to start, my mind just keeps wandering. In our creativity crisis podcast, we discussed that one of the traits of creative people is that they have to come up with many ideas for one good idea to implement. For Entrepreneurs and Creatives the easy part is to come up with an idea but the tough part is to follow t
JS019 Matcha Madness: Higher Cognitive Performance
29/02/2016 Duration: 10minFew months ago CBS covered the story of Matcha Madness and they went into great length to interview Matcha enthusiasts and its supporters as to why they were so supportive of this Green Tea. Especially, when we look at the numbers and how Matcha has increased 10 folds in popularity within North America in last few years. As you know we never take things just on face value, so we went ahead and did an experiment of our own. Details of which we will share with you in how to section of this podcast. Now as Professionals, Creatives, Athletes and Entrepreneurs you are always looking for ways to enhance your cognitive performance within your respective areas of expertise. Well Matcha is a good tool to have in your Neuro Enhancement arsenal. Especially when you need to combat stress and fatigue with all the benefits of coffee, without any of its side effects. So, let’s examine this closely and see what is in Matcha that makes it so popular? Matcha literally means “powdered tea”. Normally when you consume green
JS018 Generation S (Stress): Why are we Stressed?
28/02/2016 Duration: 10minToday’s topics is more of a thought provoking question which we can only solve collectively. This is a topic that has impacted all of us and is now a part of our daily lives. If you wait until the end we will share with you how you can check your current stress levels. So, Even though Stress is subjective just like pain, we all experience it differently. But it's something we can’t deny that we are all going through. I don’t think there is anything we can do that will eliminate stress from our daily lives. Either you are a mom or dad staying home and taking care of your family and kids, or you are a professional, or you own your own business and love what you do, or you are an astronaut living outside this planet. We all have one thing in common besides being human, it is that we all face everyday problems and that they evoke stress in our lives. So what is STRESS? There are two kinds of stresses: Physiological Stress - When there is an imminent danger to our well being or body, our nervous system
JS017 Emotion VS Feeling: Dawn of Justice
27/02/2016 Duration: 09minToday we we have an interesting topic about Emotions vs Feeling. This is also a very important topic because both Emotions and feelings make us who we are and how others perceive us. Basically, they run the show. We will be going over What is an Emotion? and What is a Feeling? What can we do about them? Because usually we end up with their aftermath and try to make sense of it all, just for it to repeat again. Without wasting anytime let’s do this We use EMOTIONS and FEELINGS interchangeably in our everyday day speech. For the past 2 decades there has been an intense amount of interest in these two topics and that is reflected on the total amount of ongoing research on both Emotions and Feelings. Currently there are many theories about Emotions and Feeling from different disciplines of science like Psychology, Neuroscience, Sociology, History, Medicine, Philosophy and even Computer Science. The computer science’s focus is to understand the science of customers emotions on the internet. Emotion…. i