Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 324:53:00
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Intro. This show is about us the people the working class, moms, dads and #military personal (as the wife of a Marine) relating to everyday life giving it to you real in my #murphyslaw virtual studio. Giving free exposure via interviews to entrepreneurs, self-employed, dreamers, hidden talents, small biz owners they don't have to pay for. I also give #IndependentArtist with good clean music an opportunity to have their songs played on this show free.. That's the working class is paying for enough don't you think WE are supporting the rich and the poor. #middlemanentertainment #linajones #diamondnetwork #diamondtalk #diamonddelights #socialmedia #ljdnshow #twitter #facebook #instagram. Check me out


  • Talent in 10 Episode #9

    26/01/2016 Duration: 01h30min

    What's up #Diamonds? Thank you for tuning in to another episode of #LJDNShow, I hope you enjoy last weeks premier of the Lina N Brian Hour. This is our first Talent in 10 project for the new year 2016 and I am truly excited about adding something new, and I  truly appreciate all of you for listening and supporting the show. This year I will be adding interviews to the Talent in 10 episodes, because Talent in 10 covers such a broad sprectrum, from indie music artist to Indie Filmmakers. Some interviews will be held during the show! This week we will be starting with the band "OOGGEE Wawa" out of NYC. You heard thier song on my show you know the reggae influenced music, if your a fan this show would be the best opportunity to show your love and support of thier music call-in, tweet, or instagram. you will aslo be listening to a short film from called "I Miss You" by " Beyond Tomorrrow's film", #IndieFilmmaker Jermaine Carson with his film "For You/For Me" and Film Maker Alex Pearl we will be hearing the trail

  • The Lina and Brian Hour Premier

    19/01/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, I guess you already know I'm excited? In case you don't know I'll say it "I'm very excited" about my latest project having a Co-Host to host a show with me. I know that you will enjoy it as much as my other episodes and projects maybe even a little bit more. Either way its your support that keeps me going that undying loyalty is what I love about the DiamondNetwork and I Thank You in advance for listening. I've known Comedian Brian T. Shirley now a little over a year we met in social media which is where I meet just about all my guest and #social friends. We hit it off from the gate with good conversation, laughter and honesty I believe those are all good ingredients for a friendship. Brian has his own show called "BTS On The Road" where he video tapes trips to his comedy gigs. If you want to find out more about Brian Shirley check out his YouTube Channel.  I had been looking for a Co-Host to help me with the show and he was a good fit for me I think..... lol. Brian will be co-hosting w

  • Coffee Talk 2016 Let's Catch Up

    12/01/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, My Dragon is officially broken and I have to go back to typing everything by hand you what that means write (typos)lol, although I will try to correct as many as possible. Before continuing let me first say Thank You For Listening! It makes my heart happy knowing that you are there. #muchgratitude Monday's show will be all about Coffee Talk! My Coffee Talk episodes are always my most popular shows....seriously IDK why?? I try to be as informative about information as possible and maybe that's it! It's that or you just like to hear my voice and it doesn't really matter what I'm talking about. If it's the latter of the two your #sweet =D. Every so often I HAVE to have a Coffee Talk because I'm a women and we like to talk...about STUFF and not always about #girltalk I like talking about things we can share with our male partners #relatable. So snuggle up with me this winter we'll share a cup of jobe.. This Coffee Talk I will be discussing 2016 Social Media trends what's going on, what sho

  • Happy New Year Kicking Off the New Year w/Indie Artist Steve Cohen

    05/01/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, I started this year with so many exciting ideas now I have to find the time to implement them that's going to be my big challenge.  I hope you all enjoyed your holiday! I know I did it never fails its seems when you take the time off to get things done only 10% of them you actually accomplish. Vacation is over and I am glad to be back in the studio with you all and telling you about my month. I would love to hear about yours too call me. I hope you're ready to listen cause I'm ready to talk to you and thank you for returning and tuning in. Finding good music can be difficult at times, not everyone has the "it" factor like my first guest of 2016 #IndieArtist, #DiamondDelight Steve Cohen. I am looking forward to interviewing him talking about his music and passion for writing. Steve has been on of my #DiamondDelights promos for almost a year now I think it's time to meet the voice behind the music. I love getting to know my guest beit music or business owners because it allows you to lear

  • #PODCAST Interview w/Gospel Hip Hop #IndieArtist TJ Praise

    21/12/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds, Only one more Monday left of this month before we connect live again! I hope you all are enjoying your Holiday Season, I know mine is going toooo fast. Is it just me or is time flying pass us? It seems like only yesterday I was celebrating 2015 OMG... but we will talk more about that next month. They say the second time is always a charm well if you missed this controversial interview the first time you definitely want to hear it a second time especially with religion being such an explosive conversation. Monday's guests is Gospel #IndieArtist TJ Praise who lives here in Virginia so I have had the opportunity to meet with him several times. TJ is a young man full of life and loving his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounded around gospel hip-hop music for some reason it seems like it's an oxymoron, that gospel and hip-hop should be in the same sentence. As a Gospel Hip-Hop artists TJ definitely has something to say about that like most artists he de

  • #Podcast with NY Photographer & Designer Sarah Loft

    14/12/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds! Only 2 more Monday's until my vacay is over and I will be back live with some new shows and new music advertisements will be starting the last week of the month. I look forward to broadcasting live for you I hope you all are enjoying these podcast and are checking out my guest websites. Monday's show is all about creativity you seen her pillows on my website since January each pillow I display has a story behind it. Sarah Loft has so many different creations photography to pillows to pictures she has a lot going on such a creative soul. On Monday we will be getting into... the mind of Sarah Loft.... finding out which is all about, how she got inspired, and what keeps her going. I am a big fan of her work and have been from the very first time I saw her pillow designs. I am very excited to have her on the show because this is my first retail business owner interview for 2015, there's a lot of people open up stores both online and off-line so here's your chance to ask questions about buil

  • Podcast Interview with #Indie Filmmaker Jay Burton

    07/12/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Happy Holidays #Diamonds, This is my working holiday month, yep I'm still working this is my time to play catch up and get my show set up for the New Year 2016. You can still connect with me on my social networking sights I look forward to hearing from you all in  January 2016. In the meantime please enjoy the podcast and check out my December updates on the websites at on Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Shows Official website. Thank you all for listening have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and safe New Year. If you would like to be a guest of the show, have music, commercial or just want to say hello email me at: Monday’s show does not fall short on talent we have Indy artists Filmmaker and Story Designer Jay Burton he will be on talking about his new film “Dormant” due to open this summer he has also produced and starred in three other films “Dormant” is a prequel to a comic book series named “Bermuda City” on the Red Crow series label. If you like Alfred Hitchcock movies then you’re goi

  • Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Holiday Show

    30/11/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show, this ismy last live show of the year. Monday’s show will be all about the holiday’s this will be my 2nd year having a holiday show and I am so excited! I am appreciative & thankful for your listening participation. Holiday shows are always such #fun we receive calls from past guest interviews they call-in to say hello and share their holiday plans or traditions with us, I love finding out how people spend the holidays some have the same traditions as you and I. You'd be surprise to see what you have in common with others, some folks don't really do anything for the holidays Christmas is just another day of relaxation, others are getting together with friends and family exchanging gifts having big fun!  Christmas morning is not so special in my house especially now that there is no little kids, we get up exchange gifts and relax the rest of the day, go out to dinner and that’s pretty much it. December I will be playin

  • Talent In 10 Episode #7

    23/11/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, Happy Holiday's to you all for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years! We all have plans to get together with family and friends and this shows owner Lina Jones loves the holiday season don't you! This year I am giving my thans to my God and my listeners that's right I mean you! I am truly thankful for you giving me your ear each Monday. Monday's Talent In 10 is bringing the season in right with nothing but holiday films no horror just joy. Joy for those seeking it and  more joy for those that already have it, the holiday season can be just as depressing as it is happy for some folks. Well I want to bring some joy into those hearts that can use it, check out the show on Monday not only will these short films bring you joy but they will also bring joy their producers if you click the link and give them a like, don't forget to tell them you heard about it from the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show "Talent In 10". Please enjoy! Time is moving so fast before you know it November will be gone an

  • Getting Motivated Social Style with Bill Tschida

    16/11/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show there is 2 more episodes before my  winter break! I have a lot of work  to do not just for the holiday's but also for the show.  You may have noticed its been a little crazy in the studio for the past few weeks I have been having all types of mishaps, there is a saying that when things in your life get kinda crazy and nothing seems to go right that means you're going places and getting ready to be Blessed. In that scenario circumstances and people will always try to beat you down but that's ok because I don't give up that easily, and as long as you are willing to listen I am willing to talk and promote your businesses for free on this show. God Bless you and Thank you for your continuity. I love talking with social influencers even though it's can be difficult at times to get them on my show sometimes for a lot of them I'm not big enough so my request is usually ignored :-) but I still try. Monday's guest is a Social Influe

  • Local Business Hibiscus Cheesecake Elexirs Owner Tanya Jenkins

    09/11/2015 Duration: 01h53min

    What's Up #Diamonds, I'm back live with a new show and new guest! We see local businesses everyday how often do you patronize them and show your #support? You do know that they are the backbone of this country without them and the working middle class the rich wouldn't get richer and the poor would not have a lot of the free benefits that this country offers them. Adding to that without you listening this show would not have been here for almost two years now and I cannot say #Thankyou enough. Monday local business Owner Tanya Jenkins is serving it #sweet with her business Hibiscus Cheesecake Elixirs with a name like that you're already expecting a treat for your taste buds. Baking is not as easy as it looks and to make beautiful cakes that look and taste wonderful you must have some skills and Tanya's bringing hers! Lately I've seen quite a few cupcake's and sweet bakes shops popping up and are becoming a new trend in tongue teasers. I've seen some of the craziest ingredients on cupcakes most recently baco

  • Podcast Interview with Danny Meyers "aka" Cosmic Crash

    02/11/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What’s up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show, I’m getting off to a late start but I’m still moving. I will be back next Monday November 9th for a live show and a new set of guest until then please enjoy this podcast and thank you for #supporting this show. Monday I will be playing a podcast of #DiamondDelight Danny Meyers. Did you know he's  from Canada?… Yep he is, a call him my Canadian connection, this is part of  the beauty of the Internet it has allowed us to do amazing things, things that we never would have a imagined especially with being able to connect to people all over the world as if they were right here in our own backyards. Danny is such a gentleman, friendly, polite a complete package it was a pleasure speaking with him. I hope you enjoy our interview together as much as I did. He is a  friendly executive and you don’t find too many of them right, it’s almost hard to believe that he puts in the suit and tie I know every one must love him at his workpla

  • Talent In 10 Episode #6 Halloween

    26/10/2015 Duration: 01h57min

    What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Talent In 10 Project with one more week left to go and that will be it for October 2015. It's been #fun but it's time to move on... next month is turkey month and not too long after that will be Xmas all over again! Time for my Holiday Show 2015. I Hope you all will join me and some social friends that will be calling-in sharing their holiday plans and traditions with us, keep listening and supporting this show I can't thank you enough and I love you all. Don't forget daylight savings time is next weekend your clocks will go back an hour which gives us an hour more to sleep. I know I'm looking forward to that! Being that this is the month for all scary things for the Talent In 10 Project I decided to have spooky movies. I don’t really care for a lot of gorey movies so I chose sci-fi spooky, which is not always about blood and guts cluster pretty good if I do say so, my selection of movies are very entertaining you'll like them. Sit back, relax and put t

  • Indie Flimmaking w/Filmmaker Jarrett Torgerson

    12/10/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, This month is moving so fast it seems lik only yesterday that I posted my first show! As a growing show I have my share of mishaps and still do but I try to remain positive and work on fixing problems as they occur (Lord Help Me!). October is the month that kicks off the holiday season! I am looking to gettin cozy on your couch with you on Monday evenings. I hope you include my show as one of your regular Monday night programs, I enjoy entertaining you with good conversation and music. I also thank you for giving me your time it is well appreciated believe me. Monday's guest ia about all about the film industry to be exact #IndieFilms, Filmmaker Jarrett Torgerson will be joining me live to talk about his upcoming film project. Every now and than we have people call into this show that haven't had thier businesses established yet but are in the process of opening it. They come on the show to inform you about their business and let you know a little bit about themselves in hopes that

  • Chillin with Social Buddy Steve Hester

    05/10/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds! First thing I need to apologize for last weeks show, the reason you don't see it in my episodes is because I delelted it... to find out why check out my September's recap on the shows official website. I tell you all about it and about my crazy, crazy month! There was some good and a lot of bad, but that's okay because I'm still keeping it moving.  Thank you for your listens, and I appreciate all of your sharing and kind mentions on both Twitter and Facebook. A new month brings a whole new set of guests Monday’s show I will have Steve Hester in case you don’t know him, he is the Lead Singer of the group Dejavoodoo I met Steve almost 2 years ago on social media he was one of the very few Diamonds that followed me when I only had a few followers. Steve stuck in there with me so when I told him I was starting radio show and asked if I could use his music he was more than willing to help. He gave me permission to use his music on my show,  interviewed on my show, and he sent me some free CDs

  • Smart Talk about the Replican Debates & Macy's Store Closing

    21/09/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, I am very excited about starting the fall and holiday seasons are you? With the colors of fall and the smell of the holidays it always makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetowork Show! I hope you all are enjoying you week so far. As always I would like to thank you for tuning in & supporting the guest. My guest Andrew Purcell of the Erdington Sound had to cancel his interview via email at the last minute due to family illness I hope all is well within his family, but the show must go on. I had to fill in with music and good conversation. Check out what me and my new Production Assistant Ms. Hollywood talked about, I know we had fun and you will too after listening to this episode.  I hope you all have gotten a chance to check out the September’s calendar and the updates to the LJDNShow website? You only have about a week to see it, also if you live in the Chesapeake/Greenbrier area of Virginia stop by and visit with me and o

  • Live show with Comedian Brian T. Shirley

    14/09/2015 Duration: 01h56min

    What's Up Diamonds, Welcome to another live episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork show getting back to the office can be a little difficult with so much going on within your personal family but I am here. I love the fall! I welcome September with open arms I am especailly looking forward to the break in the weather aren't you. Thank you for listening to the show last Monday I hope you enjoyed the podcast and got some good info from it. This week we are back to live with my good #socialfriend Comedian Brian T. Shirley, I'm sure you have heard of him before he is totally social! I have played lots of his stand up shows right here on this show. He travels all over the country with his crew tapping his live shows you can see them on his YouTube channel. Brian and I have lots of catching up to do there has been a few changes in his life I would like to find out about. That along with living the life of a comedian facing  some of the trials and tribulations he has to go through just to stay in the entertainmen

  • Podcast Interview with Social Media Consultant John Lusher

    07/09/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds! I cannot be on the show live Monday due to two deaths in my family in the same week, yes! My family has been gathering and I need to be with them during this time of sympathy. No worries though because I've left you with one of my favorite interviews podcast. This is a podcast withe one of my new social friends Social Media Consultant John Lusher, get ready to hear some good conversation! We talked about brand building in social networks all the time on this show and it's nice to welcome different opinions in the field that can add some strategic insights on a few of the best practices in social networking.  Listen in... you won't want to miss this one again. You can find John on Facebook I call him the #coffeeman because he's always saying hello to his followers with a cup of coffee. This is a podcast, phone lines will be closed. Don't forget to check out September's calendar! Find out who's the new classic interview. Classic interviews  are interviews of guest from 2014. Also read my

  • Talent In 10 Episode #5

    31/08/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    What's Up #Diamonds! Welcome to episode no.5 of the Talent In 10 Project I hope you are all doing well and am looking forward to this show like I am. I do however must apolopgize for the last two shows I had some audio problems with the new system Blog Talk Radio has upgraded to. Blog talk radio has a new system where it puts you in stereo mode it’s called “hi-fi”, it makes everything sound better but for the past two weeks I’ve been using it, I think I’m going to go back to Skype until they can work out all the bumps in the new system.  I thank you for our support of the businesses, entrepreneurs and musicians that I promote here on the show. This week on Talent In 10 I have short films from several #IndieFilmmakers I also have another skit from Theory Animation Ray and Clovis. The first couple of films you’ll hear will be drama &comedy, the second half of the film’s that I play will be about bullying. I saw the movie “The Gift” and it was about an adult bully which I think we all know at least one. Wi

  • Pain Management Therapist Local Biz Kathy Arnaud

    24/08/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    What's Up #Diamonds,   Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show! Happy to be here sharing my Monday with you all. Thank you for your continued #support May God Bless you.  Last week Blog Talk Radio had big oops! Luckily for me happen right after my interview with Ms. joy of Miniature Me Academy here in Chesapeake Virginia. Apparently they got some type of bug all the system went down, I had no control over my virtual studio, and my music was playing whatever he wanted to play, it was a little crazy. So I apologize if you did not hear the last 15 minutes of the show last week remember you can always listen to the podcast. Speaking of Monday show my guest local Entrepreneur Kathy Arnaud specializes in pain management. She is a Massage & Pain Management Therapist, and has been a Pain Therapist for over eight years, specializing in deep tissue and shiatsu myofascial release and she does so much more. She specializes in natural pain treatments and pain relief she is what I call the

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