Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 324:53:00
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Intro. This show is about us the people the working class, moms, dads and #military personal (as the wife of a Marine) relating to everyday life giving it to you real in my #murphyslaw virtual studio. Giving free exposure via interviews to entrepreneurs, self-employed, dreamers, hidden talents, small biz owners they don't have to pay for. I also give #IndependentArtist with good clean music an opportunity to have their songs played on this show free.. That's the working class is paying for enough don't you think WE are supporting the rich and the poor. #middlemanentertainment #linajones #diamondnetwork #diamondtalk #diamonddelights #socialmedia #ljdnshow #twitter #facebook #instagram. Check me out


  • Chatting It Up with Dr. Christine M. Bacon

    13/06/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the LJDN Show. I hope all had a fabulous weekend wherever you live, to my Virginia listeners I hope your enjoying this beautiful weather!  Thank you for your support listening to the show and communicating with me via social network, it is very much #appreciated don’t forget to #subscribe to the show right here on this page. I promise I’m not a spammer, that way you can be notified of all live shows. This week my guest will be Dr. Christine M. Bacon, Ph. D.  she is a talk show host as well on A.M. radio an author and relationship doctor which is her specialty, an  international speaker and a  woman that wears many hats, her practice is Christian based right here in Virginia. In today’s society there is so much temptation it gets harder and harder to maintain a faithful relationship with your significant other, with all the body alterations available to the non- rich and famous, it is hard to stay visually focused. In today’s world the male is getting just

  • DiamondDelight Music Day/Brandbuilding Tips

    06/06/2016 Duration: 01h30min

    Whats Up #Diamonds!? Welcome to a new month, summer has finally hit here in S.Virginia and the heat is on! Stay cool with me all summer long as we go in chill mode live every month on this show. I've had a few delays these past few weeks from working on such a tight schedule. But I'm getting back on track! Stay tuning into this show and remember, it's because of you that I'm still here, and I thank you for that support. #muchgratitude. Monday's show is all about the #DiamondDelight Music, I will be playing music from my Diamond Delights and introducing 2 new hot artists Ashley J. and R.J Comer! I think you're going to like them. Make sure you check them out on the new DiamondDelights Page Check out Ashley's new video on YouTube, hit them up on social media and show them some #DiamondLove! Not only will I be playing music, I will also have some great brand building tips for your social media! For those Diamonds working in corporate America I will also have a few tips that will help you during

  • Talent In 10 May w/Guest Ron Shaw

    30/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds! Welcome back to another episode of the LJDN Show I hope you're having as much fun as I am with the show, every week brings a new adventure and a new business I get to share with you. This puts a personal touch on doing business from my perspective meaning, it makes you feel like you know someone affiliated with the business that makes your experience with them whether you're buying a product or using their service just a little more personal. I want to say thank you all for sharing that experience and invited me into your life's journey by listening to my show. #muchgratitude As we move further into the summer things will be getting hot! But I like to stay on the cool side so I'm going to keep it chill here this summer (it helps my sanity). This week on Talent In 10 I have another Radio Host and Author Ron Shaw. Ron has his own show on Artist First Radio and has been at this radio show thing for a while. His show focuses on Authors and he has some music as well, check it out to find out

  • Keeping Your Party at Any Season Guest Lady J Mobile DJ Services

    23/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of my show! This show is non stop cause we don't stop! There is always something going on my shows. But... my show would not be a show without all my loyal Diamonds and curious listeners. Whether you're new or a regular listener I want to thank you for supporting this show, or my new phrase for the show "Unperfected Perfection". That phrase came to me a few weeks ago when I was listening to one of my shows SMH saying no matter how perfect I try to make this show it somehow is never completely there. I do appreciate your support and subscriptions so please subscribe. #sograteful I've heard some complaints about not being able to get a clear connection from your mobile phones and I am working on finding out what the problem is and how it can be fixed. But I need your feedback, if you have experienced problems trying to connect to the show please email me at and thank you in advance. I heard my next guest killin it at an event I attended almos

  • Lina N Brian Hour Episode #5

    16/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's up #Diamonds, I know I haven't been hanging out much on SM its only because I am finishing a project it is almost complete and I will be back on the scene more frequently mid next week. How are you? Thank you so much for #supporting this show and hanging in there with me! I appreciate it believe me. This month on the Lina N Brian Hour we will be talking with another associate of Brian's this one is an Author with a very interesting name Saylor Storm, I gotta find out if that is her real name cause it's a super cool name. Saylor has several books already on the market one in particular that I'm a little curious about called "Dr. Selfish",  I know right.. My guess is it's about this doctor who is ridiculously wealthy and selfish. Or could it be about some who's so selfish he is skilled at being selfish? That is just one of her books she has a few more along with her  book that is soon to be released called "Love & Kisses". They all seem to be about romance so if you're into romance novel's this wou

  • Coffee Talk Time to Curl-up For A Chat

    09/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of #CoffeeTalk this is the show where I get to talk about stuff! And there is a bunch of it going on in today's world from politics and religion to climate change. Unfortunately, I won't be talking about any of that stuff my Coffee Talk time is pretty simple nothing to complicated just some tips, suggestions and ideas that I think all of us should be aware of. Before I get started let me say Thank your for listening #support of this show. #appreciated First I will talk about beef I know you might think it's not important but it is... especially with the BBQ season coming up us meat eaters like to have that grilled burger and steak. Wouldn't you like to know what's going on in the beef department especially with the government not having to tell us whether our meat is cloned. Along with the hot weather comes the bug problems.. I tell you if it's not one thing it's another. In today's society we have bugs that won't die, bugs that infesting cause infestations, #

  • Meet Heaven Sent Greeting Cards Entrepreneurs

    02/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, I did not forget to post my show! Technical difficulties prevented me from posting and I was NOT going to post until I had it all together. Due to our computer crash 2x about a week ago it's been a little crazy for me but when is it not you might be asking? That's question I would certainly like to know when.  Everything seems to be getting back in place slowly. It just goes to show me that I can never get to complacent, everything has been working fine for a while now it the technical part of the show. Well I got tied up in other things and put off my back-up and of course that is when everything would crash right.... so I had to re-design some stuff.. either way to make a long story short I'm here and I'm up so how you doing? May is the start of a new month with all new guest for the show, my first guest of the month is a couple of ladies I met at a Relay for Life rally they are Damita B. Gonzalez and her business partner Marilyn Harvey they are the proud owners of Heaven Sent Greeting

  • Talent In 10 Project Ep.12

    25/04/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, Thank you for checking in on another episode of the LJDNShow! I am always excited to know you are there giving me your #support via listening or sharing the shows post on your social media outlets. Hey can you do me a favor while your here and subscribe to this show that way you will automatically get an update message about with a link that will take you directly into the show to see updated ads and photos on this site. All of your support is appreciated, due to a system crash and lose of recent graphics advertisement were posted late, I apologize and the situation is being taken care of. On this episode of Talent In 10 I will be doing something a little different, no  Indie films because I will be interviewing the multi-talented Steven Stech II. Monday on Talent In 10 my guest with be Indiana Dream Basketball Player and Hip Hop Rap Artist Steven Stech II also know as "That By Clippa". I interviewed in back in 2014 #nice, there has been a lot going in his life since then his personal f

  • Lina and Brian Hour Having Big Fun

    18/04/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's up #LBDiamonds, Now we have our own #hashtag that's super cool! Thank you all for checking in with us make sure you subscribe to the #LJDNShow so you will get a notification of when the Lina & Brian Hour show times. This may be a little late coming but it's here now that's all that matters. Brian is the one that picks the guest for this show predominately I'm kind of the behind the scenes person doing all the other stuff. He knows lots of folks and Monday's show we will be interviewing another one of the "Indie show biz people", we will be talking to Comedian/Actress Sheilah Smiley. Sheilah has a lot going on and we'll hear all about it on Monday's show so tune in. As for me and Brian? We'll be chit chatting about regular stuff ..... what's been going on with his on the road show and I'll share what's happened or happening in the #DiamondNetwork! We always have such great conversations together. Feel free to call in and let us know how we are doing, we would love to hear from you my studio line

  • Interview with Author Steven DeSalvo

    11/04/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds! Here we are together again for a new episode of the show, I hope you enjoy what you hear on all the shows. I know there are times when you can't listen live so I appreciate those times when you listening to my podcast during your lunch, workout or just relaxing. It is your support that keeps the show going. If you are reading this from Blog Talk radio please click on the "follow" button on the left to receive a friendly notification every time a new show is posted I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your #support. Monday's show my guest with be Author Steven DeSalvo who I met on The BingBing network we will be talking about his book  "Evolve" and it's all about relationships. Not just husband & wife or girlfriend and boyfriend this book focuses on relationship amongst siblings, parents you know stuff like that. On Monday I will be asking him about these types of relationships, questions like how do you begin the healing process when you can't get pass the hurt. Tune in a

  • Allergy Relief Rejuvenations Salt Spa

    04/04/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds! Welcome to another episode of my show and thank you for lending me your ears on another Monday evening. #appreciated With so many people looking for healthy solutions from everything to organic meats and vegetables to natural remedies for cold, flu's and allergies. My guest Monday is a business owner with a not so new solution for some of these ailments, it's something that's been around for years but is now popping up in salons with a whole new chique way of using this natural mineral. It's salt! And local salt spa owner Deborah Piper of Rejuvenations Salt Spa knows how to work it so you can get the results your body needs. Just think allergy relief without chemicals, drowsiness, or needles. I am a personal witness to this treatment folks and I'll tell you all about on the show Monday 7pm EST, so sit back relax and let Deborah tell you all about this amazing all natural treatment. Feel free to call-in and ask questions the phone lines are always open. Well its a new month and a new mo

  • Talent In 10 Project Episode #11

    28/03/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of my "Talent In 10" Project! As always I thank you for lending me your ears for one hour every Monday, and I do hope you like it or love what you hear on the show and want to come back for more I appreciate all of your support. Did you know you can subscribe to this show and get an email alert every time a show is scheduled just click the subscribe button on the page. You can also subscribe to the "Talent In 10"  YouTube page and see the visual of all the short films and trailers that you hear on the show check it out! This month I decided to go with some laughter especially after hearing the bad news about what happened in Belgium (keep them in your prayers).  There is so much craziness in the world with folks killing you just because you don't want to think or live the way they want you to. Monday I have 3 short comedy #IndieFilms I think you're going to like them. I apologize for the profanity on one of the films from last month, sometimes I wait until I

  • The Lina N Brian Hour Ep.3

    21/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, I don't know about you but it has been a crazy week for me! I think it's because of the warm weather we've been having here in Va. If this is any indication of what my summer will be like then I say bring it! After all pressure makes Diamonds! Thank you for tuning in for another episode of the Lina N Brian Hour both Brian and I appreciate the #support you give us just by tuning in. Monday is an exciting day for me because we will have 2 comedians in the house! Hey now! Brian has invited Comedian Amaru to join us Monday. This guy does more than that just make you laugh he is also a Filmmaker, as a matter of fact he has a film coming up called "Inside Ben" that we will find out more about when he calls-in. Brian has lots of talented friends that will be calling into the show in the future so open your hearts and your minds and be prepared to meet some new #Indie friends. Also on the show Monday we will be announcing the winner of the #DiamondAwards! Yes! Monday you will find out which #I

  • Making Money w/Entrepreneur Robert McNulty

    14/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, As we move further into my 2nd year #Anniversary month I am starting to see a little me conversating within my social media followers and that's a good thing. Even I am trying to do more conversing within my network, thank to those that talk back and respond back. Getting responses is very important when you are trying to grow your network. I have been growing this show for 2yrs and it haven't been easy that is why I am very grateful for your support. This week I have been posting some of my favorite moments on the show, every show gets love but sometimes there are those I think back on and start smiling. I've even ask for your responses on them try to give a response kinda pay it forward in case one day you put a response out there for folks. Weight loss, the battle of the bulge is something we all deal with young or old, black or white sometimes we loose and sometimes we win but we all want to shed those unwanted pounds. Well my Entrepreneur & Network Marketing Robert McNulty say

  • DiamondDelights Music & Brandbuilding tips talk

    08/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    2nd Anniversary What's Up Diamonds! I am sure you are aware that this is my anniversary month and I will be celebrating this shows 2nd year Anniversary! The show have grown in leaps and bounds since 2 years ago and I am still here! Thank to all of you and your #support, I don't really think you all know how much that means to me so #grateful. During the month I will be talking about certain shows that touched me both emotionally or just good conversation and sharing them in post with you all along with Happy Anniversary notes for the month... you will probably be just sick of it. Every so often I like to have a show where I give special attention to my DiamondDelights music they are a kool group of musicians whose music I promote every week. Sometimes I only get to play one song a piece by each #IndieArtist I promote that week and you don't get to hear their other songs. Well Monday I will be playing all of their music along with really getting into some #brandbuilding tips, these are some of the things I

  • The Talent In 10 Project February

    01/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds! I hope you enjoy my show because I enjoy reading your post and seeing the shares, retweets, and likes for my show. I thank you all for your listening I am truly blessed to have such #fabulous #followers. On Monday's show I will be announcing the 3 finalist for the #DiamondAward for "Most Popular Interview 2015"! I'm so excited to see if 1st is last and last is 1st. That doesn't mean to stop voting, continue to vote up until March 20th your votes will be adding to thier existing votes. Also you will still continue to vote in the music nominees. If you haven't voted yet you still have time to show your #support. Just a reminder that when listening to our “Talent In 10” episodes you should be connected to the LJDN Show's  Twitter, Facebook, or Google plus so you can click the links that go out for the films visual. You can connect to any of the shows social media sites by simply clicking them at the bottom of the shows official website. This episode I have chosen some of my #Diamond Acto

  • Live Show with Interview Guest Indie Music Artist Michael Brondstetter

    23/02/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up Diamonds! Here we are with another live episode I am truly blessed to be doing this with an audience that is nothing but positive. I cannot write these show descriptions without thanking you each time for tuning in beit by live show or podcast. I have much love and gratitude for you all. Every so often I bring in one of my #DiamondDelights for an interview I usually wait a few months to see if let you get comfortable with their music. Well Michael Brondstetter has been more than patient and now it's his time to be in the spotlight. Michael is one of the sweetest guys you will ever want to know, he always has kind words for me and is always so positive, I just love him and you will too. Michael's music to me is a mixture of soft rock, country and contemporary, his is a great writer, composer and artist in his craft. Now it's time to find out what motivates him to continue in such a competitive field. We will also here about his music award! Yes he won an award for his music find out the what and wh

  • The Lina and Brian Hour Conversation for the brain

    16/02/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Hello From Lina and Brian, Here we are on our second show! We want to thank you all for listening to our first show whether you listened live or on podcast. This week our guest will be Brian's good friend Pete DeLorenzo a man who wears many hats he is an Internationally Recognized Comedian, Impressionist, Actor, Recording Artist, Screenwriter, Producer, Director, and Humanitarian. You can read all about him on his website go check it out at out then listen in on the show on Monday February 15th. Last month Brian and I had a blast and I am looking forward to an even better show this time, what do we talk about you say? We talk about anything and everything for politics to entertainment you just have listen in to find out what we will be talking about on Monday. If you listened to a show and have a question for Brian and I email us at: we will be sure to get right back to you. If you have a question for me you can email me personally at: If yo

  • Interview with Entrepreneur Psychotherapist Mark Azoulay MA, LPCc, LAC

    09/02/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, Thank you for stopping by and tuning into my show, I set goals within my shows to continue to bring people's talents and skills into a platform that helps them share it with the world. At times that is not an easy task but I make the most of it and try to grow with each experience, its a good thing to know I have an audience that is growing with me therefore every week want to thank you for your support. Everyone just about went into the new year with something good, bad or indifference how we choose to use what we brought with us at times can be challenging especially living in a world that can sometimes be quite volatile. No matter what type of issues we deal with there is always a type of counselor to help us guide through those times when things don't always make sense. My guest on Monday takes  tough obstacles and helps his clients break them down in a manner that helps get them to the next level, break down barriers and more. What does it take to become a psychotherapist? This sho

  • Coffee Talk February The Love Month

    02/02/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds! I hope you all are staying warm and safe if you live on the east coast like I do, there is a silver lining in all this snow.... That is January just about  gone and we'll be in February in a  couple of days. Then there will only be 2 months left of winter! Its kinda of like looking at  the cup half full theory. Ok, moving on thank you for reading this after you finish click the subscription to help keep you updated on new episodes. I also thank you for your show #support thanks to your #support this show is moving! And I am very appreciative. Everyone knows February is the month of love and everyone has their own unique way of expressing their love. This #Coffeetalk episode is going to do just that with you all month I will be posting little love post, kicking off Monday I will talk about different ways you can express love. There are so many different people to express that love to for your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, you can express love with your kids or that significant other. If

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