The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Walter Wise - Selling to the Government
22/01/2014 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. In this segment Walter offers advice to businesses that would like to sell their goods or services to the Government Audio file: selltothegovernment.mp3
Walter Wise - Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center
22/01/2014 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center. Listen in to learn how the NEVBRC helps Veterans start or grow their own businesses. Audio file: veteransjan2014.mp3
Kevin Willett - Networking Tips to use at your next networking event.
14/01/2014 Duration: 15minKevin Willett discusses 10 networking tips that you can use at your next networking event. Audio file: networkingtipskmw17.mp3
Elaine Jackson - Holistic Project Management Consulting
14/01/2014 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Elaine Jackson from Holistic Project Management. Elaine discusses the benefits of attending her Project Management Program. Audio file: elainejacksonjan.mp3
Dave Laine - Southern New Hampshire Services and NH Works
14/01/2014 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dave Laine from New Hampshire Works and Southern New Hampshire Services. In this segment we discuss the benefits of the program to the employee and employer. Audio file: davelaine0114.mp3
Madison Mastrangelo -
09/01/2014 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Madison Mastrangelo from bitsyArt is a new and developing company that wishes to share charming products and artistic enthusiasm. Their hope is to add simplicity and creativity to daily items which can be enjoyed by you and shared with others. In 2014 you will see many new items released, most importantly look for a free ebook series starting around the end of winter. Audio file: bitsyart.mp3
Dan Fallon - Christmas Concert 1
24/12/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dan Fallon for a christmas concert. To hear more music from Dan please visit his website at Audio file: dannychristmas1.mp3
Carol Weeks - Nashua Soup Kitchen
18/12/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Carol Weeks from the Nashua Soup Kitchen. The Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter is dedicated to providing shelter and food to those in need. The overall objective of the agency is to advocate, create and operate programs and services that promote dignity and self-sufficiency. Audio file: nashuasoupkitchen.mp3
Valerie Leikina, the Founder of The Faux Pas
18/12/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Valerie Leikina, the Founder of The Faux Pas. Faux Pas is a hybrid "Indie Fashion" marketplace and netflix for fashionistas. Instead of getting DVD's in the mail, our customer gets trendy, one-of-a-kind fashion pieces that she can wear, enjoy, return, and then exchange for the next item on her que. Faux Pas offers shopaholics everywhere the ability to shop continuously, have endless variety in their wardrobe, relieve the environment, yet still keep more money in her pocket. Unlimited outfits, unlimited exchanges: one flat monthly rate. Audio file: fauxpas.mp3
Dave Laine - Southern New Hampshire Services and NH Works
18/12/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dave Laine from New Hampshire Works and Southern New Hampshire Services. This weeks hot jobs include an Accounts receivables clerk, Front desk position and a machine operator. Audio file: davelaine1216.mp3
Marieke Slovin, the Founder of Story to Song Project
18/12/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Marieke Slovin, the Founder of Story to Song Project. Story to Song Project brings the stories of life into song. They offer workshops and consulting sessions to build songs from spoken stories and experiences, visiting, engaging, and transforming people through collaborative songwriting. Audio file: story2song.mp3
Jeff Correa - Door to Door Delivery
13/12/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jeff Correa from Door to Door Delivery. Door to Door Delivery offers ideal meal solutions for food delivery to your home, office meeting, hotel, dorm room or sales presentation. Providing the best in both variety, convienience, and service. D2D Delivery is truly your BEST restaurant delivery solution. Door to Door Delivery© helps restaurants grow by delivering additional incremental sales to your bottom line. We market your menu, promote your establishment, and extend your reach to all of your local and extended market. There is no cost to join our restaurant partnership - Simply email your contact information to Audio file: door2door.mp3
Jack Wang - M.E.R.J Financial
11/12/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jack Wang from M.E.R.J Financial Group. Jack discusses some financial tips for the end of the year Audio file: jackwangdec.mp3
David Blake - The Alive Community
10/12/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by David Blake from The Alive Community. The Alive Community's mission is to connect a global community which supports physical, mental and spiritual health. Alive Community brings together not only people, but values and beliefs which support this ideal. Incorporating elements of environment, daily living, community and sustainability, The Alive Community provides support anytime, anywhere. Audio file: thealivecommunity.mp3
Daryl Eames - IHeart Dining
08/12/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Daryl Eames from iHeart Dining. iHeart Dining's mission is to support local communities by extending the buying power of you, the consumer, to deliver more customers to local area restaurants and provide support to the local charities that keep our communities strong. Audio file: Iheartdining.mp3
Kathryn Bisson and Randy Peterson - ZCO Coproration
08/12/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Kathryn Bisson and Randy Peterson from ZCO Corporation. ZCO IS a custom software and mobile app development organization. They help companies to plan, develop and deploy custom mobile applications and software. Their mobile app development team is actually one of the largest in the world. Audio file: zco.mp3
Cheryl Hajjar - Indigo Pixies
06/12/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Cheryl Hajjar from Indigo Pixies. The Indigo Pixies are a family of magical,multicultural fairies that help children build the confidence they need to overcome challenging developmental milestones. Each Pixie specializes in a specific challenge from ending pacifier use to potty training to bedtime etiquette and carries with it a vibrant storybook and interactive nursery rhyme to helps parents transform these sometimes difficult struggles into a meaningful bonding experience. Audio file: indigopixies.mp3
Jack Lacava - Nerium International
01/12/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jack Lacava from Nerium International. Nerium International offers NeriumAD, a night cream developed from the patented extract of the Nerium oleander plant. Audio file: nerium.mp3
Dan Splaine - Dan Splaine Photography
01/12/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dan Splaine from Dan Splaine Photography. In this segment we discuss the Easy Photo Tips Project and his Photography Classes. Audio file: dansplainephotography.mp3
Len Deming - Deming Law Office
01/12/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Len Deming from the Deming Law Office. In this segment we discuss the various types of Bankruptcy and the the process of filing for Bankruptcy. Audio file: deminglaw2.mp3