Jolsid Podcast: Neuroscience, Psychology And Nootropics For Creative Entrepreneurs, Professionals And Athletes

JS029 How Couch Potato Gene impacts MOTIVATION and SUCCESS



So you want to be successful, happy and financially independent as soon as possible. You think you have the best idea that will help you accomplish this goal fast. Now a few months have passed and there is no change in your personal finances and your golden idea doesn’t seem to be as golden any more. You start to doubt yourself and you get more focused on the daily routine of the same job (if you have one)  or if not then the process of finding one. Now lounging around and doing nothing, feels good, but when it becomes a regular part of your life then you start to wonder what’s going on? Why am I lazy? What’s wrong with me? Is it just me or are others lazy as well? Are some people lazier than others? You ask yourself all these questions.....continue reading